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Hate mobile gaming?


-Too shallow. Majority i've played have the gameplay depth of old flash games.
-Little to no curation on the stores = hard to find the good games.
-Monetisation schemes are terrible
-The good games are often bogged down by bad controls.


I like android emulating on my Nvidia shield. I hate native mobile games, however, despite owning an nvidia shield and trying several. I look through the store and find a handful of things I'm somewhat interested in, the majority of those I already owned elsewhere years ago and when I pick up those that I haven't played, I find I don't like them anyway. It helps that I'm wary, though not outright dismissive, of F2P games, too.

So yeah, I don't have any love at all for mobile in my heart, and it's not for lack of trying.
Microtransactions ruined it for me.

Recently played Peggle Blast. What should normally be a quality game I pay $5 for is instead something that limits you to 5 lives until you pay more money. And you always have to pay more money if you run out of lives.

Want to use another character like you normally can in Peggle? Gotta buy them. But you only get limited uses. After that, you have to buy that character AGAIN. And it's like $3 each time.

There's all these cool powerups in the game but no way to acquire them by playing. Gotta buy them.

Seems like these games are designed to nickle and dime you without you realizing it. Ruins the fun for me. So... yeah. Fuck that.


I hate it because most of the popular games don't have controller support. I hate having to use a touch screen to play Dragon Quest and play it vertically. If the games had controller support and let you change between vertical and horizontal aspect ratios I would be more receptive.

I had more hope that iOS games would have more controller support after iOS 7 came out but it just seems like the same old shit.


Other than the controls, one thing that concerns me with mobile, is that it seems to be a breeding ground for shameless ripoffs.

There's a thread floating on the front page that said Vanillaware. I decided to check it out and uh,


If I didn't know better, I thought I was looking at Dragon's Crown, ha.

Not that mobile is the only industry that does this, but I do question if it's the most blatant of them all.
Saw a thread of this game a while ago. People seem to think it's fun. I tried it and outside of the bosses, it's basically 'press auto-play to win'.


the games are either too simple and don't hold my attention for too long or they're too complicated for a mobile device or destroy the battery life much too quick. however, in the 7 or so years that i've had a smartphone, there have been a couple games that i've played for longer than usual. jewels arcade (a match3), subway surfer (infinite runner w/ lanes) and the most recently, the angry bird transformers game, which i think is kinda fun to pass the time in short spurts. i've tried many many android games that i've got thru hb sales and none have ever really sold me on it.


The problem for me is that, usually if they are available on pc or on a console or handheld I'd much rather play it there simply because of the controls. Secondly, they mostly tend to be boring slogs filled with microtransactions. That Marvel ultimate alliance like game on mobile was actually kindo f fun to play, but jesus it takes for fucking ever to unlock and upgrade heroes. I don't have that kind of time to waste on things like that.

That said there are a few games on mobile I had a lot of fun with, spelltower, lyne and hitman go especially. Hitman go is beautifully crafted I just wish it was a tiny bit more complex and had better secondary objectives. I loved the aesthetic and the gameplay is superb. There's no microtransactions crap in it either. I really wish they made a second one. I guess I just prefer puzzle games on mobile since they tend to take up little space and resources but can still be really complex and engaging where it's not overly reliant on the controls.


I don't hate mobile games, I just don't have much interest in them. To me mobile games are competing with mobile web browsing and such, which I find more compelling.


I don't even have a mobile device, so I'm pretty disinterested. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything though.


I didn't like it when I had a smaller phone.

But now I have one with a 5.5" screen, my thumbs/fingers don't get in the way of the action and I can see what's going on. All's good.
It's the shitty controls mainly then it's the whole filled with micro transactions thing.

Well put.

The games that are really good, and well designed, tend to be hard for me to purchase, because I know I wont play them due to shitty controls.

The fact that everything else I do on my smartphone also vies for that same screen and battery life doesn't help.

I like my Vita because it's just for games, has buttons and analog sticks, and games I like.
My phone deals with phone stuff....and stupid social media stuff.
I keep the two worlds separate.


- Almost all of it is shovelware (perhaps because of low-restrictions and self-publishing)
- Controls are usually crap/unresponsive
- Small screens / Your fingers obstructing the view (maybe doesn't apply to tablets)
- They force you to make purchases in order to enjoy the game to its full potential (or even at all), sometimes on a regular basis (there is no way to buy the entire package at once and forget about it).
- Can be convoluted with unnecessarily complex pseudo-RPG/Gacha mechanics that ruin the game.
- Technically speaking, they usually fall way behind what is capable in other "dedicated platforms"

Notice how I'm not including all mobile games, just the majority of them.
Mobile (smartphone) gaming isn't my preferred way of gaming. There are a few games that I do enjoy on playing on my phone-- Threes and Super Hexagon. The next one that I am waiting for is Downwell.

