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Horizon: Forbidden West | Gameplay Reveal Trailer

I don't know, man. I really question people's taste here, and they can rightfully question mine. But I know natural beauty without masks (makeup, plastic surgeries, eyebrow work) is always more eye pleasing to me, although I don't mind makeups and other stuff to boost that.
As someone with a super hot wife who doesn't wear makeup, I agree.


Most of the debris would've stayed there if it wasn't crossgen, though. Still, this crossgen looks better than any other game outside PS5 and multiplats by a large margin.

No, that's still how debris works in "next-gen" engines.

Even UE Chaos disappears fractured bits on a schedule (Chaos also does a nice job of swapping a lot of bits with inert versions once they come to a rest, which leads to clipping and often a model-pop but at least they're on screen.) It just depends on how much latitude you lend the physics system to keep chunks in memory. That's a matter of a dial in the system, on any system, not some "is/is-not next-gen" lockgate. Demon's Souls PS5 does a great job of keeping its chunks on screen, which is impressive, but then again, so did Demon's Souls PS3 way back when.

Horizon being an open-world game, physics objects have a short lifespan after they've done their job because too much of them kept in and the game could start hurting. Maybe too short, for sure, if we're seeing them disappear so quickly in just this small gameplay area. Physics could be better in Horizon FW, but they could be better on even PS4 with or without a PS5 version to build for.
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No, that's still how debris works in "next-gen" engines.

Even UE Chaos disappears fractured bits on a schedule (Chaos also does a nice job of swapping a lot of bits with inert versions once they come to a rest, which leads to clipping and often a model-pop but at least they're on screen.) It just depends on how much latitude you lend the physics system to keep chunks in memory. That's a matter of a dial in the system, on any system, not some "is/is-not next-gen" lockgate. Horizon being an open-world game, physics objects have a short lifespan after they've done their job because too much of them kept in and the game could start hurting. Maybe too short, for sure, if we're seeing them disappear so quickly in just this small gameplay area. Physics could be better in Horizon FW, but they could be better on PS4 with or without a PS5 version to build for.

Returnal was made by a small studio though. Anyway, this is R&C and you can see the debris everywhere:




Even old gen game like Wreckfest has debris staying there for the whole race length.


You find car parts everywhere in the map. Give that game a try it's wonderful.
Returnal was made by a small studio though. Anyway, this is R&C and you can see the debris everywhere:




Even old gen game like Wreckfest has debris staying there for the whole race length.


You find car parts everywhere in the map. Give that game a try it's wonderful.
Not to mention Bethesda's ancient Creation Engine
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Most of the debris would've stayed there if it wasn't crossgen, though. Still, this crossgen looks better than any other game outside PS5 and multiplats by a large margin.
Rocky debris create serious problems in games where you can free roam. Take the mammoth scene: if those big blocks of wall remained on the ground, the mammoth should have been able to appropriately step on them (which is already difficult to do, animation wise), and if you choose to make debris light, in order to make them movable, the effect would be an off-putting weightless baloon.


Rocky debris create serious problems in games where you can free roam. Take the mammoth scene: if those big blocks of wall remained on the ground, the mammoth should have been able to appropriately step on them (which is already difficult to do, animation wise), and if you choose to make debris light, in order to make them movable, the effect would be an off-putting weightless baloon.

You can make tricks to have them be hollow with no physics interactions as well, but that means clipping. I think we'll see more debris in next-gen only games going forward though.


You can make tricks to have them be hollow with no physics interactions as well, but that means clipping. I think we'll see more debris in next-gen only games going forward though.
Of course yuo can do that as well, but it's not good looking either. Making them disappear is the easiest way to deal with them, unless you want create an animation system that deals with them, for just the few cases in which it could happen. I can understand that it's not worth the effort. Not in this case, at least.


Returnal was made by a small studio though. Anyway, this is R&C and you can see the debris everywhere:


Even old gen game like Wreckfest has debris staying there for the whole race length.

Well, small studio, big studio... if we're saying next-gen power = perfect physics and PS4 is the problem with Horizon FW, what's the difference?

R&C Rift Apart does a great job of showing lots and lots of havoc having obliterated an area, but it still disappears its physics chunks eventually. The R&C games always left a little bit around in a firefight where they could, prioritizing Bolts first (because you needed to collected them) and then like enemy ship parts or vase chunks (partly because you could sometimes double-smash them for more Bolts.) The PS4 game had maybe the least intensive physics of the franchise and isn't a great example, but you can see appropriate debris left in Tools of Destruction and on back.

They're also doing things a little differently from Horizon from Ratchet, in that the elephant debris was probably a bit of an animation (Alembic Animation, I guess it's called...) I think technically they could have can left those chunks around once the 'animation' runs its course, albeit they would then just clip or even float over the ground where good contact wasn't calculated. The smashed rock is probably more akin to the Ratchet approach to ungrouping chunks and throwing pieces around (though I agree with your expectations then that the rocks should have persisted better, especially on PS5.)

And then Wreckfest is amazing for how much sh** it keeps strewn about, but I believe Flatout kept its debris around too, and that was way back on PS2. That's freaking Bugbear, love 'em for it. Plus, as you mentioned, Wreckfest is on PS4.

