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Hillary Clinton video message on Facebook

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If the Dems and Hillary think that trying to keep her as a prominent face of the dem party is a good idea then we're fucked. I saw plenty of irrational hate for her outside of the internet, it's not going to go away.
Releasing a single facebook message after an extended period of silence is now an earnest attempt to become the new face of the Democratic Party of the United States of America.



The campaign was fine. People didn't think so many would vote for trump. We got misled by the polls.

If people thought it was going to be close, more would have shown up. He won by a small margin. People also wouldn't have written in beanie or a damned animal. If it seemed serious.

The hate she gets is unjustified, but her campaign definitely wasn't "fine".
In this case right now, you are damn right it is. The only party that has a hope of the White House that is leftist is the Democrats. And rather than recognizing that and supporting it, they decided to not show up and now everything that has been fought for for decades will be peeled back and that will be the status quo for a while as we lost the SC which will affect future generations. So yes, they should have showed up and voted for the Dems. Jill Stein will never, ever see the white house and a vote for her was a vote for Trump. Not voting was a vote for Trump. Allowing the GOP to have the Presidency was a direct line to removal of any liberal things in place and they should have recognized this. Again, they fall in love with the candidate before being moved to do anything rather than seeing the big picture. And this time, it is clear they fucked up by not seeing the big picture, but not understanding what would happen if the Dems lost.

Meh, I'm a white male with a decent job, I can stand with my ideals.

Oh I'm sorry, you must be brown, have a vagina, LGBTQ, an immigrant, etc. sucks for you.

Not sorry, that is what the idealistic bile sounds like to me. I get having ideals, but some people need to realize that it isn't always about them. You stayed home or voted 3rd party cause eww Hillary and now we have a man in the WH who is BURNING the progress that was made over eight years in a month.

Releasing a single facebook message after an extended period of silence is now an earnest attempt to become the new face of the Democratic Party of the United States of America.


And FFS, why can't she still be a prominent voice of the party? Oh right, hate boner, my bad. Im really starting to hate 'progressives'. At least the GOP gets behind their man, win/lose/draw. We cannot stop fighting among ourselves.


If the Dems and Hillary think that trying to keep her as a prominent face of the dem party is a good idea then we're fucked. I saw plenty of irrational hate for her outside of the internet, it's not going to go away.

the clinton "brand", so to speak, as it relates to politics is certainly tarnished likely beyond repair but I don't see the issue with hillary getting her voice out there in times like these. I'll be the first the shun her ever running for office again but this video is fine. great, even. we need all hands on deck.


Looks like we're still here then


They're afraid to look inward, because it would require placing some blame or fault on themselves.
On the official DNC facebook page. This isn't some random video she put out by herself.

Because it's for the DNC.

They're afraid to look inward, because it would require placing some blame or fault on themselves.

You could easily play this game with Bernie supporters in the primary who would prefer to harp on RIGGED! versus their own candidates issues.

I mean, it's the same thing for some Hillary supporters now, but don't act like this is a unique phenomena.


Releasing a single facebook message after an extended period of silence is now an earnest attempt to become the new face of the Democratic Party of the United States of America.


To be fair, she's so shrill and untrustworthy and it's HER fault she wasn't someone I would vote for and THANKS FOR TRUMP
The US is soooo damn sexist and racist. November was an American patriarchal white supremacist's proudest fucking moment.

We proved the sexism part by not voting for Hillary, and the racism part by not voting against Donald Trump.

It got to the point where people in the media were pointing out the blatant double standard she had to put up with, while also enforcing said double standard at the same time.

She should have won. Shame this country is full of stupid people.

I've seen a lot of posts blaming her for losing the election and yeah she made mistakes but even if she had redirected her campaign she would have won what? An extra 500,000 votes, maybe? That means that 91.5 million people (instead of 92) would have still seen what Trump was about in the year and a half before the election and decided to not do a damn thing about it.


No, I meant I used "misogynist" instead.
But aren't you basically saying that one cannot piss on Hillary because SHE'S A WOMAN, thereby making it a misogynous/sexist act? While in reality there are many other reasons?
The hate she gets is unjustified, but her campaign definitely wasn't "fine".

