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Hate mobile gaming?


Too much of a time sink. Enjoyable at first when we don't need to wait for stamina or some other nonsense waiting process. Later on becomes a chore you have to check everyday. See farmville or any RPG style game with stamina.


I don't hate mobile gaming, I just dislike the idea of it killing handheld gaming.

Since the mobile gaming industry is a race to the bottom to see who can have the cheapest game but still make a profit, as well as the lack of buttons, we end up with simplistic but ad-heavy games. Fine for a brief bus journey but not something I'd want to dedicate real time to.
The whole "hating on touch controls" thing is just silly IMO. It's a matter of experience. Just like one gets better at KB/M when they get into PC gaming (how many threads are there of people stating how awkward KB/M feels after shifting from consoles?), touch controls are the same. If you're grown up with them or play on mobile regularly, touch controls are absolutely fine. Platformers, dual stick shooters, and others play great.

Sorry, but no.


When I go onto the app store, I immediately disregard anything which doesn't have a price attached to it. (with the odd caveat for the likes of Vainglory, Hearthstone)

As such, I can kind of put aside this disdain for IAP milkers. Don't like that kind of game, don't play it. Don't even pay attention to them. I don't like certain genres of full fat console/PC games but I don't get in a sweat about them being the total representative for the ecosystem and ruining it for everyone.

Currently, I'm playing through Final Fantasy 6. I've never played it. I own it on PSone disc but never had the love to sit down and go through it on a console. Finally I have the chance to go through the game. Same with things like Knights Of The Old Republic.

I sold my Vita recently. Love the system and the games but the device just ended up sitting about. My phone is constantly with me. Rammed full of music, the thing which I do writing on and the device where I can quickly throw down with a game on the train. Convenient and in a lifestyle where that is a massive plus.

Apple could really do with pinning the Full Price Games category to the store for those who are fatigued by the IAP catalogue. I can only see the app store continuing to grow in prominence and becoming *the* primary mobile gaming store/platform.


Sorry, but yes.

You should see my kids play Minecraft on an iPad. Complete, accurate control. They don't even question it.

It's us old folks that have the problem (old dogs, new tricks)

yeah, my boy just naturally plays it yet can't use a 360 pad to save his life. *I* can use Minecraft perfectly on my 6plus too, absolutely no issue for me playing it that way.
Apple could really do with pinning the Full Price Games category to the store for those who are fatigued by the IAP catalogue. I can only see the app store continuing to grow in prominence and becoming *the* primary mobile gaming store/platform.
Well, there is something like that already

Also there are many free games that only have IAP for a full game unlock, or an ad remover, and nothing else. So i wouldn't disregard everything that doesn't have a price


I don't know if I "hate" them exactly, but I do resent them.

Basically, mobile games are not my preferred method of playing games (which is OK) but they seem to be taking talent/resources/focus away from the types of games I prefer to play (more of a problem for me). The Konami mess is an excellent example of this.
I like the tactile feeling of buttons, d-pads and analog sticks for one thing.

And for the games i like to play, touching a screen doesn't feel as good.
I don't actively 'hate' mobile games, I'm able to appreciate some of them (Monument Valley) and especially japanese mobage (Terra Battle, Love Live), I'm just... not interested, most of the time.


Don't even pretend that all or most of the mobile games that usually get recommended are ports of PC games.

You sound like kind of a jerk-- defensive much? Give me an hour and I can find about a hundred times those games have been recommended any time someone asks for a "rich" experience. "Go play Knights of the Old Republic!" You're the one pretending, not me.

What else have you reviewed? Have you checked out stuff like Autumn Dynasty, Starbase Orion, The Spatials, Wayward Souls, The Room, Sorcery/80 Days, Device 6, etc.?

Thanks for the suggestions.

I don't see most of those on the Play Store, and all I have is an Android device. Autumn Dynasty looks kind of interesting, but if the music is anything like what is in the trailer video, I think it would get on my nerves. Wayward Souls looks like it would be really annoying to play on a touch screen device, and I didn't really care for the music in that one either, at least based on the trailer. Nonetheless, I'll add them to my "wishlist" and try them out.

