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Halo |OT 23| Thruster is Love, Thruster is Life


I bought my og xbox for halo, and have loved the series. But the beta was something else. Those few week were the best halo that I have played... The game was amazing!

There are some things I want to see implemented before I buy it though.) If they put in what I want, then I can see me playing this exclusively until halo 6 drops.

The MCC is a mess beyond compare. But fuck me they have something special on their hands with halo 5.

What is it you want put in? I can't think of anything you might have said the game needs to have for you to buy.


What was it like playing Halo 3 Beta, guys?
Never had the opportunity to play it.

I was in a few days early from the friends and family thing; got a code from Bungie. I felt like a god among mortals. My Xbox Live would blow up with the jealousy induced tears of people seeing me play it.


What was it like playing Halo 3 Beta, guys?
Never had the opportunity to play it.

Well, it was a lot of High Ground and Snowbound. If that tells you anything.

Those two and BK donging on Valhalla because...

And the Halo 3 BETA Hog was like being Gandalf riding Shadowfax at the Battle of Helms Deep.

Seriously, that death machine killed in like 1-2 seconds if you were caught in the open close/close-mid. Team controlling the Splaser was even more vital than final build because Splaser team's hog would be nigh impossible to take down otherwise.


What was it like playing Halo 3 Beta, guys?
Never had the opportunity to play it.

I remember they day is was supposed to unlock via Crackdown it did not work for a long while. There were so many conspiracies flying around on the threads about it not unlocking. I rented Crackdown to play and kept it for months. Never paid the late fee. Those were the days.


Choose the datacenter. I won't buy it if I am at the mercy of 343s server selection.



Boltshot isn't exactly a shotgun, but it's OHK and has spread, just like shotguns. Short range fusion rifle, maybe? It was ridiculous before nerf.

Hah nerf, as if they did anything.

Boltshot should've only been included in multiplayer as an on-map pickup.
You would have lost the fight had you not sprinted away, think about that.

The new sprint mechanic doesn't make you think about anything except that you can sprint away, and oh wait, here's a new 3 second white bar we have to wait to go down before we can rejoin the action. If anything, you're still running from fights, there is now even more cat and mouse chases/escapes when coupled with thruster, and the nerf mechanic literally delays gunfights as you wait even longer for shields to recharge.

An AR that's viable for new players isn't the issue. An AR that is one of the more dominant weapons in the game at close to mid, is unskilled to use, and gets even deadlier with ADS is the issue.

Just because you don't see an issue with sprint or ADS, doesn't mean there aren't any. And no, we don't want Halo 2 forever. If you're referring to classic style game play, we haven't gotten that in a mainstream Halo release since 2007. The "Halo-needs-to-evolve" crowd has been rewarded with their changes in the last two main games, soon to be three this November.

I was hoping the failures that were Reach and Halo 4 would absolve that urge for massive change to the base game play, sadly, not so much.

If base speed were the same and there was no sprint I could still run away from a fight and given that we would both have the same speed it would be just as difficult for you to run me down. Anyone who recognises their situation is bad should high tail it out.

And of course I realize that my opinion is not the end all, but players like myself have grown to enjoy the new features. While I would never be against higher base speed over sprint if it worked well I would be devastated to lose thruster after 4. It really feels great in the game. So I personally feel that not all these newer additions should be tossed out.

Concerning the AR it should be powerful, it should work. Maybe lower the ads distance but even that's gonna keep newer players ducked behind cover hoping to use it like an SMG which would be redundant. I've never had a problem working over an AR user with a BR in 5, you could always tell which was stronger. I'm just happy it's usable. Newer players may use it and it may get them a few cheaper kills but hell they might actually
keep playing long enough to start using a BR.

They really should use the BR and AR starts though, that would make a huge difference.


If base speed were the same and there was no sprint I could still run away from a fight and given that we would both have the same speed it would be just as difficult for you to run me down. Anyone who recognises their situation is bad should high tail it out.

And of course I realize that my opinion is not the end all, but players like myself have grown to enjoy the new features. While I would never be against higher base speed over sprint if it worked well I would be devastated to lose thruster after 4. It really feels great in the game. So I personally feel that not all these newer additions should be tossed out.

Concerning the AR it should be powerful, it should work. Maybe lower the ads distance but even that's gonna keep newer players ducked behind cover hoping to use it like an SMG which would be redundant. I've never had a problem working over an AR user with a BR in 5, you could always tell which was stronger. I'm just happy it's usable. Newer players may use it and it may get them a few cheaper kills but hell they might actually
keep playing long enough to start using a BR.

They really should use the BR and AR starts though, that would make a huge difference.

