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Hillary Clinton video message on Facebook

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Nobody is saying Hillary needs to be ostracised, but there does need to be a sober critical analysis of what the fuck is happening to the Democratic party. They hold fewer offices in DC and in the states than at any time since the 1920s. Whatever you think of Hillary, keeping her around is an obstacle to changing the face of the party.

Cause people are fucking racist, sexist, and have bought into the circle-jerk ideas of the Republican party. People consistently vote against their own interests, that is why Democrats are losing local, state, and national races...combined with gerrymandering.

I don't think you guys really get how much people want to erode LGBT rights, restrict immigration, nuke Muslim countries, etc.


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The fucking misogyny that's going to be in those Facebook comments. Even after she lost. THAT'S what gets me.

Anyone pissing on Hillary in this thread right now when we elected the emblem of brainless white male privilege as our most powerful leader instead is on my shitlist.

Horrible take.

Hillary's inadequacies are the reason why this horrible man is our president.
People support individual progressive causes in polling. The problem is that the Democratic party must remain a big tent, and you have a lot of voters who might get onboard with universal healthcare....except it can never ever cover abortions. And a lot of people who might support basic income...as long as it doesn't go to black people

Oh, and if you don't lower taxes while also funding all of this, you're fucked.
Don't get so defensive. Did I call you out as a Trump voter? No I was just saying that even a meh Hillary was better than dictator wannabe Trump. I much preferred Bernie but Hillary was the common sense choice against the GOP and their insane bullshit and the demagogue they had stood behind.
Defensive? I just thought it was an odd non sequitur in response to what I write. We agree that Hillary was infinitely more preferable to Trump as a candidate.


Nobody is saying Hillary needs to be ostracised, but there does need to be a sober critical analysis of what the fuck is happening to the Democratic party. They hold fewer offices in DC and in the states than at any time since the 1920s. Whatever you think of Hillary, keeping her around is an obstacle to changing the face of the party.
Maybe we should focus on what the fuck happened to American voters.
Can't believe the takeaway for so many dudes is "she must be incompetent" and not "oh right, America really hates women"

That's the actual reason. Stop fooling yourself. The world is how it is.

Well that and the "Republicans fall in line, Democrats fall in love" adage. Basically, the republicans who werent eating of out Trumps asshole held their nose and voted for him. On the left, most of the electorate are a bunch of petulant folk who cant see the forest for the trees and rather not vote for someone who is leading the party that aligns most with their beliefs and can win the White House (3rd party never happening) or in the least stop the party who hates and wants to destroy everything you believe as a form of protest because their idealized, sainted candidate wasnt the top of the ticket. The left is terrible.
I'm Talking about her as a candidate in a vacuum. It's obvious that the calculus changes when you compare her relative to Trump. I'm just pointing out that calling someone a bad candidate is not an inherent attack on them as a person or requiring of a MRI decade campaign to destroy that person.

Candidates don't operate in vacuums, though.

But I get your point.
Horrible take.

Hillary's inadequacies are the reason why this horrible man is our president.

Bull fucking shit.

She lost because she was a woman and emails. Do you not even remember the shit that Trump said and did and people were like, meh I'm cool with it. Don't kid yourself, those people LOVE the crap that is happening right now. People are delusional, they love to see LGBT rights eroded, immigrants kicked out the country, I got mine/fuck you.
Honestly, what the fuck do you want Hillary to do?

The reaction to Hillary Clinton after the election is fucking despicable. Summarizing and expanding on this Twitter thread:


The Far Left - including "Bernie or Busters" - happily sucked down every bit of (debunked) GOP propaganda to relentlessly attack Hillary for every single thing she did or didn't do. From "the emails" to bullshit about the Clinton foundation to baseless debunked accusations about the DNC "rigging" things for Hillary over Bernie in the primaries, it was nonstop.

