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Haven't been to the dentist in four years, am I already dead?

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So yeah, realized the last time I was at a dentist was... a considerable amount of time ago. Now I brush my teeth nearly every morning and night, and I've had no real pain or discomfort.

What's my outlook like? Will I need that metal support thing Lisa Simpson has?
So yeah, realized the last time I was at a dentist was... a considerable amount of time ago. Now I brush my teeth nearly every morning and night, and I've had no real pain or discomfort.

What's my outlook like? Will I need that metal support thing Lisa Simpson has?

How long are we talking?

I recently left it 6 years between appointments and only needed 2 fillings. Like you I took generally decent care of my teeth always brushing at least two times a day. The dentist said he was amazed my teeth were in decent condition since it had been so long and he was expecting it to be a lot worse when I told him my last appointment was 6 years ago.

Two fillings and a scale and polish set me back about £50, now I am back to going every 6 months.


I haven't been to the dentist in forever as well. Probably close to 4-5 years now. Only brush once a day and don't floss. No real issues either. But I do have an appointment in 1 hour! So I'll let you know if we are already dead.
I haven't been to the dentist in forever as well. Probably close to 4-5 years now. Only brush once a day and don't floss. No real issues either. But I do have an appointment in 1 hour! So I'll let you know if we are already dead.

You and me Sec0nd...


1999. I've got a broken molar for about 2 or 3 years now. I'm sure I'll need at least a root canal. Waiting till I have a little $ saved up. Or it gets infected and makes me miserable


Didn't go for over 10 years and when i went everything was fine. And that's about 5 years ago, so i'll probably wait another five.


I didn't go for like 8 years. My teeth were pretty bad. The bill was like 600 euros by the time they were done fixing my mouth.

Now I go every year.


It´s really individual. Chances are, if you gums are not bleeding and the teeth look undamaged then you probably only have a few holes.


I went to the dentist in late 2013 for the first time in something like twenty years. Would only brush in the mornings, and floss very infrequently.

I only needed a clean.

I'm not going to push my luck in the same way again any time soon, though!


I didn't really brush that much growing up. Yes I really mean that. Bad breath included.

Never needed fillings and no other issues, and the dentist always said my teeth are good (albiet I could use braces for my gap).

Not brushing >>>> badly brushing.

Now I do once a day with baby brushes and floss once a day after meals. Dentist is happy, and still doesn't do anything but check.

Never had wisdom tooth pain either.


I hadn't gone for 6 or 7 years, just needed a cleaning and two fillings. No biggie.

That was on a single brushing per day/no flossing or mouthwash diet. Now I brush twice a day and use Batman wash. I think you'll be okay, OP.


I hadn't gone for 6 or 7 years, just needed a cleaning and two fillings. No biggie.

That was on a single brushing per day/no flossing or mouthwash diet. Now I brush twice a day and use Batman wash. I think you'll be okay, OP.
Tell me about this Batman wash


I got you way beat OP. I won't say how long it had been, but it was a long time. I needed 5 fillings and a tooth removed. The removal has more to do with the fact that I had broken the tooth a while ago and not because of some freak cavity. I was stupid for waiting so long,

Also, last time I went to the dentist there was a girl there that had never been to the dentist and she was 15.


Gold Member
I haven't been to the dentist for around 20 years straight until 2 years ago when I had to go because of a wisdom tooth (Note, I never had any real problems before that).

After that wisdom tooth thing I am going to the dentist more regularly but ironically have more problems with my teeth then ever before. Problems started when my dentist convinced me to take out my amalgam fillings, after which I had huge problems with one tooth. I ended up with a root treatment for this tooth, after which a part of it broke and had to be fixed. I still batshit mad about this because originally I didn't even want to take out the old fillings.

Anyway, even though it's a dead tooth now I lately noticed that he (thank god not painfully) reacts to warm meals. Go figure...

I guess what I want to say is that you shouldn't bother that much. As shown with my case, going to the dentist can actually make things worse. Just take care of your teeth properly (aka brush twice a day, floss and use mouth flushing), then you won't need a dentist aside from maybe a thorough cleaning every 1-2 years.
My last dentist appointment was in 1997. I'm down about 6 teeth to decay at this point. None of them incisors, though, so I pass as a normal human.


1999. I've got a broken molar for about 2 or 3 years now. I'm sure I'll need at least a root canal. Waiting till I have a little $ saved up. Or it gets infected and makes me miserable

Is there no way to get insurance? My issuance covers 90% preventive work and 60% of removal/root canals. I had a 50 deductible and have since paid about 150 total for the fillings and extraction. My last visit was $21. If you've got dental insurance, it is usually good, and should be taken advantage of.


