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Honest Trailer: The Force Awakens

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At the start of the fight sure. But by the end, a first-time lightsaber user puts Kylo in critical condition and he has to be saved by Hux or else he would have died from his wounds on a planet about to go solar.
Damn straight she did. Kylo is an unstable mess in TFA.


This is in line with the rest of SW. Don't go to a SW movie and then complain about the writing. Not saying you can't diss any movie but I don't get people complaining about the writing. It was never good in any of the movies.

Making a lucky shot with guidance from the Force is not equivalent to besting a preternaturally gifted force user already trained by the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy.

And the writing in SW, ESB in particular, is fantastic.


my only issue with TFA os that it had absolutely 0 ambition too it, but thats my general criticism of a lot of hollywood films out now, especially superhero flicks

also, for some reason everyone wanted to have sex with Chewbacca. What was the deal with that?

also, Rey was a mary sue, but so was Luke. theyre basically the same character.
Making a lucky shot with guidance from the Force is not equivalent to besting a preternaturally gifted force user already trained by the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy.

And the writing in SW, ESB in particular, is fantastic.

He did also shoot down one tie fighter.
I agree with Screen Junkies that Rey would've been better written if she wasn't amazing at everything she did. Although I would still say she was at least vulnerable.
Everyone forgets that Kylo took a chewie bowcaster shot to the gut/stomach , that's why he was weak during the fight
Probably using his mental focus on his injury

Chewie the god weakened Kylo so OP Rey could give him that work B^)

My thoughts on force awakens are as follows

It's not for "us" , as in Disney wanted this to be every kids first Star Wars experience in theaters , you've got so many kids born after revenge of the sith that Disney wanted to create a lasting memory for them, like the first Star Wars was
Plus a lot of fans hated the prequels so they wanted to get as close to the original as possible

But yeah, after seeing Poe give BB-8 the chip I knew we were in for a lot of call backs , before Han Solo said the falcon was stolen from him I was shaking my head at it being on Jakkuu

Overall I still like the movie and bought it yesterday but that honest trailer got everything right lol
I thought that was the shot you were talking about earlier. I can see why one might think that, but I always thought it was deliberate; she's barely containing her delight / trying not to go all Resistance fangirl at Finn. She has a similar though more effusive reaction to Han Solo.

True, but she doesn't look like she's swallowing a laugh while she's doing it, either.

I'm not complaining or anything. I think its adorable. But it also looks to me that Abrams gave the thumbs up to using a take that danced juuust on the verge of gag reel admission. Probably because of the energy it provides.

It's great either way. But I think she's just trying real hard not to laugh at John there. Makes it more organic. A bit of accident that gets left in because why not? It makes the film a little more alive in the end.

Edit: we at the part where blatant hyperbole starts replacing support of our opinions? Clouds of disappointment and standing ovations? Shit like that?
Making a lucky shot with guidance from the Force is not equivalent to besting a preternaturally gifted force user already trained by the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy.

And the writing in SW, ESB in particular, is fantastic.

"kylo ran is the most powerful jedi in the galaxy"

*earlier in the movie, kylo ren is seen throwing a temper tantrum on a ship*


Making a lucky shot with guidance from the Force is not equivalent to besting a preternaturally gifted force user already trained by the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy.

And the writing in SW, ESB in particular, is fantastic.
That wasn't so much a "lucky shot" as a "nigh-impossible shot".

And Rey bests a preternaturally gifted force user who had just taken a direct hit from a weapon that threw fully armored soldiers clear across rooms, while also being a preternaturally gifted force user with prior melee weapon training.

The only reason why Rey is considered "overpowered" is that she's not a whiny pampered farmboy. Which, considering how annoying ANH Luke was, ain't a bad thing.


Plus lets not forget that Vader had minor temper tantrums as well, he just directed it towards single people usually. Anytime Vader got pissed in Empire some general or commander ended up dead.


Making a lucky shot with guidance from the Force is not equivalent to besting a preternaturally gifted force user already trained by the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy.

And the writing in SW, ESB in particular, is fantastic.

Girl with at least 48% more natural Force mojo who learned how to fight on the mean dunes of a trash planet versus privileged crybaby who's probably never faced a real challenge.