There were many reasons why Hillary lost, but it certainly didn't help that the Bernie or Busters were more willing to suck down Republican propaganda than simply listen to Bernie himself and Hillary's own voting record. Now those people have realized that ***OH MY GOD MAYBE HILLARY ISN'T AS BAD AS TRUMP!!***

Now they fucking want Hillary's help and she's blamed for "not showing up" and somehow fixing it? Or when she does show up, she's attacked for that too.

Hillary doesn't owe anyone a fucking thing. She spent literally her entire life trying to make things better for women, children, and underprivileged communities both locally and abroad. And the thanks she gets? To be attacked by the stupid fucking gullible piece of shit "liberals" who are more than happy to attack her for whatever baseless reason devised by the GOP. Or idiots like Jill Fucking Stein

Meanwhile, Bernie is the one who's still in government right now - where is his leadership? What is he doing? Why isn't he on the front lines organizing the DNC?

Well yes, because compared to most other politicians, she's not a liar:

Yeah, for all the finger pointing Bernie busters like to do--none of them refuse to reflect on the real reasons why Bernie lost--and it wasn't because the game was rigged. But of course, like typical sore losers, they chose the cowards way out.


Horrible take.

Hillary's inadequacies are the reason why this horrible man is our president.

Oh get the fuck out of here with that delusional revisionist shit

she lost on a margin of less than 100,000 votes across 3 different states

She won popular vote

most voters wanted her

fucking inadequacies jesus christ some people want to exude all blame and put in on one person when in fact there were hundreds of factors going on at once


I never want to see "Clinton" on an election ballot ever again, be it Bill, Hillary, or Chelsea.
I predict we're getting a Kennedy binge before the name becomes passé

Oh get the fuck out of here with that delusional revisionist shit

she lost on a margin of less than 10,000 votes across 3 different states

She won popular vote

most voters wanted her

fucking inadequacies jesus christ some people want to exude all blame and put in on one person when in fact there were hundreds of factors going on at once
Should've run 3 laps around the worst candidate ever.
Give Hillary a break. A FB video every once in awhile is harmless. Big deal. When people say go away, I hope they mean don't run for a national political office again. If she wants to offer an opinion on a topic or do some work on a local level, then that's perfectly fine to me.

Now the real problem is the 16 million + primary supporters nominating future candidates. They clearly have poor judgement and were Hillary or bust despite her fatal flaws that Republicans, Bernie or bust, and independents warned them about.


I'm pretty baffled by the apparent fear to even entertain the idea that we should address the holes in the Hillary campaign.

Yeah, people stayed home, and in doing so gave us a vulgar, insufferable pseudo-fascist.

Yeah, they should've voted for Hillary.

Yeah, they should've known better.

Guess what? Politics isn't won on shoulds and oughts, it's won on votes. Shaking our heads and moralizing over those dumb sexists and racists who didn't feel motivated to stymy the rise of Trump doesn't actually get us anywhere.
Horrible take.

Hillary's inadequacies are the reason why this horrible man is our president.

Actually when you lose by 70,000 votes out of 130ish million there tends to be multiple reasons for a loss and boiling it down to one single thing or person is reductive and unhelpful in the long run.

I'm pretty baffled by the apparent fear to even entertain the idea that we should address the holes in the Hillary campaign.

Yeah, people stayed home, and in doing so gave us a vulgar, insufferable pseudo-fascist.

Yeah, they should've voted for Hillary.

Yeah, they should've known better.

Guess what? Politics isn't won on shoulds and oughts, it's won on votes. Shaking our heads and moralizing over those dumb sexists and racists who didn't feel motivated to stymy the rise of Trump doesn't actually get us anywhere.

I would argue both Hillary fans and her left wing detractors are doing terrible jobs understanding the many reasons why Trump won when it doesn't line up specifically with their political POV.


The campaign was fine. People didn't think so many would vote for trump. We got misled by the polls.

If people thought it was going to be close, more would have shown up. He won by a small margin. People also wouldn't have written in beanie or a damned animal. If it seemed serious.


The fucking misogyny that's going to be in those Facebook comments. Even after she lost. THAT'S what gets me.

