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Homefront |OT| of The Greater Goliath Republic


The craziest thing happened to me last night. I played on a 360 server that was silky smooth and and it was like another game altogether. Players didn't look like like a flip book running across the screen. The graphics took on a whole new fidelity. It was weird. I havent had that happen since.

After my initial horrible reaction to game Ive come 180 degrees. I love the multiplayer like a crack addict.

I tried going back to BattleField BC2. and yuck. The maps felt like video game maps and not like real world locations. IN BF:BC2 I felt like I was being herded as the battle progressed and it was taking place in an amusement park mockup village.

I really have come to appreciate the pseudo simulation style of this game and I love the maps. They're not balance video game maps but feel more like a realworld location than most VG maps. It gives the game the same chaotic feeling you get while playing something like paintball/airsoft.
So has the server situation been resolved yet? I'm still on the fence; the only thing that's kept me from jumping in is hearing stories of matchmaking taking 10 minutes to find a game. I don't feel like spending more time looking for games than playing games...


Played all day, did around 600kills just to get the snipers and the diablo on expert before they gonna nerf them. m100 + thermal googles is really awesome! Best match with around 20k exp which was very awesome.

Besides sniping, camping, laser weapons and so on, the pc has another serious problem, cheaters! Damn I mad so many of them today, never seen so many in a single day. I think I saw less cheaters in 6months of BC2 then I did just today in HF. Really hope they gonna do something about that.


Trucker Sexologist
desu said:
Played all day, did around 600kills just to get the snipers and the diablo on expert before they gonna nerf them. m100 + thermal googles is really awesome! Best match with around 20k exp which was very awesome.

Besides sniping, camping, laser weapons and so on, the pc has another serious problem, cheaters! Damn I mad so many of them today, never seen so many in a single day. I think I saw less cheaters in 6months of BC2 then I did just today in HF. Really hope they gonna do something about that.
The cheaters are even trolling on the official forums. It's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. All I can figure is that they want to collect as much evidence as they can before they serve them all bancakes.

Someone also found some issues that may be causing the performance drops in multiplayer and brought them to DE's attention. Hopefully another patch is forthcoming.


Are you fucking kidding me? I bought the game today, tried playing online and couldn't find a match, then the game froze on the lobby screen twice(PS3).


Hey guys, I thought I should show you this parody video I made of a possible Homefront sequel. I played through the single player of Homefront and thought it showed a lot of promise, but obviously I had issues with it, which is why I put them in this video:


I'm pretty happy right now because I posted it over at the official Homefront forums and I guess the Kaos devs saw it and got a kick out of it, which I like because at least they have a sense of humor and know where their game is lacking. Also, I got a new camera last week, so I'm excited to show GAF my new videos, since it was my old videos that even got me a GAF account.
AdamMPSP said:
Hey guys, I thought I should show you this parody video I made of a possible Homefront sequel. I played through the single player of Homefront and thought it showed a lot of promise, but obviously I had issues with it, which is why I put them in this video:


I'm pretty happy right now because I posted it over at the official Homefront forums and I guess the Kaos devs saw it and got a kick out of it, which I like because at least they have a sense of humor and know where their game is lacking. Also, I got a new camera last week, so I'm excited to show GAF my new videos, since it was my old videos that even got me a GAF account.

I enjoyed that, man! Great work!


Godfuckingdammit this has to be the worst purchase I've ever made. I can't play online, every time I get into a lobby I freeze(PS3).
AdamMPSP said:
Hey guys, I thought I should show you this parody video I made of a possible Homefront sequel. I played through the single player of Homefront and thought it showed a lot of promise, but obviously I had issues with it, which is why I put them in this video:


I'm pretty happy right now because I posted it over at the official Homefront forums and I guess the Kaos devs saw it and got a kick out of it, which I like because at least they have a sense of humor and know where their game is lacking. Also, I got a new camera last week, so I'm excited to show GAF my new videos, since it was my old videos that even got me a GAF account.