Also, here is the list of games I've reviewed. Nothing even remotely approaching the kind of "wow, this made a big impression on me" experience that I'm looking for in my games (mobile or otherwise). To me they were like candy bars; consume, then toss away and forget:

  • Angry Birds
  • Arcanox
  • Beastie Bay
  • Bonsai Blast
  • Dragon Coins
  • Dungeon Hunter
  • Gloomy Dungeons 3d
  • GT Racing 2: The Real Car Experience
  • Hero of Sparta
  • Labyrinth
  • Legends of Yore
  • Majesty: Fantasy Kingdom Sim
  • Metal Slug Defense
  • Pinball
  • Puzzle and Dragons
  • Radiant
  • Replica Island
  • Sonic Jump
  • Spectral Souls
  • Terra Battle
  • Tiny Tower
  • Zenonia


Garbage controls going back in time with mechanics and simplicity. Worst scenario for this medium imo. Everything being ultra cheap devalues the hobby. Micro transaction stuff also.

Just making a whole generation of people that see anything over a dollar expensive and view gaming as throw away garbage.
To be honest, some games can be fun but 99%, and i'm not exaggerating, is full of crap. It's the perfect example of quantity over quality.

The controls, battery life, microtransactions, small screen etc. are other of its problems.

To me especially, mobile gaming feels soulless. The games feel like something a suit directed and not an artist.

I would certainly be more interested if they made controller support as a standard but as it is right now, the thing has way too many problems for me to consider it seriously.
You sound like kind of a jerk-- defensive much? Give me an hour and I can find about a hundred times those games have been recommended any time someone asks for a "rich" experience. "Go play Knights of the Old Republic!" You're the one pretending, not me.

Thanks for the suggestions.
I always find that kind of reaction a tad hypocritical (not your's, the other guy's). Isn't one of the Vita's strengths its expansive indie library, many of which are PC ports? And yet bring up PC ports on mobile, and you get "But those are PC ports, they don't count" or a similar response.

As for those suggestions, yeah, unfortunately, it seems most are IOS only. You're missing out, man. When you got Hideo Kojima calling Framed his game of the year, or Brian Fargo (creator of Wasteland and Bard's Tale) saying how he loves The Room, I think it's safe to say that mobile has its quality experiences as well


So many things to hate:

  1. Hate the overwhelmingly casual game focus, over something varied for multiple audiences.
  2. Both Apple and Google do a garbage job sorting that volume of content, could stand to do more to promote paid content & blatant clones continue to exist.
  3. Too many games are designed around addiction for profit, rather than fun and innovation. Not much different from gambling, except more insidious.
  4. The analytic driven nature of mobile just produces by the number content, and makes some pathetically dumb decisions. Analytics have value, but the context and reasons consumers make their decisions are still not going to be revealed by that information.
  5. I hate that games like Threes can exist, and their clones become more successful.
  6. I hate the majority of mobile games just because touch controls suck, and too often when they don't the games are simplistic because of the limitations of touch. Also sucks my screen real-estate is blocked by my fingers tapping.
  7. I hate how saved games work in mobile titles, and that since they don't generate files on iOS your backup options are limited. In general I hate the lack of a file structure in mobile OSs, though Android is better in this area.
  8. I hate that neither Google or Apple have made official controllers, that can easily dock phones, so we could get better controls, and more varied games.
  9. I hate that mobile phones still have garbage task managers, that don't properly manage memory for games.
  10. I hate how crap most patch notes are for mobile games.
  11. I hate how easily companies have manipulated user reviews.
  12. I hate that old IP I loved have only gotten mobile continuations, and that most have been garbage (Dungeon Keeper). I hate seeing a new Age of Empires that is a Clash of Clans clone, when the earlier games are far better than that.
  13. I hate that mobile has worse recommendations tools than Steam.
  14. I hate how much money shallow, derivative poorly executed games somehow manage to make bank.
Sorry, but yes.

You should see my kids play Minecraft on an iPad. Complete, accurate control. They don't even question it.

It's us old folks that have the problem (old dogs, new tricks)

Sorry, but no. My household has multiple pads & touch-screen devices. This doesn't mean they are suited to most genres. For every Minecraft there are a thousand shitty ports & MT infested piles of garbage. Touch is a very narrowly applicable interface that only works well in a small % of games.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I don't hate it, I simply can't care for it. That's like saying I hate the Ouya.