BR/AR starts were great. Two good weapons for all situations
The beta was a mix of classic and modern. I enjoyed it. Maybe I'm just getting older, but I'm fine with this direction now. Whenever people bash H5, they just give reasons why it's not Halo 2/3. Well no shit. Who's to say this style of Halo can't be competitive? It's already miles ahead of H4 with the return of equal starts, static timers, weapon balance, map control, and emphasis on teamwork. On top of that.. a spectator mode, its own eSports league, a competitive tier system..

Oh, but sprint and smart scope, right? It's automatically shit. I could understand all the hate for H4, but not this. Once/when/if MCC is fixed, no doubt I'll be enjoying the classics. But I'm ready for Halo to move on to a more "modern" take. It's inevitable anyway.


I bought my og xbox for halo, and have loved the series. But the beta was something else. Those few week were the best halo that I have played... The game was amazing!

There are some things I want to see implemented before I buy it though. If they put in what I want, then I can see me playing this exclusively until halo 6 drops.

The MCC is a mess beyond compare. But fuck me they have something special on their hands with halo 5.

My brothers, H5 was a very solid showing for me too. Lots of modes could benefit from this new base game and it feels like a much better update to Halo than Reach or 4.

I hate to say it but if pros can't get into H5 and HCS etc then it may be time for some new blood to jump in at a new stage of the franchise.

Choose the datacenter. I won't buy it if I am at the mercy of 343s server selection.

As always the reality of playing online creates a hit or miss affair for enjoyment. I had 6-10 solid Halo friends NOT play H5 beta due to latency. They just went back to Destiny.

I'll always buy Halo games for the campaign but even with how good I consider the beta so far if coop and multi don't provide DC selection, like Titanfall, then I may not invest my time playing those modes or have local friends to play with.

These are guys I've play with and enjoyed H2 through to MCC and LAN with etc. Latency kills games. Destiny RAID coop has great connections for us. PvP can be a mixed bag but it shits on MCC currently.

I'm expecting great things from Australian Azure DCs and 343.


Just don't be surprised when H5 launches with AR/Pistol starts.

I honestly think that if the pistol was buffed AR starts would be fine. Increase the RRR of the pistol to make it a bit more capable at mid-range against BRs and DMRs and it could work for most people IMO.

I also think a good solution would be to make it so Onyx or Semi-pro and up have BR starts.


I honestly think that if the pistol was buffed AR starts would be fine. Increase the RRR of the pistol to make it a bit more capable at mid-range against BRs and DMRs and it could work for most people IMO.

I also think a good solution would be to make it so Onyx or Semi-pro and up have BR starts.

I was consistently killing AR users with the pistol. I hardly used the AR the pistol could beat an AR if your shots are on. It was my favorite weapon of the beta. It could use a small bump in damage and a increase in range.


I was consistently killing AR users with the pistol. I hardly used the AR the pistol could beat an AR if your shots are on. It was my favorite weapon of the beta. It could use a small bump in damage and a increase in range.

I think giving it a higher red reticule range would be the best way of buffing it.

To the GAF gods I tribute you jem and give us something else. Hell I even take Talents back

Dissenting opinions?! Heresy! You're not going to be happy at all with a post I'm writing at the moment. ;)
You look at that Halo 3 video a few pages back and go look at Halo 5 and tell me why people are upset. it's literally Halo in name only. The one thing that also made 3 great and slowed down with Reach was the almost zero gravity for vehicles. It made for some absolute crazy BTB shit which I feel is a lot more "realistic" now but not as fun IMO.
Personally, I'm glad Halo 5 doesn't look like Halo 3, and I'm sure Henery is too.
To the GAF gods I tribute you jem and give us something else. Hell I even take Talents back
lmfao give 'em Ramirez too so we can get a heavy hitter back, like zoojoo or that poisonous slut who snowboards.. I miss those guys.

RIP Chatter
RIP hamburger guns
And wtf happened to Storm??


Just don't be surprised when H5 launches with AR/Pistol starts.
I wouldn't mind so long as they increase the spawn rate for BR and DMR, and preferably don't place them in advantageous high ground positions. Give teams that don't have control points a chance to rise up.


Personally, I'm glad Halo 5 doesn't look like Halo 3, and I'm sure Henery is too.

lmfao give 'em Ramirez too so we can get a heavy hitter back, like zoojoo or that poisonous slut who snowboards.. I miss those guys.

RIP Chatter
RIP hamburger guns
And wtf happened to Storm??



So many Star Wars games... That new Humble Bundle is pretty damn good. Trying to decide what to download first.

It has to be KOTOR. Then again there's Battlefront 2.