Yeah, I mean we should acknowledge that she didnt show up in most of these "Blue Wall States." Granted the voting populace there was do dumb that they basically said "well Trump had a rally here and she didnt, I should vote for him" when he had no policy ideas and she had a novel of them. There were a lot of things she could have done better and last year was a display of everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.

Bernie stayed in and kept attacking her even when he had no chance of winning (note I am not criticizing him staying in, just the unnecessary attacks which Trump and the alt-right used)
Media giving so much unchecked air time to Trump
Media making every little thing about Hillary seem like a world ending event and then glossing over things Trump was doing
Hillary not campaigning as much as she should have and not visiting the places she really should have
Polling being way the fuck off. I could understand Hillary and her team going "ok we are solidly in the lead in all these states and turning states we never thought we would, let us focus our attention on those states."
I see where you're coming from, but.... naaah. I find HIllary repulsive, but would've still voted for her (I'm not American). Is there actually anyone in this thread who's saying she's as bad as Trump?

But there's a reason she lost - she's literally the worst Democratic candidate imaginable. I challenge you to conjure up a worse contender.

Neogaf still pining for the worst loser in modern US political history instead of learning lessons

Kerry, Mondale, McGovern were all worse just for starters.


On the official DNC facebook page. This isn't some random video she put out by herself.

I said "A face" not a new face or THE face.

She's the previous Democratic nominee, lifelong Democrat and winner of the popular vote.

If you thought the party was just going to throw her under the bus...Again, check your bubble.


Sounded like a lot of empty platitudes honestly.
Would have preferred a "sorry we let you down" video instead.
You can run a very flawed campaign and also be the victim of blatant sexism, some of which lives on the first page of this thread.

You guys really need to stop thinking in binary terms.


Neo Member
I think there is a lot you can pick at with her neoliberalism, corporate crony, Bill... however I decided that this women hasn't gotten a fair shake she never did and when you go back and look at the record there is still a lot of questions to be raised but there is a lot of good she has tried to do. I think that if she had been president she would of surprised a lot of critics and got a lot of good things accomplished.


Hilary is fine. I like that she's still doing stuff like this to help democrats.There were worst democratic presidential candidates then her like Monodale and McGovern.


But aren't you basically saying that one cannot piss on Hillary because SHE'S A WOMAN, thereby making it a misogynous/sexist act? While in reality there are many other reasons?

Oh, I see. You seem to miss how in this scenario, I'm fighting back against a tidal wave of piss that exists regardless of me trying to catch it with my tin bucket.
You know I always thought it would be the Bernie lot who morphed into America's Momentum crowd and was quite surprised when it turned out the purist lunatics were actually for Hillary.


She's the previous Democratic nominee, lifelong Democrat and winner of the popular vote.

If you thought the party was just going to throw her under the bus...Again, check your bubble.

They don't have to throw her under the bus at all and I'm in no way suggesting that. I'm just saying she should not be a public figure for the dems. If this is a one off video then it's not an issue, but if it's something regular we're going to be rehashing this past election for the rest of this term.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeah, I mean we should acknowledge that she didnt show up in most of these "Blue Wall States." Granted the voting populace there was do dumb that they basically said "well Trump had a rally here and she didnt, I should vote for him" when he had no policy ideas and she had a novel of them. There were a lot of things she could have done better and last year was a display of everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
The blue wall state thing is something that, in hindsight, is a huge mistake but I'm hard pressed to call it "stupid" at the time. She was up +8 in Wisconsin! Someone smarter could and should have figured it out but it's not like they were ignoring unfavorable data
You know I always thought it would be the Bernie lot who morphed into America's Momentum crowd and was quite surprised when it turned out the purist lunatics were actually for Hillary.

Progressives calling progressives lunatics, yah 2018/2020 is going to be awesome.

I'm so glad I'm a white male, thank you lotto.
The blue wall state thing is something that, in hindsight, is a huge mistake but I'm hard pressed to call it "stupid" at the time. She was up +8 in Wisconsin! Someone smarter could and should have figured it out but it's not like they were ignoring unfavorable data

Yeah in their campaign's limited defense, it's not like the data was saying something different.