75% of the games are shit, the rest are ports and the few good "exclusive" games are either alright little time wasters or would be better on PC/consoles.
Can't think of a single mobile game that is truly great and wouldn't be massively improved if it were on PC/consoles.


It's mostly games built around one thing, grinding and you have to pay if you want to progress faster and the games lack substance.

The only mobile game I play are shmup from Cave which I find control to be great for this genre on a mobile phone/tablet.


Still haven't played a game4 where the controls really clicked. I don't want my finger over the picture in RTS or action games, controlling a "virtual stick" just feels very weird, most games are just excuses for micro transactions etc.
So many things to hate:

  1. Hate the overwhelmingly casual game focus, over something varied for multiple audiences.
  2. Both Apple and Google do a garbage job sorting that volume of content, could stand to do more to promote paid content & blatant clones continue to exist.
  3. Too many games are designed around addiction for profit, rather than fun and innovation. Not much different from gambling, except more insidious.
  4. The analytic driven nature of mobile just produces by the number content, and makes some pathetically dumb decisions. Analytics have value, but the context and reasons consumers make their decisions are still not going to be revealed by that information.
  5. I hate that games like Threes can exist, and their clones become more successful.
  6. I hate the majority of mobile games just because touch controls suck, and too often when they don't the games are simplistic because of the limitations of touch. Also sucks my screen real-estate is blocked by my fingers tapping.
  7. I hate how saved games work in mobile titles, and that since they don't generate files on iOS your backup options are limited. In general I hate the lack of a file structure in mobile OSs, though Android is better in this area.
  8. I hate that neither Google or Apple have made official controllers, that can easily dock phones, so we could get better controls, and more varied games.
  9. I hate that mobile phones still have garbage task managers, that don't properly manage memory for games.
  10. I hate how crap most patch notes are for mobile games.
  11. I hate how easily companies have manipulated user reviews.
  12. I hate that old IP I loved have only gotten mobile continuations, and that most have been garbage (Dungeon Keeper). I hate seeing a new Age of Empires that is a Clash of Clans clone, when the earlier games are far better than that.
  13. I hate that mobile has worse recommendations tools than Steam.
  14. I hate how much money shallow, derivative poorly executed games somehow manage to make bank.

Well said. I just can't ever see mobile gaming in its current status replacing tradtional gaming for me. The limitations and cons are just too many to ignore.


There was a time that i put a lot of effort into Dragon Vale.

Once i got to the later game i realized i wasn't getting anything out of playing, just wasting time.

I do like Puzzle and Dragon and plants vs zombies 2. Angry birds was awesome when it first came out.

So if your giving me interesting game play or puzzles i'm all for mobile games.


I don't like touch controls on games where it seems unintuitive. Basically if it's a game that looks like it needs buttons ala a controller - like say, a Ghouls n Ghosts game - it having touch controls is fucking AWFUL. Platformers that don't automate running are garbage on the platform. I cited that one franchise because that is indeed one made for mobile, and shows the problem perfectly. Perhaps programs can fix this, like GameKeyboard (I literally Googled this to see if a solution was ever promoted) but out of the gate, it shows the title was not honestly designed for the platform, but shoehorned.

I also dislike how most of the experiences today feel totally piecemeal. Too many games seem designed to nickle and dime you, and perhaps it's because I am used to games where you pay premium price for a full product, the nickel and diming seems entirely disingenuous, for it's more about getting more money from the user, not to expand the player's ability to experience more of the game. Those games are the cancer in the industry, and the problem with our race to the bottom.

Do all games meet those issues? Of course not, and those that don't I can actually enjoy. Hitman Go was pretty great, as were the Rayman Runner games. They lack depth as much as handheld games do, comparatively, but they fit the platform they're on.


I am playing World of Tanks Blitz, and seems like a pretty good game, but it has problems related with the platform:

*Performance: An average of less than 20 fps is horse shit, an the game while not having graphical options available to the user, hilariously has a fps display. You could argue that this is the developer fault and not the platform, but still, it's very common for mobile games to have terrible performance.