Bold One

I liked TFA, but everything said in this video is spot on

especially Easiest Money - LOOOOOOOOOOL

MaRey Sue -

and fucking Phasma! what the fuck?!!!! I expected so much from her


At the start of the fight sure. But by the end, a first-time lightsaber user puts Kylo in critical condition and he has to be saved by Hux or else he would have died from his wounds on a planet about to go solar.
She was using the Force to guide her movements for <10 seconds, long enough to clip Kylo's leg, which effectively ended the fight. Kylo Ren was caught off guard, briefly overwhelmed, and then injured.

Making a lucky shot with guidance from the Force is not equivalent to besting a preternaturally gifted force user already trained by the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy.

And the writing in SW, ESB in particular, is fantastic.
This is a bit reductionist, though, and ignores context. In the film Rey used the Force to briefly overwhelm an injured, caught off guard, emotional mess of a man who was busy gloating over someone he thought he'd defeated. The moment is a clear parallel to ANH, where she takes the advice of a Force user to tap into it and rely on instinct, and let it guide her. (We'd already seen how powerful Rey was when she pushed back on his mind reading, earlier, which helps set this moment up.)


At the start of the fight sure. But by the end, a first-time lightsaber user puts Kylo in critical condition and he has to be saved by Hux or else he would have died from his wounds on a planet about to go solar.

The movie goes out of its way to make sure you know that Rey is fighting a Kylo Ren who's not at 100% going into the fight

Yo. I love Rey. But don't y'all go trashing on my boy Luke.

Star Wars and Empire Luke is alright, but lets not pretend that Luke doesn't go next-level until ROTJ.





And we're back to having to justify Rey's heroics for skeptics who refuse to believe the hero of a fantasy film about superpowered people could be superpowered enough to beat the other superpowered person who is also the Star Wars equivalent of a fuckin' school shooter and is also injured as fuck and is also trying not to kill her on orders of the skin-tag looking dickhead across the galaxy who's been chumping him out since age 15.

Rey's a better Luke than Luke was at the beginning. That's it.


I was initially disappointed by TFA, then warmed to it on second and third viewings but have now gone back to my original view.
It's an ok Star Wars film but ultimately a disappointment.

There just seemed to be so much wasted potential in it. Almost everything in the film seems safe and just 'good enough' but never really exceptional. Characters are completely wasted, the plot is incredibly lazy and even the special effects and battles are just OK. It's like it was made to appeal to as many people as possible and not offend anyone. There were no real risks taken and it never dares to be exceptional. It completely lacks any ambition.

Best thing I can say about TFA is that it wasn't so bad that I'm not still excited for Episode VIII but it's not good enough for me to really want to watch it ever again. It should have been the triumphant return of Star Wars but ended up being a mere advertisement for the franchises future potential.


Even as someone who is completely engrossed in the Star Wars mythos and knows basically everything about it, I found myself not liking TFA, hell I don't like any of the movies apart from ESB, because let's be honest here guys it's the only actual good movie of the lot.

Hell no. You really don't think ANH is a good film? I like it even more than ESB. Jedi is an awesome movie too though more uneven. This is just a silly thing to say (only good film of the lot).
And we're back to having to justify Rey's heroics for skeptics who refuse to believe the hero of a fantasy film about superpowered people could be superpowered enough to beat the other superpowered person who is also the Star Wars equivalent of a fuckin' school shooter and is also injured as fuck and is also trying not to kill her on orders of the skin-tag looking dickhead across the galaxy who's been chumping him out since age 15.

Rey's a better Luke than Luke was at the beginning. That's it.

Fantasy doesn't excuse lazy writing.
Let's give BvS a pass too while we're at it.
Fantasy doesn't excuse lazy writing.
Let's give BvS a pass too while we're at it.

Not even remotely comparable.

This is what it is, at its core: People have no problem buying, immediately, and without question, the idea that Kylo and Snoke are as good as they are. Kylo stops a blaster bolt, pulls memories out of people. He's the shit. Snoke sits down and stands up once or twice. He's the shit.

Rey's abilities are not only shown, but given explanations along the way, some textual, some left for you to read between the lines. Her drawing on the force (even after having a fucking ridiculous vision of the likes not even Luke or Anakin have had previously) for a momentary burst of power at the most dire point in her life is "unbelievable" and "lazy writing."

