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How 99 Nights, A Game With Potential, Was Sabotaged At Every Turn, List


There is no argueing that the save system f*cks up this game and that it would've been more enjoyable had they implemented a better save feature.


Kobun Heat said:
You're missing

The game is about hitting X.
"Hit X over and over", written on a big piece of paper, served as this game's design document. You're not even formulating any strategies as to WHEN to hit X and WHEN NOT to hit X. At all times, you should be hitting X. The only times you do not hit X is occasionally you might try hitting Y.

Whether or not your attacks hit things is left entirely up to random chance.
There is no way to tell whether your sword strikes will hit the boss characters or just pass harmlessly through them.

Is there some sort of stupid dice-roll system that govern hits? As far as I'm concerned, it should always be governed by proper hit detection with proper hit boxes without being stats-driven.


Yes, something like Perfect Dark Zero checkpoints and difficulty levels would have been a nice addition.

Kittonwy said:
Is there some sort of stupid dice-roll system that govern hits? As far as I'm concerned, it should always be governed by proper hit detection with proper hit boxes without being stats-driven.

well, there´s an "attack range" stat which i´m not sure if it influences the hits you can get when slicing here and there?.

There are also "critical attacks" and items that avoid them. dont know if that may be related to a "critical" in traditional RPGs.


If only they could release a patch over live to make it less sucky. I think a lot of us were looking forward to N3 and it's a damn shame it turned out the way it did.


Yeah, I was pretty dissapointed by the demo in the end... how's N3 compare to Phantagram's KUF Xbox games? I'd always heard their slash 'em ups were pretty great... you'd think teaming with Miz we'd have gotten an awsome product? :/


jarrod i dont even like slah em ups that much but this one really appealed to me, and it still even does despite all the bs, if it had some of the improvemetns we mentioned i thikn it woudl be one of the best slahsers around recently


Kittonwy said:
Is there some sort of stupid dice-roll system that govern hits? As far as I'm concerned, it should always be governed by proper hit detection with proper hit boxes without being stats-driven.

I assume hes refering to the bosses. Usually if the first hit doesnt register I just dash away. Aside from that I havent noticed it. Everything else seems to register every hit. Also there is no way anyone beat this game by just hitting X over and over.


well guys i figured out how to make this game at least acceptable

here are the two things:

1. always have the clover eqiupped so that drops are increased and you may get more HP vials

2. (the important one) GO BACK AND RE DO THE BOARDS AGAIN until you level up enough so that the level you are having trouble with should not be a problem, i would say at least 2 levels higher than you attempted it the first time

i am in the process of doing this now and it seems to be working somewhat

enjoy (if u can)

and i know.. you shouldnt HAVE to do this, but we do, so do it :)
I'm quite liking the game at this point. The trick is to NOT play Dead Rising beforehand :lol

After playing Dead Rising, you notice the things like the collision detection (and sense of feedback) being weak. But playing 'fresh' I appreciated the strengths, like the large armies and the smooth looking and varied combos, which become awesome after levelling up. There's also a more strategic feel to the game based on timing with the orbs. One thing with Dead Rising is that it doesnt bother me replaying a level for XP and items, I am used to it.


What i havent tried is if the Orb sparks are usefull at all against bosses, if they inflict mayor damage on them or are better be used only for wiping the armies.

In the goblin king level yesterday i could have reserved the orb spark for him but i wasted it on the minions he throws before, which i think could have handled without.


I don't want to go too deep into detail, but while many of the game's faults were simple design decisions that should have been addressed early on (checkpoints?), a lot of what isn't in the game is the fault of Microsoft Japan. When power changed hands after Maruyama stepped down, all of his pet projects got the shaft, release dates were set without the consultation of the development teams, and M$ basically made life miserable for Q and Phantagram at the end. That's not to say N3 would have been 200% better if they'd had the time they needed, but the devs aren't entirely too blame.


The Inside Track
Milkman said:
I don't want to go too deep into detail, but while many of the game's faults were simple design decisions that should have been addressed early on (checkpoints?), a lot of what isn't in the game is the fault of Microsoft Japan. When power changed hands after Maruyama stepped down, all of his pet projects got the shaft, release dates were set without the consultation of the development teams, and M$ basically made life miserable for Q and Phantagram at the end. That's not to say N3 would have been 200% better if they'd had the time they needed, but the devs aren't entirely too blame.
Wow, if true (not that I'm doubting you) then MS really only has itself to blame for the miserable failure of 360 in Japan. If they actually go out of their way to piss off the few devs that were willing to work with them...
From what I heard Sakaguchi is having a lot of freedom with his projects, he's the one who's asked (ordered?) for a complete media blackout until he feels his games are ready to be shown.


