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How are you dealing with people who voted for Trump?

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Junior Member
This is why it's so hard and weird trying to understand the rest of you?

It's like you see person drowning into a lake, and you look to the person next to you and say "hey, let's go and help him" and he goes, "whats innit for me"... and you go o.0
In that scenario, those kind of people would actually say "There is no lake" or "We're post-lake. He can't be drowning."


So all of them?

This isn't clever, it's boring and lazy. 59 million people are racist? Yeah, no. It's really hard for you to grasp how disliked Hillary really was, and how people voted for Trump as an anti-vote, isn't it? Stop making people out to be so simply and binary, it's not like that with an individual, who is complex and may have a wide variety of conflicting emotions and thoughts.

We may disagree on politics but they are my family and friends. I will love them until the day I die.

The regressives in the left don't want a democracy, they want an authoritarian state where only their opinions matter. True liberals, like myself, fight for the rights of the people we disagree with even if it means we might lose an election somewhere down the road.

I like you. You watch Dave Ruben, I can tell. Love that dude.


Too tired and depressed to care. Its gonna be interesting to see how Trump makes America great again. Whatever that means.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
The problem isn't people who voted for Trump. It's people who didn't vote for HRC.

He won with smaller numbers than Romney lost with. Democrats lost, Republicans didn't win.


And an orange clown promising jobs with a lifespan of a half-decade at best is going to help?

The biggest problem here was the one both the left and the right fail to admit is in chaos: jobs.

The demand for jobs the way we do is precisely we've engaged in self-sabotage, because what we want is not what we're ever, ever going to get anymore.

And no motherfucker has been clear and straight with the people that this is so, so instead we'll parrot lies and act surprised when Trump fails here, too.

People may be saying no to globalization, but these same people do not realize automation is the greatest tool of Capitalism. Not human capital, which we say needs to labor within it.

Until that is admitted, everything anyone can propose will be botched.

We must admit we need a landscape of empathy to care for people in a jobless future, however far that reality will reach for people.
Great points.


This question is so incredibly anti democratic. How to deal with the more than half of your country that voted on someone you didnt vote for? Damn.

You do realize this vote has real consequences for real people? It's not a sport where everyone can just shake hands and say "good game", especially after the sort of campaign Trump ran and won with. You had Trump supporters preparing for armed revolt over far milder shit. And where do you get off complaining about someone being undemocratic? Trump lost the popular vote. Meanwhile, voter suppression, intimidation, gutting the voting rights act, and pandering to violent white supremacist groups were key strategies utilized by the winning party. I don't think everyone is just going to go back to being friends.
All I have to say is, is that my sister & everyone else who's for him are going to be feeling very stupid once his true colors starts showing & will want him impeached then.


Junior Member
This isn't clever, it's boring and lazy. 59 million people are racist? Yeah, no. It's really hard for you to grasp how disliked Hillary really was, and how people voted for Trump as an anti-vote, isn't it? Stop making people out to be so simply and binary, it's not like that with an individual, who is complex and may have a wide variety of conflicting emotions and thoughts.
No one who voted for Trump is a complex individual.


Junior Member
We may disagree on politics but they are my family and friends. I will love them until the day I die.

The regressives in the left don't want a democracy, they want an authoritarian state where only their opinions matter. True liberals, like myself, fight for the rights of the people we disagree with even if it means we might lose an election somewhere down the road.
Good lord, it's still astounding how off the mark you are.

No one is taking away their freedom. We just don't want their bigotry to affect politics.

The fact that you can't make that distinction tells me you don't give a fuck about minorities.
This isn't clever, it's boring and lazy. 59 million people are racist? Yeah, no.

59 million people voted for a man with openly racist and bigoted ideals, so they supported those ideals to some degree or another. I believe those people are racist. Sorry if you disagree. I'm not making some fantastic leap of logic here. It's pretty simple.
We may disagree on politics but they are my family and friends. I will love them until the day I die.

The regressives in the left don't want a democracy, they want an authoritarian state where only their opinions matter. True liberals, like myself, fight for the rights of the people we disagree with even if it means we might lose an election somewhere down the road.