People are really caught up in a bunch of unspoken (and non-existent, really) rules to this Star Wars shit, and when Abrams/Kasdan broke them, they felt cheated somehow.

Which is dumb.
I know a few people that have seen this movie.
All of them great SW fans and think they are some of the best movies ever made.

1 of them hates this new one with a passion and the others say it's mediocre.
I'd say that everyone that thinks it's a fantastic movie has their goggles on

Edit - actually 1 of them thinks it's the greatest movie ever made. Seriously, he thinks that. I think we can agree not to include that opinion

That's cool.

All my friends think it is amazing. My friend that literally could not stand Star Wars thinks its one of the best films he's ever seen.

I guess they don't count, but your friends that don't like it do count, right?

, I found myself not liking TFA, hell I don't like any of the movies apart from ESB, because let's be honest here guys it's the only actual good movie of the lot.

why did I come back to this thread

And we're back to having to justify Rey's heroics for skeptics who refuse to believe the hero of a fantasy film about superpowered people could be superpowered enough to beat the other superpowered person who is also the Star Wars equivalent of a fuckin' school shooter and is also injured as fuck and is also trying not to kill her on orders of the skin-tag looking dickhead across the galaxy who's been chumping him out since age 15.

Rey's a better Luke than Luke was at the beginning. That's it.

there might be sanity here after all


For me personally, TFA is the worst Star Wars movie ever made. Yes, even worse than Phantom Menace.

The final fight scene in Phantom Menace alone (Obi, Qui, and Maul) is better than the entirety of TFA. The level of tension and pure evil in that scene is something that TFA lacked throughout the entire movie. TFA came close in the beginning, but once Kylo took the helmet off the movie was a trainwreck from that point on.

I'm looking for a /s but i can't find it.


For me personally, TFA is the worst Star Wars movie ever made. Yes, even worse than Phantom Menace.

The final fight scene in Phantom Menace alone (Obi, Qui, and Maul) is better than the entirety of TFA. The level of tension and pure evil in that scene is something that TFA lacked throughout the entire movie. TFA came close in the beginning, but once Kylo took the helmet off the movie was a trainwreck from that point on.

This is what's wrong with the prequels. They're based on things that look cool and everything else comes second (including the story and characters). George was so worried about the tech and visuals everything else fell far behind.

There's nothing memorable about that fight aside from it being a "cool looking" saber battle. It meant nothing for the story or for the characters. After Qui-Gon dies, is Obi-Wan even affected at all after the initial death? What did that fight accomplish other than to figure out a way to force Obi-Wan to train Anakin against his will?


Yo. I love Rey. But don't y'all go trashing on my boy Luke.
Hey yo.

I love Luke too but he was a straight up punk ass bitch who couldn't even get his own power converters in the first movie without asking his uncle's permission. He was lucky Han didn't eject his ass into space when he asked if the Falcon was fast.

He leveled up real quickly as an actor and a Jedi in the next two movies though.
It would have been better if they focused more on Kylo Ren being weak and unsure of himself more obvious.

To me the fight at the end was not a girl power moment to show how great and amazing Rey was, it was to show Kylo Ren's weakness.

The entire movie builds to show he isn't Vader, that he's terrified of being weak. He doesn't have control of the dark side. He constantly makes mistakes and disappoints Snoke and the first order. Her beating him had more to do with his weakness than her strength. But I dunno, guess they didn't drive the point hard enough because it went over most people's heads.

I think the movie did what it needed to do to make the fight make sense. People hated how the prequels reduced the force to video game power levels.. the force and the fights in these movies is supposed to be about the characters. But now the complaint is Rey didn't spend enough time grinding killing banthas. Not sure what people want tbh
Hey yo.

I love Luke too but he was a straight up punk ass bitch who couldn't even get his own power converters in the first movie without asking his uncle's permission. He was lucky Han didn't eject his ass into space when he asked if the Falcon was fast.

He leveled up real quickly as an actor and a Jedi in the next two movies though.

He almost drowned in "dirty ass water," too!


Yo. I love Rey. But don't y'all go trashing on my boy Luke.

This. There's no reason to compare the two and figure out which one is "better"; they're both fantastic in their roles and equally effective in their place in their respective stories.

