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Honestly, if Diablo IV will turn out to be a success, then we only have ourselves to blame for the state of the industry



Come Prince And The Revolution GIF by Prince


Diablo IV was a great game in beta, reviews are super positive, and it's success is good for the industry. Great games should be rewarded with success.

It’s 100% given that the gaas elements are not heavily pushed in the beta and reviews. Once the first proper season starts you will see it ramp up. By then reviews are out and people bought into it already.
The amount of words that some people are willing to write without even reading a single sentence that I wrote in the OP is pretty hilarious, lol.
These are your quotes:
But whenever time comes to put your money where your mouth is and choose not to support a straight up malicious company that helped shape this industry into what it is today, that's when all integrity goes out the window because "oh wow, it's another Diablo, finna cum!"

Suddenly it doesn't matter that it's yet another GaaS game with predatory monetization schemes, battle passes, and all that trash, and that people who made it pulled so many scumbag moves in the past that it has a whole collection of class action and civil lawsuits under their belt today.

While the rest of the world is happy D4 turned out great, you havent even tried the game but are already worried about "predatory monetization schemes". Again, game is good, reviews didnt review the market store, they reviewed the game. Thats all that matters, if it was P2W there would be a totally different discussion, especially for Diablo considering how many times they were shit on.
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There's GaaS and there's GaaS. I'm not sure yet if D4 belongs the evil kind. Deep Rock Galactic certainly does not, you're next Korean MMO in line most certainly does (Tower of Fantasy? That name alone screams for another product with an in-shop game).


always chasing the next thrill
D4 will find it’s spot.

Grow the fuck up, old games will still be around.

Don’t get the MTX shit with your wallet..
The Cod battlepass was fun. Pay 10 and play the game to earn access to new season.

Diablo 4 won’t do this so fuck their battlewank pass.

The only reason i paid more is to have a normal experience (unlike d3 launch) before the servers get fucked


King of Gaslighting
GAF has recently went into a meltdown when Sony announced a couple of GaaS games but here we are, simping for a GaaS game because it's Diablo.

First, stop talking in Memese. "Simping for a GaaS game. . ." - what does that even mean? If the internet is to be believed, it means desperately seeking attention from a perceived peer in the hopes of getting internal validation - who in this thread does this behavior apply to?

Second, and I wish folks would learn this, GAF isn't a monolith. There are just as many threads proclaiming TOTK to be THEE pinnacle of game design as there are threads calling out obvious critiques of the game. It isn't wildly impossible that there's a large group of people who dislike GaaS as a representation of the continued corporate turn away from a creative medium and a second, equally large, group of people who love them some Diablo. That both experiences are projected on the forum shouldn't come as a shock.

I'm pointing out the double standards here. And yeah, I think that the world would be a better place if everyone had a bit of integrity and didn't cave in and bought this game. But that's an unrealistic expectation so I'm not even gonna try to convince anyone. This is just something to think about.

Oh lord. As I said before, maybe some people are just better at separating the creatives from the executives. You are literally telling people that they have to take some absurd stand on this specific case that has a specific instance of something you're personally against, and ignore all the other ethical and/or moral entanglements we're engaged in so that we can compromise and function in this world is silly.

. . .like, I love a good finger-wag and "well awkshully. . ." as much as the next gamer, but all this for a game that seems like it has the model of a fair compromise between the publisher and the public in terms of FOMO-generation for profit (by all review accounts you are getting 50 to 100HRS of content for 70 smackers without engaging in MTX because that isn't even live yet) and - because we have to be constantly outraged - all we can do is lament for what the game MIGHT become instead of praising and encouraging more of what the game IS.


These are your quotes:
But whenever time comes to put your money where your mouth is and choose not to support a straight up malicious company that helped shape this industry into what it is today, that's when all integrity goes out the window because "oh wow, it's another Diablo, finna cum!"

