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How are you dealing with people who voted for Trump?

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Did Trump piss in your cereal this morning? He isn't even president yet, give him a chance. if it doesn't work out we vote someone else in 4 years from now. I wasn't a fan of Obama and I had to deal with him for 8 years and Obama care fucked me.

You can thank Congress and GOP for crippling Obamacare with everything they got. But hey, they have free reign now, so they can fully realize their vision of a royally screwed up Healthcare system.


Junior Member
No, the DNC needs to get back in touch with blue collar workers about their economic situation and talk on their level. That's who they lost last night in WI, MI, PA, and NC. Obviously that demographic wasn't able to grasp the idea of her offering jobs retraining to get them back in the market and creating new jobs. They were more in favor of getting back their old jobs even if deep down they know it's not really going to happen.
Actually, if Hillary had fared better with white, college-educated women (33% to Trump's 66%, somehow), she would have won the Electoral.

There's no reason and no need to lie to those blue collar people. Their jobs are becoming obsolete. We are moving on. They need to plan and think better.

Instead, Trump sold them a bridge.


It got Trump into the White House.

Trump supporters don't get to flaunt their racism and misogyny at a rally on Monday and then show up on Wednesday and complain about hate and divide.

I'm sure the Trump folks will be offering gilded olive branches overflowing with love and unity any minute now.


Yup yup

Okay so how do we do that without lying to them or waiting for them to all die off?

So basically we need to feed their delusion or nothing?

That's ridiculous.

Actually, if Hillary had fared better with white, college-educated women (33% to Trump's 66%, somehow), she would have won the Electoral.

There's no reason and no need to lie to those blue collar people. Their jobs are becoming obsolete. We are moving on. They need to plan and think better.

Instead, Trump sold them a bridge.

I believe DNC needs to learn how to talk on their level with a plan that they can appreciate. Obama did it in '08 and '12. Clinton didn't even campaign in Wisconsin and I think she was pretty light footed in those other states because she assumed they would go blue. DNC has to learn to stay in touch with them and how to get them on the same page with a plan that works for them, too.

I am baffled at how educated women voted for Trump. It makes zero sense to me. They gain absolutely nothing.


Junior Member
No, the DNC needs to learn how to talk on their level with a plan that they can appreciate.

Clinton didn't even campaign in Wisconsin and I think she was pretty light footed in those other states because she assumed they would go blue. DNC has to learn to stay in touch with them and how to get them on the same page with a plan that works for them, too.
The only plan they want to appreciate is "Your job will be safe. Don't worry."

That's a lie. But that's what they want.
Lol she did? Anyone gonna still defend the electoral college now?
She did, indeed. The Electoral College is a joke.


Man, having a really hard time not going off on family members posting shit on Facebook. Keep telling myself it's not worth fucking up our otherwise decent relationship.

Lol she did? Anyone gonna still defend the electoral college now?


What, you think he tweeted about what a mistake the electoral college is and how it should be dismantled back in 2012?



The only plan they want to appreciate is "Your job will be safe. Don't worry."

That's a lie. But that's what they want.

She did, indeed. The Electoral College is a joke.

Okay, then maybe the DNC needs to do a better job at illustrating how there's no going back while reassuring them they aren't left behind.

I don't think the answer is to lie to them. They'll wise up when it doesn't work under Trump and expect something different in candidates in 2020.


Thanksgivings gonna be interesting this year.

I guess we lucked out in that case. My wife is giving birth December 2nd, so she'll be too pregnant to travel anywhere for Thanksgiving.

Hopefully all this bullshit will have subsided a bit by the time we visit them next, early next year.
Im British so I don’t have to worry about coming across any Trump voters but I do want to share my opinion on something.

This common responses of people saying that liberals are just as bad as conservatives/republicans/trump voters etc. because they are intolerant of intolerance or that we need to be working with these people to change their opinions and not chastise them for them.

While in theory I do subscribe to the truth that education and understanding will help prevent this sort of opinion and hatred from spreading, there is also a truth that for many people you simply can’t change their opinion without them wanting to change and the chances of that happening are slim to none.

The reason many liberals are at a stage where when they find out someone voted for Brexit or they voted for Trump that they decide to just cut them out of their life or tell them their opinion is because we have spent plenty of time already trying to convince people to think differently. I know I have spent a tonne of time having those conversations, being understanding and holding my tongue and trying to sway their opinion with facts and logic and the result has normally been pointless and they have kept to their opinions.

Also, this idea of ‘hah, liberals are meant to be understanding and caring yet they are shitting on Trump supporters. They are just as bad” is damn ridiculous. There is a difference between “You don’t like Game of Thrones, FUCK YOU!” and “You support and helped a political group that believes in racist, sexist and discriminatory beliefs get into power, gain the ability to change law that will negatively affect many people (disproportionally BAME and LGBT groups) and also empower everyday people who hold this belief to feel that they can now be true to themselves and harm others. I cannot ethically be associated with you anymore”.

To try and use liberals anger as a gotcha moment to justify your own terrible beliefs is disingenuous and just helps add to the logical reasons why you get people react to you the way they do.
This is why liberals get made fun of. Seriously get a grip.

