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Hands-on with The Legend of Korra on PS4


Hang on, there's a Legend of Korra game in development?




People complain about Rising's parry mechanic a lot but ignoring that the camera in that game is evil incarnate I just love the concept behind it. You're just forcing your way through an en enemy attack with your own and it's reinforced by the input, tapping in the direction and attacking. It's really gratifying.
The parry mechanic was the best part of Rising. It just felt so raw. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! The perfect blend of hit-pause and rumble and splashy effects. A good offense is the best defense!
From the GS preview,

It was fun to use the elements and see the results of their power, especially when fighting other benders. These battles created chaotic scenes with huge ridges of rock punching up through the ground, fireballs flying all over, and tornadoes of wind sweeping enemies away.

I hope these are really wars of attrition. No quarter given, each bender fight should be a hard fought battle.

Lastly, Platinum is making a competitive arena mode, where you can take on other benders in 3 vs. 3 matches. Although this seems like an opportunity for online multiplayer, the game is only single-player, and these matches are fought against computer-controlled characters.

This is really disappointing. Should have made it local co-op at the very least. Ah well, there's always the potential sequel should this sell well.


This is really disappointing. Should have made it local co-op at the very least. Ah well, there's always the potential sequel should this sell well.
That 3v3 mode would be awesome online. They have the lead designer of Anarchy Reigns working on it, so it's possible! Although apparently not the plan...
That 3v3 mode would be awesome online. They have the lead designer of Anarchy Reigns working on it, so it's possible! Although apparently not the plan...

Seems like Acti is only willing to fund the bare minimum, which is a shame, because as you rightly point out, that mode would have been pretty damn awesome online.

Still, it's great there's a mode that increases replay value and it could be laying the groundwork for it being online if there's a sequel.


I like the anime... so if it was another developer I will be more interested but that's me and not everybody.

I tried a lot of Platinum games and all of them are the same... boring and meh... the best one for me was Bayonetta that I give a 7/10 score (not the same Hack 'n' Slash level than DmC or GoW but well it is better than Castlevania LoS), even so it was one of easiest games I ever played.

As with any P* game I'd rather get hands on than take some media outlet's word for it (usually for the negative). Heck, MGR had loads complain about length and combat system, but when I got stuck in I loved it. So same as always I will discount most media views on Korra until I play it myself. You should too.


As with any P* game I'd rather get hands on than take some media outlet's word for it (usually for the negative). Heck, MGR had loads complain about length and combat system, but when I got stuck in I loved it. So same as always I will discount most media views on Korra until I play it myself. You should too.
I always forget that P* games don't consistently get 10/10s from media outlets.

They're 10x the caliber of other games but tend to average weaker scores.


"Platinum has made sure that attacks are as fluid as possible, which means you can switch between elements on the fly, even mid-combo. He showed us sequences where Korra would bounce an enemy in the air with an Earth attack, shoot him with long-range Water strikes, jump up and land a dozen punches on him in rapid succession with Fire moves, then blow the guy away with a Wind attack. Finally, he would land and use one of the element-specific finishing moves to kill the enemy for good."

Exactly what I wanted to hear!
Now make the level design and the gameworld not empty and dull (MGR biggest flaw), and I'm good to go. I think given the time and probably the small budget they have, they won't have time to polish the world as already seen in the screens (I know it's pre-alpha but still).
I know the combat and fluidity will be great but it would be nice to see Platinum improve their level design and the things you do outside combat.


What constitutes "Depth"? Cuz i thought Bayo was boring as hell. Repetetive encounters, Horrid weapon switching, Way too much time is spent on irregular gameplay segments, systems are poorly explained or completely unexplained, using the trigger to dodge (seriously, never put a timing sensitive action on a piece of shit trigger. Put it on bumper or face button)
If you don't know what constitutes as depth in character action games then why, exactly, are you trying to argue God of War or DmC have more of it than Bayonetta?`Bayonetta simply HAS more depth. It has all kinds of moves, attacks, weapons, skills etc. that you can combine in the craziest of ways, something God of War & DmC objectively don't have at all or have significantly less of. There's nothing like "create a firebomb with fireclaw charge attack, go into witch time, beat an enemy around quickly and then switch to the whip and throw the enemy at the firebomb before it explodes to finish it off" in God of War or DmC. That kind of... creativity with the combat system of either game simply isn't possible, certainly not in the scope or level of Bayonetta. Not that they are completely inadequate action games, but they've got nothing on Bayonetta or DMCs of old.

I don't see how the encounters can be repetitive as the enemy variation is pretty big (not only are there plenty of different kind of enemies, but, for example, those enemies can be normal or enraged, which means you have to approach the situation differently, and some can be immune to witch time etc.) and even when it does put you against the same enemies, mid-bosses and even bosses, the scenarios have plenty of variation and one battle doesn't always feel like the other. Fighting one mid-boss the first time might be completely different from fighting it the second time. Some scenarios can be mostly cosmetic, but they can still be really fun as they put you into really epic situations that are just fun to experience.