Either way, you and I can say that Horizon FW's destruction physics are not quite as good as we want them to be, but that isn't necessarily because it's a cross-gen game. It just is what this physics engine is. Past-gen games have done it better within their own approach, and next-gen games don't have a magic "infinite physics" capacity because they're 10x the TFLOPs or whatever. We will see better physics as next-gen progresses, but unless a totally new way of managing physics comes along (Chaos is good, but it isn't perfect either,) we won't have to wait for the end of cross-gen for that, we'll just need games that do it better.
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I agree. He absolutely shouldn't. He even tweeted in anger that he wouldn't be previewing Returnal. Not sure what he was angry about.

Then he reviewed Returnal and gave it a 6/10, but most of his complaints were about the roguelike genre itself, not Returnal. He started the review with this:
This nut suck is just looking for attention. Don't give him the attention he craves. I don't know why people pay him any attention if he can't take his bias out of reviews.


Underwater seemed cool, but honestly want more San Fran less beach jungle.

It is more than possible that San Francisco would look like that. Let me explain:

1000 years, right?

1) Well, Earth has a wobble axial rotation:

That rotation changes the climate around different parts of the globe, with the full wobble rotation estimated to be 26,000 years.


That happens when you are far from the sun during northern summer (winter in the south) and closer to the sun during northern winter (summer in the south, Aussies know that). Due to un


Although that should mean the Tropic of Capricon should be the line of death, when in reality it has the most of rainforests compared to the Tropic of Cancer. I think that's due to less dry land and more sea and ice there compared to the northern hemisphere which means lots of mist to cool down.


This could make desert places tropical rainforest again, and vice versa, could as well make San Francisco more "tropical" than it is, but not necessarily.

2) Invasive plants say hi:

With many gardens and even homes having exotic plants and trees from all over the world you should expect those to compete with native plants and trees as well. Here is an invasive plant called "Wild Balsam" (Impatiens balsamina) literally invaded our mountains and turn the mountains into pink during late August and September after the monsoon season:

Yup, that's fucking me ~11 years ago:



We've had many other plants that root from all over the globe. Funnily, there are plants that came from the Americas and now are in the wild. So you can imagine how it's possible to have mixed nature after 1,000 years when people lose control over those gardens.


Anyway, I hope that entertained some. This is one massive reason why I loved Horizon Zero Dawn and went reading everything because this futuristic stuff entertains me a lot and makes me read every collectable in the map to learn more. Horizon is a very unique game and experience to me, just like The Division that people spent their time shitting on I was more interested in the political background on why the US and Russian governments are keeping the smallpox virus in their labs even with all the WHO calls to terminate them as it's an extinct virus in the wild since 1979.

And how such divisions exist for various reasons in real life. Interesting stuff.
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It is more than possible that San Francisco would look like that. Let me explain:

1000 years, right?

1) Well, Earth has a wobble axial rotation:

That rotation changes the climate around different parts of the globe, with the full wobble rotation estimated to be 26,000 years.


That happens when you are far from the sun during northern summer (winter in the south) and closer to the sun during northern winter (summer in the south, Aussies know that). Due to un


Although that should mean the Tropic of Capricon should be the line of death, when in reality it has the most of rainforests compared to the Tropic of Cancer. I think that's due to less dry land and more sea and ice there compared to the northern hemisphere which means lots of mist to cool down.


This could make desert places tropical rainforest again, and vice versa, could as well make San Francisco more "tropical" than it is, but not necessarily.

2) Invasive plants say hi:

With many gardens and even homes having exotic plants and trees from all over the world you should expect those to compete with native plants and trees as well. Here is an invasive plant called "Wild Balsam" (Impatiens balsamina) literally invaded our mountains and turn the mountains into pink during late August and September after the monsoon season:

Yup, that's fucking me ~11 years ago:



We've had many other plants that root from all over the globe. Funnily, there are plants that came from the Americas and now are in the wild. So you can imagine how it's possible to have mixed nature after 1,000 years when people lose control over those gardens.


Anyway, I hope that entertained some. This is one massive reason why I loved Horizon Zero Dawn and went reading everything because this futuristic stuff entertains me a lot and makes me read every collectable in the map to learn more. Horizon is a very unique game and experience to me, just like The Division that people spent their time shitting on I was more interested in the political background on why the US and Russian governments are keeping the smallpox virus in their labs even with all the WHO calls to terminate them as it's an extinct virus in the wild since 1979.

And how such divisions exist for various reasons in real life. Interesting stuff.
All I had to do was tell you I lived in SF for a couple years and it's actually green.