I love Luke and he'll always be amazing in ANH. Fantastic job. Not to mention the way he sells the mysticism and wonder of the force. His work with Yoda in the X-Wing scene is legendary. My personal favorite scene of all time.


He almost drowned in "dirty ass water," too!
I am not going to front.

As someone who does not like public bathrooms and could not survive in the wilderness 2 days let alone 2 weeks by myself, that water was scary even without the monster. I would have taken 2 showers after I got out of that garbage unit before I could even think of Obi Wan or escaping the Death Star.

So while it is yet more proof that Like is a punk ass bitch in the first movie, I am not going to kill him on that one!


Internet bipolarism in full swing, as expected. How about it's a nice movie that has some flaws? No need to go full ham on liking or hating it.

For me I really liked the film in that it got the atmosphere right. No po faced children's movie like the prequels, but a fun slightly more mature swashbuckling adventure in space. But it was definitely disappointing that they reused many of the same story beats as ANH. That keeps it from being among the best of the SW movies.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
She was using the Force to guide her movements for <10 seconds, long enough to clip Kylo's leg, which effectively ended the fight. Kylo Ren was caught off guard, briefly overwhelmed, and then injured.

This is a bit reductionist, though, and ignores context. In the film Rey used the Force to briefly overwhelm an injured, caught off guard, emotional mess of a man who was busy gloating over someone he thought he'd defeated. The moment is a clear parallel to ANH, where she takes the advice of a Force user to tap into it and rely on instinct, and let it guide her. (We'd already seen how powerful Rey was when she pushed back on his mind reading, earlier, which helps set this moment up.)
Also, it's pretty damn obvious he wasn't ever trying to kill her. He treated her with kid gloves in every meeting, and I get the impression he either knows who she is, or has some sense of it. Even after she repeatedly ruined his plans and made him look weak to his peers/mentor, even while the superweapon was imploding, he was trying to turn her, not kill her.

Seemed pretty obvious to me.

Also, I think he's got a little crush. Gonna be super weird when he learns they're related. (assuming he doesn't know already, and like I was saying... he might)


Lucas was right, at least the prequels were original and not a rehash.

Because Phantom Menace doesn't involve a Jedi finding a Skywalker on Tattooine, wanting to train that Skywalker to become a Jedi, that Jedi dying to a bad guy with a red lightsaber, and then that Skywalker blows up a space station at the end of a movie to save a planet. Phantom Menace also doesn't sprinkle in some Empire Strikes Back rehashing by having that Skywalker getting denied training by Yoda initially because he's too old.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Lucas was right, at least the prequels were original and not a rehash.
Lucas lost the plot so fuckin badly that it's his damn fault TFA had to "remind" people what Star Wars is. They had a mess to clean up.

Hey guys, remember Star Wars? Yeah I guess we have some work to do here.
First time light saber user bests jedi who's been to an academy and trained elsewhere.


Will probably be fixed in the sequels with some jedi backstory.

Imagine someone fucking shoots you and then immediately challenges you to a fight. How well do you think you're going to do in that fight? Would you consider than an unfair advantage or is it no big deal?


Lucas lost the plot so fuckin badly that it's his damn fault TFA had to "remind" people what Star Wars is. They had a mess to clean up.

Hey guys, remember Star Wars? Yeah I guess we have some work to do here.

TFA is definitely the Obama of Star Wars movies. Like Obama, it's subjected to a lot of subconscious prejudice too.


Because Phantom Menace doesn't involve a Jedi finding a Skywalker on Tattooine, wanting to train that Skywalker to become a Jedi, that Jedi dying to a bad guy with a red lightsaber, and then that Skywalker blows up a space station at the end of a movie to save a planet. Phantom Menace also doesn't sprinkle in some Empire Strikes Back rehashing by having that Skywalker getting denied training by Yoda initially because he's too old.

Because Phantom Menace doesn't involve a Jedi finding a Skywalker on Tattooine, wanting to train that Skywalker to become a Jedi, that Jedi dying to a bad guy with a red lightsaber, and then that Skywalker blows up a space station at the end of a movie to save a planet. Phantom Menace also doesn't sprinkle in some Empire Strikes Back rehashing by having that Skywalker getting denied training by Yoda initially because he's too old.
Holy shit. I never even noticed these things.
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