Anyone pissing on Hillary in this thread right now when we elected the emblem of brainless white male privilege as our most powerful leader instead is on my shitlist.
You realize the irony in blaming other people of sexism in this instance, right?
I think she should do private $1000 per plate fundraisers for the DNC and otherwise stay the fuck away from politics

Unless she wants to, like, do some door to door canvassing too
you could always get rid of the electoral college and then Hilary would have been president

won't happen because the system is fucked, but that would be the sensible thing to do


Well that and the "Republicans fall in line, Democrats fall in love" adage. Basically, the republicans who werent eating of out Trumps asshole held their nose and voted for him. On the left, most of the electorate are a bunch of petulant folk who cant see the forest for the trees and rather not vote for someone who is leading the party that aligns most with their beliefs and can win the White House (3rd party never happening) or in the least stop the party who hates and wants to destroy everything you believe as a form of protest because their idealized, sainted candidate wasnt the top of the ticket. The left is terrible.

I love how on any given day leftists with actual values and integrity are either an irrelevant voting bloc who should shut up and get in line or this critical force that ruins every election and it's definitely not the dems fault no sirree


The hillary hate is dumb, but it's not going to stop. Fighting the battle to show that Hillary wasn't a monster that people make her out to be isn't the productive. Everyone needs to move on from the election. Trump needs to shut up about her as if it was some trophy win, and we supporters need to realize that it's a lost cause.

Just look at this thread, what has the video accomplished other than stiring up the same shit that happened during the election? Anytime she speaks publically this is going to happen over and over and over again.

Are you involved in local politics? I am, and if you think that suddenly the Democratic party hates Hillary Clinton, I ask you to check your bubble. Let's not repeat the primaries, when Bernie stans were baffled when Hillary slayed him in state after state after state.

The only real place you find the irrational hatred of Hillary from the left is the internet. But millions of people follow and admire Hillary, and there is no way on earth that the Democratic Party as a whole is going to throw her under a bus after the decades of work she has put in, and all the work she could still do.


I love how the subtle homophobia with the YAAS QUEEN narrative always goes hand in hand with a coating of misogyny. The argument is laid on a foundation with so much macho bravado – or the attempt, anyway – that it's just... funny.
I am real fucking worried by all the people who think that the only reason purple states aren't hard blue is because we aren't openly liberal enough in them. Overestimating the popularity of our platform and the realities of electoral math is a fast way to get our asses kicked yet again

This too. Single payer got beat in Colorado 80-20. The country is not hankering for a socialist.
Maybe we should focus on what the fuck happened to American voters.


We can't self-govern and choose the right leaders for our country if we refuse to do the most basic of our civic duties.

This was a shameful fucking election but the thing we should be most ashamed of is that horrendous turnout.

Anyone who stayed home that day has no fucking excuse. We are practically falling off the cliff into the abyss of fascism at this point. It doesn't fucking matter what you thought about Hillary, she was the only option we had to prevent this. If you're too good to lower your standards a bit and choose the obviously more capable leader who won't trample on our rights, then you don't really understand how democracy works.
I love how on any given day leftists with actual values and integrity are either an irrelevant voting bloc who should shut up and get in line or this critical force that ruins every election and it's definitely not the dems fault no sirree

I cannot wait to continually lose to Republicans for the rest of my life because we are playing checkers while they play chess.
Nobody is saying Hillary needs to be ostracised, but there does need to be a sober critical analysis of what the fuck is happening to the Democratic party. They hold fewer offices in DC and in the states than at any time since the 1920s. Whatever you think of Hillary, keeping her around is an obstacle to changing the face of the party.
Weren't you stanning for Jim Webb two months ago, Ultra? Around the same time Breitbart was praising him for being the only good Democrat? Didn't you try to argue Barack Obama and his presidency was the cause of rising racial strife in America? Didn't you argue minorities were a liability for Democrats? Excuse me for not placing high value in your opinion of the Democratic Party, an organization you legitimately tried to argue was "over" thanks to its attempt to address social injustice. My opinion is that your opinion is fairly worthless on this topic.