What people weren't paying attention to was the high % of undecided voters wouldn't break evenly.
This thread is why progressives lose. Embarrassing.


Much of the conservative base hated trump but got behind him when he was the nominee

When Clinton was nominated, talking with liberals, you'd think she was the fucking tea party candidate for god's sake, with all the hate they had for her STILL

well folks, enjoy Trump for 8 years, because republicans control the congress so there won't any impeachment and the electoral college ain't going nowhere and Trump is still loved in states like Ohio and Florida
The blue wall state thing is something that, in hindsight, is a huge mistake but I'm hard pressed to call it "stupid" at the time. She was up +8 in Wisconsin! Someone smarter could and should have figured it out but it's not like they were ignoring unfavorable data

Oh I agree. I had another post stating about how polling was a huge thing that went wrong this past cycle and most likely affected the campaigns decisions (why focus on a solidly blue state when we might pull these states that are seemingly in play?). Also, I wasnt implying IT was stupid, rather the populace was. I mean there are interviews with people who said essentially what I said: "he came out here, she didnt so we voted for him."

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh I agree. I had another post stating about how polling was a huge thing that went wrong this past cycle and most likely affected the campaigns decisions (why focus on a solidly blue state when we might pull these states that are seemingly in play?). Also, I wasnt implying IT was stupid, rather the populace was. I mean there are interviews with people who said essentially what I said: "he came out here, she didnt so we voted for him."


Holy shit, the amount of vitriol over Hillary simply releasing a facebook video is ridiculous. You'd think she strangled a puppy to death on live television or something.


You know I always thought it would be the Bernie lot who morphed into America's Momentum crowd and was quite surprised when it turned out the purist lunatics were actually for Hillary.

It was always pretty obvious there was some serious cases of self-projection going on in the Bernie criticism so I wasn't that surprised.
Progressives calling progressives lunatics, yah 2018/2020 is going to be awesome.

I'm so glad I'm a white male, thank you lotto.

When you lose an election to donald trump and react by wanting more of the same, I don't understand how it's anything other than lunacy.

And if you read the thread that you'll see people aren't actually that bothered about Hillary releasing a video, they're bothered about her fanbase still peddling the 'everything was fine' stuff.
Oh I agree. I had another post stating about how polling was a huge thing that went wrong this past cycle and most likely affected the campaigns decisions (why focus on a solidly blue state when we might pull these states that are seemingly in play?). Also, I wasnt implying IT was stupid, rather the populace was. I mean there are interviews with people who said essentially what I said: "he came out here, she didnt so we voted for him."

And almost all the late deciders went for Trump. That's hard to combat.


They don't have to throw her under the bus at all and I'm in no way suggesting that. I'm just saying she should not be a public figure for the dems. If this is a one off video then it's not an issue, but if it's something regular we're going to be rehashing this past election for the rest of this term.

Yeah the person who destroyed the other candidate in the popular vote has no value here.

And lol at rehashing the election at every mention of her name and then complaining that mentioning her name will just lead to rehashing the election.

Much of the conservative base hated trump but got behind him when he was the nominee

When Clinton was nominated, talking with liberals, you'd think she was the fucking tea party candidate for god's sake, with all the hate they had for her STILL

well folks, enjoy Trump for 8 years, because republicans control the congress so there won't any impeachment and the electoral college ain't going nowhere and Trump is still loved in states like Ohio and Florida

We deserve this, the only hope is that some people feel so much pain that they stop acting like petulant children.
I mean, on one hand, I agree that it would probably be strategically better if both Hillary and Bernie took hands-off roles in the 2020 Democratic primary. I don't want the scenario where both Hillary and Bernie publicly back different candidates during the primaries and we wind up re-litigating 2016's primaries by proxy.

I don't want Hillary and Bernie to have to quit making political statements altogether because that would be an extreme overreach of the previous statement. But I still think they should approach 2020 delicately.

There's nothing wrong with Hillary Clinton making a Facebook video in Feb 2017, though.
When you lose an election to donald trump and react by wanting more of the same, I don't understand how it's anything other than lunacy.

You're projecting a lot here. I don't think anyone in here is saying "we need Hillary again!", just that she doesn't deserve the ire of so many on the left.
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