Something Halo, something sprint, something opinions.
Well, it was a lot of High Ground and Snowbound. If that tells you anything.

Matchmaking didn't work well on the first day.

I was in a few days early from the friends and family thing; got a code from Bungie. I felt like a god among mortals. My Xbox Live would blow up with the jealousy induced tears of people seeing me play it.

Those two and BK donging on Valhalla because...

Seriously, that death machine killed in like 1-2 seconds if you were caught in the open close/close-mid. Team controlling the Splaser was even more vital than final build because Splaser team's hog would be nigh impossible to take down otherwise.

It was alright.
I genuinely can't remember anything other than being extremely excited.

That beautiful beta carbine.

I remember they day is was supposed to unlock via Crackdown it did not work for a long while. There were so many conspiracies flying around on the threads about it not unlocking. I rented Crackdown to play and kept it for months. Never paid the late fee. Those were the days.

I think the trip mine was op in the beta. I think you could stick it to vehicles that weren't being used, and when someone got in, it would blow up.
I remember seeing all the hype on Tv and the exclusive parties being held for the Beta. T'was an exciting era for Halo to return. And dat reveal trailer with the Gold armor... My god I'd throw money at Bungie just to get that even till this day.

Anyways, back to the beta, was Guardian one of the few maps available at the time?


So many Star Wars games... That new Humble Bundle is pretty damn good. Trying to decide what to download first.

It has to be KOTOR. Then again there's Battlefront 2.

Something Halo, something sprint, something opinions.

KOTOR of course.


This started as a response to a few posts from the other night then I kinda expanded it a little...

WARNING! Wall of text incoming:

First off the characteristics generally associated with ADS are:

- Gun model is visible when scoped
- Movement speed and jump height limited
- Accuracy is greatly increased which usually causes hipfire accuracy to be very low

The movement limitations imposed by ADS combined with the lack of accuracy when hip firing have a very large impact on the gameplay. It forces the player to slow down to accurately aim which greatly decreases the pace of the game. This means firefights rely far more heavily on a "who shoots first basis". The lack of fast strafe or movement whilst accurately aiming make hitting someone you are engaged in a firefight with very easy. This effect greatly decreases the skill gap of a game; aiming is easier and movement is effectively useless in a firefight.

Now, the characteristics of smart scope are:

- Gun model is visible when scoped
- Spread of automatic weapons is tightened when scoped.
- Descoped when shot

Straight away you can see that the biggest effect of ADS is gone with smart scope. Your movement capabilities remain the same regardless of if you're scoped or hip firing. This negates all of the issues I mentioned above. This alone is enough to warrant the distinction between ADS and smart scope. Even more so considering smart scope is functionally identical to classic scope for the majority of weapons.

That said I still want to discuss the effects of smart scope.

1. Visible gun model. The aesthetics are largely a subjective matter however it does have some effect on the gameplay. Some of the scope designs (the DMR mostly) do inhibit your visibility when scoped. Many consider this a negative, however I think it could be used as a method of balancing weapons at long range whilst keeping them viable at shorter ranges. Taking the DMR as an example; in 4 the DMR was quite OP at range, it was capable at mid-range compared to a BR (after Turbo) however at short range a BR would win more often than not. The problem lies with how to balance the DMR at long range whilst not crippling it at shorter ranges. Decreasing your visual awareness when scoped could work IMO.

2. Increased accuracy of automatic weapons. This is quite a controversial matter and also pretty complex. First off I want to discuss how the autos (mostly the AR) function when unscoped.

5's AR functions pretty similarly to Halo 4 and Reach's AR when unscoped. Its spread is reasonably similar as is its range; it handles like you'd expect (notwithstanding the increase in power). However the AR in 4 and Reach (as well as its counterparts in 2 and 3) were largely ignored as it's effective range was very short. It just wasn't anywhere near as useful as the BR (or DMR). As such it became a background weapon which people hated using, it was dropped as soon as a BR was found and was generally kinda pointless. Now the increase in power with 5's AR has certainly helped make it a slightly more useful weapon, however unscoped it's range is still very low. It's not quite viable enough to be considered a useful weapon.

Enter smart scope. The tightening of spread when scoped obviously increases the effective range of the AR, this helps to finally make it a viable weapon in the sandbox. However there are some understandable concerns with this. It's effectiveness at mid-range should not exceed that of a precision weapon such as the BR or DMR; the problems that would be associated with this are obvious. However this is where descope comes into play, the ability to completely negate this increased accuracy by hitting the player maintains the precision weapon's power in mid-range. Now obviously descope affects precision weapons as well, however the limit of the AR's effective range when scoped should be within the effective range of a capable player's unscoped BR/DMR. This means that even if a player is descoped they should still be able to take out an AR wielder at mid-range. The effect of increased accuracy in close range (the limit of the classic AR's effective range) is negligible IMO. Descope takes effect as well as the fact that the aiming speed is reduced which, when combined with a reduced visual awareness, makes tracking players at close range much harder when scoped. The overall effect of this is that the AR has largely similar effectiveness at close range yet is still useful at defending a player at mid-range.

