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Halo Reach Reveal Thread - Matchmaking/Multiplayer Details Revealed

Hydranockz said:
Do you really need to know what you did wrong here?
Forgive my ignorance, but what did he do wrong? There are other threads in the mains that are touting the same information, and they seem to be going strong. But I can't tell what monkey originally posted, so I'm speaking without knowing the full story.


I like the idea of having the option to turn on music in multiplayer. The Halo games have excellent music, and I welcome any opportunity for Marty to expertly program his music for my listening pleasure.

wwm0nkey said:
Hey guys, check your email if you where an orginal Xbox Live subscriber, basically if you where a orginal subscriber, you get 400ms points, 3 free months of Live, and best of all.....access to the Halo Reach MP beta (they will email you the code, so you wont need ODST). I wonder if we get in early?

Nothing here. I've been a Live member for over 5 years and I have more than 4,000 H2 games played to boot.
duk said:
ODST sales will jump up a bit in April lol
I bet people will be selling their codes they receive from MS for being a 'loyal' fan. Assuming it is just a code you punch in and is in no way associated with your account.

If that's the case those codes will likely fetch quite a bit of money on Ebay... Though I would imagine it will be cheaper then going out and buying ODST.


squidhands said:
Forgive my ignorance, but what did he do wrong? There are other threads in the mains that are touting the same information, and they seem to be going strong. But I can't tell what monkey originally posted, so I'm speaking without knowing the full story.
Here is exactly what the OP was

"Check your email, just got my email a few min ago. You also get 3 free months and 400ms points"

again I know I wont get un-banned but come on D:
squidhands said:
Forgive my ignorance, but what did he do wrong? There are other threads in the mains that are touting the same information, and they seem to be going strong. But I can't tell what monkey originally posted, so I'm speaking without knowing the full story.
Oh... I didn't realise other threads about it were going on about the same thing. I thought telling people to check their emails (as if they wouldn't on a regular basis) for something to be kinda redundant or something... dayum... I am cold and hungry.... let's blame that :p
MagniHarvald said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

You think the Spartan Laser, a weapon found on few maps outside of BTB playlists, is a bigger problem for most people than the weapon they start with 80% of the time or the melee they have to deal with 100% of the time?
Yes. Starting with a weapon you don't like is no problem, just change it for something you find. The laser being in the hands of the enemy, though, is not something you can control.

And it's on every map that has a hog.


Oozer3993 said:
I like the idea of having the option to turn on music in multiplayer. The Halo games have excellent music, and I welcome any opportunity for Marty to expertly program his music for my listening pleasure.

Nothing here. I've been a Live member for over 5 years and I have more than 4,000 H2 games played to boot.

Same here :(
MagniHarvald said:
You think the Spartan Laser, a weapon found on few maps outside of BTB playlists, is a bigger problem for most people than the weapon they start with 80% of the time or the melee they have to deal with 100% of the time?
The laser can be found on Last Resort, Standoff, Valhalla, High Ground, Construct, Avalanche and Sandtrap (and not to mention all of the community maps found in regularly playlists), and all those maps aside from Avalanche and Sandtrap are encountered fairly regularly in other playlists. And why did you put such a huge amount of emphasis on half of what I said? I did say "or the melee."


InvincibleAgent said:
Yes. Starting with a weapon you don't like is no problem, just change it for something you find. The laser being in the hands of the enemy, though, is not something you can control.

And it's on every map that has a hog.
If there's a single laser, get it first. Multiple lasers, make taking theirs away a top priority.

I admit, I'm a laser whore. I love rushing it at the beginning of the match. I don't squander it on foot soldiers, saving it purely for vehicles (hopefully with more than one badguy in it), and I love figuring out how to take the enemies' away. 9% of my kills are with the laser.

Also, looks like Monkey's been restored on Bnet.

Edit: Laser. Whore. (Urk, has anyone reported stats compiling goofy like this? Those two guests did not get 86 kills each).


Dax01 said:
The laser can be found on Last Resort, Standoff, Valhalla, High Ground, Construct, Avalanche and Sandtrap (and not to mention all of the community maps found in regularly playlists), and all those maps aside from Avalanche and Sandtrap are encountered fairly regularly in other playlists.

Except, outside of Squad Battle/BTB, the Laser isn't that dominating. You don't see someone getting Invincibles and Steaktaculars because they whored the Laser all game on Construct, do you?

I believe Rockets take way more skill, and thus wouldn't mind seeing the Laser get the boot, but to think that it is the number one problem for the majority of Halo players is just.. :lol


InvincibleAgent said:
Yes. Starting with a weapon you don't like is no problem, just change it for something you find. The laser being in the hands of the enemy, though, is not something you can control.