Is there no way to get insurance? My issuance covers 90% preventive work and 60% of removal/root canals. I had a 50 deductible and have since paid about 150 total for the fillings and extraction. My last visit was $21. If you've got dental insurance, it is usually good, and should be taken advantage of.
Yeah I've only relatively recently got dental insurance again (after years without), so it's definitely on my list of things to look into soon. I should probably get a physical as well!


For a while there, the last time I had been to the dentist was when I was 18ish and on my dad's insurance. After that, I didn't go to the dentist until last year, when I was 31.

No cavities or anything. I was shocked. All I had was a large buildup of whatever it is that they scrape away during regular cleanups.

I suppose I shouldn't have been shocked, since I did brush my teeth every day and they didn't hurt or anything.


at last, for christ's sake
last time I went there was in 200. I definitely need a cleaning despite brushing two times a day


I didn't go for over 10 years until I had to take my wisdom teeth out. dentist even said I had enviable teeth. so there's that.
I went to the dentist in March 2014 for the first time in 8 years, came away with 6 small cavities. Not bad for all the candy that I eat.


A cleaning with some fillings. If you're extremely unlucky you will need a root canal but given you don't have any pain you'll probably be fine.

The cleaning will be the most uncomfortable part since you haven't had one in so long.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I've never been to a dentist in all my life. just brush regularly and i have perfectly fine teeth. Its only an issue if you make it an issue OP.


It's all about genes and luck. I know people who smoke daily, drink a lot and don't even floss but still maintain perfect looking teeth (their dentist even say they're impressed by how good they look).

Others have to take great care of their teeth just to get an "okay" look and prevent them from deteriorating.

That's the lottery of life.


Didn't go in 12 years, had to go in because of a broken tooth, dentist gave me a complete checkup and apart from some mild gum irritation and scale, I was perfectly fine.


I went four years once. No cavities or anything but the huge pieces of plaque they were chipping off looked like fingernail clippings. It was groooossss. Enjoy.

I'm fine! Nothing wrong with my teeth. Gotta go back there next week to get rid of some calculus whatever that might be though.

Hard plaque deposits isn't it? Good to hear, hopefully I'm not dead either... haven't got an appointment until February, but with any luck I'll not be coming out with hundreds of fillings.

My teeth have always been quite naturally yellow... which isn't entirely reassuring.


Why wouldn't you go? I don't understand.

Can't speak for the OP, but I didn't go because I didn't have insurance until recently. And even then, my wife is the one who had to make the appointment because I was too lazy to. I mean my teeth didn't hurt, plus who likes going to the friggin' dentist, even for just a cleaning? I hate having my gums poked at.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
I hadn't gone for about six years or so and when I went, my dentist told me I was really close to bad shit happening and I had to get two fillings put in.

I've been keeping up with brushing and flossing regularly, so I dodged a bullet. Still hate going to the dentist though.
Can't speak for the OP, but I didn't go because I didn't have insurance until recently. And even then, my wife is the one who had to make the appointment because I was too lazy to. I mean my teeth didn't hurt, plus who likes going to the friggin' dentist, even for just a cleaning? I hate having my gums poked at.

It's complete laziness for me. I moved away for Uni and you had to go get registered with a dentist and... bleh.
Haven't been to a dentist for years an my teeth are falling apart. Three broke off last year and even a few black spots on the from teeth you can clearly see when I smile so I try to avoid it. Didn't go because of insurance and no money. Simply can't afford it and I can't in the next few months but I am saving already but all in all it will cost me about 6 to 7k to get it done in a decent, not best, way possible. Also shame because I didn't take care enough :/ but even though I brush and floss regularly now they still get worse and worse. Don't be that guy. I was and still am but will change it this year hopefully. Godspeed to me ;)

Dwight: Hey, listen. I know that I'm an adult, but maybe I could come by sometime for a teeth cleaning. You know, just for fun.
Isabelle: Well, adults are supposed to go to the dentist, too.
Dwight: Are they now? Ha ha, how some people spend their money, right? Ha ha.


Just go and tell them. Be upfront and honest. They know, just like oil change people, that the frequency they suggest is total overkill. If you take good care of your teeth, every two years is fine. That being said, if you have insurance, might as well use it every year.


Haven't been to a dentist for years an my teeth are falling apart. Three broke off last year and even a few black spots on the from teeth you can clearly see when I smile so I try to avoid it. Didn't go because of insurance and no money. Simply can't afford it and I can't in the next few months but I am saving already but all in all it will cost me about 6 to 7k to get it done in a decent, not best, way possible. Also shame because I didn't take care enough :/ but even though I brush and floss regularly now they still get worse and worse. Don't be that guy. I was and still am but will change it this year hopefully. Godspeed to me ;)

Good luck! I skipped the dentist for years as well because of the money and ended up only starting to go regularly again 4 years ago. All in all my bill would have been in the 5-6k range for the work I had to have done but thankfully I had insurance.

If I had just gone to the dentist every 6 months in those intervening years the bill would have been considerably less.
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