This is why it's so hard and weird trying to understand the rest of you?

It's like you see person drowning into a lake, and you look to the person next to you and say "hey, let's go and help him" and he goes, "whats innit for me"... and you go o.0


For the next 4 years, Republicans cannot blame a failing economy on any Democrat because Republicans control literally everything. The ball is in their court to "Make America Great Again" but I only see it getting worse.

That's the only silver lining here. They've done nothing but hide and obfuscate any responsibility, off-set their badness on Democrats. For the next 2 years, every single thing that goes wrong in this country is on them. You've got what you asked for, now you better damn well do something productive with it.


They don't see their beliefs as being racist or sexist. They reject your labels and shaming, hell it probably emboldens them.

Expecting white people to vote for your politics while blanket shaming them is one of the reasons Hillary lost.

The spite vote was a real thing.

I said this months ago and was laughed at. Until the DNC drops the regressive left they are going to have a hard time convincing moderates to vote for Democrat candidates.

I am sorry everyone, I did my part, but my vote was in Texas. So it didn't matter.

While this is a very unpopular opinion here, it's absolutely the truth. I didn't support Trump and am pretty nervous about his presidency, but living in a red state means I'm surrounded by Trump supporters. Many of these people feel marginalized, with half the country has continually calling them every insult under the sun. People who have political disagreements with Obama have been called racist for eight years. People who feel the squeeze from how globalism has affected their jobs via outsourcing and immigration are called racist. Just openly saying you aren't voting Democrat often earns you the label of racist. People are fed up, especially those working class whites who feel they are ignored and made fun of by everybody. Trump spoke to those groups and won as a result. Continuing to just call them stupid and racist isn't going to fix anything and continue the divide that we have in this country.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The problem with a lot of Trump supporters that is more insidious and troublesome than overt bigotry and racism, is that many of them seem to fall into the "but does racism REALLY exist?" category. These are the "oh Trump doesn't really mean any of that, he's just getting attention by acting outrageous" type persons.

And so a lot of Trump supporters have worked hard to shutter their eyes about what Trump has rallied around himself and encouraged. What he has taken advantage of to gain at least a portion of his support.

It's an old story. People who refuse to believe there's a problem acting as a shield for those with malicious intent. We can go on all day about being above political divides and the many varied and possibly legitimate reasons someone would have supported Trump. But in the end it's extremely difficult to look into the eyes of a person who excuses a huge amount of terrible things in order to get something they want - even if they might deserve that thing.

For example, say that Trump somehow comes through on a revolution for the middle class and whites who have been left behind and economically devastated in rural areas and the rust belt. That's great, no sarcasm. And if it comes at the cost of the GOP betraying core American values, destroying civil rights, making life miserable for millions and tacitly supporting racists to harm people and even take lives?

That's not a trade-off that can be dismissed as just more politics, things we don't talk about in polite company in Pleasantville.

Fox Mulder

Did Trump piss in your cereal this morning? He isn't even president yet, give him a chance. if it doesn't work out we vote someone else in 4 years from now. I wasn't a fan of Obama and I had to deal with him for 8 years and Obama care fucked me.

Yes, because Obama was totally given a chance at all from the other side. The very man backed by the kkk and who led the racist birther movement that people still believe is now president.

Obamacare sucks, but morons rewarded the years of obstructionism that caused it to fail. Republican governors fucked their own citizens to kill it.
The problem with a lot of Trump supporters that is more insidious and troublesome than overt bigotry and racism, is that many of them seem to fall into the "but does racism REALLY exist?" category.

I used to be one of these people and looking back on who I was 10 years ago is maddening now. How did I not see the world for how it really is?


I only know of one friend of mine who voted for Trump and needless to say, he was incredibly happy last night. I was never a die-hard Hillary fan, just not so much a Trump fan. If he chooses to be really smug about it, that's fine. I know I'd probably be that myself a little bit if Hillary had won. So I'm just gonna let him enjoy his victory and I'm just going to let it be. Nothing I can do will change what's happened so I'm not gonna spend much energy trying to debate any more.
I don't have a problem with people who voted for Trump. It's the racist ones I can't fucking stand.

So you're honky-dory with those complacent in letting bigots run the country? Wish I had such forgiveness. Honestly the line between racist and ignorance draws thinner for me every day. There's no excuse to be blind to the troubles minorities face in this country. None other than being a bigot. Ignorance is no longer acceptable.


I have blocked most Trump supporters today. I promised myself I wouldn't, but I'm seeing so many offensive things posted that I was losing more and more respect for people I cared about.

I couldn't block my parents, so I'm having to chew my tongue on social media, but I can't ignore it completely because my closest friends have been a shining beacon of hope right now.

It's a bit frustrating to see so many people who said "don't gloat" in 2012 in fact gloating like crazy now. Also can't wait to see their reaction to "not my president" when they are all members of a group called Not My President on Facebook.