And it's on every map that has a hog.
The laser is a big problem in BTB. I'd rather it be replaced with the missile pod in every instance (rockets, in the case of Valhalla).

Also, there's not one on Rat's Nest. :p


Oozer3993 said:
I like the idea of having the option to turn on music in multiplayer. The Halo games have excellent music, and I welcome any opportunity for Marty to expertly program his music for my listening pleasure.
WANT. Would be nice to be in a middle of a match and hear a low, sweet, and non-distracting marty tune kick in every once in a while. Really enjoyed having the music come on randomly in the middle of the few matches I played of COD4.

Of course, allow for it to be turned off for people who don't want it.
Oozer3993 said:
Nothing here. I've been a Live member for over 5 years and I have more than 4,000 H2 games played to boot.
I don't think it has much to do with seniority. I had a different passport on xbox1, my current passport is only about 4 years old, never used it on the original xbox, only played like 100 halo 2 games with it on the 360, and I got an email. I think they're doing a check for Halo players that will be affected by the shutdown (people who played halo 2 recently) and then are rewarding a small segment of that at random.

Trasher said:
urk >>>> shishka?

Bungie coffee chain chart needs an edit asap.
MagniHarvald said:
Except, outside of Squad Battle/BTB, the Laser isn't that dominating. You don't see someone getting Invincibles and Steaktaculars because they whored the Laser all game on Construct, do you?
It most definitely can be dominate on 4v4 Valhalla. I don't think it matters how dominate it is on other maps, I just think it's a really cheap weapon all around.

Also - Social BTB is the most played playlist on Halo 3 if I'm not mistaken (one of the top playlists anyway), so I don't see why it being such a huge problem is ludicrous to a lot of people who play Halo 3.

but to think that it is the number one problem for the majority of Halo players is just.. :lol
Where did I say that the laser was the number one problem for the majority of Halo players? And, again, why are you placing so much emphasis on half of what I said? I did also say "or the melee." I should've wrote "disappointment," not "problem." The laser is one of the biggest disappointments of Halo 3 for me.
Sai-kun said:
Same here :(
It's weird (but not unexpected) that MS is going back on their press statement from ODST:

Launching in 2010, Halo: Reach will be the next title from Bungie set in the Halo universe. We're not talking too much about it right now, but we have confirmed there will be a multiplayer Beta launching ahead of the game's release. The only way to access this beta will be through the Halo 3: ODST disc, so we feel there's another extremely compelling reason for both fans and newcomers to the franchise to experience Halo 3: ODST.

- Stephen McGill, Entertainment Director | Microsoft


EDIT: urk continues to be da man!

GhaleonEB said:
The laser is a big problem in BTB. I'd rather it be replaced with the missile pod in every instance (rockets, in the case of Valhalla).

Also, there's not one on Rat's Nest. :p
It would be great if we could alter the battery life for the laser and some of the Covenant weapons for Reach. It would have really helped out in H3.
MagniHarvald said:
Except, outside of Squad Battle/BTB, the Laser isn't that dominating. You don't see someone getting Invincibles and Steaktaculars because they whored the Laser all game on Construct, do you?
Laser's only got 5 shots bruh. It isn't used to get Invincibles, it's used to get double/triple kills and destroy enemy vehicles.


Letters said:
So, are people who get beta codes from MS getting early access? :D

Jealous of the MSFTEs. The one main perk working at MS is the alpha testing for Halo...

So it was Pimps at Sea for H3. I wonder what name the Halo Reach Alpha took this year.


Dax01 said:
Where did I say that the laser was the number one problem for the majority of Halo players?

Dax01 said:
I would think the spartan laser is a far bigger problem for the majority of people than what weapon they start with, or the melee.

You're right, you didn't say number one problem in that post. So, if it's not AR/BR, melee, or Spartan Laser, what is it?

InvincibleAgent said:
Laser's only got 5 shots bruh. It isn't used to get Invincibles, it's used to get double/triple kills and destroy enemy vehicles.

sarcasmDetectorOff = true;


Laser makes vehicles useless for the team that doesn't control it. My past time is rushing the banshee in BTB and sitting behind the big tower in Valhalla waiting for my friend to take out the guy with the laser so I can leave the base.

I can understand it being one-hit kill for Banshee (as those can be impossible to takeout), but the Warthog too?


