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Honest Trailer: The Force Awakens

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It's coming out tomorrow.

Damn that was quick. I wonder if he got all his movie footage from "other methods" and just had to wait for the movie to actually release on DVD so that he had plausible deniability of having all the footage already carved up and inserted ahead of time.
Yes guys, it's coming out tomorrow and it's gonna be great.

Would this face lie to you?
I can't belive what I am reading in this thread. ROTS better THEN ROTJ and TFA!? ROTJ being ok on par with episode one!?

ESB, ANH, TFA, ROTJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>crap>>>>>>> prequels

Idk how anyone can look at ROTS and say it's good. They ruined Anakin/Darth Vader in the prequels... the whole second half of ROTS was rushed and ridiculous. Anakin trasnformation into Vader was absolutely fucking pathetic and rushed.

I am a pretty hardcore Star Wars fan so nothing really will change my opinion but honestly some of you should go back and watch those prequels if you can stomach them.
Movie was worse than I had hoped, better than I had feared.

Was basically a complete rip of ANH. In a lot of ways it was even worse.

New techno-terror is basically a new death star? Really? They had to go there and couldn't come up with anything good?

What fucking planet did they blow up in TFA? I don't remember because it didn't seem to matter. Alderaan fucking MATTERED. Whatever planet blew up in TFA just felt like a random Michael Bay explosion.

They set up the new darth-vader clone to be a real scary bad-ass in the beginning of the film, (seriously, stopping that blaster bolt? AWESOME) but then spend the entire rest of the film showing how much of a shitty useless powerless loser he is, and he's no threat at all.

Emperor-clone wears dark hooded robe and uses hologram communication. Really? This again?

They should have let fin shoot up some people in the village, before having his change of heart. Give him some real PTSD trauma from the event. It would help make his decision to help Rey later have some real weight to it. Instead we get a sort of weak/cowardly character that for no real apparent reason takes up arms to help a girl he just met.

I went in hoping for something that felt both new and familiar, and instead I got something that felt old and familiar. It was a good sci-fi action movie, but it wasn't really Star Wars.
Saw it for the second time tonight since the theatrical release. Enjoyed it way more this time around. I'm really rooting for the characters now, whereas I was a little cold on them the first time.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Girlfriend and I just finished up the blu ray. My impressions are about what they were when I walked out of the theater. TFA is okay at best and honestly makes me sad.

First off, Finn and Poe were the bright spots. I found Finn to be awesome and a pure character. Poe is just cool. Rey is just kind of there for me. Both of us found her kind of off putting and we didn't really root for her.

Now, why does this movie make me sad? It take a gigantic dump on the characters we loved in Star Wars. Han and Leia were separated because their Son betrayed Luke and joined Snoke (what a stupid name btw). Neither one are happy. Both wear frowns most of the time they spend on screen. In place of the Empire is the First Order. Which is basically a gigantic terrorist organization that claims planets, steals children and murders without mercy. The Republic is there but seemingly has no actual army to fight them which causes Leia to make yet another ragtag group to protect the Galaxy? Fucking really? That is her fate?

Luke? Luke forms a new Jedi academy type thing, is betrayed by his nephew and runs away like a punk. Yet, he sneaks out two maps so people can find him? Forget Kylo, Luke is the true emo bitch. Go hide but leave breadcrumbs to give your friends hope in finding you? Then when you are seen on screen, you look like a sad old man whose dog died. Oh, a Chewie. He's still kicking around, watching Han's descent, heartbreak and eventual death. All unfolding in front of his eyes. Dude doesn't even get a fucking hug from Leia.

Everything is literally the same as ANH but the big difference is, the characters we all loved are old, sad, miserable and tramped on to make room for a new cast. That's pretty depressing to me. They deserved better.
I don't get it. Why was this moment meme worthy and why did it qualify as "bad"?

I'm indifferent; just hoping to get a sincere explanation.
My only issue with it is that TR-8R should have been Captain Phasma. At least that would have given her the chance to do something interesting.
Seriously, TFA was fine. I'm legitimately baffled that there are people who think any of the prequel movies are better than it. There are also people who think ROTS is better than any of the OT movies. I feel like I'm in bizarro world.

You're not alone pal, I think these people are out of their goddamn minds!