Video was better then Homefront.
Wow, what a piece of shit campaign. I think I might play through Freedom Fighters just to get the nasty taste out of my mouth.

I hope Multiplayer is worth it. Wish I wouldn't have caved in and bought this. Worst purchase since Army of Two for me.


LocoMrPollock said:
I hope Multiplayer is worth it. Wish I wouldn't have caved in and bought this. Worst purchase since Army of Two for me.

Hopefully with the patch, MP will be a better experience. I have some hopes for it though in the mean time, it's between BOps and C2. :D


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Seriously in love with the Multiplayer. Drones ftw. I just find marking enemies which my teammates then dispatch with extreme prejudice so, so satisfying.
Well despite what a horrible embarrasing mess the vehicle physics are in this game along with all the bugs and terrible singleplay and awful performance; I have to give them some credit for demo support (why don't more games have this? SERIOUSLY) and adding those mouse input toggles to the menu screen.

If only they'd have given this game another month or 2 before releasing it, maybe then this game wouldn't have left such a sour taste in my mouth.
sparky2112 said:
Seriously in love with the Multiplayer. Drones ftw. I just find marking enemies which my teammates then dispatch with extreme prejudice so, so satisfying.

Yeah, hadn't been able to play for a week and came back this weekend. Damned fun. Had a nasty drone streak with the Parrot, marked their entire team essentially and helped us pin them down. Had enough points when it was all said and done to get two phosphorous strikes, one after the other, to close out the round.

I think anytime someone gets over 2-3 stars on a killstreak, it's really one of those "shame on you" situations.

I'm also starting to get a good feel for my loadouts. I have Assault, Anti-Tank, Anti-Air, CQB, Sniper, and Tactical set up. Diablo is a BEAST at close range, use it before it's nerfed!


Multi is still delicious jumped back in after a week off doing work.And man it's chaotic but still feels very tactical. Had a guy in the lobby organising us into small teams today and we held all of the points like bosses. the other team had no chance as we had all areas covered.

Nothing like hearing and then seeing an incoming air strike taking out multiple enemies. Kind of hard to go back to BC2 and CoD:BO now.This is a great mix of them both.


Mr. Snrub said:
I'm also starting to get a good feel for my loadouts. I have Assault, Anti-Tank, Anti-Air, CQB, Sniper, and Tactical set up. Diablo is a BEAST at close range, use it before it's nerfed!

Diablo is a beast! Due to knowing they will nerf it soon I played it to Expert this weekend, got that very very fast.
desu said:
Diablo is a beast! Due to knowing they will nerf it soon I played it to Expert this weekend, got that very very fast.

My fav weapon in the suburbs map (or whatever it is on PC). Can hold down points all by yourself if you're careful.

I'd love to get more teamwork going, and the squad spawn improvements will hopefully help. Now I wish I could join on friends...


Dabanton said:
The Diablo eh? Looks like i'll give it a try later.

Especially on a bit a smaller maps its mad evil! I think I did take me much less time than any other weapon to get it to Expert.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
desu said:
Especially on a bit a smaller maps its mad evil! I think I did take me much less time than any other weapon to get it to Expert.

I still find the M4 to be the best weapon.


Btw does the diablo enable faster running? I always felt like I had a speed boost. Or maybe it was just my hardcore agressive way of playing with it, almost felt like UT :D.
Just finished the first chapter. Does it get better? It's extremely boring, and generally the first chapter is supposed to be the best damn it. So many enemies just spawn right in your sights, you kill them before their AI starts.

RyL said:
THQ Announces Estimated Global Homefront(TM) Sell-Through of Over 1 Million Units, on 2.4 Million Units Shipped to Date

wow, right now more Homefront copies were sold on the 360 only (not including the PS3, PC version) than Killzone 3 copies for the PS3... and Homefront is the newer game here, it was just released

wtf ...

