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Halo |OT| HaloGAF Evolved

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Really? Oh. :(
It will be tomorrow morning in 20 minutes here.

Also, Halo.Bungie.Net is about as amusing as Halowaypoint.com these days.
Regarding the TU:
HBOer said:
Overdoziz said:
Yeah. How about "No"? I refuse to "adapt" to broken, unbalance gameplay. I have the option of simply not playing Reach MM (except for the occasional match of Invasion).

People like you remind of those "Stop Having Fun" Guys. "Balanced gameplay? Nonsense! Playing for fun? Surely you jest." It's all about proving who's the best, who has the most "1337 DMЯ sk!11z", right? At least, that's what I'm getting from all the comments you've made on the subject. You've said flat out that if it were up to you, you'd remove any and all automatic weapons from the game, and your dislike of bloom is no secret. You want Halo to be this 100% deterministic game with a high skill ceiling & low skill floor, but I think Bungie has a different mentality when making games: balance and fun. They didn't want it to be a competition about who can best pull off a 5sk with a DMR that's perfectly accurate even at its max ROF. The DMR in vanilla Reach was part of an excellent balancing act along with, among other things, the massive boost to the AR's accuracy, but the TU completely undoes that.

You want determinism? You already had it. You just had to pace your shots. But I guess "adapting" to that was beneath people of your ilk, but rather the rest of us must be forced to "adapt" to a game that's devolved into the past paradigm where proficiency of the primary precision weapons (the M6D in H1, the BR in H2 & 3) was the most important thing. So, what was that in your other post about Reach being "a step backwards"?

So much anger.
That's what Hyper meant? I was talking "tonight" in an American timezone perspective.

What mess?
Game(a British video game retailer) didn't get any EA games anymore. They had to cancel every ME3 pre-order. People had to reorder the CE. And no pre-order bonus for Stalker. I think that's the mess.
What mess?

The only UK retailer Stocking the CE got all the stock pulled because they are idiots who cant pay their debts to publishers, The stock then got pushed to 6 different online retailers and their was a mass of people going after them. I managed to snag one but now no one has any idea whats happening with the Preorder Content (N7 Warfare pack + Argus rifle)

The only words about it are that they will update a page over on the EA site tomorrow with news about the Preorder dlc and the Standard Edition

Which dosnt exactly fill me with hope that ill be getting anything, Seriously Retail exclusive everything needs to DIE this instant, im in such a bad mood over the whole thing right now.

I made a point to get every ME2 preorder item and i know if i dont get the preorder stuff for ME3 it will bug me all game. Im pretty OCD about stuff like this with games i like.


Which dosnt exactly fill me with hope that ill be getting anything, Seriously Retail exclusive everything needs to DIE this instant, im in such a bad mood over the whole thing right now.

I made a point to get every ME2 preorder item and i know if i dont get the preorder stuff for ME3 it will bug me all game. Im pretty OCD about stuff like this with games i like.

LOL, really, read that to yourself then get back to me.
I made a point to get every ME2 preorder item and i know if i dont get the preorder stuff for ME3 it will bug me all game. Im pretty OCD about stuff like this with games i like.

I got every item for ME2, but only because some idiot at Microsoft put 'em all up for download for free the week before release.

I don't even know if I'm getting it all now. I think I may be, but only because there's significantly less than what they had for ME2.
But...he knows that feel bro.
He was our insider last year.

Um, what.

Your implying that i some how like retailer exclusive preorders because i own all the ME2 preorder content?

I scammed EA's customer support service to get it all, try again.
I think, he wanted to tell you that you said that you want to see retailer-excluisve DLCs/items to die. But at the end you are supporting it because you're trying to get every pre-order dlc.


Um, what.

Your implying that i some how like retailer exclusive preorders because i own all the ME2 preorder content?

I scammed EA's customer support service to get it all, try again.

Hyper nailed it. The fact that there are tons of people like you who must have every worthless retailer exclusive is the exact reason it will never die.
He was our insider last year.

I think, he wanted to tell you that you said that you want to see retailer-excluisve DLCs/items to die. But at the end you are supporting it because you're trying to get every pre-order dlc.

Im not trying via purchasing 11 copies of the game, Ill buy the stuff on Ebay if i have to but i only ever preorder the game from 1 retailer, I dont see how that has any effect on my requested demise of retailer exclusives

Hyper nailed it. The fact that there are tons of people like you who must have every worthless retailer exclusive is the exact reason it will never die.

