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Has VR stalled ?


That's cool and all, but when we eventually get our 400+ hour vr rpg/mmo, I really don't want to spend any of it standing up and waving my arms around while doing my quests.

Then don't play this theoretical game that will never happen? Problem solved.


New VR software comes out all the time.

New HMDs are in the works.

Gear VR just released a new revision with a proprietary controller.

VR is still on track.

It will be a bigger deal in a few years.

As always, VR is not just gaming. Like your PC there's many applications
That's cool and all, but when we eventually get our 400+ hour vr rpg/mmo, I really don't want to spend any of it standing up and waving my arms around while doing my quests.

I'd suggest doing a few side quests to upgrade your arms & legs stats before tackling that particular quest.
think youll feel differently when you are in the world

I mean yeah it's really different compared to just holding a controller, and it's very immersive. I have psvr and played a lot of it when it came out, at the time I was working 10+ hours a day. I realize then that standing and waving move controllers was something I don't want to do for long periods of time. I'd rather be sitting down, holding a controller, with a chunk of plastic sitting on my head for several hours instead.



Sky Chief

No, not at all. I have a Vive and Oculus and the amount of amazing content out there is staggering and there is more content coming weekly. Everyone who tries my headsets wants them very badly until I explain the costs associated and even then two friends have bought PCs and headsets.


if you think VR has stalled watch daily VR news channels on YT like epyx911... like there's literally tons of stuff being announced every day.

granted VR isn't particularly where i want it to be right now. "woohoo another gallery shooter. another space game"
Citation needed. All I see is the same stuff we already have but now with added inconvenience, discomfort and nausea.
See or tried? A first person shooter isn't even the same genre as a game with a gun in vr because you're actually using and aiming and reloading the gun in vr as if you would in real life. It's a fundamentally different way to play.


My associates who were very excited for it a few years ago no longer seem to care.
None of them really use their headsets anymore.

I used one of them for some adult entertainment and was unimpressed.
I just felt like I had a TV strapped to my face.
On top of which it made me feel rather queasy.

For this to take off it needs to be cheaper, the headset needs to be smaller and more comfortable.
And most importantly, it needs more proper games with a budget.
Nobody is dropping big money on a device to play the kind of games that would get blasted on the Jimquisition.

Also I think its still just a bit too dorky for the mainstream... hell I still think it's kinda silly and I'm a massive fuckin' nerd who collects hentai and has a dakimakura.

It's not ready.
Is there any sales data to suggest it has stalled? It seems sales data is rather hard to come by these days, so you tell me.

As for me, I've long been disinterested, and am further disinterested in even being interested, so VR is clearly not something I'm eager to embrace. But I'll not project my apathy on the broader market. At least not today.

There will always be one more excuse, one more reason why VR hasn't yet reached the espoused levels of market saturation within the completely unrealistic timeline.

VR evangelicals basically dug themselves a hole fighting off the VR naysayers by over-hyping and over-promising on just how quickly and thoroughly VR adoption would occur.

It wasn't too long ago you'd be shouted out of threads for saying this shit was still a decade from being truly relevant to mainstream audiences.
I think everyone is gearing up for the next generation tbh. So yeah, there is not a whole lot of news right now like there have been in the past few years but, there will be.


Seek victory, not fairness
Citation needed. All I see is the same stuff we already have but now with added inconvenience, discomfort and nausea.

Did you ever wind up trying other stuff after that crappy DK2 demo that gave you such a physically lousy experience?

There will always be one more excuse, one more reason why VR hasn't yet reached the espoused levels of market saturation within the completely unrealistic timeline.

VR evangelicals basically dug themselves a hole fighting off the VR naysayers by over-hyping and over-promising on just how quickly and thoroughly VR adoption would occur.

It wasn't too long ago you'd be shouted out of threads for saying this shit was still a decade from being truly relevant to mainstream audiences.

What timeline? What level of market saturation?
One of these days I'd like to actually see some of these posts with the unrealistic claims we're so notorious for here.


I don't know why I read these threads.

I feel like people want VR to be dead already so it doesn't "threaten" their 2D experience.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
There will always be one more excuse, one more reason why VR hasn't yet reached the espoused levels of market saturation within the completely unrealistic timeline.

VR evangelicals basically dug themselves a hole fighting off the VR naysayers by over-hyping and over-promising on just how quickly and thoroughly VR adoption would occur.

It wasn't too long ago you'd be shouted out of threads for saying this shit was still a decade from being truly relevant to mainstream audiences.