And KZ3 is better too, the public just has a generally bad taste. Not surprised.
Square Triangle said:
Just finished the first chapter. Does it get better? It's extremely boring, and generally the first chapter is supposed to be the best damn it. So many enemies just spawn right in your sights, you kill them before their AI starts.



Just finished the game. Ugh...

+ Premise is interesting...
+ Hit detection is spot on...
+ Weapon variation and there are plenty. But, a lot of feel very similar.
+++The civilians. So refreshing to see in these types of games. The event regarding their fate was obvious though. Also, this game could have fleshed that out even more and be better because of it. Saving/failing civilians should have been a significant portion of the game if I had my way.
++After trying many times to connect online, I finally got in and was surprised how good it was. Definitely the only reason to own this turd.

- Press X to skip stays on screen...ugh
- Graphics aren't up to par compared to modern games.
- Shooting is worse than all other games I have played recently.
- Run speed feels like jogging
- Collision detection with NPC characters is annoying and gets in the way.
- Enemy AI sucks
- auto aim = auto win. No challenge AT ALL. Want a quick fight? Quickly tap L1 then R1 alternatively and mow enemies down really quick.
- Glitches all over. Failed event triggers or premature triggers. Clipping. Etc.
- Story sucked.
- there are more cons but I think that's enough...

Single Player personal scores
Homefront = 5/10
Medal of Honor = 7/10 (the forced retreat section was awesome)
MW = 8/10
MW2 = 7/10
Blops = 6/10
Resistance = 8/10
Resistance 2 = 6/10
KZ2 = 7/10 (Ending was good)
KZ3 = 7/10 (Ending sucked balls!)

Just starting Singularity and it is a much better game so far.


Neo Member
I've been playing the single-player of this for the last few days while waiting for the MP stuff to get sorted out(freezing and stat loss), and was wondering if it's ok to admit that I kinda liked the campaign.
Based on the above posts I seem to be the only one, but I seem to be the only person who actively likes FPS campaigns in general.

Anyway, for this game, yeah I spend some time waiting around for the AI partners to open up a door or path for me, the graphics aren't great, and the enemy AI is comparable to COD(i.e. nonexistent). But I liked the atmosphere, the story setup, Goliath, and loved the sound of the M4. The last 2 chapters were great, the last in particular; i love the idea, it's like the modern equivalent of a castle siege.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Anyone know if it is possible to cap the framerate at 30 fps? The game is very poorly optimized. I can get 60 fps most of the time with AA disabled, but the game looks so messy that way. Would like to enable lots of AA and simply cap the framerate at 30.
dark10x said:
Anyone know if it is possible to cap the framerate at 30 fps? The game is very poorly optimized. I can get 60 fps most of the time with AA disabled, but the game looks so messy that way. Would like to enable lots of AA and simply cap the framerate at 30.

Pretty sure a lot of users have confirmed there is some sort of memory leak on PC--I believe it's being looked into.


So i decided to play through the SP and man oh man every bad decision that haunts most modern FPS games is there.

The thing that irks me most is being led everywhere and then having to wait for the NPC to do what their doing before we can advance.

Oh and this also contains the best/worst stage i've played so far this year the farm level is so unintentionally hilarious it has to be a parody. I refuse to believe the gamemakers made that stage and thought that would pass for 'tense'.

Against all odds though THQ should be thankful that the multi for this game is so damm good
and addctive


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I just tried to play for the first time in a week.

Game froze my PS3 within 2 minutes of trying to connect to a game. This is only about the 75th freeze since launch.

Fuck this game. I'm done.
Goddamn it. So, I finally get my hands on a physical copy. Then, when I got to install it, it states it cannot continue with the installation, as the game "has not been released yet". I'm in Japan. Hence why I nabbed the proper copy from the States. Allegedly, Homefront has a Japanese release - specially localised as they say - in April, for PS3 and 360...with no word of a PC release.

It's letting me pre-load, but seriously?! Any hints or ideas with this?

