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How long have you been out of the CoD game? Are you ready to jump back in?


Last one I bought was MW 1. Still have the box for that and the first Call of Duty lol. Not too sure about jumping back in yet.

Patrick S.

Only one I missed was Advancd Warfare and I plan on picking that up before release

I really enjoyed the campaign in AW. So much, in fact, that this will probably the first one I'll replay at some point (never fully replayed a CoD campaign, have been playing since the first game)...
I've basically only ever played CoD for the SP stories/campaigns (I have pretty much every CoD game on 360/Xbone except BO3 and IW, which I'll pick up used for $10 at some point). I've recently thought about jumping in to BO2 MP since its had one hell of a resurgence on Xbone BC. But after Titanfall I always feel like regular, boots on the ground MP would bore the shit out of me. Something like Destiny or Overwatch might be more likely to hold my attention. But I may give BO2 a shot soon since the player base is crazy high right now and Zombies mode might be fun. None of the other CoD MP experiences in more recent games sound like they're worth my time.


I played Call of Duty 2, Big Red One, and Modern Warfare extensively.

No, not really feeling the urge. It'll take a drastic shift in game design philosophy and level design to get me remotely interested.


First BLOPs was my last COD. Never going back. If Brothers in Arms ever came back I'd be more stoked about that, even with the current state of Gearbox.


I cannot remember the last one I played, I reckon at least 6-7 years ago. I love WW2 based games,, will pick this one up if it's a decent length campaign. They are saying the right things at the moment. Not arsed about multi-player as I playing Day of Infamy for my Ww2 fix.


Cod 3 was the last one. I was obsessed with COD 2 - I was awesome at it. I'm 34 now though and have no interest in multiplayer games like I used to when I was younger.

The new one looks good, but it's not for me.


Black ops. It was terrible, Treyarch was so fucking bad they couldn't even copy the basics from old IW.

They got better at copying but I got burned out on Cod pretty hard. Maybe ill play the SP this time around.
I tried dipping my toe back in with Advanced Warfare, and that was fun for a few days. Later tried Titanfall 2, and again, it was fun for about a week. I think my heyday with those types of games peaked at around Black Ops 2.

They just feel like yearly sports games to me now.


Played Black Ops II at the Wii U launch but it was a little too jingoistic for my tastes, so I ended up reselling it. Didn't even touch the multiplayer.


Neo Member
I loved all the CoD games through MW2. CoD died for me when the whole drama went down with IW. I played a little of Black Ops 1 at a friends house when it first came out but haven't touched any of the games since.


Last COD I bought was MW3. Last one I actually played was Black Ops.

WW2 does nothing for me.

I'll keep skipping until they go back to the modern setting, and without any Titanfall clone bullshit.
Been out since the first Black Ops which I didn't really enjoy all that much and haven't been interested in any of the games since. That said, the WWII setting of the new game could be the thing that brings me back. Although that also depends in the gameplay and whether or not it still plays like current CoD's. Definitely interested in this one so we'll see.

I would have loved to play the MW Remaster but not being sold separately killed it.


Haven't played Infinite Warfare yet but that was because I got caught up in the onslaught of games last year. I'll still play it at some point. I have absolutely no desire to jump into WW2 though. I'm still sick of them lol.


I have never been truly "in", nor am I now. I usually buy an older entry (1 or 2 years old) at a bargain bin price and play the campaign and then some online every now and then. I also mostly play CoD online in splitscreen mode with housemates/friends.


My first was a CoD 2 Demo on Mac, followed by MW1 on Wii, Black Ops 2 on Wii U and 20 terrible hours of Ghosts on Wii U. I've since gone back and played every CoD before Black Ops 1 on PC. The recent games haven't really appealed to me since they have seemed like Titanfall knockoffs, but I'm back in for WW2.
I missed Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare. I intend on playing both.

I am 100% skipping Call of Duty WWII. I want nothing to do with it because I never ever want to go back to a pre modern era shooter again. Battlefield 1 was the first BF game I've skipped since getting into the series and Call of Duty WWII will be the same.