In conclusion I believe in theory the addition of smart scope is overall a benefit. It's implementation at the moment is not perfect, I think the AR and SMG's effective ranges need to be reduced slightly; perhaps by increasing the spread when scoped. There is also the default control issue where holding left trigger springs you straight back into scope when descoped. Other smaller issues like the slight delay when scoping are present and would preferably be removed. However despite that I think it's addition is a net positive. It allows the AR to be a viable weapon without making it OP at close ranges, it also helps nerf the DMR slightly at range. These effects contribute greatly to creating what I think is one of the most balanced sandbox's we've ever had in a Halo. Each weapon has it's place and without smart scope I don't think this would be the case. They need to make the DMR's scope less ugly though.


TL;DR: Screw you, you can read it.

Also an interesting sidenote: Both the SMGs in ODST and H2A (the only autos with scope I believe?) had reduced spread when scoped. ODST's slightly less so as it's initial spread was quite small in the first place.

(This isn't meant to back up my argument in anyway by the way. Just something I thought was interesting)

KOTOR of course.

It was the obvious choice. 15 minutes till it's downloaded!

Initial reactions are exactly as I expected.

We're still going to call it ADS.

Oh I know, that wasn't really the point of the post.


Don't think there's a scope on the H2A SMG...anyways, this is just not true.

Now the increase in power with 5's AR has certainly helped make it a slightly more useful weapon, however unscoped it's range is still very low. It's not quite viable enough to be considered a useful weapon.

ADS is just easier to say, but it's not implemented the same way like in COD/BF/Destiny or any other FPS. This is something we can all agree(I hope) on.


I only skimmed part of that, but the DMR being nerfed by your visual awareness being fucked up by a giant gun model is just bad game design. Make the weapon harder to shoot, don't nerf awareness and clutter up the screen, "this ranged weapon should give you tunnel vision," is only acceptable for a power weapon like the Sniper imo.

Adjust the aim assist mechanics for scoped battles so that it takes more talent to land those ranged shots, projectile based weaponry with a tad bit of leading required also helps with this. See the Halo CE Pistol and the Shadowrun Rifle for good examples of single shot ranged weaponry, both of them have minor discrepancies in their scoped and un-scoped aim assist mechanics.


Don't think there's a scope on the H2A SMG...anyways, this is just not true.

There is on the silenced SMG.

Also which part of that wasn't true?

ADS is just easier to say, but it's not implemented the same way like in COD/BF/Destiny or any other FPS. This is something we can all agree(I hope) on.

I agree, it's just I made a post saying that I had defended Smart scope and not ADS which didn't go down so well so I decided to defend that point.

I only skimmed part of that, but the DMR being nerfed by your visual awareness being fucked up by a giant gun model is just bad game design. Make the weapon harder to shoot, don't nerf awareness and clutter up the screen, "this ranged weapon should give you tunnel vision," is only acceptable for a power weapon like the Sniper imo.

Adjust the aim assist mechanics for scoped battles so that it takes more talent to land those ranged shots, projectile based weaponry with a tad bit of leading required also helps with this. See the Halo CE Pistol and the Shadowrun Rifle for good examples of single shot ranged weaponry, both of them have minor discrepancies in their scoped and un-scoped aim assist mechanics.

The DMR point was a bit more of an afterthought actually which I added in later. I do agree other solutions could work though. I don't see why it would be acceptable for a sniper and not a DMR though. Considering how the powerful the DMR was at range.


The AR is pretty viable in close to mid range combat. Let's just say a person misses a shot or 2 with a precision weapon at mid-range, the AR is good enough to wipe them out, but you need a steady aim as well.

Definitely don't play H2A enough since I've never seen it, I'm guessing it's on Bloodline?


The DMR point was a bit more of an afterthought actually which I added in later. I do agree other solutions could work though. I don't see why it would be acceptable for a sniper and not a DMR though. Considering how the powerful the DMR was at range.

Because it's too easy to shoot, player movement is slow and there is little to no strafe. Make it harder to shoot, faster base player speed and strafe, stricter hitboxes and excellent netcode. I'll take that over ADS gun models blowing up my screen.


Boarding Action was designed around jetpacks that were working in Halo CE at some point in development.

Lebel said changing it to teleporters was a fast and dirty fix.

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