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HBO is airing a marathon of The Wire remastered in HD (one season per day, Dec 26-30)

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Don't care. The show is a 7.5 at best. GAF treats it likes it's an 11

I agree with you, they shouldn't treat it like it's an 11.

Because it's a 12.

Best show of all-time. I've recently finished a re-watch, and I could start again right now and love the fuck out of it.


There goes a huge chunk of my dvr space, never to be released in the general pool again. Still the best show of all time, even if shit did get a little wacky in the fifth season. Also, season two is way underrated, it's probably the second or third best of the bunch, I take the dock worker's story over the newspaper's and politician's both.
I'm surprised at the amount of dislike I see towards season 5 due to
McNulty and his Red Ribbon Killer lie.
Yet I've never seen anyone say they disliked what Bunny Colvin did in season 3, which was just as unrealistic and wacky in comparison to the usual tone/approach of the show.


Season 2 is great, I loved the way it all came together. The whole show is amazing, even season 5 (the weakest) is better than most shows best season.


People who don't like season 2 are damn fools. And they're missing a big part of what Simon is saying with The Wire.
I am currently going through the DVD Set. First two seasons are truly great. I'm halfway through the third one and it feels weaker/boring to me.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind a Blu-ray release :D


What is he saying? Life is boring? Annoying characters are awesome?

It's supposed to show us the death of blue-collar America. Hard work isn't enough to get by in this country anymore. We got to see the corruption in Baltimore wasn't exclusive to the inner city drug trade, even outside of that the city was going to shit. The Wire has always been about the death of the American city, and they showed it to us from all angles. Drugs, schools, media, stevedores, and politics.

Frank's speech summarized it best.


I'm surprised at the amount of dislike I see towards season 5 due to
McNulty and his Red Ribbon Killer lie.
Yet I've never seen anyone say they disliked what Bunny Colvin did in season 3, which was just as unrealistic and wacky in comparison to the usual tone/approach of the show.

Lol this is exactly what I thought while watching S5. At first I was turned off by the
Red Ribbon Killer plot, but then I began to justify it as being just as outlandish as Hamsterdam. And I never had a problem with that. Well, not quite.

This is still an underdeveloped thought of mine, but I think The Wire works at its absolute peak when it's serving as a lens looking straight into how the day to day life of a Baltimore --whatever-- is up to. They've got their overarching goals, characters, sure, but it's when it's that brutally honest voyeurism into what could have actually be happening there. But that can only work for so long and eventually, because the show actually has to, you know, progress, some of the characters and the plots become sort of a different beast. Unique and very specific to The Wire as a show. So even something small like having Stringer try to go legitimate was a small mountain I had to overcome because it's as though these characters are stepping out of the concrete positions we realistically understood they were in and they get taken in different places. But after that initial adjustment, it's perfectly fine. Excellent, in fact. It's a bold move to be taking the characters into really interesting, different, thematically compelling places.

And I think the Red Ribbon Killer plot serves that purpose. Sure, it's probably the most outlandish thing in the show, barring maybe Hamsterdam, but once you overcome that initial jolt and just go for the ride, it's a pretty cool idea. And it's probably the most humorous/satirical The Wire gets with its plotting. The point of the show is to communicate how dysfunctional institutions are, and how individuals combat/are defeated by them. Well then, this is a logical, clever place to take the story in. McNulty, trying so desperately and ruthlessly to actually work a case in an utterly broken system, is forced into literally fabricating murders to obtain what he needs. It's such a quirky, funny idea. That the only way to actually have the institutions working the way they're supposed to work is to do a completely illegal, backdoor lie. To trick the police force into working properly. It also ties in nicely to how sensationalist the media has become. That there's very little media attention on the very real, very brutal series of murders from the Stanfield crew. You have to create a silly, dramatic, flashy set of murders for it to get any real attention (and therefore have any real action taken to solve the problem). It's actually pretty damn good I think, just a clear tonal shock to what we know is The Wire.