Yea, i understand this and i know its not going anywhere but i can still dislike a practice, And hey even if i decided to not preorder what effect will that have? none. I understand very well im the market targeted with this content and i dont even understand why im part of that market its not really a choice and i can live without the content but honestly im more than a little bugged when i dont have it. For me that stuff is pretty important.

/Digital Hoarders Anonymous Founding Member
Pre-order dlc is the worst thing ever. Its actually stopped me from buying a few games in the past. If the pre-order content is pretty good then I kind of would feel gipped about buying some games and losing it. So I never end up getting the games.

As long as its just aesthetic fluff im fine with it, pre-order dlc should never be anything more.
Im not trying via purchasing 11 copies of the game, Ill buy the stuff on Ebay if i have to but i only ever preorder the game from 1 retailer, I dont see how that has any effect on my requested demise of retailer exclusives
It's just a theory: Since the DLC will be shown at your BioWare/EA account, EA assumes that you bought different copies. At the end you show your support, even if you didn't intend to support it.

Im not trying via purchasing 11 copies of the game, Ill buy the stuff on Ebay if i have to but i only ever preorder the game from 1 retailer, I dont see how that has any effect on my requested demise of retailer exclusives

Yea, i understand this and i know its not going anywhere but i can still dislike a practice, And hey even if i decided to not preorder what effect will that have? none. I understand very well im the market targeted with this content and i dont even understand why im part of that market its not really a choice and i can live without the content but honestly im more than a little bugged when i dont have it. For me that stuff is pretty important.

/Digital Hoarders Anonymous Founding Member
You can't stop it. But you can stop that there will be thousands of different items. Or I hope we can. Do it like Microsoft/343i did it with Anniversary: Every first edition gets the code.
Pre-order DLC sucks. Final Fantasy XIII-2 just had it, and it's so lame. If I'm buying the game at release, the least the publisher can do is give me the whole game
It's just a theory: Since the DLC will be shown at your BioWare/EA account, EA assumes that you bought different copies. At the end you show your support, even if you didn't intend to support it.

I suppose your right but honestly im not all that concerned with how EA act, Even if they continue the practice normally given enough time i can secure pathways to get the all the content but its just this sudden fuck up on GAME/EA's behalf has screwed me over.

Its a pretty unsolvable problem, i understand the problem exists but i just dont care. I mean as long as i can still get all the content without purchasing multiple copies of the game im happy.


In non Halo related news, CS:GO is AMAZING! Tried the last beta over a friends house and did not like it but just got into it for myself and its awesome. Hope MLG adopts this game.
(Its focused around things like MLG so i dont know why they wouldn't)

EDIT: Happy birthday!


I would wish you a happy birthday, but I wasn't sure you were kidding in that other thread.


Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday, TheOddOne. Unfortunately GAF won't give you the rank of a Member anymore. =(
Happy bday bro!
Happy Birthday, hope you got something cool
Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks guys :)


Happy birthday bro.
I knew this was coming :lol

Thanks :p


So it's officially March first! It's my birthday!

HaloGAF join me Twistin'!
Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday, TheOddOne. Unfortunately GAF won't give you the rank of a Member anymore. =(

I'm sure various tidbits will leak before then. I'm hoping to at least know if Halo 4 is among the games shown.
1st party has to be halo or a new ip.

It would be weird to hold a games showcase, include first party stuff, and NOT show Halo 4. But we'll find out soon enough.
Happy birthday!

I'm sure various tidbits will leak before then. I'm hoping to at least know if Halo 4 is among the games shown.

It would be weird to hold a games showcase, include first party stuff, and NOT show Halo 4. But we'll find out soon enough.
I think the Verge article specified that Halo 4 will be there:
"This week, press from around the world journey to San Francisco to spend a day immersed in much of what will shape the Xbox 360 in 2012. They'll have a chance to see and play a cross-section of the games that will hit Microsoft's console over the next 12 months.

Traditional titles like Halo 4, Darksiders II and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City will share space with the Kinect-powered experiences of Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor and Kinect Star Wars. Xbox Live Arcade's growing influence will also be obvious, with nearly a dozen downloadable titles on hand including Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Bloodforge and Diabolical Pitch."

Could someone be so kind as to link me to the place where the HaloGAF shirts were being sold? I assume they're still available.

You have to search for Letter's T-shirt design.
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