Apparently according to the guy who runs God Bless the President, Facebook refuses to let you change the name of your group, so he might close it down. It's a shame, the guy is intelligent, doesn't post low blow nonsense.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Things like this show me exactly why - IMO - DNC folks are just as big a bigot and hypocrites as the GOP ones.
"What? You don't tolerate people who at the very least passively support racism, xenophobia, and sexism? How dare you, you're just as bad as them1!1"

This is what you fucking sound like right now. See the issue? If not, read the following link, if that doesn't help, you need gain some self awareness ASAP.


I'm British. I know maybe one Trump supporter IRL, he's a colleague and it's my last day at that job tomorrow. Hoping he's not in. After that I won't have to deal with him.

I know a few more online and I'll be distancing myself from them. I know so many wonderful, tolerant people - yes, even some right-wingers who I deeply disagree with politically. They're the people who deserve my attention, not alt-righters, conspiracy theorists and bigots.


The same way I did before yesterday, quite disdain. Though parts of that is because I live in Utah, and a good chunk of Trump voters I meant are the hypocrites who preach family values and the collapse of morals in America only to turn around and vote for a man that is pretty much the embodiment of what they complain about, Donald J. Trump.
I'm ignoring them. I live in an area where Trump signs reigned supreme, so I expected this sort of insanity if he won.

Sidenote: A lady at work was crying today because her sister voted for Trump and now she's afraid she's going to lose her insurance. Fuck this fucking country.
Chances are my wife is never going to speak to the vast majority of people on my side of the family ever again. She no longer trusts them not to harass her and make her feel uncomfortable after the response she's seen to the results.

I won't do that, but that's a product of

1) my white male privilege
2) them still being my family


My state ended up being a blue state but yet nearly half of my coworkers here are fucking blood red. I was shocked and just decided to just... keep my mouth shut. Thankfully I don't discuss politics at my work because its a huge no-no for me.
Trump won because of the condition of America. Period. People can cite racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc. and at the end of the day (myself often included) we brushed that off as ignorant redneck dinosaurs. Well.... whatever you want to call it, it's a much larger issue (fucking understatement of the decade) than most were willing to concede. Had Clinton won, yes it would have been more business as usual, and that part of America would have continued to be ignored, marginilaized, and made fun of. Obviously I disagree with them, BUT in hindsight I feel us democrats were as much a part of the national divide as they were/are. The difference being not only were we morally "superior", but we had the governmental momentum. Clearly false.

So how am I dealing with them? Trying to get them to understand that I have a brother who is alive because of Obamacare. That I have friends that are happily married because of the constitution ruling. That they have their concerns and I have my concerns, and 20 years down the line NO ONE wins if we don't consider both.

And honestly, that's not a conversation I would have had with them a month ago.

Should probably let you know, Trump supporters are far better off ($72K) than Clinton supporters or the national average incomes. So, it's a myth that Trump is only speaking to the working class. His base are upper middle class whites.

The mythology of Trump's working class support
Juggling between empathy and contempt.

I feel ready to bury my mother in guilt by having her realize she will get her goal of Obamacare being gutted, at the loss of Medicaid for me and my brother. Worse still, assuming we go back to a cartel system, doesn't that bring back pre-existing conditions? Which...well, my brother would technically have now.

I get people are frustrated, but those for Trump, literally, elected the worst people in the country to help you out.

So your mother wanted the end of Obamacare, while actually making use of Obamacare?!

Ploid 3.0

I'm actually looking forward to his screw ups, broken promises, and their reactions. Sure he won't have a congress that shoots everything he tries to do down no matter how small, but he will make for some embarrassing moments. That's my only silver lining, the comedy that will be produced from this.


Things like this show me exactly why - IMO - DNC folks are just as big a bigot and hypocrites as the GOP ones.



Now I want to see if he will actually build the wall and deport all of the Illegal immigrants like he said he will do. If he do follow up on those promise, there will be a social uproar, and the economy will probably collapse. If he doesn't he is not different than other politician, these alt-right people will be pissed.
This morning, my boss, a trump supporter, clapped me on the shoulder and said "we witnessed a revolution last night". I'm the only white male in my office.

It went dead silent. It was pretty awkward.

I voted h dawg btw
It's continually baffling to me that people equate "I don't want to talk to or interact with Trump supporters" with "I don't believe racism exists and I think LGBTQ people are subhuman"

but tell me about "divide" tho
This question is so incredibly anti democratic. How to deal with the more than half of your country that voted on someone you didnt vote for? Damn.


They get to deal with a shit ton of "you made this happen" and "I told you so" for the next four years. Comparisons to goldfish will be frequent.

(Though technically the ones in Colorado didn't matter).
This question is so incredibly anti democratic. How to deal with the more than half of your country that voted on someone you didnt vote for? Damn.

I support their right to vote for whatever racist asshole they want, but it doesn't mean I have to be best friends with them.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
We may disagree on politics but they are my family and friends. I will love them until the day I die.

This question is so incredibly anti democratic. How to deal with the more than half of your country that voted on someone you didnt vote for? Damn.

The regressives in the left don't want a democracy, they want an authoritarian state where only their opinions matter. True liberals, like myself, fight for the rights of the people we disagree with even if it means we might lose an election somewhere down the road.
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