Suddenly it doesn't matter that it's yet another GaaS game with predatory monetization schemes, battle passes, and all that trash, and that people who made it pulled so many scumbag moves in the past that it has a whole collection of class action and civil lawsuits under their belt today.

While the rest of the world is happy D4 turned out great, you havent even tried the game but are already worried about "predatory monetization schemes". Again, game is good, reviews didnt review the market store, they reviewed the game. Thats all that matters, if it was P2W there would be a totally different discussion, especially for Diablo considering how many times they were shit on.
And how did you figure that I didn't play the game? That's one thing. The other is that there's literally nothing in what I wrote that would suggest my opinion about the game itself. You basically wrote 3 full sentences in which you cried that someone is slagging a game that you like and calling me an idiot, a fanatic, and gave me a lecture on how I shouldn't buy things that I don't like, as if that was supposed to be some fucking revelation (or at least I assume that it was all directed at me, it was so poorly phrased that it's hard to make out who are you talking to in the first place).

All that without even understanding that it's not the topic of discussion. Nobody called Diablo 4 a bad game. I played the beta and thought that it was actually pretty good. The main topic here is that if you're okay with Diablo 4 being a GaaS game with shitty business model and predatory monetization then you shouldn't complain every time someone brings up other GaaS games with similar business models. And the secondary point I guess is the fact that if you're sinking money into this shit and you not only don't feel stupid but you're also proud of it, then yeah, maybe we deserve what's going on in today's triple-A space for being such suckers.
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Gold Member
I think it's relevant because it's a GaaS game that the majority of users seem very excited about, while in most other cases such a business model is universally reviled and games that use it harshly criticized. It seems a bit hypocritical.
GaaS are not universally reviled. They are currently some of the most popular games out there and millions of people play them every day.


I'm not getting it yet, but to be honest that's just because I don't have time to play it so I'm gonna wait for a sale. That being said, I'm not a fan of the MTX, but to be honest it doesn't factor into my decision much as I wouldn't buy them anyway.


Meh, I play games to have some semblance of fun after a stressful day of work. Diablo is one of my favorite franchises and the 4th one looks incredible.

I could care less if some mental midgets aren't able to control the urge to spend their money on purple armor (or whatever companies are trying to sell nowadays).

As far as I am concerned, you get a full game for a full price; anything else is extra.


Oh lord. As I said before, maybe some people are just better at separating the creatives from the executives. You are literally telling people that they have to take some absurd stand on this specific case that has a specific instance of something you're personally against, and ignore all the other ethical and/or moral entanglements we're engaged in so that we can compromise and function in this world is silly.
Read the sentence that followed the one that you highlighted. It's literally right there in the quote.


I don't particularly care about GaaS, they are also good games. I do not agree with quality decreasing, in my view gaming since the 90's games have only gotten better and better.

If i want to buy a cool skin I will buy it, if it's expensive i won't. I do what I want and enjoy it and I have no issues with it, there's a very small minority of old school gamers that yell at the clouds on forums or on twitter.

Literally everywhere else i see people loving gaming in it's current state.


Rodent Whores
I do realize that I'm probably just yelling at clouds here because most of us just wanna buy the damn game and not having to feel conflicted about it. I'm not an innocent here either because I bought my share of Call of Duties in recent years as well. But there really comes a point where you should ask yourself if it really makes sense to keep complaining about all of the stuff that I mentioned here, when we're so quick to throw these morals out the window as soon as a game that we're really excited about comes along and we only care about playing it to distract ourselves from our boring, depressing lives for a few hours.
Don't buy games that are bad. Buy games that are good. Especially don't buy bad games with these features that you don't like.

The problem you have with the features you don't like is not that these features exist at all. It's that these features exist on bad games.

Diablo 4 is looking like it is going to be a good game, so it's not the best example to use for your soapbox when there are so many other good examples in this year alone.