I thought that was a poor effort; they jumped on a couple of bandwagons for the sake of it, rather than being on the nose with their points/jokes. Underdeveloped I would say, but that's more Plinkett's job.

It's funny/interesting, how vocal the neighsayers and haters are now; around release I don't recall as many. *shrugs*

Oh and Kylo Ren was the best part of TFA for me. Far better than I had imagined. The second he took of his helmet, things got interesting. I think I'm looking forward to seeing his story in VIII more so than anyone else's.


I'm not sure if I'm more tired of the "remake" complaint or the Mary Sue one...

Ha! Exactly! I wanted something original/clever from the video, but it only rehashed forum-arguments.

Also, when did the movie suddenly become "bad"? Still one of the best Star Wars movies.


Saint Titanfall
I'm gonna be straight with you, Principate.

I don't think you've read or experienced very many stories.

This was fucking great.

I'm gonna be straight with you, I've had the same thoughts about you which I'm pretty certain of based on my little conversation about since you can't seem to formulate a single retort, seriously man if you have an actual arguement state so. Don't hind behind vague terms and inferences.

It makes it sound like you've never critically analysed a piece of fiction in your life.
Nah, he reminded me of prequel Anakin in that angsty way. In my head I've characterized him as an angsty, angry CVS cashier who had had enough of counting change and decided to make a lousy rip off of Vader's costume from Party City and order a cheap voice changer from Amazon.

His only saving grace in Episode 8 could be some sorta face scar that he got from the fight with Rey.
There is nothing similar about Kylo and Anakin at all.

Anakin turned to the dark side by being a child who was brought up knowing he was 'the chosen one', falling in love with a girl that was against his teachings and having to follow the Jedi councils orders instead of doing what he wanted to which is how Palpatine worked him.

Kylo was brought up knowing that his grandfather was space Hitler and that his uncle was space Jesus, with a father who wasn’t around much and an obvious turbulent relationship between his mother and father who eventually 'forced' him into boarding school. He also had the constant pressure from himself and his family of not turning out like his grandfather. He also had Snoke somehow influencing him to turn to the dark side and most likely bigging up his grandfather's powers and accomplishments.

Because of all this he had the struggle of staying on the good side while being tempted to go dark and embrace his bloodline which of course he eventually did. Once turned he then had to deal with the pressure of being compared to his grandfather, both in power and ruthlessness all while still feeling that glimmer of the light side gnawing away at him. Once he killed his father he effectively killed that light side and has now become fully dark.

How anyone can compare Kylo to Anakin or even worse try and compare him to Vader I don’t know. Kylo has so much more depth than pretty much any other character in the Star Wars universe, especially after a single film.


Damn that was quick. I wonder if he got all his movie footage from "other methods" and just had to wait for the movie to actually release on DVD so that he had plausible deniability of having all the footage already carved up and inserted ahead of time.

Huh? Where is this info from?

It's a joke, The Plinkett review isn't actually coming out tomorrow.

They probably have a good deal of the review ready but of course they would want to go through all the bonus features as well, especially the big documentary on the making of the movie.
It's the same movie series where Luke is able to pilot an X-Wing like an expert and Anakin was able to pilot to a ship directly into a Ship's hangar to blow it up. A series where Anakin was able to jump off of a car directly ontop of another car.

And this is ignoring the former EU which has all kinds of bullshit like fucking Force generated Wormholes and Force Bombs.

The things Rey was capable of are perfectly fine considering.

Luke had some experience as a pilot. Anakin is dumb and we all made fun of Anakin for being dumb. Rey is just preternaturally good at everything, absent of any apparent experience or instruction. If we can call out dumb shit for being dumb that's NOT Rey, then maybe we can call out Rey for being over-perfect as well, without it being sexist? It's not even a big deal. I liked Rey and this movie both a great deal. It did what I wanted it to do. But it may've had a couple shortcomings.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Girlfriend and I just finished up the blu ray. My impressions are about what they were when I walked out of the theater. TFA is okay at best and honestly makes me sad.

First off, Finn and Poe were the bright spots. I found Finn to be awesome and a pure character. Poe is just cool. Rey is just kind of there for me. Both of us found her kind of off putting and we didn't really root for her.

