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Guardian Heroes (XBLA, Developed by Treasure) [Update 2: Gameplay Video, 800 Points]

Good Lord 12 players looks ridiculous.
More people for Nicole to shield-trap to death.

Hopefully online mode supports full random.
Random character & random level. The best.

One of the other shots is from what looks to be some single-player/coop mode. Holy shit the character count is insane.
Only Silhouette Mirage is left to finish the Saturn output from Treasure, but if any Sega-published/developed Saturn stuff is possible, I want a Panzer Dragoon collection above all else. Still would like Treasure to revisit Dynamite Headdy or Mischief Makers. Still seems weirdly unbelievable that GH is happening.


Oemenia said:
The deepest and arguably greatest beat 'em up ever, awesome!

There are a lot of belt scroll games that I'd put above it, but I can't think of any better console-exclusive ones.
I'd pay the extra $5 if I could get a confirmation that the online-play is up to snuff.
Hopefully some of the wizardry Sega did to get VOOT/VF5 running so smoothly rubs off on Treasure because they need it.


Interfectum said:
I would cut myself for Dragon Force XBLA.
Motherfark YES. Borrowed this game from a friend way back when it was released and was only able to complete the game with two factions (leon and that other black knight dude whose name I can't remember)


Sketchbook Picasso

Wow, look at all that new artwork! Shame the portraits don't seem to change to the colors selected though, that would be very helpful.

Note also that the BG in that picture is the same picture from the old anime logo. Think that's the first time we've seen the "use the anime pics!" style used in this version.

Gash looks so different! :lol: It's also good to see my favorite Generic Royal Knight getting some new art.

I hope this game has a Gallery mode to view all of this artwork!



If my Google Translate-Fu is right with this, I think it's saying this is the new Arcade mode. Apparenrly it's like a survival mode, where you fight up to 21 characters simultaneously. I think it suggest that as the enemies are defeated, new ones jump in, and they level up as you defeat more.

Oh, and it's nice to see that the Japanese are apparently using the original Logo... I hope the digital Box Art does the same ^_^ That "straight" logo from the press release would be better for Banners, though.

Maybe they'll release some new trailers soon, now that the JP side admits the games existance.

adelante said:
Motherfark YES. Borrowed this game from a friend way back when it was released and was only able to complete the game with two factions (leon and that other black knight dude whose name I can't remember)

The Black Knight was Junon, the Black Death Mask.
And that's not a dude!


SAB CA said:
The Black Knight was Junon, the Black Death Mask.
And that's not a dude!
Oh yeah that's who that was! It's all slowly coming back to me...You know what else I remember? The pain-in-the-ass task of searching through castles for special items. I recall it being entirely optional but for some reason I always felt compelled to do so...


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
I'd pay the extra $5 if I could get a confirmation that the online-play is up to snuff.
Hopefully some of the wizardry Sega did to get VOOT/VF5 running so smoothly rubs off on Treasure because they need it.
I'm not holding my breath.
Sixfortyfive said:
I'm not holding my breath.
Bangai-O already runs in stop-motion online.
I'll be impressed if this game manages anything past a still image when I hop on with 11 other people.

I'd like to think Bangai-O just had the online tacked on to pass that weird XBLA certification(plus...what? six people made the game?) but..hrmm...yeesh.


Sketchbook Picasso
adelante said:
Oh yeah that's who that was! It's all slowly coming back to me...You know what else I remember? The pain-in-the-ass task of searching through castles for special items. I recall it being entirely optional but for some reason I always felt compelled to do so...

I was fine with searching... especially when you found AWESOME stuff... I'd just hate when the Skull Children (Agoni and Paine!) would pop up, conveniently, right on the castles I'd just used most of the troops to search with... was a good way to desperately level up those forgotten underlings though! "Go forth, Presto! Show us what you can do!"


SAB CA said:
I was fine with searching... especially when you found AWESOME stuff... I'd just hate when the Skull Children (Agoni and Paine!) would pop up, conveniently, right on the castles I'd just used most of the troops to search with... was a good way to desperately level up those forgotten underlings though! "Go forth, Presto! Show us what you can do!"
Oh god do i love and miss thoes quotes!


Sketchbook Picasso
Zonar said:
Oh god do i love and miss thoes quotes!

One of my favs was something from Leon, along the lines of "It does not matter who I shall face, fools and zealots alike walk death's dusty road".

Bah, I wanna site full of DF quotes! :lol:

... Bringing this back to Guardian Heroes, however, someone on GameFAQs collected all the VS mode victory quotes!

Link: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/629692-guardian-heroes/59069252

A few choice Faves:

- Big shoulder pads rule!
- The chicks love me!
- That's right laddies, I'm single.

- You can plainly see why I'm a Boss character, and not some thug!

- You just lost to a girl with a happy face around her neck. How weak are you?
- The best offense is a great defense! (PvsJ understand this well!)
- I could stick around and heal the losers, but I'm gonna go buy some new clothes!
- Have a nice day!

- That's not all we rabbits are good at!

- You just lost to a dead guy!

Super Zur:
- I'm the best, even though my stunt double did all of the work!

Hmmm...interesting new effects. Gonna be insane and probably a bit difficult to make out what's going on when everyone spams strong attack spells and robots are exploding everywhere.
I'm really glad that they waited until this was actually a little ways along in the pipeline before they announced it. It's annoying to have games in the Radiant Silvergun state where it has been announced and then is just sitting around in limbo. End of summer / early fall for a spring announcement is a good amount of time to build some hype without dragging out out forever.