I just finished the infamous "forest" level and it was only my second attempt at it :).

I was level 6 but i think i leveled up during the course ( didnt remember to use the providence sword which requires level 7)

The first time i was killed after defeating the ruins beasts and got caught offguard by some of the goblin shamans. But the second one i reached the goblin king with both orb attack and spark ready.

I used the spark to wipe the minions and the orb attack to damage the boss. And to beat him i used the dash+Y to make him fall and after he attacked i hit him with that mid-air cyclone that leaves inphy floating and does a lot of damage.

Really, it wasnt that much difficult as i thought from your experiences and i dont think i´m a hardcore player.

Regarding story
it was reminding me of Warcraft 3 and indeed Inphy has a lot in common with Arthas after seeing his end, which i think will be developed within the rest of stories


The Inside Track
Leveling up in the middle of the forest level was the only way for me to finish it, since it replenishes the healt bar completely. I actually went back to a previous level and finished it a few times until I was nearing the level up score. I just don't feel like doing it again though :/


Public Health Threat
Makes sense, for a game that looked so good in the beginning to suffer because of so many little details...

What other projects did Maruyama have his hands on?


Blimblim said:
Wow, if true (not that I'm doubting you) then MS really only has itself to blame for the miserable failure of 360 in Japan. If they actually go out of their way to piss off the few devs that were willing to work with them...

Really sad indeed and may it explain why there hasnt been any changes/improvements at all in the us version even with all those months?.


But, but, but...

The music is good!

In all seriousness, I've been having a fun time with the game so far. Please don't label me a "lover of bad games." Play Magazine did give it a review score of 9/10!

Please don't label me a "lover of bad videogame magazines" either :p
Do yourself a favor and stop reading it. I actually use to pay for that happy happy joy joy crap.


I hate the game with a passion. What the hell with no checkpoints? The level in the forest is just insanaly stupid, difficulty wise. Could have been good, but damn, the level design is broken and linear, and I don't want to go grinding just for a level. It's bad.


works for Gamestop (lol)
This game must be doing poorly. It's gonna be on sale for $34.99 during Labor Day week at Circuit City. Biggest next gen bomb so far?


Wario64 said:
This game must be doing poorly. It's gonna be on sale for $34.99 during Labor Day week at Circuit City. Biggest next gen bomb so far?

Reasonably, how could it be anything except Ridge Racer 6? I doubt N3 will do THAT badly.
{Mike} said:
I hate the game with a passion. What the hell with no checkpoints? The level in the forest is just insanaly stupid, difficulty wise. Could have been good, but damn, the level design is broken and linear, and I don't want to go grinding just for a level. It's bad.

I dont think checkpoints have been in a Dynasty Warriors type game at all.
It amazes me how big of a step down this game was from its predecessor; Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes. N3 is like the Perfect Dark Zero of hack-n-slash games.


The game certainly has its faults, but overall I’m enjoying it for what it is. One of my biggest gripes is the bad level design. Your character moves so slowly that it really kills the desire to explore the usually large levels. It’s also annoying to see a branch on the map that might contain treasure, only to discover that you can’t explore it because of an invisible way. It’s also fun to walk all the way down a long branch, find a few chests, and have them give you either a health boost that you don’t need, or timed stat boosts that you can’t use because they’ll end by the time you find anyone to use them on. I wonder how much play tesing this game recieved at times.

I also really wish that they would’ve broken down your end mission score so you know what gave you a good score and what didn’t. I’ve replayed a few missions and I thought I did better, but that wasn’t reflected in my final score. I also thought A was the highest score but I did get an S on Aspharr’s final mission but I couldn’t tell you why.

It’s really too bad because the game isn’t without it charm and could’ve been a very solid game with just a few tweaks and additions.


Milkman said:
M$ basically made life miserable for Q and Phantagram at the end.

