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Hate mobile gaming?

If 1% of the mobile games is great, that would mean at least 6000 great games. Which is more than the total amount of games on all current gen consoles combined.

So yes, Mobile gaming sucks!
Absolutely no quality control, the app stores are flooded with clones, copyright infringement, adware and just outright garbage that makes a market stall in Taiwan selling Gucci bags and Rolex watches look downright legitimate in comparison.

Couple that with almost everything else being F2P with the slimiest and most underhanded methods to exploit money out of people (often times children with their parents linked credit cards) and you've got a seriously shady market that is driving a stake right through the heart of traditional gaming. What's worse is that the younger generation is experiencing this trash from an early age because of parents just tossing them their iPads with almost unrestricted access, which is going to lead them to grow up thinking none of these disgusting practices are a problem.

Say what you will about touch screen controls, gameplay depth, length, visual quality, whatever - the real issue with mobile gaming is the appalling practices just being left to spread uninhibited.
The whole "hating on touch controls" thing is just silly IMO. It's a matter of experience. Just like one gets better at KB/M when they get into PC gaming (how many threads are there of people stating how awkward KB/M feels after shifting from consoles?), touch controls are the same. If you've grown up with them or play on mobile regularly, touch controls are absolutely fine. Platformers, dual stick shooters, and others play great.

My fingers get sour from that constant rubbing on the phone display. So fuck that.


As for those suggestions, yeah, unfortunately, it seems most are IOS only. You're missing out, man. When you got Hideo Kojima calling Framed his game of the year, or Brian Fargo (creator of Wasteland and Bard's Tale) saying how he loves The Room, I think it's safe to say that mobile has its quality experiences as well

There is absolutely truth in this. Look, lots of modern mobile games I've tried have been, to use your term, "quality experiences." So I'm not trying to sound too glass half empty; I had fun with Angry Birds, I had fun with Puzzle & Dragons, and I've already mentioned that I enjoyed Beastie Bay and Majesty. I'd recommend any of those games to someone looking to kill some time on the cheap.

But when I got a Sega Genesis in 1990, I had The Revenge of Shinobi, Phantasy Star II, Castle of Illusion, and Ghouls'n Ghosts-- all-time classic games that made huge impressions on me. And they were the first four games I'd played on the system.

When I got a 3DO in 1994, four of the first five games I played were Road Rash, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, The Need for Speed, and Guardian War.

When I got a Saturn in 2009, three of the first five games I played were Dragon Force, Shining the Holy Ark, and Guardian Heroes.

When I got an Android device, I had what, Angry Birds? There hasn't been a game amongst the first twenty two (and that number is way conservative; I haven't reviewed every game I've tried by any stretch) that have even come within a Grand Canyon's width of touching any of those traditional game experiences I listed above.

As much as I appreciate game suggestions (genuinely-- I do try almost every game that gets recommended to me), how many mobile games do I need to try-- fifty? seventy five? three hundred?-- before I can definitely say that the games just aren't very good, as compared to traditional games on conventional, dedicated gaming platforms? Hideo Kojima and whomever else are entitled to their opinions. But I bet in five years-- or even six months-- these mobile games they are praising will be completely forgotten.

I really do want to like mobile gaming, which is why I tend to post in these types of threads, and hence why I keep giving it "just one more chance." But it just has not clicked for me.

Yeah, I actually use to like mobile gaming.

It was around 2003 when there were still "flip phones". I had some games like Splinter Cell and this one Submarine game and thought they were fun. Coincidentally, these were games that still had buttons (the number pad).

If mobile kept going in that direction, I wouldn't have minded it replacing traditional handhelds.

I had a Nokia N-Gage and loved it; it was a phone but that had physical buttons and conventional, retail-caliber games. It replaced my Game Boy Advance even. But then came along Apple with their "slate" phone concept...


I used to complain about touch controls and all that, but over the last year I've played a few good games that work well with that style.

My biggest gripes are: battery draining, and constant internet connection.

The simple "solution" to both is "just play the games at home" but that defeats the whole purpose of mobile games for me. Many of them, or at least the ones that I've enjoyed, are designed to be played for just a few minutes at a time and they're great for when I'm in a line or something like that. For stamina-based games, I like to use my stamina when I get it so I can let it recharge for later.

Most importantly, if I'm at home with a power outlet and wifi, I'm going to play a better game on my consoles, handhelds, or PC.
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