Way too much time on irregular gameplay segments? Umm.. the Space Harrier segment takes, like, 10 minutes at most & it isn't really all that horrible, maybe a bit meh at worst (it's just annoying it's before the best Jeanne fight) and the motorcycle segment is probably even shorter. Those aren't the best things in the world, yeah, but they are really short and after going through them once on any difficulty you can just skip them. Otherwise the different scenarios do nothing but bring great variation to the game.

And lol, fuck no at putting anything on bumpers, THOSE are shit. There's nothing wrong with the dodge being on the trigger.

And I don't feel anything is poorly explained. I learned most of the stuff by myself except for the super-advanced stuff. The game explains the basics really well, then kind of throws you into the deep end and you have to keep improving your skills if you want to survive. That's not bad game design, that's the good kind (the non-hand-holding kind that is so rare in today's games). The only thing the game DOESN'T explain that it should is that the cutscenes can be skipped super-quickly with Right Trigger + Select. THAT they should have told everyone very cleary in the beginning of the game.

There's some legitimate criticism towards Bayonetta (some of the suddendeath QTEs are immensly annoying, it's a bit rough around the edges at times, other than the awesome combat coreography, the cutscenes & story overall are pretty shitty), but pretty much none that you described are some huge fundamental gameplay/in-game problems Bayonetta suffers from throughout the game, but they are, at most, just small annoyances you might suffer from in some short segments in the game. Being boring is not one of them in a game that puts you into some of the most over-the-top, epic, ridonculous situations ever created in action games (and maintains player control in many of those) while also providing a fuckton more depth than all God of War games combined. If anything, it's almost exhausting just how intense the game can be and how it can just keep pushing you to your limits a lot of the time (there are some quieter/slower moments, but then there are long stretches of climactic scenarios followed by climactic scenarios followed by climactic scenarios etc.)

Just because you can be a wuzz and whore a single powerful move to turtle your way through the game (you can do this in GoW too, you know) doesn't magically just remove the immense depth of the system that you can tap into and be so much more efficient and the game be so much more fun to play that way. You can play almost every game with some pathetic coward tactic and those are usually the least fun ways to play a game. It usually requires dedication to be able to play through a game in such a boring way while the rest of us are marvelling at the complexities of the combat system and trying our best to get everything out of it.

So sure, if you've played through the game repeating one move, it can be boring. Someone could play through a Ratchet & Clank game with nothing but two or three weapons, but they'd be missing all kinds of fun weapons. It's your own damn fault, the game pushes you to try out new weapons, skills, tactics, moves etc. throughout multiple playthroughs by constantly giving you new stuff or putting you against new types of enemies/scenarios where you can try to improve your skills. If you fail to take advantage of that, it's not really the game's fault.


Previews are boring and increasingly useless to readers, and this is testament to that. If a preview written on a game company's blog reads just like a preview written on a game site, something's horribly wrong in the way game sites are approaching their coverage, don't you think? Maybe we need to take a long hard look at preview culture and think about who it's really serving.

I really thought I was the only person in this whole planet with that opinion, it's been years since I've been heavily following the game industry and never, NEVER, not even once, has a preview ever been useful in knowing how the game plays, let alone if it has any potential to be a worthwhile product. Worse than that is the fact that most of them are just collections of buzzwords that offer absolutely nothing of value to consumers.

Of course, if you're hyped about a game and you reeeeeeeeally want it to be good, a preview could always be the oasis in the middle of the desert for you. Outside of that, there's no objective point for them to exist.


I really thought I was the only person in this whole planet with that opinion, it's been years since I've been heavily following the game industry and never, NEVER, not even once, has a preview ever been useful in knowing how the game plays, let alone if it has any potential to be a worthwhile product.
Previews usually refrain from commenting too much on the quality of the experience because of the nature of unfinished games + just because what little they see isn't necessarily always that good of a representation of the quality or quantity/variety of gameplay, just like it would be incredibly idiotic to give some definitive views of movies based on a couple of unfinished scenes that aren't in their final form/polish.

But I say your claim that "not once has a preview ever been useful in knowing how the game plays" is total & utter BS. The PS Blog preview alone proves this wrong. It describes some of the basic gameplay pretty well. Sure, they don't say whether the controls are completely unresponsive, which could end up being the case (quite likely not with Platinum, though, unless Activision gave them 3 months to develop the game), but after reading the PS Blog preview, I DO have a somewhat clear idea of how the game plays. Of course ultimately the depth of the combat & quality of the overall content is something we'll only know after the release of the game, but I do now know at least a little bit of what I can expect to get with the gameplay of this game.