Is it over-promising if it is still going to be relevant to mainstream audience in a decade?
We went from tech demo last year to RE7, Fallout 4, Robo Recall, Rock Band VR, and Valve announcing 3 VR titles this year.Samsung didn't drop Gear VR, they are still improving it annually and the ecosystem is improving. Google released their own headset late last year. Microsoft with guys like Dell, HP etc are releasing their own headsets later this year too. I say we are still moving ahead pretty well.
I'm not invested in VR, but doesn't it take time to build something of high quality? I imagine things will be relatively quiet until E3, which is typical of the industry. Most of the great non-VR games we're playing right now are games that have been in development for years. People don't seem to want to be patient when it's VR. Think of how long it took Xbox and PS4 to get a solid library of quality games after launch. You have people spending $300+ just to play Zelda and not much else until the summer/fall.


See or tried? A first person shooter isn't even the same genre as a game with a gun in vr because you're actually using and aiming and reloading the gun in vr as if you would in real life. It's a fundamentally different way to play.

What you describe fits exactly with what I said: same stuff as now but more inconvenient. There is no paradigm shift. Just more convoluted inputs.

Did you ever wind up trying other stuff after that crappy DK2 demo that gave you such a physically lousy experience?

No. The reviews from VR launches last year and the comments in this thread suggest nothing has really changed. I'm honestly super skeptical about VR for all but a few kinds of games.


Giant corporations supporting this ? (samsung, facebook, valve etc)
Massive $$ investments (multiple funds and concessions being given)
Tech avaliable and improving in cellphone cycle

Big corporations are trying to make things happen all the time

Doesn't mean it will happen


Seek victory, not fairness
No. The reviews from VR launches last year and the comments in this thread suggest nothing has really changed. I'm honestly super skeptical about VR for all but a few kinds of games.

Ah, that sucks. The way you described mouse input being mapped via head movements in an FPS made it sound like an especially bad implementation.

I know you've never been sold on motion control in general, so that pretty much just leaves you with a high FOV stereoscopic display with the ability to move your head around for parallax. I can see how it would look pretty limited when you're ruling out things like Raw Data and Arizona Sunshine where you're getting up and doing things directly with your hands.
There will always be one more excuse, one more reason why VR hasn't yet reached the espoused levels of market saturation within the completely unrealistic timeline.

VR evangelicals basically dug themselves a hole fighting off the VR naysayers by over-hyping and over-promising on just how quickly and thoroughly VR adoption would occur.

It wasn't too long ago you'd be shouted out of threads for saying this shit was still a decade from being truly relevant to mainstream audiences.

Sorry, this is horse shit. In most every in-depth VR thread I've been on for the past 3-4 years, those interested in the tech knew that the initial consumer release would be niche. The vast majority of those excited are excited about what's to come in the next few years, and they damn well knew the limitations of the current hardware/software. That doesn't mean people don't love the current iterations, but very few expected it to blow up immediately. I personally thought there would be a higher adoption rate at this point, but I didn't expect it to be mainstream. I do think that the next gen of headsets will do worlds better though since many of the main concerns of current VR will be alleviated.

I'll put it this way, there are way more people shitting on VR, comparing it to the Virtua Boy and 3D TV's than there ever were "VR evangelicals" touting the initial consumer products as the next coming.


ADD New Gen Gamer
think youll feel differently when you are in the world

VR is out for a while now. Still waiting for motion controls to catch on.

The VR game that got the most traction thus far is Resident Evil 7, a controller based game. That is the way to go simply because controllers are far more accessible than motion controls since you dont get tired.

Stick to motion controls and people get tired, and all the games will be shallow 1/2 hour experiences designed built around this limitation.
There will always be one more excuse, one more reason why VR hasn't yet reached the espoused levels of market saturation within the completely unrealistic timeline.

VR evangelicals basically dug themselves a hole fighting off the VR naysayers by over-hyping and over-promising on just how quickly and thoroughly VR adoption would occur.

It wasn't too long ago you'd be shouted out of threads for saying this shit was still a decade from being truly relevant to mainstream audiences.

Bullshit. Anybody following the pace knew they couldn't even MAKE them IF they took off with "iPhone" or whatever idiotic metric for sales is being used to 'compare'.

Retail PC HMDs are literally a year old. One year. Last year's cell phone models are older.

Were there some saying it would take off with unrelastic expectations? Yes. Do you believe the Switch is going to sell Wii levels in mere months? Do you think Scorpio is going to take over the market? Is Half Life 3 coming out next year?!? There will always be some people with unrealistic expectations and hope for that long shot.

