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Guilty Gear 2 Announced for Xbox 360 (3D, RTS elements)

They'd better release a real sequel to Guilty Gear X2 some day. This one could be a good game on its own, but I want a new beat 'em up damn it (preferably without the bad voice-overs from Accent Core). They've been holding out X3 for too long...


Wow, I can't believe this news is real, and with scans no less. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I hope this doesn't mean that this is the end for the 2D Guilty Gears.
Kreed said:
I hope this doesn't mean that this is the end for the 2D Guilty Gears.

It's not. No worries.

From the looks of things Arc Systems has their hands in the Sengoku Basara fighting game and it's possible that the team behind the Basara games is working on Guilty Gear 2 as well as Heroes.

Then again I'm probably completely wrong(more likely) but it would be interesting to see Capcom and Arc switch off like that, working on each other's properties. Really it would be a fascinating direction.(Also it would confirm the greatness of Guilty Gear 2 because Sengoku Basara 2 is so ****ing sweet)


Very ... interesting news... Not sure what to think of this lol. As long as it doesn't mean the end of GG 2D fighters (which it doesn't) I am willing to try it out.


Sounds hot. Guilty Gear is still one of the most beautiful 2D Beat 'Em Ups.

I wonder how those RTS Elements will turn out though.


Endless said:

Thanks. This should have been in the OP.

Anyway, now that I've seen a bit of it it doesn't look so bad. Still wish it was 2D, but this looks interesting and may prove to be a really great game. Like the OP said, I thought this was just going to be a SC3 Chronicle of the Sword rip-off, but it looks like there are no traditional fighting elements. I hope I'm wrong, because I'm not the biggest Musou fan.
LuCkymoON said:
why? It looks cool. Do you hate Puzzle Fighter cuz it's not Street Fighter?

It's not the same deal though. This would be like if Street Fighter 4 came out and it was a beat 'em up like Deat Down: Fists of Vengance with some rpg-lite elements tossed in. This isn't a spin off, it's Guilty Gear 2. Maybe it'll be an alright game...but wow.


Grecco said:
Wheres the DO NOT WANT gif?

Guilty Gear 3D sounds awfull. Samurai Shodwon 64 awfull. Sounds kinda like Guilty Gear Meets N3

That title was such a cock tease back in the N64 days.


Few of you that have been following 360 news from Japan would know that ArcSys was working on 'strategy melee action' game for 360 for almost 2 years know and that Ishiwatari (creator of GG franchise) was behind it, so the actual news shouldn't be that surprising. Even though I thought that project was discountinued since nothing has been heard about it for a some time, maybe now there's hope for other small 3rd party 360 projects in Japan (Alfasystem, Cave, Treasure, Marvelous, Warashi, Moss...), eh?

As for the actual game I think RTS elements won't be that much incorporated into gameplay, and the game is more of 3d beat'em up with bit of strategy elements. Don't know why everyone is writing off the concept already.
As for proper GG2 game, it'll be probably mix of 3d graphics and 2d gameplay like Battle Fantasia, and we'll see it in arcades first anyway (TypeX2 board?).
Sounds like Dynasty Warriors with a few RTS elements ala Kingdom Under Fire. I think you guys are misinterpreting it.

Personally, I say bring it on. I may buy it.


Arc System Works has announced Guilty Gear 2 Overture for Xbox 360 according to the latest issue of Japanese publication Weekly Famitsu.

Unlike the previous installments which were 2D fighting games, the sequel will be a mix of real-time strategy and 3D fighting game. Players will select characters - such as Sol Badguy, Sin, among others - referred to as "Masters" in this game. You will also have units to move around and give commands on the field map in RTS-like fashion. When in contact with enemy units, the battle then becomes more synonymous to a 3D fighting game.

Guilty Gear 2 Overture is currently 80% complete, but no release date has yet been announced.



Looks great, screens are little small but some shots look surprisingly impressive... given the Basara Cross deal, I can't help but wonder if Capcom's lending ASW their internal middleware (MT Framework) for it? ASW isn't exactly that skilled when it comes to 3D after all...

I wouldn't worry about the GGX fighting series though, likely just a matter of time until we get a Type-X series based GGXXX/X3.


nice art direction but I need to see it in a gameplay video or trailer! I'm getting a good vibe from this, I say winner!


Wow, it's definitely their first time using any sort of bump/normal mapping.

They went crazy with it on the ground and it doesn't mesh with the rest of what's on screen. Fucking horrible looking!
Circle, Triangle, and Square icons for baddies? PS3 version confirmed?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but this actually looks decent. Moreso graphically than Last Remnant anyway.


I can't understand devs sometimes.
This was one of the few cases where cel shading would be justified.
A 3D GG needed to be cel shaded...
Oh well, looks decent, a little devil may cryish.


It really looks like the dude in blue (Ky? Can't tell) is wearing a dress.

Though that's not much of a stretch for the series that gave the world Bridget, it's pretty damn stupid looking in these shots. Might be the theme for this game, "pretty damn stupid".
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