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Hate mobile gaming?


I don't hate them, just don't care for them due to them either not being good, or having terrible controls.

I also don't like how publisher try chasing the mobile market by piling all their eggs on it and ignoring their core fans, when there's room for both.

But eh Mother enjoys playing Candy Crush so I am not too fussed.


My problem with mobile gaming is mostly that it drains phone batteries. There is no mobile pocket hardware out there that is made for gaming, it is a burden to play games on phones because of this.

Having everything be touch only is not as big a deal as it seems, but it does make it very hard to have games like Smash on it which require complex precision inputs.
I don't hate them, just lack of interest.

Did get into Angry Birds a bit, other than that it's meh.

I wish I had the disposable income to get an iphone. Then at least I'd have some incentive to make purchases since they have a slightly better library than Android. At least Apple has some kind of quality control compared to the Google Play store.

Quality control is similar for both, the difference is Apple makes sure to hide them from the front page of the App Store.


I don't like the F2P crap in many of the games and I'd rather pay $10-$20 for the full thing, but I don't mind mobile gaming.

As the concept of "games on the go" I think it's way better than handheld gaming/consoles
What is mobile gaming?

I just don´t care about it.

TV Consoles > Handhelds > Mobile. I just have a 3DS from my kid and I use it rarely, I don't have too much time to play, so I want to spend it on the TV.

I really wish Nintendo´s next console runs the handheld games because I know some 3DS games are really good, but because of the above I don't play them.
- The controls are shit
- Full of micro transactions
- Derivative as hell
- Shoehorned ports of real games
- Causes cancer
- Barely fun for 5 minutes
- Not enough life and hometown


Games like Spider, Alto, and Minecraft have changed my mind on the potential that mobile games have to offer.

F2P games and micro-transactions are still disgusting to me however and can go fuck off.

I'm honestly quite excited to see what Nintendo will bring to the table, assuming they retain dignity in thier business ethics and offer complete experiences.


have tried a few and its all shovelware time waisters u could honestly find more fun on a flash games website haha.
There are 20-30 awful games with micro-transactions per 1 good Steam game?

Really? You believe that? That is ridiculous.

Yeah, exaggerating for sure but have you ever looked at steam greenlight? they are certainly in competition with app store and google play for 'most shovelware' although admittedly they still have some catching up to do.

Regardless, There are enough worthwhile titles on Mobile that look and control great with generous, complete content to keep you busy literally forever. It's got a much much better library overall than the wii U or Vita for example. And the list of award winning games that actually play better on mobile is growing. FTL, papers please and hearthstone for a few examples.


Why not just charge a one time fee of all transactions needed to fully enjoy the games - fucking backwards-engineer some kind of handheld controller that plugs into the charging/audio port...Ultimately, I think mobile games suck because I have huge hands.


The business model is completely different. It's not what console or PC gamers are used to, or the demographic for most mobile games. So it's kinda dumb to hate something not for me.

Well, it's fair to hate the nefarious FTP models that exist only create addicts
Mobile games are a scam (well, half of them are). Most of games I've bought from appstore all disappeared and I can never redownload them. This happens when the devs stopped updating their game or just remove the game from appstore altogether for some unknown reason.
The prospect of easy huge profits are driving once respectable developers/publishers into away from consoles/pc and now they're making mediocre cash grabs.
All of this is also leading to the cannibalization of the handheld market and its exctinction would be a terrible loss.

On top of that terrible models like microtransactions are infecting non-mobile games too.


An almost complete lack of business models I approve of is why I avoid mobile gaming. I don't want f2p with extras, timed slots, or any of that shit. I just want to pay X amount for a game, no DLC/microtransactions, and just play the hell out of it.

quoted for all games out there. dont mind which platform, its just, that i dont want incomplete games out there. oh and fuck digital.
i would love vita games, if there would be some games except the launch-games and dont tell me about the steam adaptations.

i freaking love the hell out of my 3ds. these days my most played platform next to my wii u.

sad, that there is no other "psp".

the vita had the guts, but everyone is giving shit about the vita.
Yep. My main reason for hating mobile games. An on-screen touch stick for moving is not the same as an actual analog stick.

