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Hands-on with The Legend of Korra on PS4

So am I right to expect that the Avatar state will be used kind of like the Devil trigger in DMC games? that would be awesome.

And other thing that just came to my mind, the music, do you think they'll use music from the show or new original music? because aside from animation the other thing that this show excels at is the music IMO.

I read in one of the articles that it uses music from the show
I go pretty in-depth on the combat in this video, but the best point of comparison is proooobably Bayonetta. The "press block at the last minute" counter system is SUPER reminiscent of how Witch Time worked, and the whole world even slows down a bit when you execute it right. Successfully countering projectiles and knocking them back at opponents feels pretty great.

Great stuff, thanks for this! I just keep getting more hype, especially since I've finally started to watch Korra.
Different mobility for each style is nuts, can't wait.


Watched the Rev3Games, gotta love your enthusiasm hahaha

Very interesting to know you can taunt, I wonder what in-game effects it has, or if they just put it there for fun since the button won't be of any use outside of finishers.

For some reason I still think it's super weird to play character action games where the attack buttons are on [] and /\ instead of /\ and O.

Charged attack incresing your overall damage is pretty sick if the system is free form enough to allow for some charge cancels just so you get that little bit of extra meter during a combo.

Even better if it can be used to cancel recovery.
Coming from the studio that gave us Senator Armstrong, seeing them tease the final boss as a highlight for the studio pretty much ensures I'm getting this, and I bailed on Korra after season 1.
One more tidbit I got out of them that I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere: this game is being directed by Eiro Shirahama, who was also the lead designer on Anarchy Reigns and one of the designers on MadWorld.

That's pretty good, please tell us more! Did you get to listen to some of the game's tracks?
Yup! Sounded a lot like the show's score. When describing the music / sfx, they kept using the phrase "based on the show" - whether that means it's actually sourced from the series or just very similar-sounding, I'm not sure.

Does element switching has an animation you can use to cancel the recovery of slower moves? If you charge something and then switch elements, the one you charged will still come out regardless of the one you're in now, correct?
Yeah, that's exactly how it works - I fiddled with it for a little bit, and it seemed like charging up a strong firebending move and then switching to waterbending before releasing would let me release a charged fire attack before going immediately into a water combo.

Charged attack incresing your overall damage is pretty sick if the system is free form enough to allow for some charge cancels just so you get that little bit of extra meter during a combo. Even better if it can be used to cancel recovery.
I'm not 100% sure whether you can cancel out of charges, but it seems like you can cancel out of most moves by using the right-trigger's dodge move. For example: when waterbending projectiles at enemies, Korra still moves forward like with any other attack, and some of the stages are pretty easy to fall off of - but you can cancel out of a waterbending combo by dodging backwards.


One more tidbit I got out of them that I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere: this game is being directed by Eiro Shirahama, who was also the lead designer on Anarchy Reigns and one of the designers on MadWorld.

Yup! Sounded a lot like the show's score. When describing the music / sfx, they kept using the phrase "based on the show" - whether that means it's actually sourced from the series or just very similar-sounding, I'm not sure.

Yeah, that's exactly how it works - I fiddled with it for a little bit, and it seemed like charging up a strong firebending move and then switching to waterbending before releasing would let me release a charged fire attack before going immediately into a water combo.

I'm not 100% sure whether you can cancel out of charges, but it seems like you can cancel out of most moves by using the right-trigger's dodge move. For example: when waterbending projectiles at enemies, Korra still moves forward like with any other attack, and some of the stages are pretty easy to fall off of - but you can cancel out of a waterbending combo by dodging backwards.

And suddenly a new character action game appears.

This sounds great. Thanks for the impressions! Can't wait to see some videos. :D


God I hope it's Track Team.

Did you see any cutscenes? Bryan mentioned they're being made by Titmouse, who did Motor City.

Hoping for a full trailer after the s3 premiere tonight.


One more tidbit I got out of them that I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere: this game is being directed by Eiro Shirahama, who was also the lead designer on Anarchy Reigns and one of the designers on MadWorld.
Meh, I saw it mentioned on the Rev3 video.


Yup! Sounded a lot like the show's score. When describing the music / sfx, they kept using the phrase "based on the show" - whether that means it's actually sourced from the series or just very similar-sounding, I'm not sure.
That's good, but part of me really wants a RULES OF NATURE equivalent.

Yeah, that's exactly how it works - I fiddled with it for a little bit, and it seemed like charging up a strong firebending move and then switching to waterbending before releasing would let me release a charged fire attack before going immediately into a water combo.