Dax01 said:
I would think the spartan laser is a far bigger problem for the majority of people than what weapon they start with, or the melee.
You're talking to one of the biggest laser haters around and I've held this opinion far longer than most. Even then, I'm not sure where you're getting this overwhelming consensus on the matter, it was my impression that there's a healthy crowd that enjoys that POS weapon, and I rarely hear anyone outside of the regular group I play with complain about the laser's effect on games. Same thing with the melee damage/lung. Throughout the online Halo communities at least you get a sliver of people's opinions and even if you're grouping everyone that posts online as being some sort of minority hive-mind it's still better to go off that than anything else.

Dax01 said:
I agree with you that the vast majority don't care, but I disagree that it's definitive that those who want BR starts make up a greater population than those that don't. I had trouble finding a website or some Bnet posting that showed the breakdown of populations per playlists (maybe Wu can help me out here), but I'm pretty confident any would support what I'm about to say. Social playlists receive more players than ranked playlists, by a lot. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the playlists that have the lowest populations, on average, are the playlists that force players to spawn with a BR all the time (Team Throwback, MLG, MLG FFA, etc). The one big exception to this, however, is Social BTB: You always spawn with a BR. However, you can't come to any conclusion from this more so than anything else here because playlists with both weapon starts have, on average, more players than those BR-starts-only playlists. It does help you come to the conclusion that most players don't care, something I agree with you. But I don't think neither you (nor I) can say definitely which makes up the smaller population of Halo 3's base, BR starts all the time or AR starts all the time, because there isn't a AR-only playlist to compare to the BR-only playlists. The closest thing to a AR-only playlist outside of Basic Training (and that doesn't count because of the playlist restrictions, really low levels) is Team Slayer, and that's the ranked playlist that receives the most players.

Given that you and I both agree that the majority of players don't care what weapon they start with, it's easy to see why Bungie doesn't care about it or at the very least doesn't put too much emphasis on it.
You can't compare ranked playlist populations to unranked. Ranked playlists always have an exponentially smaller population. If you want to find a AR-only playlist look no further than social skirmish, 100% AR only starts and that's the least popular social playlist in Halo 3 social. But objective playlists fail no matter the weapon start, and thus the flaw in your, and Shishka's, reasoning that BR-start playlists are less popular, it also happens that BR start playlists have all been objective-based.

If most people don't care what the weapon starts are, than why not give players that option. Please both crowds and only disappoint this "I don't want people to be able to start with BR/DMR" crowd who's numbers are probably lower (there is no evidence that hints otherwise) than the crowd pleased by that option. The selfish pricks demanding players not start with the non-power weapon they choose don't deserve the time of day anyways. There's nothing appealing about scouring maps to find non-power weapons, there are a few that would argue starting with what amounts to less powerful but functionally identical weapon adds more variety to the game but as it's been shown in countless MP games, games don't need 15 different weapons to produce dynamic gameplay that stays fresh for years.
MagniHarvald said:
You're right, you didn't say number one problem in that post. So, if it's not AR/BR, melee, or Spartan Laser, what is it?
I said I meant to type out "disappointment" instead of problem. And how does that matter to what I said in the end? If the vast majority of players don't care what weapon they start with, it's easy to understand why Bungie doesn't put a lot of emphasis on this aspect of the game, and why it's not such a big deal to them.


343i Lead Esports Producer
electricpirate said:
Shit. My Passport account is linked to an old email address that I don't use anymore.

Does anyone know how I can re-link my gamertag to another existing passport account?



wwm0nkey said:
Whooo *happy face* lol. Thanks though.
Thought I'd tell you something before putting you on ignore.

Avatar's file size is too large, there's a 150kb limit. You should change it before a mod notices.

Tashi0106 said:
I tried messing around on xbox.com for a while looking to see if I could figure it out... And all I have successfully done is re routed xbox live advertisements to my new email... I don't think i actually changed the passport the account it is associated with.


Neo Member
Iknos said:
Can't be repeated enough.

Ragdolled stuff would look more interesting because it technically shouldn't be the same flail each time.
i know, i know. man i love seeing the animations in rainbow six vegas 2.....and killzone 2 has some awesome ones too.

as silly as my complain is, im still very much looking foward to reach


343i Lead Esports Producer
Devin Olsen said:
I tried messing around on xbox.com for a while looking to see if I could figure it out... And all I have successfully done is re routed xbox live advertisements to my new email... I don't think i actually changed the passport the account it is associated with.