FTL, papers please and hearthstone all control way, way better on ios. and games designed for it are for sure the way to go. Analog stick isn't the end all be all of control schemes. In my opinion it's a stopgap to something better down the line.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Every now and then, i try one to see if something changed.

Generally, in the rpg\tactics genre, so controls aren't really a problem.

And yet, they manage to fail me every single time, with variants of excessively simplicistic design, stamina bars, excessive grinding, and generally being asked every roughly five seconds to spend money.

Square puts out something passable every now and then, like four heroes of light. Heavensstrike was terrible.

Mainly, 80%+ of the platform is basically Clicker Heroes dressed up well, and the highs really aren't worth wading through the crap.


Yeah, exaggerating for sure but have you ever looked at steam greenlight? they are certainly in competition with app store and google play for 'most shovelware' although admittedly they still have some catching up to do.

If you go to Steam and click free to play, there are 276 games listed. I wonder how many of those 276 are even as bad as the mobile F2P titles.

There are over 5000 games on Steam.

Greenlight isn't representative of Steam at all. But also, there is only one F2P game listed on Greenlight.

It isn't just an exaggeration, it's not even a comparison. It is, as I said, ridiculous.


The existence of shovelware doesn't negate the genuinely good games that also exist.

This 100%. I don't play a lot of mobile games, and I agree that most of them are complete trash. However, there are also some great games that work with the hardware. Threes might be one of my most played games of 2014, and I only started to get into Hearthstone once I could have it with me at all times. I think most of the mobile hate comes from handheld gamers who are sad to see their platform slowly die (and I do feel for those people). However, if we started condeming a platform just because it has a lot of shit games, then we should also stop buying games on Steam.


Good mobile games are games I'd never play anywhere else--Crossy Road, Super Hexagon and 10000000 play best on a phone. (Tablet games have a blurrier distinction as I'd play Hearthstone and XCom on either a tablet or a PC. I could play them on a phone but only as a last resort.)

Ultimately I wouldn't care if mobile games disappeared tomorrow and were replaced with Nokia snake since they all serve the same function despite the fancy dressing--to distract me when the only alternative is boredom. Even the best mobile games wouldn't be missed since at worst I'll only feel their absence for a minute or so before losing the urge or opportunity to play them.


Fear of getting addicted to a money gobbling skinner box. And for the games without iaps, how the hell do you find the good ones in the piles of shit?
If you go to Steam and click free to play, there are 276 games listed. I wonder how many of those 276 are even as bad as the mobile F2P titles.

There are over 5000 games on Steam.

Greenlight isn't representative of Steam at all. But also, there is only one F2P game listed on Greenlight.

It isn't just an exaggeration, it's not even a comparison. It is, as I said, ridiculous.

dude no need to be so agressive lol. Take out 'f2p' then my point still stands, steam is currently a fucking cesspool of garbage. To deny that is to deny reality. there are 5000 games on steam? cool, there are another 4000 steam titles that have been greenlit. And how long has the greenlight program existed again? a couple of years? lol . what the app store needs, like steam, is good curation. I don't really feel like steam curator really helps this, however app store has touch arcade, which has helped me as much enjoyment from mobile as any other platform.


I'm indifferent to them honestly, I just prefer having more tactile physical controls. I've had fun with mobile games, but I don't really play them regularly. Rather play on a dedicated hand-held. When I first got my 3GS in 09' tho, I was all about that life.


I like when the developers make games that make advantage of the media.

But the one who dominate the market are mostly trash games.


dude no need to be so agressive lol. Take out 'f2p' then my point still stands, steam is currently a fucking cesspool of garbage. To deny that is to deny reality. what the app store needs, like steam, is good curation. I don't really feel like steam curator really helps this, however app store has touch arcade, which has helped me as much enjoyment from mobile as any other platform.

