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Hover: RoG | Mirror's Edge+Jet Set Radio; Naganuma onboard (PC/Consoles); Kickstarter


Update #15 - Future Improvements

Today we'll brief you on the pre-alpha that we gave to some youtubers.

We have read all your feedbacks and we'll give you some precisions about the differences from the final version.

We've seen that some of you were worried about secuboxes' aggressiveness, they have been added very recently and we left a high difficulty. RIP youtubers, sorry :). In the next versions, unlike the current one where secuboxes just fly behind your back, we want to put danger in front of the player to avoid worrying him with an invisible danger. Secuboxes will create holographic barriers to block your way and force you to change your path. They will also throw repulsive or paralyzing time grenades on your path, that way danger is always visible and can be avoided.


We have already spoken a lot about the missions (chases with cops, gamers' challenges, infiltration, etc ...). In the current version, we created some objectives so the player can learn how to play. In future versions, missions and objectives will be a lot more dynamic, non-linear and will take the story into account.

The current version only represents a small part of the movements and abilities to move that will be available in the future. For example Gamers will be able to hang on ledges and easily reach high perched areas. They'll be able to run on walls to stay high in the air or even hold onto flying cars to be carried around. There will be a lot more new moves and you'll have to train a little to make series of long combos.


We also would like to tell you that the graphics are also in development. The current version has been developed in a limited time. Streets will be given many details and gain complexity. There will be dirt, more technology and new elements in movement such as numerous and diversed vehicles. As of today, the playable grounds represent only one-sixth of the area we're going to create. The game will gain great verticality and there will be a few in-doors places.

I was hoping that they'd lay off on the Secuboxes, but it seems like they're making them even more intrusive.
Just bumped my $300 pledge down to $200. $100 just seems way too much to pay for a character that I'll probably never use. I guess it'd be nice for bragging rights, but right now that money could be better spent on buying other games I want. I still can't wait for all of the physical goodies, though!


Hover is the game i'm waiting for mostly, it just looks incredible. Don't know why but i feel like it can give me sooo much fun which i'm missing lately from games.
Project Update #18: Update #18 - Making Of Part I

Here is the first video of Hover: Revolt of Gamers behind the scene !

We'll try to realize regulary short videos showing the work in progress !

On the program :

- New design for the E-Cop and playable

- Otello work in progress

- New animations (sneaking, wallrun, climbing)

- New interactions with objects (catch a console, throw it, or steal it from another player)

- The city triple the size

- New areas as the rift and the shanty towns

Aw snape
EightBitNate said:
Why do so many games wanna be ME/JSR/TLoZ

I don't think it's inclusive to those games. Lol everyone says a game is trying to either be like metroid or "the dark souls of'"so I am not sure what you mean, let alone I can't think of many games that want to be those 3 all in one. Please point me in their directions so that I can either buy or back them.

I don't think it's inclusive to those games. Lol everyone says a game is trying to either be like metroid or "the dark souls of'"so I am not sure what you mean, let alone I can't think of many games that want to be those 3 all in one. Please point me in their directions so that I can either buy or back them.


Just seen a lot of Kickstarters being compared to those 3 games.


Why do so many games wanna be ME/JSR/TLoZ

Those games are pinnacle examples of their respective genres; as soon as someone says "It plays like Legend of Zelda," you know EXACTLY what you should expect from the gameplay. They don't necessarily want to BE those games, but they take gameplay and/or art influence from those games, and it's easier to describe it that way than to try and get wordy with it.

So if they say "It plays like Mirrors Edge, looks like Jet Set Radio, and has combat like Mass Effect 2," you have certain expectations of what each of those things are, provided you've seen/played them.
Those games are pinnacle examples of their respective genres; as soon as someone says "It plays like Legend of Zelda," you know EXACTLY what you should expect from the gameplay. They don't necessarily want to BE those games, but they take gameplay and/or art influence from those games, and it's easier to describe it that way than to try and get wordy with it.

So if they say "It plays like Mirrors Edge, looks like Jet Set Radio, and has combat like Mass Effect 2," you have certain expectations of what each of those things are, provided you've seen/played them.

Oh that makes sense
Project Update #19: Update #19 - Making Of Part II

Here is the second video of Hover: Revolt of Gamers behind the scene !


Update #20 - Hover X Urbance


Hi everyone !
There haven't been any updates in a while, it's true...Our team is working hard to give you the best alpha version possible, which will be released as planned at the end of the year, but that's not all ! Some of you might have felt something coming and today I'm able to explain what it's all about !

Fusty Game and Steambot have decided to collaborate on something pretty great, a subtle and fun mix of both universes directly integrated in our Hover video game and the Urbance animated series !

By supporting Urbance Kickstarter, you'll give this great collaboration a chance to exist and you can even have access right now to a special edition of Hover offering exclusive Urbance features.

In other words, prepare yourselves to find Urbance universe characters and elements directly integrated in Hover and vice versa, Hover elements included in the series universe !