I've been 'out' from enjoying the series since MW3. I played Ghosts and BO3 and didn't enjoy either. Whether I get this will depend on Activision. I absolutely will not be buying the season pass but if they continue with bullshit loot boxes I'll give it a miss.
I was done after Modern Warfare II. As much as I loved Modern Warfare, the series just fell off after that for me. I tried Black Ops III, wasn't impressed. Don't see myself going back anytime soon, if ever.


since mw2 and i was a huge fan back when it was cod2-4

ill get this new one, nostalgia all over the place for me, especially since theres no jump jet garbage
Last COD I bought was Black Ops 2. Last one I played was Infinite Warfare MP, for a brief period of time as some sort of trial/demo/beta/whatever.

I'll likely get WW2 on day one. I feel like I've been out of the loop long enough, and haven't sunk my teeth into an FPS for quite some time.


I buy it every release, but just like BF1 I will be skipping this one.

WW (World War) games just don't interest me I'm more into modern/futuristic themes.


Modern Warfare 2 was the last one I owned, so 2009-10 for me.

I do have some interest in the new COD, but just for the single player. So I wouldn't be getting it right away.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
played and enjoyed MW 1 and 2. Not (likely to be) coming back


The only COD I played to completion was the first one. Tried COD3, MW1, MW2 and BLOPS, but never finished them.


I've bought every COD but hate AW MP and am not too keen on IW MP. BO3 isn't quite as bad but ultimately I'm a Modern fan. Started with COD2 and honestly got my fill of WW2 then.

Lots of hours up till bops2 , horrid servers. Bought aw and it was utter shit.

Dont even wake me up without dedicated servers ,. Titanfall is twice the game I expect cod will ever be again
I mostly play campaign. Skipped Advanced Warfare, came back for Black Ops III (which, surprisingly, I liked), skipped Infinite Warfare. Vaguely interested in coming back but nothing in that trailer has really sold me yet; honestly, the most compelling info about it so far has been the news that there are health packs of some sort, and that you play a much wider variety of combatants in this game than in any of the previous WWII Call of Duty games.


Black Ops 2. I am definitely intrigued for the first time since then but there's still Battlefront 2 and Destiny 2 soo...

This is true. Once again, the end of the year is going to be PACKED. I mean, if you don't like CoD, there's something for everyone it seems.
I was just playing some Infinite Warfare multiplayer this last weekend. Fun game -- the ways they've changed Zombies to not be so punitive while still very challenging is especially interesting. But the lack of dedicated servers is inexcusable. I guess I've played the entire series so far, though I wouldn't consider myself a fanatic or anything. Treyarch's titles aside, I wait for deep sales.

But I plan to skip this new one entirely. Advanced Warfare was terrible, arguably the worst in the series, so I'm already leery from the start. While Infinite Warfare definitely shows you shouldn't write off a COD developer after one (?) lousy title, there's nothing appealing about anything I've seen of CODWWII. I would need dedicated servers and probably any setting other than Europe in WWII before I could muster any interest. Some kind of nostalgic back-to-the-basics advertising campaign based around glorifying real wars all over again doesn't interest me.


MW3, technically - but I honestly barely touched it

the last one I "really" played was BO1, I believe. Didn't like BO very much, then MW3 was a let down, so I stopped there


Last CoD I bought was MW2. I wanted to get hyped for WW2, but the lackluster reveal did nothing for me :(

I don't think I'm coming back this year unless they show something incredible at E3


Black Ops 2 was the last game I played seriously, except for getting Ghost after but I barely played that. I felt the MP in that game was lacking compared to BO1 and BO2, two of my favourite CODs.

I'm interested to get back into this new (old) setting. We'll have to see how it looks though. Would be nice if it had an interesting campaign


I never bought or played any of the games after the first Black Ops. I will probably not buy another COD before they get rid of the season pass. I've never bought map packs for any of the games, and since some of the games ruin your matchmaking, I'm not gonna give them my money before they fix it.
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