Now, why does this movie make me sad? It take a gigantic dump on the characters we loved in Star Wars. Han and Leia were separated because their Son betrayed Luke and joined Snoke (what a stupid name btw). Neither one are happy. Both wear frowns most of the time they spend on screen. In place of the Empire is the First Order. Which is basically a gigantic terrorist organization that claims planets, steals children and murders without mercy. The Republic is there but seemingly has no actual army to fight them which causes Leia to make yet another ragtag group to protect the Galaxy? Fucking really? That is her fate?

Luke? Luke forms a new Jedi academy type thing, is betrayed by his nephew and runs away like a punk. Yet, he sneaks out two maps so people can find him? Forget Kylo, Luke is the true emo bitch. Go hide but leave breadcrumbs to give your friends hope in finding you? Then when you are seen on screen, you look like a sad old man whose dog died. Oh, a Chewie. He's still kicking around, watching Han's descent, heartbreak and eventual death. All unfolding in front of his eyes. Dude doesn't even get a fucking hug from Leia.

Everything is literally the same as ANH but the big difference is, the characters we all loved are old, sad, miserable and tramped on to make room for a new cast. That's pretty depressing to me. They deserved better.

Yeah it was all poorly thought out nonsense. We watched it at IMAX and at the end there was this cloud of disappointment that followed our group as we left the cinema.

I still don't understand how such a script was greenlit and then thrust into production. At least with the prequels you could blame Lucas and his echo chamber, but we thought Disney had better creative teams, focus groups and all that jazz. When Michael Ardnt left the production I remember feeling unease but Kasdan was still on board to keep Abram's in check so it could've been worse.

I'm glad Abram's is no longer helming the rest of the movies.
It's a joke, The Plinkett review isn't actually coming out tomorrow.

They probably have a good deal of the review ready but of course they would want to go through all the bonus features as well, especially the big documentary on the making of the movie.

Girlfriend and I just finished up the blu ray. My impressions are about what they were when I walked out of the theater. TFA is okay at best and honestly makes me sad.

First off, Finn and Poe were the bright spots. I found Finn to be awesome and a pure character. Poe is just cool. Rey is just kind of there for me. Both of us found her kind of off putting and we didn't really root for her.

Now, why does this movie make me sad? It take a gigantic dump on the characters we loved in Star Wars. Han and Leia were separated because their Son betrayed Luke and joined Snoke (what a stupid name btw). Neither one are happy. Both wear frowns most of the time they spend on screen. In place of the Empire is the First Order. Which is basically a gigantic terrorist organization that claims planets, steals children and murders without mercy. The Republic is there but seemingly has no actual army to fight them which causes Leia to make yet another ragtag group to protect the Galaxy? Fucking really? That is her fate?

Luke? Luke forms a new Jedi academy type thing, is betrayed by his nephew and runs away like a punk. Yet, he sneaks out two maps so people can find him? Forget Kylo, Luke is the true emo bitch. Go hide but leave breadcrumbs to give your friends hope in finding you? Then when you are seen on screen, you look like a sad old man whose dog died. Oh, a Chewie. He's still kicking around, watching Han's descent, heartbreak and eventual death. All unfolding in front of his eyes. Dude doesn't even get a fucking hug from Leia.

Everything is literally the same as ANH but the big difference is, the characters we all loved are old, sad, miserable and tramped on to make room for a new cast. That's pretty depressing to me. They deserved better.

The New Republic did have a decent sized fleet - you see the majority of it get destroyed during the attack on Hosnian Prime - but the First Order were operating in the unknown regions, unbeknownst to the Republic. A lot of the senate was in a state of denial, they didn't know about the existence of Starkiller Base, and didn't want another galactic civil war.

Luke also didn't leave the breadcrumbs for the Resistance to find. The map showed the location of the first Jedi Temple where they assumed he would still be. He didn't give R2 or Lor San Tekka the parts of the map. R2's part of the map was from the old Imperial archives he retrieved during the original film. I also think there's more to it than Luke running off solely because his trainees died, but obviously there's no confirmation of that until VIII.


People went full retard on me when I said that Force Awakens is a remake.

Now I feel redeemed.

Just because one person in a nursing home craps their bed and their neighbor does the same thing the next day does not establish this as acceptable behavior in society in general..


Yeah it was all poorly thought out nonsense. We watched it at IMAX and at the end there was this cloud of disappointment that followed our group as we left the cinema.