It's a rather exceptionnal thing for Fusty Game we are very happy to see such an idea taking shape !

We hope that you find the concept exciting and that we can count on your support, be it financial or by sharing a maximum the news !

Support Urbance and help us give life to this really exceptionnal cross-over : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2088672139/urbance

Here's a description of the cross-over as SteamBot describes it : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2088672139/urbance/posts/1022825


Sweet, totally forgot about this. Will definitely grab! Love me some challenge and Mirrors Edge and JSR need way more games like it. WAY MORE.




It looks really...rough going off that trailer. 20 seems like a lot to ask.

The final game is going to cost MORE than $20? Wasn't it only $15 to secure a copy on Kickstarter? Kind of scummy of them to raise the price after that. I would've backed the kickstarter last year but I was short on funds at the time.

I don't see how people who effectively funded the development of the game getting a discount is scummy.


The final game is going to cost MORE than $20? Wasn't it only $15 to secure a copy on Kickstarter? Kind of scummy of them to raise the price after that. I would've backed the kickstarter last year but I was short on funds at the time.

Yeah, and early backers got the game for only $10. I kinda regret not backing it now, but the minimum requirements exceed my laptop's specs so I wouldn't be able to play it anyway.

It looks really...rough going off that trailer. 20 seems like a lot to ask.

I think it's still in alpha. The game still has another year in development.


The final game is going to cost MORE than $20? Wasn't it only $15 to secure a copy on Kickstarter? Kind of scummy of them to raise the price after that. I would've backed the kickstarter last year but I was short on funds at the time.

I'm ok with people willing to fund the game pretty much on faith getting a discount. I'm also ok with people willing to beta test their game getting a discount.

I'd rather just pay whatever full price is for a finished and polished product.
The final game is going to cost MORE than $20? Wasn't it only $15 to secure a copy on Kickstarter? Kind of scummy of them to raise the price after that. I would've backed the kickstarter last year but I was short on funds at the time.

Not very uncommon for Kickstarter prices to be lower. Often times that's even advertised in the Kickstarter pitch "low price for our backers", but not always.

And some are significantly cheaper. Look at Project Eternity, $20-25 on Kickstarter and $45 on Steam.


The final game is going to cost MORE than $20? Wasn't it only $15 to secure a copy on Kickstarter? Kind of scummy of them to raise the price after that. I would've backed the kickstarter last year but I was short on funds at the time.
Actually, it's the opposite of scummy. The people that supported them when they need it should get a discount. People who waited and decided to avoid the risk should pay the price.


Actually, it's the opposite of scummy. The people that supported them when they need it should get a discount. People who waited and decided to avoid the risk should pay the price.

Then they should have mentioned during the kickstarter campaign that the final product would be more expensive. When the kickstarter launched I wasn't in a position to be throwing a lot of money around, but I still would have backed the project for $15 if I had known I would be saving money on the game in the future. Now I just feel cheated.
Wow. Cheated. That's something.

I feel really bad for anyone that has ever run a Kickstarter. Such a minefield of public relations. Even people who don't back them claim to be ripped off by them now.


Wow. Cheated. That's something.

I feel really bad for anyone that has ever run a Kickstarter. Such a minefield of public relations. Even people who don't back them claim to be ripped off by them now.

Yes. Cheated out of the extra money that I have to spend now if I want to buy the game, which I wouldn't have had to spend if they had been more transparent with their pricing strategy. Is it really that difficult for you to comprehend?
Actually all devs do this.

Like take Wasteland 2.. if you were lucky you could get if or 20$ as an early bird backer or 25$ if you missed that slot. The retail price is 40$. ~ 15-20$ hike

For PoE, it was the same except the retail price of the game is 45$ although many people took the help of backers by getting the 20/25$ keys from the backer portal. ~ 20-25$ hike

On the flipside, Shadowrun:HK gave backers no early bird discount, just a 15$ slot which gave a 5$ discount making the 4-5 hour expansion to be released after the game free. ~ 5$ hike

So it's a bit of a risk/reward thing going on. If you back the right horse at the right time, you stand to get your digital goods at a good discount.


Yes. Cheated out of the extra money that I have to spend now if I want to buy the game, which I wouldn't have had to spend if they had been more transparent with their pricing strategy. Is it really that difficult for you to comprehend?

I imagine you must feel terrible when something that is actually unfortunate versus a slight inconvenience happens to you.
Yes. Cheated out of the extra money that I have to spend now if I want to buy the game, which I wouldn't have had to spend if they had been more transparent with their pricing strategy. Is it really that difficult for you to comprehend?

Hell fucking yes it's hard to understand, just not in the way you were thinking.


Yes. Cheated out of the extra money that I have to spend now if I want to buy the game, which I wouldn't have had to spend if they had been more transparent with their pricing strategy. Is it really that difficult for you to comprehend?

