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Heavy Rain - A Neogaf Official Thread on the Gaming Forum


Been playing for a few hours. No spoilers.

1. This is one of the best games ever made. Much like Indigo Prophecy was until it went to shit. Hopefully this won't.

2. Quantic Dream, a few hours in, has nowhere to go but down. It's almost sad, really. It's like, the best swan song ever.


Some stores in Mass will be getting it in tomorrow and Saturday. So people should be ready for their local mom an pop shops to make it rain. HEAVY!


Stores in Toronto (mainly blockbusters) are already selling/renting. I'm going to wait until Tues though since I work all weekend and wont have time to play anyways.
I'll most likely be getting this time when my Gamestop opens on Tuesday morning. But I'm really considering not playing it until Tuesday night, even though I have all day to play it. It seems like a game that needs to be played alone in the dark.


sn00zer said:
So I live in a house with about 50ish other people. We share meals, kitchen, the entertainment center, bathrooms and living area (everyone has their own one room apartment). We have a lot of money lying around with which to buy items for the house, I along with another house member proposed we get a PS3 (almost as a joke assuming it would be turned down) turns out we got enough votes and today in came the PS3 with a copy of SF4 (which I find kinda boring, but anyway....)

So being a slight connoisseur of gaming I decided to DL a bunch of demos for the house to try (we have to vote to buy anything for the house including new games)...I threw in Katamari, Lost Planet 2, Naruto, Yakuza, and...Heavy Rain.

So I boot up the demo, there are about ten other people watching I handed the controller over to someone else. They go through the tutorial struggling with the quarter circles and the strange controls (the tv was also set ridiculously dark so we had to adjust it), a few wtfisthisshits were heard, then we got into the "Sleazy Demo"...first thing I hear is "Wow that looks real"...general consensus all around as Shelby walks into the motel.

Someone finally says, "wow this game is very cool" as Shelby walked around knocking on doors. Tired with the controls, but wanting to see what happens the controller gets past to me, I spent a few minutes running into walls trying to get a hang of the game. But holy shit is this a FANTASTIC game to play in crowd, when the options for what to say popped up, people were shouting the prompts wanting to see what would happen. More people filtered in asking what we were playing. The room was silent as the "interviewee" talked, unless a prompt came up. Some laughed as I bumbled my way through the apartment, but people were yelling "comfort her" or "whats that over there?"

We got the "crying" exit... many people were actually sad to see that we hadnt gotten the information, whatever it was. Once we thought the demo was over (myself included) the "fight scene began. People were literally out of their seats screaming out the prompts as Shelby dashed around the room. People were hooten and hollerin when I missed a prompt or got one. The whole room was into it. One of the best gaming experiences I have ever had.

All I heard from people was "wows" "what if we did it again, but instead.." "that was moody as hell" no one complained about the fact that our big screen wasnt running in 720p (1080i ish) or that the screen tore every once in a while, people were absorbed in the story and the characters. I handed off the controller for the detective scene, more oohs and ahhs. Sometimes when going through these threads I wonder why people scream "weird controls" or "screen tearing this" or not "full HD that." Fuck that. Gamers have lost contact with the purpose of games: to engross, to entertain, not to beat or to optimize or to scrutinize. People are worried that "Heavy Rain" wont appeal to the masses, I worry that the "true gamers" are going to be the ones to rip it to shreds.

Anyway, I have no doubt Heavy Rain will be one of the best games ever made. Finally turned my favorite medium into something more adult, but still fun and engrossing. Thanks Quantic Dream wish you guys the best of luck.

Side Note:
Playing Katamari Forever and Heavy Rain, one after the other has really increased my faith in the future of games. This is the golden age of gaming. Period.

It's a very awesome story, but I have an important question. What kind of arrangement do you live in such that you have to live with 50 other people in a single house? :lol


hsukardi said:
It's a very awesome story, but I have an important question. What kind of arrangement do you live in such that you have to live with 50 other people in a single house? :lol
Upper level college students + former sorority house= 50 people living in one house.:lol


Can someone tell me what the big twist/reveal in this game is. I'm interested in hearing what it is but have no plans to pick the game up.


mujun said:
Can someone tell me what the big twist/reveal in this game is. I'm interested in hearing what it is but have no plans to pick the game up.

I know who the killer is now. It's soooooooo GOOD!:D Very well told story indeed. Can't wait to pick up my copy on Tuesday.


i_am_not_jon_ames said:
For every positive and negative thing said with regard to Heavy Rain (both of which have merit), I am just so very happy that this game exists. That is all. :D
but here we are.
we are all positive.
Kinda like my experience: just finished playing GoW III demo, and started Heavy Rain. My bro, 17, gore and action maniac comes up, sees me playing, sits down...

3 minutes later, he says: "this is the best game ever made". Why? "At last, the damn character puts his feet properly on the stairs":lol

So we play a bit, go through Shelby scene, then we got to "fight" scene - my bro was basicly screaming at me and telling me to focus:D

In the end we had lot of fun. Still on the fence for it though, I don't know how much replay value there is going to be.
i_am_not_jon_ames said:
For every positive and negative thing said with regard to Heavy Rain (both of which have merit), I am just so very happy that this game exists. That is all. :D

A fucking men. God damn it's going to be awesome playing a proper adventure game. Fuck, fat trench coat guy with asthma is already my favorite character of the year.
sn00zer said:
Upper level college students + former sorority house= 50 people living in one house.:lol
That sounds a bit rough, but also like an absurdly good time. Cheers.

regarding Rain: Game is a definite rental, at the very least. Possible buy; my wallet shall decide soon enough.
I'm loving that so many people are experiencing this game together, guiding each other through chapters and scenes and coaching them on what to do and where to go. That really tells me that they are all emotionally invested in the experience, they care about the characters and the circumstances surrounding their lives. I don't think I've ever heard of a game that could bring forth so many feelings from so many people.