I don't doubt that, but ultimately will that actually deter Mizuguchi and Phantagram from making games for the 360? I kind of doubt it, I think Miz would do it all over again if the price is right. Is Phantagram even making games for any other platforms?


Barry Lightning said:
this game had always strived to be a button smasher / dynasty warriors clone. what potential did it ever have?

The game itself could have been done by Phantagram alone right? Was Mizuguchi just there for the name-drop ($$$)?


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I never really understood the deal Miz had with MS. Was it just this game or is it all next-gen? (As in Lumines on mobiles, PSP, Xbox360, PS2 but not PS3?)

Or; the other way around: after the poor performance of this game will MS be likely to pay him more money to produce an even worse game?


sp0rsk said:
B. Other games in the genre still blow this game out of the water in terms of items. See: sengoku basara 2 (which johnnyram, you really should play)

Anyone know when Devil Kings 2 comes out in NA, or if it's coming out at all? I'm in the mood for a DW-style game, and I read this is pretty much DW but better.


I bought it and I hate the game for one simple reason:

No mid-level checkpoints or continues

What the hell is going on? It's 2006 ffs and this is supposed to be next-gen...and we're stuck with an archaic level system that throws you back to the beginning if you die. It's bullshit and it ruins the game.


Takuan said:
Anyone know when Devil Kings 2 comes out in NA, or if it's coming out at all? I'm in the mood for a DW-style game, and I read this is pretty much DW but better.
Get Samurai Warriors 2 next month. By the time you're finished with that, DK2 should be out in the States, if it comes out at all.


123rl said:
I bought it and I hate the game for one simple reason:

No mid-level checkpoints or continues

What the hell is going on? It's 2006 ffs and this is supposed to be next-gen...and we're stuck with an archaic level system that throws you back to the beginning if you die. It's bullshit and it ruins the game.

See. You made two errors : buying the game and not reading GAF advice.


This game had so much potential, after the disappointments, I'm not even going to look twice. I don't care if it was Phantagram/Q?/Microsoft at fault, it won't change a damn thing :-/

*hugs his copy of BASARA 2*


123rl said:
No mid-level checkpoints or continues

If you die 2-3 times the difficulty for the level is adjusted. And if its still too difficult you can go back to play previous maps and raise the level of your characters/earn new objects.

Some combos and weapons can make a big difference.

And ok, the checkpoints could have made the game easier, more enjoyable but c´mon ninja gaiden or dmc for example are praised for just the same aspect, for being too difficult. Of course i´m not comparing the games, those two are on another league, much much better.

Btw, i have already beaten the game with 5 characters and enjoyed so far the story and the difference in gameplay of each one. Yes surprise, the combos do matter and theres some strategy so you have to change the way you play with each character. Everyone has its advantages/disadvantages.

The only really problematic aspect i have found is that when you get sorrounded by lots of enemies and get hit, your character may be left a bit stoned and reacts really slowly so you cant escape and get screwed and take a lot of damage.


Some of you people ****ing suck at this game, seriously.

Two hours on a single stage? Is that even possible at all? None of the levels are that big.

Forest being hard? What the hell. Stop trying to X-mash your way through the game, it's actually is crazy easy if you actually put some effort into your fighting.

Hard bosses? Geez, just juggle them. With Inphyy or Aspharr, for example, just do two X slashes and two Y. Repeat when they get up. The bosses are actually too easy. And if you're having problems with Dwykfarrio in the forest, I hope you've taken out the goblin shamans before you try to attack him.

Regarding the bosses invincibility windows that Kohler whined about -- it's not random at all. Yes, there are little windows where you can't hurt the bosses and, yes, it blows, but they happen at the same times every time. It's usually in the middle of animations. And it never really matters since some strikes in your combo always hit, especially if you're doing the juggle combo I mentioned above.

The "useless" items are awesome for ranking the levels. When your character is level 8 or 9, everything dies way too fast. Equip your worst weapon and a -50 ATK item and, voila, you have insane combos again (which help with the ranking). (And also what Jonnyram said about these items.)

Point of this post? Please stop ragging on a game you've obviously not even tried to grasp, people. Thanks!


force push the doodoo rock
aku:jiki said:
Point of this post? Please stop ragging on a game you've obviously not even tried to grasp, people. Thanks!