*Controls: The whole "you can get use to it" "my kids are amazing with touch screens" it's true and pointless at the same time. It doesn't matter that you can get use to it, stuff like virtual joysticks it's factually worse than the average control method on dedicated gaming platforms. You can make a game design for touch, but the flexibility of the platform is very low for lots of genres.
I don't hate it, I simply can't care for it. That's like saying I hate the Ouya.

75% of the games are shit, the rest are ports and the few good "exclusive" games are either alright little time wasters or would be better on PC/consoles.
Can't think of a single mobile game that is truly great and wouldn't be massively improved if it were on PC/consoles.
Considering that Ludum Dare entries alone combined outnumber all games on the Steam Store (estimated 10,000 Ludum Dare games since 2013 if you round about 1,500 to 2,000 entries per jam), I think the ratio of shit, shallow, or poorly made PC games to AAA and quality indies is probably similar. Of course, PC has a curated storefronts, so one can ignore the massive amounts of flash and free games, while Apple has every mobile game ever made crammed on one store.


I don't hate mobile gaming; in fact, it's completely replaced my 3DS (and dedicated handheld gaming in general) for me. It's nice not having to carry multiple devices since my phone can provide bursts of gaming on the go when I want it.

I don't really have an issue with the controls, as long as the game is built for mobile/touch to begin with. Infinite runners, pinball games (which are my favorite), and some RPGs that I've played on mobile so far control very well and I haven't missed "real buttons".

Mobile is cheap, the sound and visuals are more than adequate, the play controls are just fine in many cases, and it scratches that gaming itch when I'm not home to use my consoles.
After getting my Nvidia Shield and playing some of the popular games, I don't see the appeal of it. I play them once and that's it. I can't see people installing MKX and say "Yeah I enjoy this, I'm going to continue to play this version." The controls are just bad and even worse in 3d games. Then you have freenium games which people likes to pay instead of playing.
After getting my Nvidia Shield and playing some of the popular games, I don't see the appeal of it. I play them once and that's it. I can't see people installing MKX and say "Yeah I enjoy this, I'm going to continue to play this version." The controls are just bad and even worse in 3d games. Then you have freenium games which people likes to pay instead of playing.
Popular doesn't equal quality. MKX on mobile sucks. The vast majorly of the top-grossing stuff of mobile is trash, because it's shitty F2P. Check out stuff like Device 6, The Room, Sorcery/80 Days, etc.


Gold Member
I use my phone as a phone first, PDA second, and have a couple of games on it I never play. To me it is just such an awkward platform. Even when specifically designed and forgoing all the Free to Pay crap, it is just an all around awkward experience to me. Like playing games on my dishwasher. The device wasn't designed for that task, and it is all about 'good enough' gaming... an afterthought to the devices purpose really. I really haven't seen anything on a phone that I can say is better because it is on a phone... it may be good in spite of the platform, but it is definitely not better because of it.

On my tablets, if I do game on them, it is pretty much exclusively as a display device, and I use a separate controller and play more traditional console type games.
I don't necessarily hate mobile gaming.

It's the lack of engaging games that really separates mobile from traditional games for me.
Nothing mobile is going to grab me like, say, The Witcher 3.

However I've got nothing against them for the quick bursts of play for times when you're on a train/bus or if you're waiting somewhere like a doctor's office, mechanic, etc.

My biggest concern is that more and more companies will go the mobile arcade type game because of all the potential money to be made.


Neo Member
Honestly, I don't think any game benefits from having a smartphone as a controller. Anything you can do on a touchscreen phone can be emulated with a mouse with way better control and without taking up like 40% of the viewing screen with your thumbs. Touchscreens just aren't as responsive as a button and the limited options of controls you can make for a touchscreen limits the kinds of games you can design. I agree with all the shovel ware and bad monetization arguments, but the main thing for me is I just don't see any benefits of actually 'playing' a game on a phone.
I don't hate them per say. I have had enjoyable experiences just not many.

F2P...controls...and depth typically turn me off.

I enjoyed Puzzles and Dragons for instance but then I hit a brick wall and lost all desire to try to continue.


