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Super Sleuth
Rat has the potential to be an incredibly annoying card in control matchups. People are going to hate that card as much as entomb.

When rat is combined with entomb? Rage.


Rat has the potential to be an incredibly annoying card in control matchups. People are going to hate that card as much as entomb.

When rat is combined with entomb? Rage.
Pulling a Paladin's Tirion while they're trying to bait out Entomb will be so good.

Cat Party

Rat has the potential to be an incredibly annoying card in control matchups. People are going to hate that card as much as entomb.

When rat is combined with entomb? Rage.

Yes, that will be cool. It's a freeze mage killer. Just wait until turn 8 or so to play it.


The more I think about Dirty Rat the more I love it.

Only issue is that when the expansion first starts, people are going to try it and try to force it to work exactly like Deathlord, fail and then declare it's a bad card. The skill cap on this card is really, really high... higher than Deathlord.

You can use it against aggro decks to stop the aggro and empty out their hand quicker to make them play into AOE.

You can use this against combo decks to waste one of their combo pieces if you have the read on their hand (make them pull out the Auctioneer then remove it).

You can use this against control to make them pull out their Acolyte to force the draws into fatigue. Or force out their big minion and then Brawl with it.

Best of all the card doesn't automatically put you ahead on fatigue for playing it unlike Deathlord.

And the name is hella appropriate. This card is going to be dirty when played appropriately.


Dirty Rat is pretty obvious how to use. If you think it's aggro, play it for tempo. If it's midrange/control/combo, don't play it until you can combo it with Entomb/SWD. It also synergizes with Mind Control Tech.


Still nothing from this set screaming out at me. Buffing minions in hand just doesn't jive.

The Sniper is kind of cool I suppose.


Dirty Rat is awful and some weird gimmick combos aren't going to save the card.
Summoing even a 3 drop sucks,because chances are you just gave the other player the tool to kill this card.
If they get something even bigger, you pretty much lose the game right there.

The great thing about deathlord is that you can keep him alive for a long time and if the other player has to silence or transfrom him, they are basically hurting themself.

As for the other cards:
Backroom Bouncer sucks. Well, he should be an alright pick in arena.

Dispatch Kodo is good, even better if buff shit in hand deck become a thing and with more cards like this,they might.
Even just buffing it once means that this card is at least almost as good as Blackwing Corruptor in dragons.

Honestly, outside of a very few stand out cards,this set reminds me way too much of TGT.


Super Sleuth
Dirty Rat is pretty obvious how to use. If you think it's aggro, play it for tempo. If it's midrange/control/combo, don't play it until you can combo it with Entomb/SWD. It also synergizes with Mind Control Tech.

Dirty rat seems like a pretty bad tempo play against aggro.


Dispatch Kodo is good, even better if buff shit in hand deck become a thing and with more cards like this,they might.
Even just buffing it once means that this card is at least almost as good as Blackwing Corruptor in dragons.

And it doesn't need a dragon in hand. It might be a lot better than corruptor if it finds a deck.

Dirty rat seems like a pretty bad tempo play against aggro.

Err nope. The average minion in aggro is small, 7 health on turn 2 is something that's not easy to remove.

Later in the game you can play the rat and use board clears.


Corporate Apologist
Dirty Rat will be great in control decks, but I feel it is very weak against Tempo and Midrange decks. It may see good play in warrior in addition to priest, they can deal with treats it pulls really easily in the early turns.


the problem with the Kodo card you need to play the hand buff card, so far nothing to justify to play it, I guess its time to abandon huge toad/elekk, but you can't play Kodo in face hunter
Because DST is over in the US. 22 minutes until new quests.

Oh, I already missing one quest yesterday so I afraid to miss more


the problem with the Kodo card you need to play the hand buff card, so far nothing to justify to play it, I guess its time to abandon huge toad/elekk, but you can't play Kodo in face hunter

Attack buffs on board (like Leokk) will also buff the ability.

Dirty Rat will be great in control decks, but I feel it is very weak against Tempo and Midrange decks. It may see good play in warrior in addition to priest, they can deal with treats it pulls really easily in the early turns.