EDIT: Oh, for fuck's sake. Looks like I'll never be able to play it. Goddamn region-locked. Thanks Steam. You might be a godsend for many, but I could have purchased the PS3 version and actually been able to play it. Fucking hell.


Raul_Atreides said:
I've been playing the single-player of this for the last few days while waiting for the MP stuff to get sorted out(freezing and stat loss), and was wondering if it's ok to admit that I kinda liked the campaign.
Based on the above posts I seem to be the only one, but I seem to be the only person who actively likes FPS campaigns in general.

Anyway, for this game, yeah I spend some time waiting around for the AI partners to open up a door or path for me, the graphics aren't great, and the enemy AI is comparable to COD(i.e. nonexistent). But I liked the atmosphere, the story setup, Goliath, and loved the sound of the M4. The last 2 chapters were great, the last in particular; i love the idea, it's like the modern equivalent of a castle siege.

The campaign, and the game in general is pretty decent really, I think a lot of the negativity actually comes from FPS fatigue. When there's like 3 or 4 big FPS games every month people start feeling a game that's just average to good, isn't good enough any more.

I played the PC version though, and that version is technically more solid.
So Spike are doing the release of Homefront in Japan on 360 and PS3, with no word on a PC version. They're also gutting it like a fish, allegedly removing all traces of the "enemy" as Korean. Not sure how the hell this already anaemic campaign will fare, but the big problem is...Steam has allowed me to preload Homefront...

...but with no word of a PC release, does this simply mean I've have the game ready to go forever? Does it mean it'll open up when the console versions get released? Will I have a gimped version?

Goddamn. Was really looking forward to this. Homefront releases in Japan next month.


Raul_Atreides said:
I've been playing the single-player of this for the last few days while waiting for the MP stuff to get sorted out(freezing and stat loss), and was wondering if it's ok to admit that I kinda liked the campaign.
Based on the above posts I seem to be the only one, but I seem to be the only person who actively likes FPS campaigns in general.

Anyway, for this game, yeah I spend some time waiting around for the AI partners to open up a door or path for me, the graphics aren't great, and the enemy AI is comparable to COD(i.e. nonexistent). But I liked the atmosphere, the story setup, Goliath, and loved the sound of the M4. The last 2 chapters were great, the last in particular; i love the idea, it's like the modern equivalent of a castle siege.

Sounds fun. I play a lot of FPS's and most of them are just for the campaign. Rarely do I go online but when I do I usually stick with it till the end of the lvl cap.

I'm going to check this out as soon as my time with Crysis 2 is done.


Neo Member
Grisby said:
Sounds fun. I play a lot of FPS's and most of them are just for the campaign. Rarely do I go online but when I do I usually stick with it till the end of the lvl cap.

I'm going to check this out as soon as my time with Crysis 2 is done.

I'm glad the campaign interests you, but I hope you are prepared for a huge graphical downgrade after playing Crysis 2. It doesn't make the game any less fun but it can be pretty jarring (I played homefront right after killzone 3 and it took some getting used to).

Also I forgot to mention that the music is pretty good. It has actually stuck with me more than most modern orchestrated VG music.
Goddammit. Game has been performing (bad perfomance aside) great for me--no weird bugs, no disconnects. Past few days I've had connection problems and now all my weapon unlocks/loadouts are cleared out--don't even have my unlocks.

Might just wait for the patch this week before playing again.


Raul_Atreides said:
I'm glad the campaign interests you, but I hope you are prepared for a huge graphical downgrade after playing Crysis 2. It doesn't make the game any less fun but it can be pretty jarring (I played homefront right after killzone 3 and it took some getting used to).

Also I forgot to mention that the music is pretty good. It has actually stuck with me more than most modern orchestrated VG music.

Oh yeah, stuff like that doesn't usually bother me. I almost always find that most games have something 'pretty' to look at or some effect thats cool.

Good deal on the music. Crysis 2 was actually really well done in that department so it'd be nice to go to another nice OST.
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