Neither you nor your family were constantly disparaged by his campaign though right? It's great that you love them but you didn't really have any strong motivation to be opposed to them voting Trump in the first place.


My coworker told me her husband voted Trump, that it was the first vote he'd ever cast in his life (he's in his 40s), and that if this had happened while she was dating him out would've been a total dealbreaker for her. She seemed very...sullen and exhausted. I felt bad for her, I couldn't imagine coming home feeling heavier than a lead boat to a house celebrating the source of my misery.
This isn't clever, it's boring and lazy. 59 million people are racist? Yeah, no. It's really hard for you to grasp how disliked Hillary really was, and how people voted for Trump as an anti-vote, isn't it? Stop making people out to be so simply and binary, it's not like that with an individual, who is complex and may have a wide variety of conflicting emotions and thoughts.

I like you. You watch Dave Ruben, I can tell. Love that dude.

Sup Classical Liberal Buddies.


Not hard for me, my wife is taking it a little harder. Talked to my brother who voted trump, its all good there, he gave me reasons and i accepted ect. What i am kinda pissed at is my cousin basically shit talking liberals in general. He never said anything to me since we are family, but its almost as if he did.

So far is 75% good/ 25% bad
As someone who will have to deal with this shit in terms of my family, I'm going to walk out if they start talking politics.

I can normally deal with it, but this shit is too real.


Will be skipping Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. Planning on doing some volunteer work instead. I've already cut a lot of ties in my family life, but this will just push things further in that direction.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
This isn't clever, it's boring and lazy. 59 million people are racist? Yeah, no. It's really hard for you to grasp how disliked Hillary really was, and how people voted for Trump as an anti-vote, isn't it? Stop making people out to be so simply and binary, it's not like that with an individual, who is complex and may have a wide variety of conflicting emotions and thoughts.

I like you. You watch Dave Ruben, I can tell. Love that dude.

Ehh, I wish Dave would actually ask hard questions of some of the far right, or alt right loonies he has on sometimes. He is pretty good though, and I think my politics match up with his.

Also, I like when he has Sam Harris on.
My parents are happy and will rub it in my face. I was so sure he would lose, that I told them that. Now I look like an idiot who doesnt know anything, and they will be emboldened in thinking America is Pro Trump. We live in Liberal Canada, and I dont want them expressing their bullshit to family and friends and coworkers, who I presume are liberal.

I was hoping this would all just blow over.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm isolated in an elitist liberal bubble which is a good thing because I have a short fuse and no sense of scale. I'd likely be in jail or hospital or both if I had to actually discuss the merits and real causes.


A reminder to all Trump voters that the man you elected makes George W Bush look like an intellectual titan.


As a Latino you're wrong. You'll never see it though because you're convinced your answer is the only possible answer....arrogance.

Perhaps a discussion for another thread and day, but I'm beginning to question my understanding of what it means for someone to identify as Latino. Such a broad, almost ambiguous term. At least in the context of politics (especially after last night) it seems meaningless.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Neither you nor your family were constantly disparaged by his campaign though right? It's great that you love them but you didn't really have any strong motivation to be opposed to them voting Trump in the first place.

I don't let hyperbole rule my life and I have been around long enough to know that a president doesn't matter as much as people seem to think he, or she, does.

Did I want Hillary to win? Yeah. Am I suprised she didn't? No, because I don't live inside of Liberal echo chambers. Anyone who actually spent time with a lot of different people out there could have told you there was a chance of this happening. Look at my post history if you have to, I warned people that the Regressive Left would cost her this election, but I got pilled on and ridiculed.

People are blaming the racists, but there are not enough racists in this country to win. What happened is the constant attack on white people by the regressive left has pissed the moderates off and forced spite votes. The alt-rights ascendancy is directly related to the histrionics seen in stuff like the cab driver freakout and Hugh Mungus.

This is a hard pill for many to swallow because we all want social progression, but trying to shame away the hate isn't going to work. You have to reach these people, not push them away.

Social Justice is a slow moving process, and I fear that the attempts to accelerate by the RL may have set it back decades.