There's gotta be a way

edit: I figured it out. If you go to http://www.passport.net On the left you'll see "Account Services" click that. On the new page click ''Account Credentials" There ya go.
So I got one of those emails, but I have no way of knowing if they extended my live, and I didnt recieve a 'token' for MS points. Has anyone that got a email received it?
Spasm said:

Tried poking around here at all? There's a spot for "Linked IDs". Dunno if that'll fix it though. Can't see my gamertag in there.

that did help, thanks, but Man, this shit is super busted. SO it turns out I also have a pasport account for my Gmail too so I can't just switch the emails, I can link my old account with my new one, but I'm not sure where my xbox live emails will go, or if I sign in with my new account things will work. I love when MS just makes shit harder.

At least i could reactivate and confirm my old email account, but now I have a totally unnessary email account that I need to keep checking to see if I get a damn beta code to give to my friend who didn't buy ODST.

I appreciate the free shit MS, but you need to work on your passport account structure.

I deal with this shit as part of my job, and this is a bad system from the user perspective


EazyB said:
Thought I'd tell you something before putting you on ignore.

Avatar's file size is too large, there's a 150kb limit. You should change it before a mod notices.

Thanks for the warning, changed it back to my old one.
bobs99 ... said:
So I got one of those emails, but I have no way of knowing if they extended my live, and I didnt recieve a 'token' for MS points. Has anyone that got a email received it?
My subscription has been extended but I haven't got a token for MSP yet. Yay, free stuff!
Devin Olsen said:
Completely Off Topic:
I had NO idea they were this far along on Halo:CE Modding.

Check out this video, showing a new Halo 1 Map (Uplift).

Looks pretty good
Taking your off-topic post even more off-topic, but why the hell wasn't he backpack reloading those rockets? That whole segment (AR-Rockets) made me want to gouge my eyes out. Haha but yeah the map looks pretty impressive - any idea how it was made?
Holy wow... All this talk about lasers reminded me of the beta montage that included a laser compilation at the end.

I spent literally half an hour on and off searching for the thing!

"laser cat montage" - "Halo 3 beta montage" - "moar laser"

But! I finally found it... And it is quite suiting for the discussion at hand.

Laser Cat Demands...

Syracuse022 said:
Taking your off-topic post even more off-topic, but why the hell wasn't he backpack reloading those rockets? That whole segment (AR-Rockets) made me want to gouge my eyes out. Haha but yeah the map looks pretty impressive - any idea how it was made?
I wondered the same thing with the back pack reloading... He kept doing the quick switch as though he wanted to backpack reload... I don't know if perhaps punching just after you switch cancels a back pack reload? I didn't think it did... But who knows.
Also he spawned with AR out, switch to pistol and then dropped pistol for rockets... Cringe worthy ;) haha

I am not to sure how they make it though, to answer your question. I was going to look into it more tonight and see... It's pretty insane what they have managed to do with it though.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Hmm looks like that free 400 points and Reach Beta is for those who have remained on the Xbox and Halo 2.

"Microsoft has quietly given word that gamers who have remained on the original Xbox and Halo 2 players"

"• To thank you for being a loyal Xbox LIVE customer, we are giving you a free, three-month LIVE Gold membership and 400 Microsoft Points for you to use as you choose on Xbox LIVE.

• In addition, because you've been so loyal to Halo, we are inviting you to participate in the exclusive Halo: Reach Beta.

How do I get these offers?

• You will receive a token for 400 MS points. Check your Xbox LIVE account messages on the console. These points can be used for 365 days after you activate your token.

• We are extending your Gold membership by three months automatically. The extension will be directly reflected in your LIVE account.

• Finally, as the beta gets closer, you will receive an e-mail containing the code granting you access to the exclusive Halo: Reach Beta."

Deadly Cyclone said:
Hmm looks like that free 400 points and Reach Beta is for those who have remained on the Xbox and Halo 2.

"Microsoft has quietly given word that gamers who have remained on the original Xbox and Halo 2 players"

"• To thank you for being a loyal Xbox LIVE customer, we are giving you a free, three-month LIVE Gold membership and 400 Microsoft Points for you to use as you choose on Xbox LIVE.

• In addition, because you've been so loyal to Halo, we are inviting you to participate in the exclusive Halo: Reach Beta.

How do I get these offers?

• You will receive a token for 400 MS points. Check your Xbox LIVE account messages on the console. These points can be used for 365 days after you activate your token.

• We are extending your Gold membership by three months automatically. The extension will be directly reflected in your LIVE account.

• Finally, as the beta gets closer, you will receive an e-mail containing the code granting you access to the exclusive Halo: Reach Beta."


I'll stop messing with my shit, damn :lol :lol


Deadly Cyclone said:
Hmm looks like that free 400 points and Reach Beta is for those who have remained on the Xbox and Halo 2.