Dirty rat will be great with brawl.


That's keeper of the grove for hunter! you mostly used it for damage anyway. Hunter has issues interacting with board against aggro and such and this is a great card against zoo, tempo mage and similar, hitting those annoying 3/2s. Silence isn't very relevant right now. If kotg was still 2/4 minus silence people would play it. In hunter it's even better, it gives you so much board control power, I'd say it's better than infested wolf most of the time.

you don't need to buff it for it to be good. :


Kodo could be a surprise hit, it certainly has great potential as a utility card but it's hard to say if Hunter will make a spot for it in the more agressive decks, which seems to be the only thing that works for them at the moment.


That's keeper of the grove for hunter! you mostly used it for damage anyway. Hunter has issues interacting with board against aggro and such and this is a great card against zoo, tempo mage and similar, hitting those annoying 3/2s. Silence isn't very relevant right now. If kotg was still 2/4 minus silence people would play it. In hunter it's even better, it gives you so much board control power, I'd say it's better than infested wolf most of the time.

you don't need to buff it for it to be good. :

Indeed and it's a beast!

Kodo could be a surprise hit, it certainly has great potential as a utility card but it's hard to say if Hunter will make a spot for it in the more agressive decks, which seems to be the only thing that works for them at the moment.

Even the aggro hunters play Infested Wolf so they already have sub-optimal cards in the list.


You don't play Dispatch Kodo in an Aggro Hunter deck, it goes into a Midrange Beast one that wants to curve all the way up into Highmanes and Ragnaros. It's a good way to gain tempo and it being a beast allows it to get even more value with Houndmaster. I'm thinking that you would just run 1 Infested Wolf and 1 of this, or possibly replace Barnes with this because Barnes gets weaker since if you're running this you probably also want to run 2x Houndmaster and together with this increases the number of battlecry minions that Barnes can pull.


you don't play it in an aggressive list, its purpose is there for you to survive until Call of the wild. Cards like this can bring back 2x cotw.


Gold Member
Image for posterity.

I don't think it's bad at all actually. If Trogg Beast Rager hits it I think it's good enough. If Shaky Zipgunner hits it then it's great. Beast Rager being the one more likely to actually see play though.
So it's a pre-nerf keeper of the grove without silence ability. Of course it can be buffed which is good, but can Blizzard stop making 2 attack minions for priest too steal?


So it's a pre-nerf keeper of the grove without silence ability. Of course it can be buffed which is good, but can Blizzard stop making 2 attack minions for priest too steal?

Should blizzard stop making any minions that don't have 4-attack because of Priest?


After months of trying, I still can't get past rank 15!!!, not sure what I am doing wrong, tried different decks and strategies, but my win ratio just isn't good enough to get past 15.

I now you can't assume to win every game, and there will always be games that are unwinnable due to RNG, but hell if I don't tend to getting shitty card draws 90% of the time!!!.

Still enjoy playing it, but maybe I should just resign myself to the fact that I'll never be good enough to get any higher than 15 in ranked.


After months of trying, I still can't get past rank 15!!!, not sure what I am doing wrong, tried different decks and strategies, but my win ratio just isn't good enough to get past 15.

I now you can't assume to win every game, and there will always be games that are unwinnable due to RNG, but hell if I don't tend to getting shitty card draws 90% of the time!!!.

Still enjoy playing it, but maybe I should just resign myself to the fact that I'll never be good enough to get any higher than 15 in ranked.

It's probably your deck and your imperfect knowledge of matchups.
Can you explain what you mean by "matchups"?

For example. You should know what deck archetypes for each classes currently exist and be able to recognise them by how your opponent plays.

For example, tempo mage vs freeze mage. Reno lock vs zoo lock. You should know how to play your deck in each situation, because how you should play can be drastically different depending on class and archetype you meet.


I misread the Kodo card and thought it only dealt face damage (which is why I said it's an aggro Hunter card).

That's actually much better than anticipated.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Captions translate what they're saying.