That said I maybe put in at most 1 hour in a whole month using my smartphone as a gaming device. I don't have a long commute and am pretty busy with my life outside of where I live and when I'm at home I'd rather play games on my PC or Vita. With the exception of a few games, Most mobile games are huge time wasters or pretty terrible in my opinion.
The amount of mobile games released in past half decade years is more than games released on all consoles ever released combined, and that is saying something.

When market is this over saturated, a lot of bad games and money grabbing games make it through, and the lack of any "Seal of Quality" is what prevents me from buying or showing interest in mobile games.

I love mobile gaming (when done right), but they're always filled with hateful microtransactions.


Controls are mostly garbage, games have no depth at all, instead they're repetitive and force you to grind, most of them have forced facebook interaction, and microtransactions are EVERYWHERE. Also, they took away Japan from us.
The amount of mobile games released in past half decade years is more than games released on all consoles ever released combined, and that is saying something.

When market is this over saturated, a lot of bad games and money grabbing games make it through, and the lack of any "Seal of Quality" is what prevents me from buying or showing interest in mobile games.

I love mobile gaming (when done right), but they're always filled with hateful microtransactions.
There are tons of quality premium games with zero microtransactions. Check out the monthly IOS threads or the Why IOS Rocks thread


Sure, I hate it if it means the gradual destruction/reduction of the more traditional types of video games that made me an enthusiast in the first place.
In the beginning, I felt comfortable dismissing mobile games. There was no content that I found compelling. However, over time I started to find interesting games. Games like:

* Deemo
* Device 6
* 80 Days
* Lifeline
* Shadow Blade
* Sword and Sworcery
* Battleheart

All of them paid applications and each of them providing an experience I could dig into. I think it'll only continue to get better with time. I'm optimistic about the future of mobile gaming.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
I like playing on the IPad, but I am saddened to see that mobile's growth has basically killed Portable Console's third party lineup, and the lack of Japanese games is holding me back from buying a PS4.
In the beginning, I felt comfortable dismissing mobile games. There was no content that I found compelling. However, over time I started to find interesting games. Games like:

* Deemo
* Device 6
* 80 Days
* Lifeline
* Shadow Blade
* Sword and Sworcery
* Battleheart

All of them paid applications and each of them providing an experience I could dig into. I think it'll only continue to get better with time. I'm optimistic about the future of mobile gaming.
I recommend checking out Dark Echo and Hero Emblems. The former is a really cool minimalist horror exploration game where you navigate the environment with sound (think Daredevil radar vision); the latter's a 30-hour plus premium Match-3 RPG.


I don't hate mobile gaming. I have quite a few problems with it though

-The race to the bottom on app/game pricing has all but forced dev's to put tons of meters, currencies, requests for social advertising, and other F2P nonsense in the way of their game. There have been a few times I've checked out a game and thought 'there's something interesting here' only to have that negated by some obvious money grab that adds nothing beneficial to my experience. I get why they almost have to do this, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

-I lost interest in arcade style games years ago. I enjoy playing them but only for a few minutes. I don't enjoy mastering a game to get a higher score (at least not since the 2600 days). And it seems that this is a style that is more suited to mobile. Runners, Puzzle games (Sorry Threes! I just find you terribly boring even if you're charming as hell), and that sort of thing just don't grab me.

-Controls are unsuitable to the majority of genre's I like. If there is a virtual dpad on the screen, I'm not going to bother.

-Probably the most important for me, I HATE playing games on small screens. This is not a phone only issue for me. I've owned most handhelds ever made, I almost never take them anywhere and have to force myself to play them because I simply cannot get drawn in to such tiny screens. Even my laptop feels like some weird claustrophobic constriction when I work on it. Hard to explain but I just cannot fully enjoy myself while playing a game on a phone (or handheld).

They aren't going away but hopefully some of their problems do.