Or trash it for design choices that make no sense in the face of superior games?


sp0rsk said:
Or trash it for design choices that make no sense in the face of superior games?
I agree that there are quite a few poor design choices and instances of sloppy coding (cutscenes breaking your combo or special is inexcusable), but they are never bad enough to completely ruin the game. I agree there are "superior" games in the genre, sure, but that doesn't automatically mean that N3 is godawful crap that needs to be shat on. It's pretty fun for what it is, and so far it is the only one that offers hundreds and hundreds of enemies on screen at once, which is great fun in and of itself.

I mean, come on, using an Orb Spark (the "super special") to kill like 10 dragons and 400 soldiers at once is kinda awesome. Not even you haters can deny that!


force push the doodoo rock
aku:jiki said:
I agree that there are quite a few poor design choices and instances of sloppy coding (cutscenes breaking your combo or special is inexcusable), but they are never bad enough to completely ruin the game. I agree there are "superior" games in the genre, sure, but that doesn't automatically mean that N3 is godawful crap that needs to be shat on. It's pretty fun for what it is, and so far it is the only one that offers hundreds and hundreds of enemies on screen at once, which is great fun in and of itself.

I mean, come on, using an Orb Spark (the "super special") to kill like 10 dragons and 400 soldiers at once is kinda awesome. Not even you haters can deny that!

Its ONLY awesome as the big troll guy.


aku:jiki said:
No, Tyurru's tidal wave is awesome too and you know it.

Tyurru and her companion are awesome :). Love the flying staff movement. And playing golf kicking water balls onto the enemies is pretty fun also.

Would say its my favourite character and may have one of the best orb sparks ( puts the engine to its knees though ).

Btw, you should read eurogamer review of the game. They did spend the time needed to beat the game and it changed their minds about it. It may explain why it got such lows as the one from ign, not deserved by any means imho.


force push the doodoo rock
aku:jiki said:
No, Tyurru's tidal wave is awesome too and you know it.

Not in the slightest.

Anyway its much cooler to rack up a 25k hit combo with takenaka hanbei in SB2

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
aku:jiki said:
Some of you people ****ing suck at this game, seriously.

Two hours on a single stage? Is that even possible at all? None of the levels are that big.

Forest being hard? What the hell. Stop trying to X-mash your way through the game, it's actually is crazy easy if you actually put some effort into your fighting.

Hard bosses? Geez, just juggle them. With Inphyy or Aspharr, for example, just do two X slashes and two Y. Repeat when they get up. The bosses are actually too easy. And if you're having problems with Dwykfarrio in the forest, I hope you've taken out the goblin shamans before you try to attack him.

Regarding the bosses invincibility windows that Kohler whined about -- it's not random at all. Yes, there are little windows where you can't hurt the bosses and, yes, it blows, but they happen at the same times every time. It's usually in the middle of animations. And it never really matters since some strikes in your combo always hit, especially if you're doing the juggle combo I mentioned above.

The "useless" items are awesome for ranking the levels. When your character is level 8 or 9, everything dies way too fast. Equip your worst weapon and a -50 ATK item and, voila, you have insane combos again (which help with the ranking). (And also what Jonnyram said about these items.)

Point of this post? Please stop ragging on a game you've obviously not even tried to grasp, people. Thanks!

Wow. This post sums up my feelings perfectly. I've been playing the game recently and it is nowhere near as bad as I was led to believe it was. None of the levels are too hard or too long. The longest stage in the game took me 27 minutes to beat and that's because I wasted a lot of time. The rest were all within 15-20 minutes if not less.

I'm really digging the setting (and I'm not usually big on anything with a 'fantasy' setting), the music is really good/memorable stuff, the characters (with the exception of Myifee) are all a blast to play, and the levels are really well done.

As someone else said, there are some minor issues with the game but they do, in no way, take away from the overall experience. DW does some things better but time this game also does some things better than DW.

PS. The infamous forest level was easy. I beat it my first try with both characters.


Baron Aloha said:
the characters (with the exception of Myifee) are all a blast to play,

Myifee may be the slowest but it sure has some incredible usefull and powerfull combos and the orb attack is great. Is quite easy and fast to get 500-1000 combos with him.

What i dont like at all of this character is its orb spark, not as productive as expected.
SailorDaravon said:
DW5 has interim saves, I don't recall about other entries/spinoffs.