Deal with it. Regardless of whether it is scummy (it isn't) all sorts of goods fluctuate on price. Do you complain when you miss a flash sale?


I imagine you must feel terrible when something that is actually unfortunate versus a slight inconvenience happens to you.

And you must be elated every time you open a bill from your ISP and find out that they raised your rates without telling you.

Deal with it. Regardless of whether it is scummy (it isn't) all sorts of goods fluctuate on price. Do you complain when you miss a flash sale?

No because flash sales tend to be advertised as limited time only, Hover's price wasn't.
Then they should have mentioned during the kickstarter campaign that the final product would be more expensive. When the kickstarter launched I wasn't in a position to be throwing a lot of money around, but I still would have backed the project for $15 if I had known I would be saving money on the game in the future. Now I just feel cheated.

Then wait for a sale. Calling them "scumming" and feeling "cheated" seems incredibly over the top.
Then they should have mentioned during the kickstarter campaign that the final product would be more expensive. When the kickstarter launched I wasn't in a position to be throwing a lot of money around, but I still would have backed the project for $15 if I had known I would be saving money on the game in the future. Now I just feel cheated.

If it really bugs you that much, wait for a Steam sale or something. As other people have mentioned, lots of Kickstarter projects offer lower prices during the funding phase, it's not exactly uncommon. They don't all tell you "back now because we're raising the price later," either. Ultimately, you have to decide if what you know about the game makes it worth the price to you. If it's worth $20 to you, it's worth $20 to you regardless of whether it used to be cheaper or not. If it's not worth $20 to you, then don't buy it. Easy!

Anyways, back to the trailer: game seems to be coming along decently. It's a little rough, sure, but the real indicator to me will be how much more content the devs have managed to build since their original proof of concept demo, which is hard to tell from a trailer. The devs mentioned they wanted to build at least two city districts; it'll be nice if we get to see both of them in the early access launch, even if they're not complete.
Then they should have mentioned during the kickstarter campaign that the final product would be more expensive. When the kickstarter launched I wasn't in a position to be throwing a lot of money around, but I still would have backed the project for $15 if I had known I would be saving money on the game in the future. Now I just feel cheated.

When the kickstarter launched, you would have spent $15 dollars that you couldn't really afford, to save $5 now?

And you actually feel cheated out of the $5?

People who back Kickstarters get bonuses, early access and sometimes the product for cheaper than the final retail price. This has always been the case because those people helped make the product possible.

I could understand you being a little annoyed if the price had doubled or more (which it might by the time the final game is ready) but "cheated" is a really strong word and I'd suggest using a more accurate term.


I could understand you being a little annoyed if the price had doubled or more (which it might by the time the final game is ready) but "cheated" is a really strong word and I'd suggest using a more accurate term.

Judging by his other statements, he really does feel cheated. His reasons are really silly, but don't change his feeling.


Stupid question, I backed for a copy on KS, will I get a code for early access when it comes out? Not sure how this usually plays out. That would be amazing if so though. I really wanma try this game out.


Stupid question, I backed for a copy on KS, will I get a code for early access when it comes out? Not sure how this usually plays out. That would be amazing if so though. I really wanma try this game out.

I'm curious on this as well.
I did plan on getting it on Wii U but with it not out till 2016 I rather get my Steam copy if I can have it early access


And you must be elated every time you open a bill from your ISP and find out that they raised your rates without telling you.

No because flash sales tend to be advertised as limited time only, Hover's price wasn't.

Yes, because a monthly bill going up for no reason is exactly the same as not backing a kickstarter and being befuddled that the price of a game barely in development went up when they have an actual product to offer.


The game is on Early Access now. Anyone started playing it yet?

Huh... Apparently they won't be sending keys for the Steam Early Access to all backers.


The early access is for alpha backers, the early access is still an early alpha phase that is not a finished game, release backers will have a high quality finished game at the end of the early access.

I mean, the game can be purchased right away on Steam anyways... So, what the hell?


Well it's on sale for $17 to start, so for only $2 more than what I wanted to pay, I said fuck it and bought it.

I played it for half an hour. The game's performance needs a lot of work. It needs more variety, too; I tried a handful of "missions", but every single one of them seems to be a ring challenge. (And none of them seemed to give you enough time to actually finish them.) The mechanics seem promising, but the framerate needs to improve massively in order for them to work well.


Oi. It's been two months.

I'm wanting to jump in on early access but I haven't heard anything about it. Anyone have any impressions?


Oi. It's been two months.

I'm wanting to jump in on early access but I haven't heard anything about it. Anyone have any impressions?

It runs like crap regardless of your hardware and there's nothing to do but explore a small part of the city and run some checkpoint races. I refunded my purchase.


Backers eligible for a finished copy of the game should now have an e-mail with a code for the Early Access version of the game.

New video

That's good to hear. It was really dumb that people who pledged enough for the final game had to pay again for the Early Access.

I like the improvements they made in the latest build.
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