How am I being aggressive? By using facts and real world examples to back up what I said?

Take out 'F2P' and the entire argument changes, and I might not have even replied, but even then, Steam is nowhere near as bad as the App store.

If you need more examples or facts for this, let me know how you'd like it best pointed out to you. Before you respond, I suggest you take into account the ~5,000 games on Steam vs the 1,000,000+ apps on the store.
- awful controls + your hands are constantly in the way of the screen
- doubtful business model (P2W, microtransactions)
- 99% of the games are plain awful (this is an estimation)
- in the unlikely event there is a worthwhile game on mobile, I'd prefer to play it on a dedicated gaming platform (PC/console)
- they drain my precious battery

I wouldn't say I hate them, I just find no interest in them. When I'm on foot I prefer to read or listen to something anyway; I don't feel the need for a timewaster.
How am I being aggressive? By using facts and real world examples to back up what I said?

Take out 'F2P' and the entire argument changes, and I might not have even replied, but even then, Steam is nowhere near as bad as the App store.

If you need more examples or facts for this, let me know how you'd like it best pointed out to you. Before you respond, I suggest you take into account the ~5,000 games on Steam vs the 1,000,000+ apps on the store.

ok ok, I reworded my statement, just for you and you still seem mad. a couple points though. there are 5000 games on steam, ok fine. There are around 4300 steam greenlit games currently. That's staggering.

also, 1 million apps does not equal 1 million games lol. for instance, there are probably about 100 apps just to tune my guitar. Are those games? can you chill now?
Outside of Fruit Ninja, I just can't get into it. Even then, I don't play that much at all.

Mobile gaming just doesn't do it for me. I find it boring, and have a hard time equating them with console or PC games.

I've tried several, but the controls suck, the genres (puzzle, strategy, instant runners, etc.) usually aren't interesting and they bore me.
Terrible controls and freemium garbage.

If mobile games would start offering full, complete and well thought out games and not riddle them with micro transactions, then they may get my consideration.


1. I'm not a fan of F2P games. They are just not fun, even on consoles. Considering most mobile games tend to go this route, I just won't bother investing time or money.
2. I don't like touch controls. Controller or bust.
3. I use my phone for talking/sms/gps/emailing. Gaming would absolutely drain my battery and prevent me from doing the essentials. I do carry a charger with me, but it's just a hassle when I'm not home.
4. Most games don't pique my interest. They're either too simple or boring. I tend to stick with brain games like Sudoku or any puzzle games.


Grandma's Chippy
Freemium, transaction based overload.

Most games I bore of quickly anyway.

1 game on iPad (Bloons 5) and zero games on my phone.

I can see me putting the FF games or other ports of old RPGs on iPad though.


ok ok, I reworded my statement, just for you and you still seem mad. a couple points though. there are 5000 games on steam, ok fine. There are around 4300 steam greenlit games currently. That's staggering.

also, 1 million apps does not equal 1 million games lol. for instance, there are probably about 100 apps just to tune my guitar. Are those games? can you chill now?

Where'd I say 1 million apps = 1 million games? Would you prefer I said 200,000 games? 100,000 games? Compared to 5,000, of which 276 are F2P, with ~360 F2P greenlit, how does it matter?

Backpedal harder.

This is why there is so much misinformation and bullshit across gaming message boards.


also any game with stamina you have to pay to recharge and daily prizes for bothering to come back

fuck off


Plus 99% of games made for mobile are made SPECIFICALLY to generate money for the developer.

I feel so strongly about this subject.

I KNOW video games and developers are a BUSINESS. but i feel like a lot of Console/PC developers are making games to bring a story or their artwork to fans. theres Creativity that goes into games. I feel that a lot of Console/PC devs dont make games solely to make money. its not the only focus of the game. they want to entertain, they want to push limits, they want to showcase talent and art and new techniques. they DO want to make money from their games, but a lot of creative processes are also showcased.