I'm not 100% sure whether you can cancel out of charges, but it seems like you can cancel out of most moves by using the right-trigger's dodge move. For example: when waterbending projectiles at enemies, Korra still moves forward like with any other attack, and some of the stages are pretty easy to fall off of - but you can cancel out of a waterbending combo by dodging backwards.






It is not that they are the same... I meant more like all I played are boring and tedious... it was close to pain replay Bayonetta to get Platinum trophy... Vanquish I didn't even get enough to finish it and Rising died in the Beta (give me another name but didn't call this bad controls a MGS game).

These are the games I played and with all of them I was extreme disappointed.

BTW Bayonetta is so easy to beat that the Witch Time makes the games ridiculous... you can't even got damage how it is so easy to use this dodge/attack more... and even in the hardest difficult when you didn't can use the Witch Time you need only use Swoerd and hold Triangle for 2 seconds and release it to kill all enemies (repeat again... works in every single enemy with 100% chance to kill in two or three hits)... I made a video doing that to a friend and I try to find it again to show to us how boring the system is.

Well I got Platinum in these games and I really didn't enjoyed Bayonetta hack'n'slash... I do enjoyed a lot GoW3 and DmC... in terms of Gameplay DmC and GoW:A (even with shit story) are the best hack'n'slash launched to me.

I don't understand how you apparently got to a good enough level to get Platinums but somehow missed the astonishing depth and complexity of Bayo. Did you play Hard? V. Hard? You seem to have unlocked Infinite Climax but are just repeating the same move over and over, are you still getting Platinums by just spamming the katana's charge move? Did you learn about dodge offset or its offshoots?

The mind boggles.
I really wanted an Avatar game like this but with AANG! or Hell give us a different Avatar. I don't want to be going through the shoes of a whiny brat like Korra


Hmm, I wonder if the pro-bending mode has an online component.

Deathball in Anarchy Reigns was one of the best things ever, whenever I could get a match of it.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, this sounds great! Just like a week ago I was goshing at the chance of an Platinum-developed Avatar game. Hope it's as good as it sounds. Don't fail me, Platinum!


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
This was totally unexpected. This is so awesome, and Platinum is one of the developers that seems totally fit to develop an Avatar game.

I kinda wish this was somewhat like Naruto: Rise of a Ninja (as far as the open world) with Platinum Games' action expertise. Baby steps though. I'm more than happy with this!
I don't understand how you apparently got to a good enough level to get Platinums but somehow missed the astonishing depth and complexity of Bayo. Did you play Hard? V. Hard? You seem to have unlocked Infinite Climax but are just repeating the same move over and over, are you still getting Platinums by just spamming the katana's charge move? Did you learn about dodge offset or its offshoots?

The mind boggles.

What constitutes "Depth"? Cuz i thought Bayo was boring as hell. Repetetive encounters, Horrid weapon switching, Way too much time is spent on irregular gameplay segments, systems are poorly explained or completely unexplained, using the trigger to dodge (seriously, never put a timing sensitive action on a piece of shit trigger. Put it on bumper or face button)


What constitutes "Depth"? Cuz i thought Bayo was boring as hell. Repetetive encounters, Horrid weapon switching, Way too much time is spent on irregular gameplay segments, systems are poorly explained or completely unexplained, using the trigger to dodge (seriously, never put a timing sensitive action on a piece of shit trigger. Put it on bumper or face button)

My mind literally boggles at things like this. I mean, mostly I'm ok with people criticising things I like because if they explain themselves well enough I'm able to try and look from their perspective and think "Yeah, if you're that person I can see why they don't like x thing" but I don't get the criticism of Bayonetta. If you want a character action game (or whatever you want to call them) and you don't think Bayonetta is the best (or one of, other options are available) then I just don't understand you. It's like not thinking Mario games are good platformers (of the 2D and 3D variety). It's just something I cannot comprehend.


Repetitive encounters in what sense? Like fighting Gracious and Glorious is like fighting base-ass angels, or a Beloved, or anything like fighting Joy, or Fearless/Fairness... not to mention Iustia, Temperatia, Sapientia or Jeanne. Horrid weapon switching? I mean, you just tap a button to switch your equipped set... or are you complaining about not being able to pull out a whip-sword-guns-shotguns without going into the menu? I guess I could kind of see that. Won't argue about the irregular gameplay, Kamiya can't stop himself. Iffy about the tutorial systems, most of the base gameplay is explained in game, dodge offset and item/taunt offset are advanced abilities and imo part of the depth. Nothing wrong with trigger to dodge afaik, the timing window is astoundingly generous, especially once you get bat within.