I think the actual flaw of S5 that brings it down a notch compared to the previous seasons is the Baltimore Sun plot itself. Firstly it's the only season where the new institution is not the primary focus of the season (Except probably S3, but that's fine because the politicians get another two seasons afterwards so they never feel left out). So out of all the focused institutions, I connected with the Sun the least. But it's also this fabrication plot which irks me. Firstly, The Wire is fantastic at giving us specific cases of institutional dysfunction, but always ensuring that this is not a one off thing and that it will continue to happen. Because it's the system that's broken, not because a few individuals are screwing it around along the way. Scott Templeton is, seemingly, a one off tool and giving a raise to this one off tool is by no means the worst thing that's happening to the industry. David Simon tells us this is a real story, but it never feels like it can be generalized to a larger scope. There are always going to be Rawls' and Burrells and Carcettis and we all know people like this, but I'd think that someone like Scott Templeton could have just as easily been fired in a slightly different setting.

And I know David Simon has gone onto explain the "real" meaning of S5 and the news media, and that irks me too. He's explained in a few interviews that the real point was not what was overtly happening with the Templeton plot week in, week out, but instead what the paper is not reporting on every week. What we're not watching. They never report on Prop Joe's death, or the rise of a dangerous kingpin, or drug violence etc and that was supposed to be the primary point. The show doesn't linger on this at all. It just stays there, in the background. Important events take place.. and then they're just not reported on. I find that.. annoying. The Wire is as good as it is and is so obviously amazing to the average viewer because it doesn't try to play tricks with the audience. They have a story to tell, a message to communicate, and they're going to very carefully, very clearly, very ruthlessly tell it to you. It makes no sense to sweep this under the rug and play games with the audience to see who can pick up on it. Do you want that to be the focus of the season? Then put it in the forefront. Give some actual drama to it. Make some of the news characters torn or arguing to have more important news pieces front and center. For there to be a story there, there needs to be a tension between two parties, not just "Oh hey, did you notice that back there. Heh, oh yeah."

Anyway, good season I think overall. Not a large dip in quality by any means. A very good ending to a superb show.

Season 2 was my least favorite... push through man the latter half gets better and Season 3 brings back the awesome.

Nah first time viewing of S2 is "Just push on through and get to the next season." After you've watching it once and mulled on the whole story you realise it's just as big of a masterclass as any of the other seasons. It becomes the best "Go back and watch that season again."


You know, perhaps I will watch this actually but come the fifth season... yikes.

The 5th season isn't bad as some people make it out to be. It was hurt by the show only getting 10 episodes so the season feels a bit rushed, but it's still pretty damn good. Even a weak season of The Wire is better than 99% of television shows out there.


Season 2 is great except for the self-indulgent Ziggy storyline.

Why do you say self-indulgent? For sure Ziggy is a fucking annoying person, and sometimes it can get frustrating to watch, but that's his character. We all know someone who behaves like that and yet I don't think I've really ever seen anyone quite like it in film/TV. He clearly suffers from something like ADD, but more importantly, he's crying out for help and attention that no one around him is noticing or giving him. He's no good at his job and he has no interest in it. But that's what he was born into, and as a member of the underclass at this point, the system has deemed that he has no other choices anymore. His dad is so stressed and tied up with the docks/Greeks shit that he doesn't even notice his own son pleading for him to help until it's far too late. It's extremely tragic.

This is a good example of how S2 is misunderstood/better on rewatch. The first time you watch S2, the first half of the season, Ziggy is just a fucking annoying asshole and you really don't know where the character is going. He just takes up screen time doing stupid shit and getting in the way. Then, I think it's that scene where he's walking on the docks with Frank at night, having a serious chat. And he suddenly opens up to us. And everything he's done prior now makes sense. The Wire is so good at that payoff and that closure for every season.

Jay Sosa

Nah first time viewing of S2 is "Just push on through and get to the next season." After you've watching it once and mulled on the whole story you realise it's just as big of a masterclass as any of the other seasons. It becomes the best "Go back and watch that season again."

