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Holiday 2015 - 4 major FPS - Where's your money going this Fall?


BLOPS3 will be a day one purchase, because despite the great shame it brings me I love Call of Duty....

Battlefront I'll probably pick up after I've Exo-Suit myself into boredom around Christmas! I never played any of the previous Battlefront games and I'm really looking forward to getting into this one.

I'd like to purchase all of them but with these companies recent outputs I only expect BLOPS3 to be the one that launches with minimal issue. I don't even really play CoD games these days so I might skip all these until 2-3 months after unless they launch relatively bug free.

A few years ago I would have bought these games all on day 1.


Death Prophet
Probably Star Wars, and MAYBE Blops. Just because I'll only have a computer (I assume) at that time. If I had an xbone I'd definitely get Halo.


I would get Rainbow 6 if it came out earlier. Too much competition.

Definitely getting Halo 5 and Battlefront though.


I am going to play the shit out of Halo 5 and Battlefront. Might try out Siege as well. Never been much of a CoD guy.
You can preorder Black Ops III from Amazon, they don't charge you until the game ships. You will get your code 2 - 3 business days after placing your order. Got Destiny Beta, Rainbow Six: Siege Beta, and Black Ops III Beta from Amazon. You can cancel your order after getting the Beta codes.
Does this work for pc too? I might do that.


Probably not Battlefront, based on everything about it being bad so far. I get that the IP is cool, but the news about the game sounds so bad.

Probably gonna get everything else, but I'll wait for a long while on Halo 5 after Halo 4 was a Bad Game and Halo MCC was a Good Game Released In A Bad Way


Persecution Complex
Halo 5 easily for me. I'm really interested to see where they take the storyline and it'll probably be the multiplayer game I spend most time on unless Gears of War 1 remake comes out this fall.

I'll also pick up Battlefront at some point.
None of them.

The only announced forthcoming FPS that remotely interests me at the moment is Mankind Divided, and there's no evidence it's coming this year.
Halo and BF. Also Destiny: Comet!

I haven't bought a CoD since the original BO, I don't enjoy the series anymore. R6 is a maybe, want to see how things play out first.


At the moment, just Battlefront. I haven't seen much of R6, so not interested. COD, maybe later. No more Xbone, so a no-go for H5.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Rainbow Six. Zero interest in the other three.

Call of Duty
How you guys can get excited for yet another Call of Duty game is beyond me.
It would be more exciting if Advanced Warfare hadn't already proven that setting the games forty five years in the future and giving people more movement abilities did fuck all to change the way people play the games online. It is the same shit as ever.


Hmmm none of those are day one for me... Wolfenstein The Old Blood will be my main FPS this year. If I was to get one it would be Battlefront, but only if it's confirmed not to be buggy.
Wow this thread made me realize that for the first time in nearly a decade I won't have a new FPS to play this fall...

So I guess Metal Gear Online?

The Last of Us multiplayer still?

Battlefront is the only one I can see myself getting and that is pretty much only if my brother picks it up as well since I don't care about Star Wars but I remember having fun playing the old battlefront games with him.

I'm sad now


As long as it is not a bugged mess then Battlefront is a definite score for me, I already have money saved up for the chance a LE console bundle gets announced.

I'll grab a digital version of Black Ops since itll just be a mp burner game when I see a few buddies online playing it.
None so far, I was only interested in Battlefront but after a huge downgrade from part 2 and canceling the original vision of battlefront 3 which looked amazing (space and ground simultaneously?what!), cutting out space, cutting out clone wars. No thanks.
The only FPS for me this year is Wolfenstein Old Blood

I just cant get invested in online play anymore. Although if I did, I would probably get Rainbow Six, it looks pretty awesome.
I wont buy any of those at full price lol.

but if someone put a gun to my head and said pick one, i'd go with halo 5. Lets be honest Halo is the best online and the most consistently good series of those.
Halo 5 is day 0. CoD maybe, depending on the beta impressions. Star Wars maybe, not really a Battlefield style guy. Rainbow Six is super interesting but will be cautious as you know, Ubisoft.


Halo 5 for sure.
Battlefront possibly unless I end up selling my preordered copy.
Black Ops III eventually once the price comes down depending on the E3 Canada deal this year


-Battlefront day 1
-Rainbow Six day one IF it doesn't have any major issues
-Black Ops 3 I'll probably get at launch or soon after, depending on how the PC version is

Joey Ravn

I'm probably not getting any of them. I don't care for multiplayer-only games (Battlefront and R6), I don't have an Xbone (Halo 5) nor I don't play competitive MP (BLOPS3). At most, I'll play through the CoD campaign once to see how it's done this year and that's it.


Presuming it actually works, Battlefront near release.

I'll probably rent COD and Rainbow 6 a while after release. I couldn't imagine spending money on COD now; even Advanced Warfare felt like the same old shit after a few days.

Halo 5 is a maybe. Still can't justify purchasing an Xbox so it could be a while.


Battlefront and maybe COD.

Not interested in Halo after 4 and R6 doesn't look like a R6 imo (Unless they completely blow me away with their singleplayer campaign).
Honestly, none of them. I'm not too into multiplayer anymore, I'm more of a co-op type fan. If Star Wars Battlefront had a good campaign mode, I would have probably jumped on it. As it is, my normal rule of 'if a close friend or two picks up multiplayer game X and wants me to play with them I will' is in effect for these titles.

Halo 5: Guardians has given players little reason to be excited. 343i did a terrible job with Halo 4's multiplayer, and the campaign - while it had some very good things - overall was a disappointment. Even though I don't blame them entirely for the MCC debacle, between Halo 1 Anniversary, Halo 4, and the MCC they have struck out three times. Unless they actually figure out the fundamental qualities that made Halo so special and relatively unique, I have little faith in them.

I think Battlefield and Call of Duty will be about what people expect from those two games. That could be a bad thing, as people might just be worn out on the same games, or it might mean a large percentage of the audience is relatively happy. Of course either game could show up at E3 with some exciting ideas. I hope they do.

Star Wars Battlefront is such a difficult call. It has no campaign, which would have made a lot of people more inclined to get the game just out of fandom (such as myself). But, if there is a studio that I think has the capability to make it work, it's Dice. Battlefield excels at large scale, varied combat and beautiful visuals. They have the entire sound catalog of Lucas Studios and already have a stellar reputation for sound design. Many of the pieces are there, but something in the back of my mind is telling me it will be one of those games that are decent but hugely disappointing because its not the game the fans expected. And, like I've said, a campaign could have offset that some. Hopefully by focusing on multiplayer they can deliver a fantastic game with enough modes and options to warrant the price tag.
None of these. Only one I have marginal interest in is Battlefront, and that's more of a wait-and-see right now.

Although if Doom 4 actually comes out this holiday, I'd buy it day one. (Not likely to be that soon, though.)


I'm waiting to see more of the game, but probably Battlefront.

For the rest, I'm not interested at all.
None of them. So done with FPS multiplayer yearly cash grabs.

But obviously they sell; I just don't want to contribute to the sales.
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