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Holiday 2015 - 4 major FPS - Where's your money going this Fall?


Battlefront and maybe CoD not day 1 tho because I wanna see how the servers work.
Siege and Halo 5 I may play at a friend.


Black Ops 3 is a definite yes. Full 4-player co-op campaign, Zombies mode reportedly big enough to be its own game, and Treyarch MP = years of entertainment for $60. Initial hands-on reports are sounding good and the beta will tell all.

Also curious to see what Destiny looks like by the end of the year, and Rainbow Six Siege got my attention with that E3 demo last year. Not big on Halo, on the fence about Battlefront. Exciting times ahead no matter what.


If we count 1.9.2015 as holiday season (Iam still at summer holiday) and delay wont happen, I will buy Mad Max.

Not a fan of these FPS shooters at all, but open world (lets say Fallout like) post apocalypse / steam punk / scifi / fantasy is the thing. I leave this major big FPS games to those who like them.


None unless the reviews are really good. I own all the Halos (except MCC because I don't own an XBOne yet), I own most of the CoDs, I love me some Battlefront & I'm intrigued by previous R6 games, but all of these games have the potential to be incredibly mediocre or really fantastic.

H4 didn't do much for me, I bought AW and was disappointed in the boost gimmick and overall gameplay - and I'm one of the few that didn't immediately raise Treyarch from low-tier, low talent studio solely because IW collapsed -, it'll take more than an extreme bullshot video to make me think DICE can do justice to BF and frankly there are always quality concerns and as an Australian, server population concerns surrounding Tom Clancy titles.


Battlefront and BO3.

I know I will criticise the new Black Ops on launch bit still buy it, can't help myself.

Don't own an XB1 and not interested in the new Rainbow Six although that might change if it gets some really good reviews.
None of them, SWBF is developed by DICE and will surely be a trainwreck on release. On the off chance that it isn't, I might buy it for PC.

I have no interest in Call of Duty.

Rainbow Six Siege went from maybe to not at all after playing the Alpha, and that probably won't change since I learned my lesson with Alphas in this day and age.

I don't really enjoy Halo despite trying many times to get into it, and mistakenly purchasing the MCC kind of reaffirmed that feeling.

I guess I'm just kind of burnt out on FPS games, especially since there is no real tactical shooter around at all. Typically I play Payday 2 and Red Orchestra 2 these days with the odd match of BF4 on PS4 since I got it for cheap with all the DLC included(even though I'd rather play it on PC).


Maybe Battlefront, although not being an FPS fan I'll be making full use of the EA Access trial to see if I enjoy it or not before putting any money down.


Not a big fan of the FPS genre especially online multiplayer so I will likely rent COD and Halo for the campaigns and skip Battlefront and Siege. By the way do we not think a new Far Cry is coming this year? Because that is one FPS that is a day one buy for me.


Halo 5 and Battlefront but mostly halo 5 because I'm planning on getting the custom xbox whenever that's announced.

COD is a maybe but I doubt it

There will be LIMITED Halo 5 Xbone. There's your chance to grab it.


Probably none of them, 'cause I'm really not into FPS, especially the ones that are very online oriented.

Well, Battlefront is also an TPS.:D

Cuz i have PS4 :

Metal Gear Online
COD : Black Ops 3


Halo 5 for sure. Maybe Battlefront depending revies, was actually looking forward to a campaign mode byt that isnt happening :(


Halo 5 100% day one
Battlefront probably
Cod maybe
I'm surprised that many people will be getting Halo 5 after all the hate 343 got, seems like the brand isn't that damaged after all.


None. Mayyy be battlefront. Probably not, since MP shooters ain't my cup of tea. Would've gotten Halo if I had an Xbox One, which isn't on the cards atm.
Star Wars: Biffles
Largescale, epic battles with broadstrokes squadwork.

Rainbow Siege Six
Small, intimate spurts of fighting within those sexy micro-destructible maps.

Cover all those bases!
My plan was to buy an XboxOne when Halo 5 comes out. But right now my interest for Battlefront and Rainbow Six is higher so maybe I'll go with those and postpone my Xbox purchase.

Will be waiting for reviews and impressions.
Black Ops 3.

Im not a fan of CoD but this one sounds like they used 3 Years to put as much content in it as they can.

Not going to buy:
Battlefront (Will most likely not look like this. And will most likely run like shit)
Rainbow Six (Ubisoft. Enough said)
Halo (Dont own Xbone)


Excited for Battlefront, but not going to buy it at lauch (burned by Battlefield 4 and too many games to play)


I'll buy all of them.

Especially for Call of duty Black ops 3 and Halo 5: guardians, I'll buy a sort of Digital Hardened edition.

So.... In conclusion.

Call of duty: Black Ops 3 with Season pass for Timed exclusive DLC deal console
Halo 5 : Guardian with Season pass
Rainbow Six Siege for PS4
Star Wars Battlefront for PS4

Hip Hop

Call of Duty and Battlefront are day one on PC.

Was going to get Halo but don't own an Xbox One anymore.

Rainbow Six is probably going to be bundled with whatever graphics card is out at the time and people will be selling the codes for around $20 before it even comes out, so that may be a day one game as well.


Only one that seems interesting to me is Battlefront which I shall be getting pending gameplay vids.
Im not a fan of shooters so dont shoot me.
Battlefront most likely, will wait on users impressions on here though, don't trust web reviews anymore.

Siege not sure. Loved the vegas series, and like the idea of this game, however, if this game only has 1 life per round / game modes, I'm out, especially if it runs on p2p and not region/ping locked servers.

COD, again not sure. Gave AW a miss (first miss in series since COD4), liked BO1 (even though that had issues on PS3) but wasn't keen on BO2. Also, if they have their hybrid network again then that will be a big turn off.

Halo, wouldn't mind trying but don't have an Xbox one. Would wait for users impressions first anyway after hearing how poorly MCC was implemented.


Neo Member
Battlefront, maybe R6. Do we know Rainbow Six is actually coming out this year though? Considering Division announced years ago at this point and still no release date I would be pleasantly suprised.
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