"Microsoft has quietly given word that gamers who have remained on the original Xbox and Halo 2 players"

"• To thank you for being a loyal Xbox LIVE customer, we are giving you a free, three-month LIVE Gold membership and 400 Microsoft Points for you to use as you choose on Xbox LIVE.

• In addition, because you've been so loyal to Halo, we are inviting you to participate in the exclusive Halo: Reach Beta.

How do I get these offers?

• You will receive a token for 400 MS points. Check your Xbox LIVE account messages on the console. These points can be used for 365 days after you activate your token.

• We are extending your Gold membership by three months automatically. The extension will be directly reflected in your LIVE account.

• Finally, as the beta gets closer, you will receive an e-mail containing the code granting you access to the exclusive Halo: Reach Beta."


I havent used my "xbox" since the 360 came out in 2005,..played halo 2 till halo 3 came out and that was on a different gamertag, yet i still got the email. I am thinking its because I actually played Halo 2 throughout 2009 with other gaffers. But hey ill be getting a token for the beta, perhaps it can help someone out.


Nutter said:
I havent used my "xbox" since the 360 came out in 2005,..played halo 2 till halo 3 came out and that was on a different gamertag, yet i still got the email. I am thinking its because I actually played Halo 2 throughout 2009 with other gaffers. But hey ill be getting a token for the beta, perhaps it can help someone out.

Yeah I received an email too and I sold my original xbox as soon as I got a 360 when it launched. I don't even play Halo 2 all that often anymore but I did play a little over a week ago. hmmm...


So with this code I'll be getting I won't have to have the ODST disk in the tray or boot it up to play the beta.

Probably won't be playing anything else on the 360 during the beta but might be reason enough to hold onto the code.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Is this promotion for original Xbox Live folks only then? Pity if true, I could have done with the extra three months as my Gold just ran out.


I think it's based on whether you've played Halo 2 on the original xbox with the same gamertag and moved onto the 360 with the same gamertag.
EazyB said:
You're talking to one of the biggest laser haters around and I've held this opinion far longer than most. Even then, I'm not sure where you're getting this overwhelming consensus on the matter, it was my impression that there's a healthy crowd that enjoys that POS weapon, and I rarely hear anyone outside of the regular group I play with complain about the laser's effect on games. Same thing with the melee damage/lung. Throughout the online Halo communities at least you get a sliver of people's opinions and even if you're grouping everyone that posts online as being some sort of minority hive-mind it's still better to go off that than anything else.

You can't compare ranked playlist populations to unranked. Ranked playlists always have an exponentially smaller population. If you want to find a AR-only playlist look no further than social skirmish, 100% AR only starts and that's the least popular social playlist in Halo 3 social. But objective playlists fail no matter the weapon start, and thus the flaw in your, and Shishka's, reasoning that BR-start playlists are less popular, it also happens that BR start playlists have all been objective-based.

If most people don't care what the weapon starts are, than why not give players that option. Please both crowds and only disappoint this "I don't want people to be able to start with BR/DMR" crowd who's numbers are probably lower (there is no evidence that hints otherwise) than the crowd pleased by that option. The selfish pricks demanding players not start with the non-power weapon they choose don't deserve the time of day anyways. There's nothing appealing about scouring maps to find non-power weapons, there are a few that would argue starting with what amounts to less powerful but functionally identical weapon adds more variety to the game but as it's been shown in countless MP games, games don't need 15 different weapons to produce dynamic gameplay that stays fresh for years.

Agreed, I posted about this on Bnet. Shiska please rethink your stats analysis! Or let us know if you have access to stats were blind to.

So I read that because statistically the 100% BR only playlists arnt that popular that the BR isnt considered popular. Im not sure if this is true but I dont like the implications if it is, so I want to explain why the above argument is invalid.

The fact is that most BR starts playlists arnt that good in other ways, Objective in Halo 3 has always suffered, the argument that objective with BRs isnt popular and therfore the BR sucks is invalid as Objective with AR's wasnt popular anyway, I think an external factor like the factor people prefer slayer must be at stake.

Swat isnt much fun for people looking for more gameplay variety other than one shot kills - also the fact that connection plays a big part of the experiance turns away people.

BTB isnt popular because its generally more laggy, more people tend to quit and if your with friends you need more friends on to even consider it compared to lower playlists, also many people may prefer smaller maps/ numbers - I personally even avoid social slayer as 5v5 seems a little too hectic.

Another thread talks about gameplay variety over weapon variety and I agree, most of the Halo sandbox is pretty similar mostly full auto weapons and whether they shoot spikes or plasma is irrelevant, and for that reason I feel that the BR actually adds an important player of gameplay variety.

Not a very well written post, but point stands :D
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