I think there are quite a few games that translate well to mobile devices so my hate is mostly directed at the free to play model which makes games that are somewhat drained of fun through busy work or structure designed to be maximally addictive not through being maximally fun but preying on instincts to collect, compare, engage in a rat race with other players, bait and switch into spikes in difficulty etc.

Red Mage

I don't hate mobile gaming as in the idea of gaming on mobile.

I hate them for the plague they've unleashed.
Intrusive ads, pay to not wait tactics, etc...

I have nothing against a game like Monument Valley.

Same. I like ports and the occasional original game, but many are trash.


Dont hate them but for me it is primarily the controls. The games I like to play most dont adapt well to touchscreen controls. Sure they can be functional but do not feel intuitive and more shoehorned. After that, for the games that are well suited for touchscreens, I really dont care for many of those games. Most seem to be overly simplistic tap fests.


I love buttons. I'm actually happy to press buttons, it makes games funny in my opinion. I like using ergonomic stuff instead of super-slim devices, they're great to be comfy in your pocket but that's it, a real controller is something else. I'm not a fan of f2p either, I'd rather pay for the whole thing when I buy it.

Not hating mobile, I usually play Super Hexagon on my phone. But I have that game on Steam as well and I'd rather play it there when I'm at home.
The controls are shit.

No, to be fair, the controls suck in games that are designed to mimick traditional console games.

Cut the Rope, Beat Sneak Bandit, Kingdom Rush, and countless others have near-perfect controls.

One issue is that mobile is brilliant for playing mobile games. It is not at all a replacement for traditional console gaming.

My answer: I think a lot of hate goes out to mobile gaming because of the sheer volume of F2P, F2W, and shovelware.


It's less of a hate thing, and more of how there just aren't many mobile games out there that feel worth my time.

Most of the AAA kind of games that mobile offers are in genres that don't work particularly well for touch controls, since they are ported from experiences you typically have with a controller with many buttons. Playing stuff you'd usually play on a console just doesn't work very well on mobile. Trying to play GTA III on my phone is an endeavor that just isn't worth it.

There are indeed games that work very well for mobile interfaces. Monument Valley, Device 6, Hook Champ, and plenty more. But even then, those games are bite-sized compared to what I'd find on 3DS or Vita (thankfully, those games are appropriately priced).

The only game I can think of that felt like a AAA experience that worked really well with a mobile interface was The World Ends With You: Solo Remix. However, since Square Enix refuses to update it, it cannot be played anymore on the current OS. You can't even buy it anymore.

Which leads to my biggest issue with mobile gaming. There is no real security in purchases. A game can be working perfectly fine on release, and then have a bevy of problems after release due to OS changes, and if the developer doesn't do anything about it, that game is forever lost. A game that you could play before is no longer playable. That deeply scares me. I can buy a game on one of my dedicated video game systems with confidence I'll be able to play that game as long as the system is in working order (and it isn't online only). The same can't be said about mobile games, even single-player ones.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I bought final fantasy once but i coudn't see anything because my thumb was in front of the screen.

Yea exactly. I bought up device size recently. I think thats something most ppl dont think about when debating about mobile gaming. It plays a part.

Even dedicated handhelds are a hard sell to me. I'd prefer to be playing on a big screen. With mobile also taking away many of the control options it becomes an even harder sell. I also hate the hit to battery life. I don't want my phone constantly needing charging.

Yea....I like the Vita, I play on the 3DS...but if I had to choose its home consoles.

mobile gaming in general has several similarities with the video game crash from the 80s.

There are some really nice exceptions but this is my personal view:
  • quantity is all that matters. Everyone keeps throwing out low quality games
  • everything is a copycat of a copycat of a copycat
  • games are planned as cashcows without much interaction of the player
  • people start to get annoyed by seeing the same gameplay in different skins
also touch screen controls on smaller smartphones restrain your view + you don't get direct feedback from pushing such a "button"
plus some arrogent elitist part of me doesn't want special franchises get too much casulized

Interesting view. Games all being digital and many, many ppl already having the hardware helps. Still...interesting view. I wonder what some others would have to say in response.