I still don't understand how such a script was greenlit and then thrust into production. At least with the prequels you could blame Lucas and his echo chamber, but we thought Disney had better creative teams, focus groups and all that jazz. When Michael Ardnt left the production I remember feeling unease but Kasdan was still on board to keep Abram's in check so it could've been worse.

I'm glad Abram's is no longer helming the rest of the movies.

This movie got a standing ovation the first 2 times I saw it in the theater. It's too bad that the internet has destroyed peoples' ability to enjoy anything. Maybe all this movie needed was a pod race and a plucky 8 year old to redeem it.


This movie got a standing ovation the first 2 times I saw it in the theater. It's too bad that the internet has destroyed peoples' ability to enjoy anything. Maybe all this movie needed was a pod race and a plucky 8 year old to redeem it.

Me and my friend kept away from the net regarding this film and we left the cinema with the same "mehhh" face.


Me and my friend kept away from the net regarding this film and we left the cinema with the same "mehhh" face.

Don't let the true believers know that. The movies perfection don't you know. There must be something wrong with you. You're only saying that to be different. IT GOT STANDING OVATIONS!!!


Don't let the true believers know that. The movies perfection don't you know. There must be something wrong with you. You're only saying that to be different. IT GOT STANDING OVATIONS!!!

SW defence force is real

I don't expect anyone to think TFA is the best SW film. I'm sure some people do, but I'd hope that any reasonable person who wanted to love the prequels and felt disappointment between 1999-2005 should be elated right now.

I lay the majority of TFA's "supposed" shortcomings at the feet of the prequels. If they had been made competently, we wouldn't need a crowd pleasing mashup of the OT course correction movie.

I didn't like Return of the Jedi at all, but it's still a friends favorite SW film, even if I think it's prequel level bad. Worse than ROTS bad.

Different people like different things.

Film at 11.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
This movie got a standing ovation the first 2 times I saw it in the theater. It's too bad that the internet has destroyed peoples' ability to enjoy anything. Maybe all this movie needed was a pod race and a plucky 8 year old to redeem it.

It's great you enjoyed the movie but I don't understand the point you are trying to make.

If it helps you, I'm not a fan of the prequels either.

I lay the majority of TFA's "supposed" shortcomings at the feet of the prequels. If they had been made competently, we wouldn't need a crowd pleasing mashup of the OT course correction movie.

There's nothing 'supposed' about the majority of the shortcomings. They're simply shortcomings. And all I see in these threads are some folks twisting themselves into a knot defending a poor plot and uncompelling characters. There's nothing wrong with enjoying what you enjoy but at least be honest about it.


For the purpose of film, her being an experienced melee fighter is more than sufficient, especially since she gets utterly dominated by an actual swordsman.

At the start of the fight sure. But by the end, a first-time lightsaber user puts Kylo in critical condition and he has to be saved by Hux or else he would have died from his wounds on a planet about to go solar.


I don't expect anyone to think TFA is the best SW film. I'm sure some people do, but I'd hope that any reasonable person who wanted to love the prequels and felt disappointment between 1999-2005 should be elated right now.

I lay the majority of TFA's "supposed" shortcomings at the feet of the prequels. If they had been made competently, we wouldn't need a crowd pleasing mashup of the OT course correction movie.

I didn't like Return of the Jedi at all, but it's still a friends favorite SW film, even if I think it's prequel level bad. Worse than ROTS bad.

Different people like different things.

Film at 11.

Yours is a very reasonable stance in this post. My post was more against those that think it's impossible for others to form their own opinion that the movie stinks


There's nothing 'supposed' about the majority of the shortcomings. They're simply shortcomings. And all I see in these threads are some folks twisting themselves into a knot defending a poor plot and uncompelling characters. There's nothing wrong with enjoying what you enjoy but at least be honest about it.

No, definitely supposed. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.


At the start of the fight sure. But by the end, a first-time lightsaber user puts Kylo in critical condition and he has to be saved by Hux or else he would have died from his wounds on a planet about to go solar.
Luke never flew an X Wing until he attacks the Death Star.

His only experience was flying a ghetto speeder and dropping rocks on rats.

He seemed to do fine for a first timer as well.

This is in line with the rest of SW. Don't go to a SW movie and then complain about the writing. Not saying you can't diss any movie but I don't get people complaining about the writing. It was never good in any of the movies.
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