Actually DW5 limits the number of available saves on the harder settings. For example on easy you get unlimited saves per level but on hard you only get one save. All of the previous DW/SW games had unlimited saves regardless of difficulty(not sure about the super-hard difficulties though).

This has went from "avoid at all costs" to "...maybe for $20 or less" for me btw. Though I imagine after SW2 comes out I'll forget N3 ever existed.

Hopefully Koei drops some info about a next-gen DW game at TGS.


Oh wait, the game is too easy now? Believe me, I play DMC3 too and I know when a game is easy or not. But the forest level is just too much and I don't feel masochist enough to go get some levels in earlier stages. Oh wait, I tried it, and the game FROZE EVERYTIME near the end of the stage. And I'm not the only one, a fellow reviewer had the SAME problem. The forest level, as mentionned, is ridiculously hard : not only are there a ton of the stupid sorcerer trolls, but at the end,
the king is just too strong. I had my full HP on him and he still killed me.
What was I supposed to do? He has an attack than can lower your hp like mad, plus he always blocks and he can combo the shit out of you. Inphyy FTL. I mean, 99 Nights FTL.

And difficulty is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes down to this game flaws. It really is messed up and archaic, and I'm glad of the 58% I gave it - even if I DID want to love it beyond level 2. Even the other characters sucks, and lol @ the bonus unlockables - omg a nice art picture! yay! Soul Calibur total.


{Mike} said:
Oh wait, the game is too easy now? Believe me, I play DMC3 too and I know when a game is easy or not. But the forest level is just too much and I don't feel masochist enough to go get some levels in earlier stages. Oh wait, I tried it, and the game FROZE EVERYTIME near the end of the stage.

I repeat, i have found much worse situations in the game. That one is not that difficult This may help you:
Orodreth said:
I used the spark to wipe the minions and the orb attack to damage the boss. And to beat him i used the dash+Y to make him fall and after he attacked i hit him with that mid-air cyclone that leaves inphy floating and does a lot of damage.

Really, it wasnt that much difficult as i thought from your experiences and i dont think i´m a hardcore player.

And the game has frozen only once in the snow level with myifee and maybe because i have already spent like a couple hours playing before this one and other things.


{Mike} said:
Oh wait, the game is too easy now? Believe me, I play DMC3 too and I know when a game is easy or not. But the forest level is just too much and I don't feel masochist enough to go get some levels in earlier stages. Oh wait, I tried it, and the game FROZE EVERYTIME near the end of the stage. And I'm not the only one, a fellow reviewer had the SAME problem. The forest level, as mentionned, is ridiculously hard : not only are there a ton of the stupid sorcerer trolls, but at the end,
the king is just too strong. I had my full HP on him and he still killed me.
What was I supposed to do? He has an attack than can lower your hp like mad, plus he always blocks and he can combo the shit out of you. Inphyy FTL. I mean, 99 Nights FTL.
You are a terrible reviewer if you didn't know your own limits and asked to skip this title. You clearly have no idea about how to play thisgame at all.

The shaman goblins are not hard (I say again -- strop trying to play the game by mashing every button you can think of, go after the shamans specifically and they're a cakewalk...this is what they call "strategy", you know?). Neither is Dwykfarrio (the goblin king). He isn't strong, you probably just didn't kill the shamans before attacking him. Also, he telegraphs his strong attacks. It is also possible to break enemies guards, especially if you have items that up your percentage of that. If you took the time to learn how to play, you would see all his attacks coming and wouldn't take a single hit from him.

But you didn't give a fair chance, suck at this game and obviously shouldn't have reviewed it.


force push the doodoo rock
Nothing about this game is "hard" so to speak.

Its just that some units are totally overpowered IE magicians and boss characters. And its really really lame when the magicians start attacking you in a place where you cant see them. I.E. on the other side of a wall This kind of design reminds me of way back in the day where games were all about draining quarters, so they would just throw bullshit at you for no reason. Theres no excuse for that here.

Not knowing how to play the game is an insult id throw at someone for not liking VF or something, but come on, this game is just really really poorly designed. Damage balance, top heavy level design and frustrating hit detection arent "minor flaws" in a game like this.

I'll buy this game was rushed out the door, I think the fact that after the first two or three (Can't remember exactly) characters the whole "select your army" mumbo jumbo gets totally thrown out the window is evidence of that.
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