Yes in hindsight Season 2 is very important. That really isn't any help when you have to sit through it the first time though.

When I watched it it was a snoozefest with one of the most annoying characters in TV history to top it off.


The 5th season isn't bad as some people make it out to be. It was hurt by the show only getting 10 episodes so the season feels a bit rushed, but it's still pretty damn good. Even a weak season of The Wire is better than 99% of television shows out there.

Too many characters did 180's and lost everything they had. It felt too convenient and cheap.


Yes in hindsight Season 2 is very important. That really isn't any help when you have to sit through it the first time though.

When I watched it it was a snoozefest with one of the most annoying characters in TV history to top it off.

Eh. I think for me it was more of "I'm enjoying this. I'm not really sure where it's going and I don't think I'm enjoying it quite as much as S1, but I am enjoying it." Then come the conclusion, and everything's fallen into place it bounces up far further.
Another S2 debate..every Wire thread.

On Topic:
I just threw on Season 2 Episode 11 via HBOGo then Amazon Prime.
Resolution aside..this is legit 16:9 framing on Amazon.
I doubt they re-framed the Amazon files then re-mastered them for this marathon.
Im sticking with whats on Amazon is the remasters with a crappy bitrate for streaming.


Hopefully a blu-ray announcement on the way then? that'll be another DVD box set I'll be upgrading if so! (assuming it's a decent upgrade).
This and The Sopranos are my top two shows of all time and we're already getting a complete blu-ray release of the latter in a couple of weeks (not to forget Twin Peaks just gone as well). So good :D
So it's not cropping the top or bottom of the original frame? I'd rather have 4:3, honestly. Always go with the original ratio.

Fuck me..I was only paying attention to the sides.
Yup, its cropped on the top and bottom. Im halfway through the episode and in every close up people have been scalped.


I'm surprised at the amount of dislike I see towards season 5 due to
McNulty and his Red Ribbon Killer lie.
Yet I've never seen anyone say they disliked what Bunny Colvin did in season 3, which was just as unrealistic and wacky in comparison to the usual tone/approach of the show.

Just for you then:
I think hamsterdam was a little too goofy and didn't quite fit with the rest of the show.

As for Season 2, I love it. Sure it's a different set of characters, but they're still great.
I will say, looking at DirecTV's on demand catalog, they have The Wire listed as HD. I might have to download one and see how it is, if I can get my internet working with it right.

Kydd BlaZe

Please tell me that this is going on HBO Go, as well! I own the entire series on DVD, but I would love to finally rewatch everything in HD.

My favorite show of all time!
Another S2 debate..every Wire thread.

On Topic:
I just threw on Season 2 Episode 11 via HBOGo then Amazon Prime.
Resolution aside..this is legit 16:9 framing on Amazon.
I doubt they re-framed the Amazon files then re-mastered them for this marathon.
Im sticking with whats on Amazon is the remasters with a crappy bitrate for streaming.

It makes the most sense: The upscale/re-matting they did for Amazon is what they're going to be marathoning for HBO Signature in September. I'm pretty confident these won't be real HD.

repost from last page for non-readers (man there's a ton of you this weekend :)

DVD screencap:


Amazon Prime "HD" screencap


Basically, if you have HBO, you'll just be getting a higher quality stream of what Amazon Prime subscribers already have. And even that's dependent on how bad your provider compresses the signal going into your house.

A Wire marathon is cool. The fact these more than likely wont' actually be HD kinda sucks, though.
Season 2 was really good, but it did have one big flaw in my mind--
for the first half it seemed very unfocused as it moved around following characters who were all separated by the season 1 finale. By the time it seemed to realize what it wanted to do the season was almost over and the climax happens with very little build up.
It's still a very good season.


Fuck me..I was only paying attention to the sides.
Yup, its cropped on the top and bottom. Im halfway through the episode and in every close up people have been scalped.

Yeah, that's what I figured. I'll stick my DVDs, cropping a show like this is pretty terrible.
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