Gold Member
Games are boring, controls are horrible, and they are filled with microtransactions. I might game on mobile, but only with emulators.
I guess for a while my ipad was my main source of gaming so I managed to do the research and end up with a very, very impressive library. I'm not talking about 30 second time wasters either. Rpgs, point and click adventure, the amazing games of simogo and other fantastic mobile developers. hell I probably spent close to a hundred hours with monster hunter freedom unite on my ipad. Played with a dualshock 4 and full online functionality which is more than I can say for the psp games. In fact, i'd say Monster hunter on ipad was far and away the best portable monster hunter i've played. I just realized I have baulders gate II on there and never even played it! Sure there's about a million shovelware gargabe f2p games but that never factored into my opinion of mobile gaming because I simply ignored them.

again, just download the touch arcade app and you're good to go.
I only play games where you explore big 3D worlds with good controls and combat systems. (Dark Souls, Zelda, Ico/SOTC kinda games) So mobile doesn't really appeal to me at all.

Obviously if Apple made an official controller for the iphones and stuff and they started making the kinds of games I like I'd play them.


I like mobile gaming, there's tons of great games without IAP or a pay 2 win model.
The iOS gaming thread is a great source.


I don't hate mobile games. I love my smartphone, but playing a game on it is the last thing I want to do on that device.

There are so many other things I use my phone for. Texting, calling, browsing the web(gaf included), twitter, youtube, reading books/comics/manga, netflix, Twitch.tv, etc. Gaming on a phone is just something that is not appealing to me anymore.

If anything I hate when games made for traditional platforms are butchered by converting them for phones. I also strongly dislike what mobile gaming has done to the traditional games industry (especially in japan). I just don't hate the games themselves.


I don't hate them, but I do hate that a generation of kids are growing up thinking that's all gaming is about (get off my lawn!)
Most mobile games aren't for me, they are too shallow,and often have terrible controls.

Hearthstone is the only game I play on my phone.
Once controls improve, mobile gaming will have a second boom. I beat metal gear solid on my phone and I was amazed how good it looked on my phone, but damn the controls really required an effort.


Neo Member
Only mobile game I like is angry birds star wars and that's because the controls actually work for it. Even then it's just a filler for me waiting for a meeting to start, when I get home I've never sat down and even played it. I don't consider mobile gaming on the same level of console/PC gaming at all.

If mobile became the only way to play games I would quit gaming.


My thoughts echo others that it's not hatred, more so that I just have no interest. If I'm on a commute I'd rather read or listen to a podcast, and if I'm at home I'd rather play games on a console or PC.
Only mobile game I like is angry birds star wars and that's because the controls actually work for it. Even then it's just a filler for me waiting for a meeting to start, when I get home I've never sat down and even played it. I don't consider mobile gaming on the same level of console/PC gaming at all.

If mobile became the only way to play games I would quit gaming.
FTL and Papers Please on iPad are the definite ways to experience those games IMO. Papers Please has an added tactile element that playing with KB/M doesn't and enhances the experience, and FTL controls effortlessly
Funny how many if not most "reasons" said in this topic apply to consoles and other handhelds too, with difference being that you get banned for drive-bying a "Xbox games are shit" comments


Mobile (smartphone) gaming isn't my preferred way of gaming. There are a few games that I do enjoy on playing on my phone-- Threes and Super Hexagon. The next one that I am waiting for is Downwell.

That said I maybe put in at most 1 hour in a whole month using my smartphone as a gaming device. I don't have a long commute and am pretty busy with my life outside of where I live and when I'm at home I'd rather play games on my PC or Vita. With the exception of a few games, Most mobile games are huge time wasters or pretty terrible in my opinion.
Downwell seems to be interesting.

But yeah I mostly play Super Hexagon, Deemo and Drop7. Well, "used to play" would be more accurate. Now I just play them randomly on the rarest of occasions.

As for all the other mobile shovelware releases (like 99.9% of mobile games) I see no reason to bother with 'em when I have a lot of real games to play on other platforms. If something simple and innovative comes out though that's actually fun to play and not some mindless click-fest, auto-win freemium trash I'm willing to give it a shot.
Funny how many if not most "reasons" said in this topic apply to consoles and other handhelds too, with difference being that you get banned for drive-bying a "Xbox games are shit" comments
Heh, it gets pretty annoying. It's like how people get frustrated with flame wars and certain consoles getting bashed, except constant and tinged with ignorance


I don't hate it. I play Clash of Clans quite a bit. I actually have an android tablet that is basically a CoC player at this point.
I don't hate it. I play Clash of Clans quite a bit. I actually have an android tablet that is basically a CoC player at this point.

boom beach was fun for a while too. never really got into those types of games though. at least not long enough to get anywhere. I really enjoyed game of thrones ascent, although I'm aware it's pretty different from something like clash of clans.