- The touch interface isn't very responsive on most smartphones
- The screen is a bit too small
- You hide the screen with your fingers
- Constant advertising
- Limited game design/depth because of touch and 2D only
- Often based on luck/randomness
- The game feel is mostly inexistant

I like the feeling of a real controller. I also don't like the issue of battery life, especially if I'm playing in a bright environment so have to turn screen brightness up. Playing a hardware intenstive game at max screen brightness can drain the battery of even my newish phone in a matter of hours, and unlike with a handheld, I actually still NEED my phone to have a charge when I'm done gaming, I don't want to be out and about and my phone doesn't work.

I don't hate mobile games, but I do share a lot of concerns with people in the thread.

- As an adult, my phone's battery life is intended for other things. In the cases where I find a mobile game I really like, I usually have to charge my phone more often, and getting in uncomfortable situations where I won't be able to charge for a few hours.

I don't hate mobile gaming, I just dislike the idea of it killing handheld gaming.

Since the mobile gaming industry is a race to the bottom to see who can have the cheapest game but still make a profit, as well as the lack of buttons, we end up with simplistic but ad-heavy games. Fine for a brief bus journey but not something I'd want to dedicate real time to.

All these quotes...there might be others earlier in the thread...

Device size, battery life. I think these 2 things get overlooked the most. Because a phone does more than just play games. The battery life vs a handheld cannot be matched for straight game playing...unless you do some adjusting to settings, features, etc.

For button feedback....there is haptic but I always turn that off. I was under the impression it drains the battery. I also rarely use vibrate for silenced phones.

Anyone can press a button.
Where's the challenge?

Judging by some of the replies on the last few pages....and my own: my 4 y.o. daughter is damn near a master at mobile gaming...but struggles like hell with consoles. She's ok with a PC game that uses mouse only.

Swiping and tapping a screen is miles easier than gaming controllers. But thats a good thing for mobile gaming....lol. It should be easier.


Gold Member
If I put all my time into a mobile fantasy game or something then I've wasted that much time not playing a PC or console game with artists and lore that I enjoy.

I don't like playing RPGs or MMOs that I feel were thrown together just because they made a game. I feel the same way about a lot of the mobile games.

I don't need 5 Nights at Freddy's, Goat Sim, CoD RTS, some horror game that looks like it was found in a book bin, or the RPG made with terrible controls.

I've had to delete or give up on a few games because they were simply unplayable.

Fushigi no Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren is a primary example of why it's frustrating.

One game I do like is Terra Battle, but it's still a mobile game. I also like the Square-Enix games on mobile, Hitman GO, NRS games are pretty good, and a few RPGs from SEGA. A Dark Room was fun for a few days, but nothing that has made me re-install it or the sequel.

Games like KOF and Garou: MotW have terrible controls on mobile! You can't control anything. I can't stand Capcom's fighters on mobile because it's too hard to control it.

I just don't know if my save will last. I own Vay, Lunar, and etc and its nice seeing them on my phone.

BioShock crashed on my iOS. I mean it won't even get past the opening cinematic and KOTOR wouldn't run that well either. I feel more confident that my PC could handle it better. Stuff like Horn can't run.

I've got games like GTA3 through SA, Ghost Trick, all the retro game collections, etc.

Dragon Strike, Spirit Stones, and Puzzles and Dragons all seem to be the same game but with a small mini game attached to it.
What I don't understand about mobile gaming is how they get away with ripping off Artwork from other games\anime\manga\comic books and they don't get sued.

I have seen artwork in mobile games that look like Final Fantasy 13's Lightning to Dragon Ball Z characters. How is this allowed?


Gold Member
What I don't understand about mobile gaming is how they get away with ripping off Artwork from other games\anime\manga\comic books and they don't get sued.

I have seen artwork in mobile games that look like Final Fantasy 13's Lightning to Dragon Ball Z characters. How is this allowed?

Mistwalker uses Odin, Leviathan, Bahamut, etc in Terra Battle. They're similar, but they aren't the same thing.

It's from the creator of Final Fantasy, but I've heard a list of why it's like that. I've heard everything from Japanese copyright laws being crazy to ownership of certain things such as battle systems and what not.
Odin, Leviathan, Bahamut are mythological creatures though. No one owns a patent on mythology.

I am talking artwork that are blantant rip offs of owned characters.
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