Mobile on the other hand have NO creative processes attached to them. Generally they market it to try appealing to a specific demographic be it nostalgia, or namedropping. Devs making a secret of mana game? theyre targeting that mana fan crowd. Dungeon Keeper? you get drawn to it because of the name.

However, the intent of this isnt to appeal to the fans. its to generate more money.

These games then charge you for everything from time restraints (pay to play longer!) to standard items. (are you dying too often? buy HP potions!)

They arent REALLY making these games for fans. theyre making games they think fans might buy, in order to make more money from in game purchases. all creativity is thrown out the window in favor of money making tactics.

Just to reiterate... it IS a business... however with mobile gaming its almost always JUST ABOUT the business. No one cares about the gameplay or if the story is engaging any more. they only care that you have to spend money to fight the boss dragon at the end of chapter one scene one. (for 30$ more you can buy scene two, and for 50$ extra you can buy chapter two!)

This is all evidenced by the infinite amount of "CLONE" games. no one is making original games... theyre all just copying each other to make a quick buck. its no longer entertainment.
Where'd I say 1 million apps = 1 million games? Would you prefer I said 200,000 games? 100,000 games? Compared to 5,000, of which 276 are F2P, with ~360 F2P greenlit, how does it matter?

Backpedal harder.

This is why there is so much misinformation and bullshit across gaming message boards.
PC gaming is a lot bigger than Steam. App Store includes every IOS game, so equating that to Steam, which only has a curated selection of PC games, is not exactly equal.

And yes, it is a relatively small selection. 5000 games on Steam. One Ludum Dare jam has 2000+ entries
Where'd I say 1 million apps = 1 million games? Would you prefer I said 200,000 games? 100,000 games? Compared to 5,000, of which 276 are F2P, with ~360 F2P greenlit, how does it matter?

Backpedal harder.

This is why there is so much misinformation and bullshit across gaming message boards.

Dude it's not backpedaling if I admit my initial post was horribly inaccurate, apologize and then reword it completely to better convey my meaning. Haha. Sorry I've got you so worked up.

Also, the part where you said app store has a million apps vs the 5000 steam games is where you heavily, and wrongly implied that the app store has 1 million games. At least it certainly seemed that way, unless there was some point I'm missing in comparing the apps on the app store to the games on steam.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I don't hate mobile games. Some of them, like Hitman Go, are very well done. It has less to do with mobile games vs. PC/console games and more to do with mobile games vs. everything else I can be doing with my phone's battery life. The games are not consistently at a high enough quality level to top the priority list on my mobile device usage.
I don't hate mobile games. Some of them, like Hitman Go, are very well done. It has less to do with mobile games vs. PC/console games and more to do with mobile games vs. everything else I can be doing with my phone's battery life. The games are not consistently at a high enough quality level to top the priority list on my mobile device usage.

this is a sensible post and the main reason I don't do mobile anymore. Still, there is a wealth of quality games on ios. Full featured, engaging games that you will play and enjoy for many many hours. It is too bad that the just suck you battery and take up so much space.

I think my biggest beef with ios gaming in particular is the inability to keep your save files. If i could delete a game but keep the save data, I would probably play more. as it is, icloud is barely utilized, works poorly when it is and I hate starting over in games because i needed to delete them for space.


I don't like games where you don't have much interaction. There is so little interaction amongst the millions of games on mobile. Not only that, they are shovelware clones with horrible graphics and art.
If you need more examples or facts for this, let me know how you'd like it best pointed out to you. Before you respond, I suggest you take into account the ~5,000 games on Steam vs the 1,000,000+ apps on the store.
Steam isn't the only part of pc gaming. To quote major bad ass, the appstore is if you took every single game on PC and put it on one store. Steam is just a more quality part of pc gaming. And there are ways to separate the bad stuff from the good stuff on the app store; look at the top paid games list, check out editors choice section, or one of apples "pay once" sections.
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