GaaS is not a bad thing, its just a bad thing when its forced on games. Diablo is a perfect game for a GaaS model. I have no issue with the game succeeding. If you dont like the GaaS model, you can still get the game, beat it, enjoy the hell out of it, and never touch the GaaS side of the game.
If it's fun it's fun. I feel like if you care too much about the 'state of the industry' then you need to take a step back.
This right here.

Y’all are so against Gaas games. Ppl will do what they want with there money . I don’t see Gaas going away. I actually don’t mind paying for more content for a game I enjoy.

Back in the day I wished games had more content available and this is the time we live in, now i Cant complain lol.
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I think Cheap ppl are against Gaas games, they want everything free and don’t want to pay for extra content 😂😂

Also think Quality in games are fine, yall just love complaining not every studio is going to put out perfect optimized game. I’m sure every studio aims for it but doesn’t achieve it
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This right here.

Y’all are so against Gaas games. Ppl will do what they want with there money . I don’t see Gaas going away. I actually don’t mind paying for more content for a game I enjoy.

Back in the day I wished games had more content available and this is the time we live in, now i Cant complain lol.
Well I still think GAAS games are shit. If this turns out to be fun, the GAAS thing is just added annoyance rather than a good feature. Or it'll eventually completely ruin the game. Either way, it's made worse.


I think Cheap ppl are against Gaas games, they want everything free and don’t want to pay for extra content 😂😂

Also think Quality in games are fine, yall just love complaining not every studio is going to put out perfect optimized game. I’m sure every studio aims for it but doesn’t achieve it
Yeah we love to complain when a product is garbage. Stop being such a corporate shill. You are a consumer yes?


Most people don't care about the politics and the artistry. They just want a game to play, and Diablo is something familiar. Kind of like how most movie-goers just want a popcorn flick. You are an outlier. I don't know why this still needs to be said.


I don't particularly care about GaaS, they are also good games. I do not agree with quality decreasing, in my view gaming since the 90's games have only gotten better and better.

If i want to buy a cool skin I will buy it, if it's expensive i won't. I do what I want and enjoy it and I have no issues with it, there's a very small minority of old school gamers that yell at the clouds on forums or on twitter.

Literally everywhere else i see people loving gaming in it's current state.
Populist arguments aren't a proof that the industry isn't in a shitty state. There's like one game that comes out every once in a blue moon that isn't complete horseshit or isn't plagued with some exploitative monetisation schemes, and you're sitting here telling me that gaming is great. Sounds to me like someone has been taking their happy pills. Idk, either that or it's blissful ignorance or just regular old copium.

There's literally nothing that could convince me that microtransactions are a good or at the very least unobtrusive thing. They objectively make every game worse by the sheer virtue of existing because if they are there then it means they're there for a purpose, and purpose is to swindle players out of extra money so that we could get some in-game extras, when in-game extras used to be something that you'd be rewarded with for playing the damn game. Not to mention that the game's balancing will be inevitably skewed towards exploiting players, thus making us either grind for eternity or pay up.


Diablo 4 will be a huge success. The team clearly made a great core game in a popular franchise with tons of marketing and those (gasp!) tend to sell well.
Yes GaaS aspects suck but those businesses know what they are doing and learning. Even Immortal turned out to be a money-making success - so who is to blame them?

This is not Battlefront 2, this is a modern game from a big company which weaves in Gaas for cosmetics like 90% of AAA and it's proven to work.
Until there are concerns about gambling and regulation - this is the new reality. Adapt.


Marlboro: Other M
Isn't diablo 4 a return to form for the franchise? Didn't they dropped everything that tainted the diablo 3 original release, like always online requirement and action house?

How come a game made listening to the awful feedback from the last entry means that we lost? OP, i don't think you understand what the actual problem with industry is and neither what people complaining about it mean.


You're right, it can be much worse.