The campaign was fine. People didn't think so many would vote for trump. We got misled by the polls.

If people thought it was going to be close, more would have shown up. He won by a small margin. People also wouldn't have written in beanie or a damned animal. If it seemed serious.

ehh, the campaign could have been better. they got cocky and tried to run up the score instead of just safely winning.
Oh get the fuck out of here with that delusional revisionist shit

she lost on a margin of less than 100,000 votes across 3 different states

She won popular vote

most voters wanted her

fucking inadequacies jesus christ some people want to exude all blame and put in on one person when in fact there were hundreds of factors going on at once

People like easy answers all around. They like being able to point to one thing and say "this the cause of my suffering!"


I'm pretty baffled by the apparent fear to even entertain the idea that we should address the holes in the Hillary campaign.

Yeah, people stayed home, and in doing so gave us a vulgar, insufferable pseudo-fascist.

Yeah, they should've voted for Hillary.

Yeah, they should've known better.

Guess what? Politics isn't won on shoulds and oughts, it's won on votes. Shaking our heads and moralizing over those dumb sexists and racists who didn't feel motivated to stymy the rise of Trump doesn't actually get us anywhere.

Maybe it'll help us call out people on OUR SIDE who are apparently still retaining lingering sexist ideas.

Because holy SHIT
I love how on any given day leftists with actual values and integrity are either an irrelevant voting bloc who should shut up and get in line or this critical force that ruins every election and it's definitely not the dems fault no sirree

In this case right now, you are damn right it is. The only party that has a hope of the White House that is leftist is the Democrats. And rather than recognizing that and supporting it, they decided to not show up and now everything that has been fought for for decades will be peeled back and that will be the status quo for a while as we lost the SC which will affect future generations. So yes, they should have showed up and voted for the Dems. Jill Stein will never, ever see the white house and a vote for her was a vote for Trump. Not voting was a vote for Trump. Allowing the GOP to have the Presidency was a direct line to removal of any liberal things in place and they should have recognized this. Again, they fall in love with the candidate before being moved to do anything rather than seeing the big picture. And this time, it is clear they fucked up by not seeing the big picture, but not understanding what would happen if the Dems lost.
I do also love the posts saying that the US has no problem with women because they elected a black man as president right before her.

While obviously Jim Crow dominated the south and disenfranchised blacks through the 1960s (and really still through today), the 15th Amendment passed in 1870 technically gave black men the right to vote.

Women didn't get the same until 1920. 50 years after black former slaves.


I predict we're getting a Kennedy binge before the name becomes passé

Should've run 3 laps around the worst candidate ever.

Not when you have FBI issue a statement about FUCKING EMAILS

not when you have a candidate mudslinging and bringing the entire election process with it, with people getting "used" to his fucking disgusting vile comments and passing it off as he just says what he wants

not when you have media giving a platform to fucking fascists and letting the general public hear their arguments and treat them as valid points

You guys are seeing this shit through a vacuum and its insane how many of you are playing into it just like how everyone played into it when Trump made it that far

Oh and by the way she's a woman too in one of the most sexist "first" world countries in the world
Looks like we're still here then



Are you involved in local politics? I am, and of you think that suddenly the Democratic party hates Hillary Clinton, I ask you to check your bubble. Let's not repeat the primaries, when Bernie stans were baffled when Hillary slayed him in state after state after state.

The only real place you find the irrational hatred of Hillary from the left is the internet. But millions of people follow and admire Hillary, and there is no way on earth that the Democratic Party as a whole is going to throw her under a bus after the decades of work she has put in, and all the work she could still do.

If the Dems and Hillary think that trying to keep her as a prominent face of the dem party is a good idea then we're fucked. I saw plenty of irrational hate for her outside of the internet, it's not going to go away.


If the Dems and Hillary think that trying to keep her as a prominent face of the dem party is a good idea then we're fucked. I saw plenty of irrational hate for her outside of the internet, it's not going to go away.

It's a fucking Facebook video.
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