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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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"Next Hearthstone expansion teased for July 22"


It's about time, things are getting stale


Muster for Battle? Paladin-centered expansion confirmed.

edit: ^^ haha I was only joking, it might actually be? That's funny.


My favorite thing about new cards is getting to see top players completely get wrong the potency of cards.

"Man who would ever use Dr Boom over Troggzor! Troggzor is insane!"
Sorry if this is obvious and I'm just dumb but, are they teasing news/announcement on the 22nd or are they teasing an actual release on the 22nd?

Edit: Nevermind. PC Gamer updated their article to say it's likely an announcement on the 22nd.


Time to think of argent tourney mechanics for a card game. Annnnd GO.

More deathrattles would be too obvious, but I could see a new undead/scourge tribe be introduced. Maybe they could introduce a new mechanic involving the "light" to be the antithesis to the undead. Maybe a minion gets a certain extra ability or buff when it is undamaged.

I could see there being a better deathrattle counter card in this set. Something like 3cc 2/3 silence all deathrattle minions and draw a card if you hit any.


Jesus Christ no more Deathrattle cards please. Only Deathrattle I want to see are ones that counter other Deathrattles.

So tired of Eggs, Shredders, Dr Balanced, Sylvanas, Tirion, Mad Scientists, Highmanes, Leper Gnomes, Haunted Creepers, Belchers, Void Callers etc.

At least they learned their lesson with BRM which was good (I guess you can count Imp Gang Boss as one).


Jesus Christ no more Deathrattle cards please. Only Deathrattle I want to see are ones that counter other Deathrattles.

So tired of Eggs, Shredders, Dr Balanced, Sylvanas, Tirion, Mad Scientists, Highmanes, Leper Gnomes, Haunted Creepers, Belchers, Void Callers etc.

At least they learned their lesson with BRM which was good (I guess you can count Imp Gang Boss as one).

Yeah please no more annoying deathrattle creatures until they add more silence/anti-deathrattle cards
Basing an expansion off the Argent Tournament is a little weird to me. It's an area with not a lot of content technically. It was mostly dailies you did for reputation and silly items. The actual raid itself only had six bosses too. They could do an Undead tribe thing but that seems weird too since they just did Naxx.

However, thinking about it, maybe they'll have cards based off of the different factions within the major factions. That would be pretty sweet since I think we could use more diversity in card people.

For example, we have Stormwind Knight and Champion, but what about the rest of their corps? I'm personally a fan of the Forsaken, so I hope we get some cards for them.
Yeah sounds like an Argent Tourney expansion. The raid and dungeon for that sucked tho and they already used Jaraxxus which was the best thing about them.

Argent Tourney is in Icecrown which would fit that Ice tease. More then likely it's part of something bigger. They could use Twin Val'kyr, Anub'arak etc for the first wing of ICC, although they would prob use Halls of Reflection, Furnace of Souls and that slave digsite dungeons instead since they are actually in ICC.
I'd like to see a Spell Taunt creature, a Hero Power Block Creature, creatures that buff minions to have spell or attack taunt so long as they are alive (sort of like that mage card that makes adjacent minions immune to spells), discard effects onto opponent, things like that.

I don't expect any artifact or graveyard mechanics, or things you can activate during your opponent's turn to ever get introduced, but the base game needs to up its complexity somehow.


Yeah sounds like an Argent Tourney expansion. The raid and dungeon for that sucked tho and they already used Jaraxxus which was the best thing about them.

Argent Tourney is in Icecrown which would fit that Ice tease. More then likely it's part of something bigger.

Yeah. It could mirror the wow progression lead up to ICC. This next content would be the Tournament with fighters etc from all races and then the next adventure in the fall/winter would be ICC and introduce the DK.


Just played a hunter who had mechs, Mimiron, and Kel'thuzad. Lost because he used Deathwing when I had two giants on board and no answer lol


Just played a hunter who had mechs, Mimiron, and Kel'thuzad. Lost because he used Deathwing when I had two giants on board and no answer lol

This sort of thing is the main reason I'm okay with short seasons. You always see fresh and fun stuff at least a few days a month at the start.
"We've heard your complaints about weak cards and have decided to give +2/+2 for every Argent card in the game. Rediscover these Argent minions by opening new Argent vs. Argent card packs."

We did it!


With this expansion I want to relive the experience of doing jousting dailies for months

It really was a low point that dragged on forever. I think that patch caused my first real drought since I started playing in Vanilla. Dailies seemed like a good idea in BC, but I quickly realized they killed the game for me in subsequent expansions. Duck Failies.
They should put in an actual argent squire complete with flag, not this apprentice off-brand thing. Use the horde equivalent to avoid name issues, Argent Gruntling.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Chrom is better I think. Black Knight will be a 4/5 for 6 most of the time except when you live the dream against a Paladin that drops Tirion.

Chrommagus is likely game winning if they don't have on-the-spot removal.
Personally I'd take Nefarian because he's fun and is guaranteed to do something when you play him, but since taunts are important in arena TBK will always be value.


Best brawl so far. Enjoyed it so much I pretty much did all my 3 60g backed up quests on it.

I hope something will go wrong at Blizzard and Druid will finally receive constructed viable class card in a new expansion.

We'll probably get more beasts and crap removal, lol =(


I wonder if it's going to be an adventure expansion or another set of card packs, packs seems like it wouldn't work with the current arena reward system but an adventure would go against the sequence of how they've been releasing expansions.


May contain jokes =>
I wonder if it's going to be an adventure expansion or another set of card packs, packs seems like it wouldn't work with the current arena reward system but an adventure would go against the sequence of how they've been releasing expansions.

Game needs another large infusion of new cards, I certainly hope it's not another adventure.


That little teaser thing makes you think it is actually coming out in 20 days. "Muster for battle", but I simply cannot imagine them dropping an expansion 20 days after announcing it actually exists!
GvG was "only" 30 days between announcement and release. I suppose they've changed their approach afterwards (cards teases on twitter/facebook).


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Yeah the game needs a bigger influx of cards than an adventure. I would be extremely surprised if it wasn't a full card expansion like GvG.
Blizzard is too afraid to give Druids good stuff because cards like Innervate/Wild Growth exists for them.

Warlock's hero power also gets better over time, but they still received at least something. They could add viable spells, cards that encourage new archetype like grim patron did, at this point I would even be down with beast synergy. Tree of life and recycle is straight up trolling, unless they seriously wanted mill druid to became a thing.


Warlock's hero power also gets better over time, but they still received at least something. They could add viable spells, cards that encourage new archetype like grim patron did, at this point I would even be down with beast synergy. Tree of life and recycle is straight up trolling, unless they seriously wanted mill druid to became a thing.
Tree of Life is amazing in Mill/Fatigue Druid though. That card is pretty cool as well.

Yeah I am all for Druid getting some new cards that would allow a new archetype. There's only one Druid and that's Combo Druid. There aren't enough good control options for a Druid to play a proper control Druid.


Tree of Life is amazing in Mill/Fatigue Druid though. That card is pretty cool as well.

Yeah I am all for Druid getting some new cards that would allow a new archetype. There's only one Druid and that's Combo Druid. There aren't enough good control options for a Druid to play a proper control Druid.

Yup I love druid. Hopefully Blizzard gives some tools to make token druid viable. I really liked that deck when it was nearly competitive.
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