It may sound pretentious, but it really feels like Heavy Rain could very well be the next evolution of video games. The best result I could see happening in a just world is developers studying this game to see that their future projects bring about similar feelings and emotions. Then we can live in a world where games are including in discussions and debates about popular fiction along with literature and film.

That's just what I hope, though.


WretchedTruman said:
That sounds a bit rough, but also like an absurdly good time. Cheers.

regarding Rain: Game is a definite rental, at the very least. Possible buy; my wallet shall decide soon enough.

I was going to rent it too but decided to buy it instead. Gotta support good games and companies who try to innovate.


sn00zer said:
Side Note:
Playing Katamari Forever and Heavy Rain, one after the other has really increased my faith in the future of games. This is the golden age of gaming. Period.

Download the Uncharted 2 demo and play it in front of them, then tell us their impressions :D

So, on topic, I've been showing the Heavy Rain demo to my friends and all of them think the atmosphere is fantastic.


There are a lot of doubts in this thread regarding a definite purchase and lots of people are wondering about rentals since replay value is an issue. I think David Cage would be disappointed but then again the $60 price tag is definitely a significant barrier of entry.

Like Cage, I agree that purchasing Heavy Rain is a "money vote" that informs and changes the market dynamics by making publishers aware that there is demand for such a product. I think that gamers who really want to see more of such mature content like Heavy Rain should be responsible in exerting a money vote.

Then again, it's wishful thinking to expect all consumers to carry this sort of thinking. The burden is still on Quantic Dream and Sony America to convince players to purchase the game and not for consumers to be somehow "mature" enough to perform a money vote.

I have very strong doubts about a normal non-gamer being compelled to purchase Heavy Rain or a PS3 along with it just because it's interesting and compelling -- and this appears to be the case from plenty of anecdotes we're getting in this thread. It's still a game that has a very high barrier of entry and unless we get massive critical outpouring as well as mainstream press, Heavy Rain will find it difficult to hit that mainstream sweet spot...

SCEA should definitely tap some knowledge from SOE to help market to the adventure gaming crowd in the PC game market.


It's very fun just reading the chat session between the player and his watchers. Comments like "OMG, you're in danger! Get out NOWWW!!! RUNNN!!" :lol


I too am glad to hear stories of Heavy Rain bringing people together. I think a successful gaming experience is one that can be shared across different kinds of people, even if they aren't at the control.


Eagerly awaiting more GAF'er impressions. :( I'm puzzled by the lack of comments, since there are seemingly a lot of copies in GAF hands now.


Short bus special
....wait for this game is killing me.

Hopefully, I will at least get it next Tuesday to the delivery being quite early.


hide your water-based mammals
BeeDog said:
Eagerly awaiting more GAF'er impressions. :( I'm puzzled by the lack of comments, since there are seemingly a lot of copies in GAF hands now.
Perhaps I or anyone who has the game doesn't want it spoiled or to be spoiled.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I just bought this off of Amazon. I have a feeling that this game will be like Ico in that it will be a unique and rare example of what I wish more games/experiences were in both atmosphere and emotion.


Solidino said:
Excuse me guys, remember this trailer?


ehm....did u notice something strange about it? O____O'



Does the Japanese version contain English VA or subtitles? I live in Okinawa and will buy a copy RIGHT now if it does. Does anyone know if getting the Japan version will affect trophies or anything like that? Trying to decide if I wanna just wait two weeks (takes a week to ship from Amazon to Japan.. -_-) or buy it now.
couldn't resist anymore, had to try out the demo... just a few days until release day, i am so weak haha.

man, it was just fantastic, loved everything about it. especially the whole atmosphere (yea i realize this word is approaching cliche) and focus on realism and little details just completely blew me away, more than any game i can remember... i have seriously never seen traffic on a rainy night look that good in a game, heh. that rather small thing was particularly impressive and memorable, even though it was just a background (though right next to you) and non-interactive. it just FELT like there was real traffic passing you by in horrible weather... hard to describe but i just thought it was damn cool.

and all the little things you notice when you snoop around, like the third time i played the crime scene part, i told Blake that i'm leaving with him, and i see him walking away and i decide to follow, just to see if his character model disappears or something... but no, he actually goes to his car and drives away. i just love little details like that, stuff that happens around you but you can miss if you're not paying attention. really gives the game that realistic feel and keeps you interested in checking everything out in each scene.

my only complaint would be that i wish there was just a tiny bit more freedom and exploration, though i am glad that there is at least some of it, enough to give an illusion of freedom. it would've been nice to be able to talk to more of the people, and to wander off a little further into other directions.. but it isn't a big deal, what we're getting is still great. just in one short snippet of gameplay there's a dead cat to find, coffee to drink and traffic to marvel at :) all optional side stuff. i will take it as my mission to find ALL these little details in the full game.

oh and voice acting was good IMO, much more enjoyable than most games, that usually suffer from ridiculously overacted VA with idiotic one-liners... i like this sort of more low key not-in-your-face delivery. i like it very much.


Short bus special
Solidino said:
i'm talking about the detective (Scott Shelby).
Is him in that trailer?

Yeah, that's him. Thing is though, that demo and video, was made as a complete side-story and have nothing to do with the game at all. They threw it together with existing models and assets, so they could show the press what the game was all about. So, in reality, it's not really a spoiler at all. :p
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