Not really. Mild at best. Anywhere on the coast of Cali doesn't see snow. Rarely drops below the 32°F

A slight push could make it even more humid and with warmer winters ;) Making it tropical or sub-tropical, could be the opposite as well depending on how it's heading next. I personally love this stuff especially that I live in a very contrasty region when you can have 25C (77F) all day round in the middle of summer with complete blanket of clouds for months and rarely see the sun around late June-late September in my city while just 100km (62 miles) to the north is the Empty Quarter Desert with heat reaching 40-50C (104-122F) under the shade and beyond under the sun!
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Gold Journalism

This nut suck is just looking for attention. Don't give him the attention he craves. I don't know why people pay him any attention if he can't take his bias out of reviews.
Don't want to derail the thread by discussing that non-contributing zero, but just want to answer this: he garners attention and fans by giving a certain group exactly the type of information they'd like to hear. For example, Battlefield will be revealed on May 6th (didn't happen), we will see Elden Ring this Spring (didn't happen), MS is in talks with Kojima or acquiring a big studio, etc. etc.


So here I am back from getting bitch slapped like a little princess. I knew as soon as I rated those nudes 7/10 I was done. But I digress.

A lot of praise indeed. Side by side with the original, the density of the world has taken a marked increase no doubt. But alas I'm not fully sold.

Allow me to articulate my thoughts....
  • Completely subjective - the saccharine colors just aren't my jam. More earthly tones like in The Last Of Us are by far my preferred style.
  • Some of the structures look a bit last gen - like something out of UE3 era even. Bit flat, cardboard like without enough geometric detail
  • Shadow and other LOD popin
  • Plants seem to lack translucency? Looking at the older trailers e.g. the tall sea grass shows light shining through the leaves - this seems to have been removed in this gameplay??
  • TLOU2 still eats its lunch!
  • I think this is very much cross gen and held back.
*Gasp* was VFXVet right all along?

In saying all this, I was highly critical of the Ghosts Of Tsushima trailers - till I played it myself and came away pleased....


Industry Professional
Good day BGs, are you able to give us an idea of the quality and fidelity of games we might be able to see on the PSVR2? :)
Due to the selective resolution, higher than normal frame rates can be achieved. I consider that it should not go below 90 fps per eye.

GTSport has already been demonstrated at 120fps per eye, and I am sure they have also tested with GT7.

I can't say what other studios will achieve, but if Naughty Dog were to make a VR game it would be sure to be at least 90fps with the quality (or detail) of TLOU2.

Speaking from own experience, fully interactive photorealistic spaces can be perfectly created at more than 90fps with less hardware than the PS5. That is not to say that all PSVR2 VR games are going to be photorealistic as a rule, no, that will not happen. But the capacity is there. The rest will depend on the skill, time and money of each company.

But more important than the fps will be the latencies. But this has actually been known for many years. For example, here you have an interesting publication (download the PDF).

2017 Publication
Yes, it's just a parachute not a glider. Funnily, Far Cry can have both and a flying squirrel suit out of thin air.
To be frank, i don't really care what gadgets the game gives you or how fancy the graphics look. Just give me that biggest, baddest machine (Titan) that they've been teasing since the last game and the game will be an instant buy for me!!! Last game was great, and from what I can see, this one will be even better. The Tremortusk looks like a good start, they look like tanks built to last, much like the Thunderjaw was with its adrenaline fueled mini boss fights. It makes me want to fight that monstrosity real bad!!!


Gold Member
So here I am back from getting bitch slapped like a little princess. I knew as soon as I rated those nudes 7/10 I was done. But I digress.

A lot of praise indeed. Side by side with the original, the density of the world has taken a marked increase no doubt. But alas I'm not fully sold.

Allow me to articulate my thoughts....
  • Completely subjective - the saccharine colors just aren't my jam. More earthly tones like in The Last Of Us are by far my preferred style.
  • Some of the structures look a bit last gen - like something out of UE3 era even. Bit flat, cardboard like without enough geometric detail
  • Shadow and other LOD popin
  • Plants seem to lack translucency? Looking at the older trailers e.g. the tall sea grass shows light shining through the leaves - this seems to have been removed in this gameplay??
  • TLOU2 still eats its lunch!
  • I think this is very much cross gen and held back.
*Gasp* was VFXVet right all along?

In saying all this, I was highly critical of the Ghosts Of Tsushima trailers - till I played it myself and came away pleased....
No he wasn't, even as a crossgen this looks miles better than horizon 1 pc version.


Where does the BOTW vs Horizon war come from? Why so many people hating BOTW here? WTF?

I played both, I prefer BOTW but Horizon was very solid game with setting never seen before. But those games are really different. Like really really different. And I bet anyone saying BOTW is a bunch of copied ideas from other games never played BOTW...


This is a wonderful looking game, probably the most impactful visuals I've seen on a console. But the 4k video on a 55" display shows a tonne of flaws that hold it back. The image is full of low precision depth of field, upsampling and aa artifacts. The hair, the peach fuzz... they all break down really badly. Given how nice other things are, these things stick out like a sore thumb. There's so much high frequency detail and yet it's being handled in a detrimental way that actually makes the image far less smooth than many last gen games. Once you get used to no longer seeing these things in top tier games, seeing them again, especially on a new console is disappointing.


Sorry, bub. Devs have said it is still on track for a 2021 release. Anyway getting one isn't that hard tbh. Just follow a Twitter account.
Yeah I'm aware of those accounts. I just want to be able to go to a store and get one though. Too much of a hassle to keep checking the account.
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