I know there are several different elemental styles that play differently. I can switch in between these elementals on a whim and that you can combo moves of different elements into all kinds of combos. Each element also has its own special movement ability. I also know Platinum is trying to make a challenging experience out of all of this with several different difficulty levels. I know they are at least putting a lot of effort into boss battles (which means a lot coming from Platinum). All of this is something I didn't know before reading previews, all of this is something that makes me more interested in the game, all of this is something that makes the game sound like it has potential to be good. Sure, the preview doesn't give us the exact number of different combos or if the combining of elements is all that substantial during combat or if the game is ultimately worth a shit, but it's a preview. I don't expect it to be the be all end all source of information of the game & its quality before it's even finished.



Well that too, but I think having something like LoK under their belt would be good for them financially considering it already has an established fanbase, who are evidently pretty vocal. Even if it's just small downloadable titles like this, it'd be nice to see more from Platinum that also helps fund passion projects.
I really thought I was the only person in this whole planet with that opinion, it's been years since I've been heavily following the game industry and never, NEVER, not even once, has a preview ever been useful in knowing how the game plays, let alone if it has any potential to be a worthwhile product. Worse than that is the fact that most of them are just collections of buzzwords that offer absolutely nothing of value to consumers.
Of course, if you're hyped about a game and you reeeeeeeeally want it to be good, a preview could always be the oasis in the middle of the desert for you. Outside of that, there's no objective point for them to exist.

Back in the day, previews used to go in depth, hands on, and were actually critical. PR hounds used to HATE it, and would threaten mags. Eventually writers began to hide criticisms by ending articles with, " but we'll wait and see", and Publishers still hated it.

Now previews are just carefully worded extensions of what PR wants outlets to say. The best previews, ironically, are early "let's plays".


While Platinum games are far from perfect, they capture an old school spirit to gaming that is kind of lost these days, they are a gameplay first studio with an understanding of how to get the most ~cool~ presentation for your buck. I am always interested in what they do next, and this sounds like a wonderful fit for their skillset.

Bought blind.


and EA should consider a PG* Star Wars game. it's just obvious it won't bomb.

I kind of wonder if their particular approach to action games would really work with StarWars, but who knows.


Exactly what I wanted to hear!
Now make the level design and the gameworld not empty and dull (MGR biggest flaw), and I'm good to go. I think given the time and probably the small budget they have, they won't have time to polish the world as already seen in the screens (I know it's pre-alpha but still).

idk man... pre alphas are normally pretty damn rough.


Junior Member
I seriously wish Activision just game them more money, so we could make this a huge open world game, complete with Bison flying and mini games. Also get local co-op, and competitive online going.

It's clear this is a cash grab by Activision, but I wish they committed more to the idea, because it's sounding reaally solid from these previews.


idk man... pre alphas are normally pretty damn rough.

I know but I was really disappointed with that aspect of MGR and from the screens and previews, it looks like the game will follow the same pattern: large empty battle areas connected together. I hope I'm wrong. At least it will be more colorful so that's already a plus. I will still buy it for the combat alone though but I would like Platinum to add a lot more interaction with the level objects and less flat and linear levels.


I play all of Platinum's games and will likely play this one.
I guess I should watch the series first, but do I have to watch The Last Bender too?

You don't have to, but you really should, it's better.

Also there are tons of Last Airbender fanservice on Korra and you'll be able to appreciate it.


Haha, I have never seen so much negativity on GAF in response to the idea that people should be more skeptical of previews--especially ones posted on Sony's PlayStation Blog--making video games sound good! Reading this and realizing that it could've been posted on any gaming site is strange and kinda scary to me, as someone who cares a great deal about video game writing and reporting. Given how often people on this site complain about video game journalism, I imagined most GAFfers would agree. Video game sites need to evolve or they'll just be replaced by corporate blogs like this, which will be very bad news for anyone who likes gaming.

I'm sorry but if you really cared about video game writing and reporting you woundn't be working for Kotaku. Your rant just make you sound sour that Sony might take hits away from sites like Kotaku.


I feel so out of place in this forum. People get excited about Platinum but nothing they have ever made appeals to me.

then why come?

PG* is a sushi master. Delicate, complex and raw and not very social.

People prefer McDonalds. It's cheap. Effective. Has great marketing support. and you can sit there for hours.

What's good is that both exist.
Why come into this thread you mean? Because I've watched every single season of Avatar and I'm curious about the game.

So far the best avatar game was that nick.com game you could make your own bender.
then why come?

PG* is a sushi master. Delicate, complex and raw and not very social.

People prefer McDonalds. It's cheap. Effective. Has great marketing support. and you can sit there for hours.

What's good is that both exist.

Amen, and I'm sure when footage comes out, all the good folk will see why Platinum was the perfect choice for an Avatar/Korra game.


Junior Member
Is this the era that famous developers are going to make license games based on cartoons and tv shows? Please I want that

Xenosaga people making Legend of the Galactic Heroes next

Deus Ex Human revolution developer making Blade Runner
Not feeling it. Looks like a "mash buttons for visual awesome" right now like for typical shovelware licensed games. Areas seem too big.
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