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Hate mobile gaming?

Interested in knowing why you hate mobile gaming?

At first I used to hate it when some games where only made exclusively for mobile games,
I think the hate started since that FF7 turks game,( lol and it was only for Japan I think.)
but it wasn't for long, now at days I don't mind it as much.

But I know some people are very passionate about this subject,
so what's up, why all the hate?


A little context to the image,the Tokyo show girl is holding a smart phone, I think this is a first :)


I don't love or hate it. Most of it is so far removed from what I consider a game it's not even on my radar.


An almost complete lack of business models I approve of is why I avoid mobile gaming. I don't want f2p with extras, timed slots, or any of that shit. I just want to pay X amount for a game, no DLC/microtransactions, and just play the hell out of it.


The controls are shit.

This for me mostly. There are nearly no games where I find that covering up parts of the screen with my fingers doesn't hurt the overall experience, and in general touch controls and tilt controls are both imprecise and games need to be made with this in mind.
Because they are shallow experiences. That's all. I get invested in my games and like them to be rewarding experiences. I like them to take a degree of skill to complete and I like them to have a definitive end.

Typically speaking, mobile games are endless time sinks and masturbatory experiences that do not appeal to me.

I dislike a cellphone as an interface because I believe playing a game without buttons is regressive and limiting. Some games, like Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja, obviously don't use or need buttons at all. But this also demonstrates how the game needs to be designed around a single input device as opposed to dynamic and differentiating control systems that allow for deeper play, possibility, and genre. Cell phone inputs are singularly tied to a touch screen, which is imprecise and, again, limiting.

It also brings us back to the pay-for-credit model that I thought died with arcades. Which brings back the rise of score-based games or experiences you are not in control of. Which I also hate.

When we moved from arcades to consoles, all arcade-style games survived the transition and exist to this day. With a console to mobile transition, virtually nothing survives the translation and everything gaming has become in the last thirty years is disregarded for the sake of the worst part of the arcade model.

Street Fighter flourished and thrives on consoles after doing so in arcades. Street Fighter wasn't left behind, consoles enabled everything that already existed and more to be developed.

Last of Us cannot translate to mobile. Mobile leaves all of consoles behind. It doesn't expand upon the existing delivery system, it abandons it for the most constricting one to date.

I'm fine with mobile existing as a companion platform that provides a different experience. Konami's assertion that mobile gaming is the future is like a future where Twitter replaces books and Vine replaces cinema.


I don't hate mobile gaming as in the idea of gaming on mobile.

I hate them for the plague they've unleashed.
Intrusive ads, pay to not wait tactics, etc...

I have nothing against a game like Monument Valley.


An almost complete lack of business models I approve of is why I avoid mobile gaming. I don't want f2p with extras, timed slots, or any of that shit. I just want to pay X amount for a game, no DLC/microtransactions, and just play the hell out of it.

Pretty much this. For example, I wish there were a Sims mobile game that was just the Sims, not the F2P stuff. I would happily pay $20 for a full-fledged Sims game that doesn't rely on micro-transactions and such.
I guess touch screen gaming reminds me I'm sort of disabled when it comes to precise finger movements? Had nothing against the little JVM games in phones with keys times.

Other than that, business model.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I don't hate mobile gaming. They just don't scratch the same itch as traditional games or even handheld games do, so it sort of bothers me to see talent from traditional games go the mobile route. It kind of irks me to see shit like Game of War out earning great games. Of course, I can't be mad at people for trying to make money and with the ballooning costs of modern games and insane profits being made on mobile, I totally understand it.

Either way, I think the bubble will burst sooner or later.


Gold Member
Most are terrible or overly simplistic at a fundamental level.
IAPs everywhere
Game design centers around milking money slowly from the player, or catering to whales.
Touch screen controls for all but a small number of genres is gross.
Underpowered hardware limits scope.


come on guys,
Games like angry Birds play perfect no?

Perhaps a bit more context ,
what games you played where you felt the controls are crap?

Angry Birds is the exception. A game explicitly designed so that it is ok that you need to cover up a part of the screen with your finger and that works within these rules. The problem is that nearly all types of games that already exist work poorly with touch controls (see any game with virtual buttons), and games only have good controls when built from the ground up with them in mind. There are so many things mobile games can never do well because of control limitations, so that only games like Angry Birds can even work.
It's a turn-off to see how obvious mobile games are about wanting your money. They're not even discrete about it. They just want your money. There's no passion from 99% of mobile devs.

A lot of console games are starting to do this too. Just straight up asking you for more money as soon as you get to the title menu. One of the reasons why Mortal Kombat X was a huge turn-off for me. I'm ok with DLC and expansions, just don't point it out in my face every time I boot the game up that I haven't sunk my money into every optional purchase within a game.


If mobile games and console games could live happily together I wouldn't mind.

But I'm really worried about what has happened in Japan. Console gaming is dying there. It also can mean big game companies move to mobiles games. I don't wanna see that happen.


Loves Robotech S1
i don't like having my only way of interacting with the game being the same thing i use to actually see the game
Enjoy mobile gaming a ton - most played platform nowadays.

Rarely play anything with on-screen buttons though - games made for touch are the only way to go.


There are plenty of amazing, deep, full games on mobile.