Assuming it's accurate, 4 mana 2/4 hunter card(beast?) with Battlecry: Deal damage equal to this minion's attack

...so that 3 mana hunter card from before potentially makes this a 4/6 that deals 4 damage as a battlecry for 4 mana.
Sounds like cthun but worse


I still have my doubts with dirty rat on the actual meta, I mean, I don't want to give shaman a free totem golem for example (and this game has taught me that a shaman ALWAYS has a totem golem by turn 2


I still have my doubts with dirty rat on the actual meta, I mean, I don't want to give shaman a free totem golem for example (and this game has taught me that a shaman ALWAYS has a totem golem by turn 2

You're not playing Dirty Rat on curve when you can't deal with what your opponent gets. This is a card you use to disrupt your opponent's gameplan, for example you could use it turn 8 against a Freeze Mage with removal in hand in order to potentially deny them Alexstraza value.

I think the ONLY time you'd use Dirty Rat on curve is if you're 100% confident your opponent is playing some swarm deck full of 1 drops where the taunt protects you more than having a free 1-drop helps your opponent.


Actually thinking about the current meta I think the only opponent decks you can play Dirty Rat against on turn 2 is Zoolock, Aggro Paladin, Aggro Pirate Warrior and Aggro Hunter. The huge problem is that those decks aren't that popular in meta, and even then you get heavily punished if the opponent isn't playing those decks and Warlock, Paladin, Warrior and Hunter have multiple deck archetypes. So basically the only way to be sure is if they play a 1-drop on turn 1.


If you buy some wings of an adventure with coins does the price of full adventure eventually go down? Apparently I have the first wing of blackrock and price is still $20. If I get more with coins will that price drop or is it always $20?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You're not playing Dirty Rat on curve when you can't deal with what your opponent gets. This is a card you use to disrupt your opponent's gameplan, for example you could use it turn 8 against a Freeze Mage with removal in hand in order to potentially deny them Alexstraza value.

I think the ONLY time you'd use Dirty Rat on curve is if you're 100% confident your opponent is playing some swarm deck full of 1 drops where the taunt protects you more than having a free 1-drop helps your opponent.

If you're going first and you pull their only 2 drop or you're going second and you pull their only 3 drop, you've sort of disrupted their curve and then they are forced to hero power. That's still a drawback but not as much as the drawback on Deathlord. And even in control matchups people tend to mulligan away their big stuff so you aren't at as much risk of pulling a Ragnaros or something.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
If you buy some wings of an adventure with coins does the price of full adventure eventually go down? Apparently I have the first wing of blackrock and price is still $20. If I get more with coins will that price drop or is it always $20?
Black Rock is $25 for the full adventure, it would go down if you bought more wings


If you buy some wings of an adventure with coins does the price of full adventure eventually go down? Apparently I have the first wing of blackrock and price is still $20. If I get more with coins will that price drop or is it always $20?

can you buy the whole pass for all the adventure still? I thought you could only buy that pass if you haven't bought any independent wing.

each wing has an independent cost you can get each one with gold or money and they are kept the same always.

EDIT: I was wrong then, you can still buy the pack of the whole thing at a discounted price for each wing bought with gold (or money)


Super Sleuth
can you buy the whole pass for all the adventure still? I thought you could only buy that pass if you haven't bought any independent wing.

each wing has an independent cost you can get each one with gold or money and they are kept the same always

Buying all the remaining wings gives you a prorated discounted price equal to the discount of buying all the wings at once with cash.

So if you buy one wing with gold and the rest with cash you get the same discount per wing as somebody who bought it all with cash.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Alright list time!

What's everyone's top 5 neutral legendaries, top 5 neutral non legendaries? Then top 5 class specific legendaries, and then top 5 class specific non legendaries (not for each class but total for the classic specific stuff).

1. Dr Boom
2. Loatheb
3. Emp Thaurissan
4. Sylvannas
5. Rag

1. Mad Scientist
2. Shredder
3. Sludge Belcher
4. Azure Drake
5. Antique Healbot

I'll post my class list in a bit.


Alright list time!

What's everyone's top 5 neutral legendaries, top 5 neutral non legendaries? Then top 5 class specific legendaries, and then top 5 class specific non legendaries (not for each class but total for the classic specific stuff).

As in favourite or most powerful?
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