The screens that folks are posting are bringing back all sorts of nostalgia for me. Guardian Heroes was just so good at all the little incidentals that surround the actual core gameplay. Would it still have been a great game without branching paths? With no arena mode? Without the commendable AI skeleton warrior? Sure, but it's those extra editions that hype it up from a good beat-em-up to a classic. Really looking forward to playing it again.
Yeah, Burning Rangers is the title that is in need of an update the most. The controls and camera both need updating. This is a clear example of a title that was way ahead of its time.


Burning Rangers, Panzer Dragoon Collection (minus saga since apparently they don't have the original code.)


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
SAB CA said:
I'll give it a whirl, though my Japanese is awful and I rely on machine translation for most of this stuff.


There is likely a selection between "Original" and "Arrange" modes, though I don't know what would differentiate them other than what is displayed here.

"Orthodox" is probably the standard ruleset for VS play. Selecting one of the other sets would let you adjust the individual options.

"Line Change" is the plane shifting you do with the L/R buttons. "Analog Line Change" is probably the ability some characters have that lets them subvert the 3 specific background planes and lets them go wherever the hell they want on the Z-axis.

The phrase I have translated as "Combo Correction" is used to describe damage scaling in some other games, so that might be what that is. Not sure what "Attribute Correction" would be.

The phrase listed here as "Push Back" is used to describe Advancing Guard / Pushblock in some fighting games, so I'm not sure if it's referring to something like that or something entirely different.

"Counterattack" is probably that move you can do while being hit from behind.

While looking up some of this stuff I ended up inadvertently GISing the Japanese phrase for "dead body." Not pleasant.


Sketchbook Picasso
Sixfortyfive said:
I'll give it a whirl, though my Japanese is awful and I rely on machine translation for most of this stuff.


Wow. Awesome Job! You basically created the best resource we english-only-readers have, to get a peak at arrange mode! :cheers!: Thanks!

I expected Arrange mode to be "new rules", sure, but I never expected they'd let you modify each of those rules at your leisure. It's like SFIII TS's system director or something.

Also, some of those mods (like limited air specials, or cancelling the ability to really "Fly") are pretty similiar to the adjustments made to balance Advanced Guardian Heroes. That's pretty cool; glad to see they haven't totally forgotten that game, as some of it's attempts at "balance" were pretty good ideas.

The only option I don't see, that should be there, is "Slowdown ON/Off" :lol:
Oh, and sorry you had to have an encounter with "Dead Bodies" :( Thanks for taking one for the team! Heh.


works for Gamestop (lol)

We announced Guardian Heroes for XBLA last week, and the response was great! It’s amazing to see so much excitement around this game. But one thing that generated a lot of questions and comments was the statement “Guardian Heroes has been re-mastered with enhanced graphics”. A lot of you wanted to know exactly what that meant, so here are some more details for you!

In HD:

Characters – upgraded to HD quality
Visual Effects – newly created in HD
Fonts – newly created in HD
Gauges – newly created in HD
Close-ups of Characters (in the character select screen) – newly created in HD

Same as Saturn:

Story mode


Voices – some are from the Saturn version, some are newly created
Arcade mode – paths are the same as the Saturn version, but AI’s are new
Versus mode – improved from Saturn version with additional rules and a more polished game balance)
Extra modes – newly created for XBLA version
Saturn Mode: All visuals are the same as the Saturn version except for the font and screen aspect ratio

And because I know you want comparison shots, here they are!

With HD



Saturn Mode




Wario64 said:

We announced Guardian Heroes for XBLA last week, and the response was great! It’s amazing to see so much excitement around this game. But one thing that generated a lot of questions and comments was the statement “Guardian Heroes has been re-mastered with enhanced graphics”. A lot of you wanted to know exactly what that meant, so here are some more details for you!

In HD:

Characters – upgraded to HD quality
Visual Effects – newly created in HD
Fonts – newly created in HD
Gauges – newly created in HD
Close-ups of Characters (in the character select screen) – newly created in HD

Same as Saturn:

Story mode


Voices – some are from the Saturn version, some are newly created
Arcade mode – paths are the same as the Saturn version, but AI’s are new
Versus mode – improved from Saturn version with additional rules and a more polished game balance)
Extra modes – newly created for XBLA version
Saturn Mode: All visuals are the same as the Saturn version except for the font and screen aspect ratio

And because I know you want comparison shots, here they are!
Thanks buddy!


Looks really awesome. Though I haven't played this game before, I did play Advanced Guardian Heroes. It probably doesn't stack up well to the original, but I still really enjoyed it.


Sketchbook Picasso
Thanks for the Blog Link, Wario64!

You know, I DO wonder who will end up having changed voices... They even used the same voices in the GBA port, as well as the same actors.

Good to hear that we apprently have the WHOLE saturn experience... hope that means we keep the saturn-style background and chara-selec screens in that mode...

ezekial45 said:
Looks really awesome. Though I haven't played this game before, I did play Advanced Guardian Heroes. It probably doesn't stack up well to the original, but I still really enjoyed it.

It's definately a good game in it's own right. I still play it myself (and have been recently, since I have no access to my Saturn version :( )

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qcf x2 said:
This looks awesome x10. Why can't Sega give Shining Force III some love?

Because Camelot had a bad relationship with them.
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