Neo Member
I have yet to find a mobile game that holds my attention. Console like games always have a virtual dpad which I find unreliable. The arcade ones bore me after a few minutes of play. Games like Candy Crush are ruined with fb integration and pay walls. I'll continue supporting Nintendo as long as they make hand helds.


I echo many of the sentiments here, but due to the pricing structure and the fact that it's becoming so dominant, I hate it because it's damaging the industry. Once proud and respected developers are just turning to it as their sole focus, and due to the issues people have already brought up, it's horrific.

One day, the bubble will burst and the industry will have an 80s style collapse due to it


Most games are bad
The controls are almost always bad
Most games have worse or more intusive micro transactions
Playing them drains the battery way too fast
Pretty much all games make the phone way too hot
Your hands start hurting after a while

Whats not to dislike?
I hate it because as much as I try I have to Wade through 200 horrible games to find one possible gem that may appeal to me and then after that I realize it's yet another freemium game. If I even see them selling gems for 99.99$ I uninstall the app.

Then there's the bugs or the fact that many games on the app store are woefully outdated. For example FF3 for ios hasn't been updated in nearly a year and there's a nasty bug where the game crashes when put into the background and resumed or locking the device while the game is in the foreground then resumed. I often need to multitask on my phone. It sucks to lose progress when I use my phone as intended.

Closest thing I can find to Diablo on my phone is dungeon hunter and that sold it's soul to freemium. I don't mind playing for content but too many games intentionally bog down the experience to "pursuade" the user to invest in coins/gems.

I'd rather spend 40$ and get a Full game, no bullshit. And if I want to pay more I'm buying content. Not gems or healing potions or more tries.

I've gone through so many ios games and while I still WANT mobile gaming to be fun it's hard. Even now I jut put on hearthstone and started playing. I'm really bad at the game so I never made much progress. But I'm finally having a match I've been stuck on going my way and my daughter wakes up. Time to feed her a bottle. So I put the game in the background and make sure no other apps are open. Come back 30 minutes later and resume and the thing crashes. Just sloppy. I'd rather game on my vita or 3ds and know my game will be there when I get back.

All I know is I've been hunting for an rpg on ios that I can play. Something meaty with a good grind so I can feel powerful after I put the time in. I would enjoy FF3 or FF4 but crash bugs prevent it. Sigh. Mobile is breaking my gaming heart....

I had two weeks of mobile gaming bliss when battle heart legacy came out. It's outstanding. But the developers for that game (mika mobile) aren't good at either selling new content via expansions or any type of post-launch support. But for those two weeks I played that game it was better than anything.
I hate it because as much as I try I have to Wade through 200 horrible games to find one possible gem that may appeal to me and then after that I realize it's yet another freemium game. If I even see them selling gems for 99.99$ I uninstall the app.

Then there's the bugs or the fact that many games on the app store are woefully outdated. For example FF3 for ios hasn't been updated in nearly a year and there's a nasty bug where the game crashes when put into the background and resumed or locking the device while the game is in the foreground then resumed. I often need to multitask on my phone. It sucks to lose progress when I use my phone as intended.

Closest thing I can find to Diablo on my phone is dungeon hunter and that sold it's soul to freemium. I don't mind playing for content but too many games intentionally bog down the experience to "pursuade" the user to invest in coins/gems.

I'd rather spend 40$ and get a Full game, no bullshit. And if I want to pay more I'm buying content. Not gems or healing potions or more tries.

I've gone through so many ios games and while I still WANT mobile gaming to be fun it's hard. Even now I jut put on hearthstone and started playing. I'm really bad at the game so I never made much progress. But I'm finally having a match I've been stuck on going my way and my daughter wakes up. Time to feed her a bottle. So I put the game in the background and make sure no other apps are open. Come back 30 minutes later and resume and the thing crashes. Just sloppy. I'd rather game on my vita or 3ds and know my game will be there when I get back.

All I know is I've been hunting for an rpg on ios that I can play. Something meaty with a good grind so I can feel powerful after I put the time in. I would enjoy FF3 or FF4 but crash bugs prevent it. Sigh. Mobile is breaking my gaming heart....
Bears repeating that we discuss and recommend games in the monthly IOS threads, plus the IOS Rocks thread. Many of which are premium.
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