Depth in Bayo is finding new mechanics after 150 hours of play. It's defeating an entire posse of angels without touching the ground, about fighting each and every verse your way, experimenting, comboing weapons/items/weaves and figuring out how to express yourself through combat, about not getting touched in Angel Slayer at all.


What constitutes "Depth"? Cuz i thought Bayo was boring as hell. Repetetive encounters, Horrid weapon switching, Way too much time is spent on irregular gameplay segments, systems are poorly explained or completely unexplained, using the trigger to dodge (seriously, never put a timing sensitive action on a piece of shit trigger. Put it on bumper or face button)

Triggers aren't any less precise as far as timing goes. You can still apply binary inputs to the trigger with no noticeable deadzone. The only difference is the feedback.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I really want to see how this game looks in action, the animation is going to mean a lot for how well Avatar translates to a game.


Ask yourselves: would the PlayStation Blog make a PlayStation game sound bad?

Ask yourself, are you getting nervous game companies are leaving press out of the loop since they can simply play the game on twitch or use something like the Playstation Blog to talk directly to the people interested in their games?


I really hope that someday Avatar can be made into a videogame that isn't based on the current TV series.

Takes place hundred or thousands of years BSC, you are an avatar (you get to choose your starting elements) who has to deal with a crisis and learn to master the four elements while doing it. Plays like infamous mixed with Skyrim.

I have some hopes for this game, but I hope its not just a brawler with powers. Want to be able to do some notable environments based stuff.


Really looking forward to this. Knowing that Platinum is going to have a hand in this makes me happy, I know now that the bending skill will be done justice. Now all that needs to happen is for Capcom to hire Platinum for a new Onimusha


Huge Nickleback Fan
Sadly, Korra fans have actually found out the dimension and weight of Korra's chest. Yes, that actually happened. =/

I am not surprised at all.

I like the anime... so if it was another developer I will be more interested but that's me and not everybody.

I tried a lot of Platinum games and all of them are the same... boring and meh... the best one for me was Bayonetta that I give a 7/10 score (not the same Hack 'n' Slash level than DmC or GoW but well it is better than Castlevania LoS), even so it was one of easiest games I ever played.

Woah, that's going to rustle somebody jimmies for sure

4 switchable elemental styles + Rising-ish parry/counter

Difficulty modes and final boss fight

If there's one thing that platinum games always do correctly, it's the final boss fight. I'm hype for this.


I really like that Platinum has become a sort of hired mercenary for other IPs. They get to reinvent some IPs in ways that havent been thought of before, while geting the funds to make their own IPs as well.


Neo Member
I play all of Platinum's games and will likely play this one.
I guess I should watch the series first, but do I have to watch The Last Bender too?


If the countering works more like rising than bayo then I'm even MORE excited. I love both but I like Rising more because it's counter system forces you to hit EVERY attack back when you're getting razzamatazz'd. In Bayo you kinda just need one good dodge, but in MGR you gotta keep going. don't fuck it up. parry every attack. and don't fuck it up.


One more tidbit I got out of them that I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere: this game is being directed by Eiro Shirahama, who was also the lead designer on Anarchy Reigns and one of the designers on MadWorld.
Oh, very nice. Anarchy Reigns was fantastic. :-D
If the countering works more like rising than bayo then I'm even MORE excited. I love both but I like Rising more because it's counter system forces you to hit EVERY attack back when you're getting razzamatazz'd. In Bayo you kinda just need one good dodge, but in MGR you gotta keep going. don't fuck it up. parry every attack. and don't fuck it up.

That´s how i see it too. As far as i´m concerned if you have blocking in your game, you should do it like in MGR. It´s the definitive blocking mechanism going forward.

Block - Block - Block - Block - Block - Block - Block

Now imagine just holding down one trigger the entire time to block. meh.


That´s how i see it too. As far as i´m concerned if you have blocking in your game, you should do it like in MGR. It´s the definitive blocking mechanism going forward.

Block - Block - Block - Block - Block - Block - Block

Now imagine just holding down one trigger the entire time to block. meh.
Yeah, the blocking in Rising was insanely satisfying. It made sword fights feel like sword fights since it actually felt like two forces were canceling each other with equal but opposite force.
Yeah, the blocking in Rising was insanely satisfying. It made sword fights feel like sword fights since it actually felt like two forces were canceling each other with equal but opposite force.
People complain about Rising's parry mechanic a lot but ignoring that the camera in that game is evil incarnate I just love the concept behind it. You're just forcing your way through an en enemy attack with your own and it's reinforced by the input, tapping in the direction and attacking. It's really gratifying.
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