Good lord, it's still astounding how off the mark you are.

No one is taking away their freedom. We just don't want their bigotry to affect politics.

The fact that you can't make that distinction tells me you don't give a fuck about minorities.

I don't believe anyone in my family is a bigot or racist for voting for Trump. Likewise they don't chastise me for voting for Hillary.

Turning on a fellow liberal and Hillary voter is exactly what you need to be doing right now....


The regressives in the left don't want a democracy, they want an authoritarian state where only their opinions matter. True liberals, like myself, fight for the rights of the people we disagree with even if it means we might lose an election somewhere down the road.

The left just spent 8 years trying to compromise with a republican party who have blocked/obstructed/delayed as much as possible, repeatedly suppress voters in demographics that vote democrat, just won a presidential election despite losing the popular vote.

Its not the "regressive left" who you should be fighting, and its disingenuous to paint them as the problem for not wanting to deal with Trump voters anymore


It seems like there were a lot closet Trump voters so chances are you won't even know who among you voted for Trump.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
As a Latino you're wrong. You'll never see it though because you're convinced your answer is the only possible answer....arrogance.
Donald Trump literally started his campaign by calling all hispanics rapists and murderers. He doesn't give a shit about you, neither do any of your "allies" who're white. You fucked yourself, and you, your children, and your family will be feeling it for decades. Congrats.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The left just spent 8 years trying to compromise with a republican party who have blocked/obstructed/delayed as much as possible, repeatedly suppress voters in demographics that vote democrat, just won a presidential election despite losing the popular vote.

Its not the "regressive left" who you should be fighting, and its disingenuous to paint them as the problem for not wanting to deal with Trump voters anymore
I don't let hyperbole rule my life and I have been around long enough to know that a president doesn't matter as much as people seem to think he, or she, does.

Did I want Hillary to win? Yeah. Am I suprised she didn't? No, because I don't live inside of Liberal echo chambers. Anyone who actually spent time with a lot of different people out there could have told you there was a chance of this happening. Look at my post history if you have to, I warned people that the Regressive Left would cost her this election, but I got pilled on and ridiculed.

People are blaming the racists, but there are not enough racists in this country to win. What happened is the constant attack on white people by the regressive left has pissed the moderates off and forced spite votes. The alt-rights ascendancy is directly related to the histrionics seen in stuff like the cab driver freakout and Hugh Mungus.

This is a hard pill for many to swallow because we all want social progression, but trying to shame away the hate isn't going to work. You have to reach these people, not push them away.

Social Justice is a slow moving process, and I fear that the attempts to accelerate by the RL may have set it back decades.

You didn't actually answer my question.


Fighting with my coworkers. Some of them feel bad for me telling me that i've never been that upset before.


So basically, democrats didn't turn out because they figured Hillary was a slam dunk?

I think the opposite. Off the top of my head, there's two big problems for us Democrats when it comes to elections.

1. The false "both sides" narrative is too strong. While the reality is that the two parties are more different than alike, the Democrats have completely failed to highlight it. They still love big money, wall street donors, and engage in the same sort of cronyism enough to distract from everything else. There are too many instances of Democrats pandering to corporate interests and being dismissive of populist appeals. It's one reason I was a big Bernie stan before leaving that group as the primaries wound down and they started acting unhinged.

2. There's no quality pitch to win support for working class people. While I do think a big part of the problem is the people themselves (a disconnect with reality), it doesn't make it less of a problem. Lots of the jobs they want back are not coming back at any significant numbers, or for any long term. Period. The void is filled with false promises, and racism/xenophobia to shift blame. I have no clue how to fix this, but I don't know that anyone does, really.


Neo Member
I'm trying to put on a face that they were just people with different values but a deep-seeded rage at all of this is blinding that fact.

I am so baffled at them and all of this but I will be nice.


I just told my family I'm not going to Thanksgiving this year. Part of that is because I know if one tiny bit of this is even whispered I will fly off the handle. Part of it is that this is a bridge too far and they should see some fucking consequences for their idiocy.
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