There is obviously a lot of shovelware, but writing off the platform because of that is incredibly ignorant.


I don't hate it, to me it just doesn't exist, like Dragon Ball new series.

If anything, I ignore mostly every form of gaming associated with a portable screen, and that goes beyond cellphones.
I don't hate mobile gaming, but I just can't see myself wasting my time with it, there's been some cool time wasters like Crossy Roads but aside of that all I play these days is Heartstone, which I prefer to play on my PC anyways.

I hope we eventually get more turn based RPGs and Visual Novels, those genres seem perfect to be played on a phone.

It would be nice if I gave a crap about mobile gaming because these days I have to bring my 3DS-Vita with me pretty much everywhere.

to summarize: If you're game has a shit business model or I have to wait time for anything, I'm not getting near it.

I will probably give it another chance whenever Nintendo drops their bombs.


In my mind, consoles are a tier below PCs in input fidelity and consumer strength and mobile gaming is a (much larger) tier below that. I often consider skipping out on consoles altogether since there are only a handful of games that I care about per generation, so mobile games aren't even up for consideration. My time is simply too valuable.


Over the past year, I really got turned around on it. I used to just not give it the time of day because surely it was all bullshit to capitalize on non-gaming audiences, not "real" video games.

I've probably spent more time this year playing Contest of Champions, Marvel Future Fight, WWE Immortals, Love Live School Idol Festival, Heroes of Dragon Age, Spider-Man Unlimited and Marvel Mighty Heroes on my phone than I have on all of my consoles and other handhelds put together.
I really hate playing for 'stamina', I'd rather grind and most of these games feel like endless grinds with no endgame. For some reason games I'd like to see, like RTS' and stylized moving action games, tend to not do well or are efforts by small dev teams that just don't feel polished.

There's only so many rhythm-based games I can play.

And I think that pretty much covers all the mobile games I care for.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Like all games, it depends on the game.

I play Sudoku all the time. I've started playing Hitman GO, and I'm having fun. The few games that have IAPs that I'll play are Rayman Fiesta Run, and Giant Boulder of Death.

I basically try to stay away from games that have IAPs. In App Purchases tend to change the very design of the game to be frustrating for the player unless they pay real money, and I try not to support that style of game.

There's good mobile games out there if you look for them. Modern phones are so advanced now that they game can look really, really good. It just comes down to whether they're able to have decent controls, and whether or not they're made for you to play, or made for you to pay money.


It's the shitty controls mainly then it's the whole filled with micro transactions thing.

The controls are shit.

An almost complete lack of business models I approve of is why I avoid mobile gaming. I don't want f2p with extras, timed slots, or any of that shit. I just want to pay X amount for a game, no DLC/microtransactions, and just play the hell out of it.

I don't hate them, I just don't play them.

I tend to get bored of them very quickly because they're super simplistic.

99.99999% of it is Shovel Ware

I think we are done here.


Hey if a game's good a game's good right? Platform doesn't matter. That said, mobile seems to be a hotbed for games that exploit people (f2p doesn't exist, it's a way to extort money), games that have zero depth (gotta fill those bars). There are a lot of exceptions of course and some games really do look legitimately good, but they're swimming in such a veritable ocean of shit that I'm just not gonna jump in until it gets cleaned up.

From what I can see, mobile's for a different type of gamer. One that I'm very far removed from.


No active hate, I just really don't like finger based touch input of any kind. The rubbing on the finger feels horrible, there's no feed back and 90% of the time my fingers are too fat to work correctly on the interface. If's it just tapping a few big 'buttons' it doesn't feel that bad, but I'm not into that flap bird stuff.
It started with me just hating always seeing little kids playing mobile games on tablets or phones and everything was either trash or micro-transaction city, then companies starting sacrificing retail games to make more mobile games.

Konami canning Silent Hills and "pursuing mobile games aggressively" was the final hate nail in the hate coffin. Because that most likely means Silent Hill pachiko or mobile only from now on


I certainly don't hate mobile gaming, there are some good games on the platform. I've enjoyed quite a few.

What I hate is the notion that mobile gaming is going to replace console and pc gaming. It's just never going to happen.

Console gaming will definitely change, I think the future is clearly some sort of streaming box, and you stream your content. Although I appreciate that future isn't any time soon.

Anyway regardless of how we will get big screen content with a dedicated controller in the future, the facts remain that a small mobile screen will NEVER replace big screen gaming.

I can see the lines blurring without a doubt, most likely we'll have a dock of some sort, and then a mobile device that we use out and about (like a mobile phone d'uh) and we then connect it to a big screen when we get home.

Consoles in the traditional sense, the way we have them today are going to go away. But to think that the future of gaming is going to be playing games like candy crush on a 5inch screen is ridiculous.


I love playing games on my phone in theory, but I have a hard time finding mobile games I really like.

Hearthstone, Pixel Dungeon, Hoplite: all great. Most android Final Fantasies were decent. But in general I don't want to play slot-machine collectathons with a mediocre game slapped on top, which seems to be the growing trend with mobile RPGs.

That said, I'm optimistic about Nintendo's upcoming foray into the space. Hopefully big developers will be able to charge reasonable prices for their games, and thus back said games up with reasonable quality.
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