OR - get this - I will just go play System Shock because it's a quality single player game that doesn't force me into some live service ecosystem or vacuum greenbacks out of my pocket after I already paid 70 bucks for it.
I paid 90 and will get more hours per dollar spent in D4 than SS for sure so to each their own I guess...


like always online requirement and action house?
well this one is turning into a bit of MMO so for the online... but no auction hosue so far. I do think this wasn't the main issue with D3... at first even the loot wasn't good but the endgame has never been solid and the campaign was quite poor


advanced basic bitch
You're right, it can be much worse.

OR - get this - I will just go play System Shock because it's a quality single player game that doesn't force me into some live service ecosystem or vacuum greenbacks out of my pocket after I already paid 70 bucks for it.
You don't have to buy a thing in diablo 4. Do you have no willpower?


You don't have to buy a thing in diablo 4. Do you have no willpower?
There's literally nothing that could convince me that microtransactions are a good or at the very least unobtrusive thing. They objectively make every game worse by the sheer virtue of existing because if they are there then it means they're there for a purpose, and purpose is to swindle players out of extra money so that we could get some in-game extras, when in-game extras used to be something that you'd be rewarded with for playing the damn game. Not to mention that the game's balancing will be inevitably skewed towards exploiting players, thus making us either grind for eternity or pay up.


Populist arguments aren't a proof that the industry isn't in a shitty state. There's like one game that comes out every once in a blue moon that isn't complete horseshit or isn't plagued with some exploitative monetisation schemes, and you're sitting here telling me that gaming is great. Sounds to me like someone has been taking their happy pills. Idk, either that or it's blissful ignorance or just regular old copium.

There's literally nothing that could convince me that microtransactions are a good or at the very least unobtrusive thing. They objectively make every game worse by the sheer virtue of existing because if they are there then it means they're there for a purpose, and purpose is to swindle players out of extra money so that we could get some in-game extras, when in-game extras used to be something that you'd be rewarded with for playing the damn game. Not to mention that the game's balancing will be inevitably skewed towards exploiting players, thus making us either grind for eternity or pay up.
I do agree with you to a point, but monetization in other forms has allowed people to play games for free.

They aren't schemes unless you give in to them, we have gotten to a point where a game is what you make it. You are not forced to buy any DLC or skins or other forms of monetization. Hell, it was much worse when this first began like 5-8 years ago, at this point most of the monetization "schemes" are non-gameplay related so your experience is literally the same as someone who buys every skin.

Grinding is a problem but it happens primarily in FREE games, how often were games ever free 20 years ago?


Rodent Whores
There's literally nothing that could convince me that microtransactions are a good or at the very least unobtrusive thing.
Would you rather have a game be a one and done affair, or would you prefer to have the developers continue to work on it post-release? If you want continued progress, would you prefer it being funded via a subscription model that everyone pays, or a microtransaction model that only some people pay?


I do agree with you to a point, but monetization in other forms has allowed people to play games for free.

They aren't schemes unless you give in to them, we have gotten to a point where a game is what you make it. You are not forced to buy any DLC or skins or other forms of monetization. Hell, it was much worse when this first began like 5-8 years ago, at this point most of the monetization "schemes" are non-gameplay related so your experience is literally the same as someone who buys every skin.

Grinding is a problem but it happens primarily in FREE games, how often were games ever free 20 years ago?
Sure, but the problem is that we're not talking about a free game here. It costs a whole lotta money.

And yeah, no thanks to all the people ITT who have been so eager to tell me that I don't have to buy or play it, but I won't. And it pains me because I used to love Diablo as a series, and even Diablo 3 was fine by me despite being always-online game. At least it didn't put its seasonal events that always kept me coming back behind some battle pass or whatever.
Everyone else who's willing to listen though, read on.
I could be wrong, but from everything I've read reviews/impressions indicate that the base game easily delivers 100+ hours of fully realized content.

I only consider GaaS predatory if they release games in half-finished states and pimp monetization while developing the other 50% of the content that should have been there Day 1. If Diablo wants to monetize seasonal content for years to come, I don't see a problem with that - in fact, I'd prefer it.
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