Anybody who was following or at the least just reading here and there knew that it wasn't a 1 year thing. We knew it wouldn't take off to mainstream with the current tethers (wires, cost, and it's just not 'cool' looking).

And it's not just gaming. So many other applications for this, health, industrial, etc ... but I digress. It's only time we have. My personal number is about 4-5 years. But these threads are always the same, not even sure why I bother anymore. "3DTV this", "Isolation that", and of course the "how will you sell to soccer moms!?" ...
What you describe fits exactly with what I said: same stuff as now but more inconvenient. There is no paradigm shift. Just more convoluted inputs.

No. The reviews from VR launches last year and the comments in this thread suggest nothing has really changed. I'm honestly super skeptical about VR for all but a few kinds of games.
There is nothing convoluted about physically aiming a gun the same way you would in real life.
Because we totally didn't have circle jerk VR threads in 2015.

That's considered a circle jerk? LMAO.

This is just disappointing though, it's sad to see people trying to find fault in what is an amazing technology, not just for gaming but lots of real world applications as time and technology move forward. It sucks to see people actively trying to discredit it and 'rustle jimmies' because it's not what they want.

I'm out. Going to play some Zelda and then a round of Robo Recall before I call it a night ... because magically, my VR setup didn't replace all my other games, it gave me another way to experience them.


you could with a wii remote

actually even with Wii Motion Plus, the accuracy didn't come close to 1:1 like this.

That said, I don't think that particular video really demonstrates what VR's motion control makes possible that hasn't been even close to possible before.


Seek victory, not fairness
Post #12 in that thread definitely qualifies at least, lol.

I did pick up on something from rereading that old thread though - "nimble" from Palmer's "nimble rich man" account probably came from the Nimble VR company they acquired for hand tracking.

Uh ace combat and gt sport haven't released yet. Those are going to be huge for vr.

Farpoint looks like it'll be good for people who wanted a Horizon:Zero Dawn in VR too. (less wavy grass and spears, more dust and guns)
Farpoint looks like it'll be good for people who wanted a Horizon:Zero Dawn in VR too. (less wavy grass and spears, more dust and guns)

Yea I got that pre-ordered. Really don't know much about it, but would like to try a FPS in VR that has Move aiming.

My biggest bet is on Ace Combat as the definitive VR experience.

So far the best I think have been RIGS and RE7. RIGS has very well made VR controls with all the deadzone stuff and VR headset turning. RE7 also has thoughtful comfort settings too.

DriveClub VR also really good imo, definitely one of the simpler transitions but just works really well.


All I know is I'm a little annoyed that Oculus cut the price of the Touch controllers in half and started packing in a great game, and I got nothing like an "ambassador program" reward for buying them early.
I had no interest in VR. Then I tried Robo recall and ended up picking up a rift. My god this thing is awesome. Just need to figure out how to make more room and maybe get a third sensor for better tracking


It's simply too expensive right now. About a year and half ago, I got myself ready for a VR headset and got a PC with a 970 which now has a 1070. I must have spent AU$3000 all up including a top of the range monitor. I just don't want to spend another AU$1400 on a VR headset when I basically have 150+ games on Steam alone and many others on console to play.

The Vive is also the only one I'm interested in right now because it does room scale properly but it's like $1400... even at half price itd still be very expensive so I've resorted to playing what I have for now. With the Switch out VR also has taken a step behind it in my list of things to get. It helps a little that my kids are still very young so I'm fine with waiting. The only thing is I've setup my PC in a very large room ready for VR and it's pretty empty at the moment. :(


yeah they fucked it up trying to control the market. Closed gardens might be pretty but if you're on the outer wall and can't really afford to enter, then you pretty much don't give a damn what's going on in there. Occulus did their thing, Vive does theirs, and unless you own their hardware, its pretty difficult to get in.

OpenVR still has some potential, even though it remains largely ignored by the new VR offerings, the 2 year and older games like elite dangerous and assetto corsa have baked in OpenVR support. Low cost entry, low level of dedication involved, but not as promising a money maker as the hypothetical "VR service platform".

Lots of people refuse to spend past a certain point to adopt this new tech, but they need adopters. No one is meeting at the middle, so I'm thinking VR has stalled.
Hardware price is still the biggest factor.

I'm sensing there will be a PSVR price cut around christmas, with maybe a bundle of a couple of games.
Still gotta get that critical mass.


- Wireless inside out tracking
- Foveated rendering
- G-force simulation

Once we nail those 3 I think we will be good
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