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I can't believe I'm saying this..I miss Bush. He just owned Trump.


Imagine what Trump would do. Step back and fucking imagine it.
They don't have to imagine it. Bush was a bad president. Trump is a horrible person.

Imgaine what Trump will do? We know what he wants to do!

Trump wants to kill millions of Americans by destroying healthcare.

Trump is DESPERATELY trying to begin a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula.

Trump wants to and is on the verge of starting a trade war.

Trump is actively engaged in dismantling the voting rights act and has known racists working on it as we speak.

Trumps attorney General thinks there is no problem with police in America and wants to give them even more power and weapons!

Trump is ending the one good thing bush did, Africa outreach.

And this is the problem with modern "liberals". They are sooo us vs them even in their own party they fail to see no matter what you think of "centrists" the centristvis closer to you than fucking Donald Trumps WHITE NATIONALIST party which now runs the opposition.


Irrespective of the amount of damage and harm the Bush administration did or that Trump has yet to do—Bush has spent his retirement painting portraits of the men who died under his watch. Trump is an asshole to grieving parents and lies about giving them money or other presidents better supporting the troops.

Tells me all I need to know about who is the failure of a human being.

Hopefully he still has time to paint hundreds of thousands more portraits of Iraqis who died for bogeymen stories and made up fantasies.


He was a disaster of a president, but I attribute that to incompetence more than active malice. I never really doubted that he was essentially a good person; he just wasn't someone who should be in a position to create policy.

There is no such thing as a good person who is an active Republican. Their party is built on hatred of minorities, the poor and women. If you give active support to that you are a bad person.


"Bush was a war criminal who has the blood of hundreds of thousands of people on his hands but..."

Liberals in nutshell.

Also, fuck the Obama administration.
Just because Trump is unprofessional and careless doesn't make Bush all the more a better and merciful president. You can see it in his life after office? Really? because he draws portraits and plays with his terriers in his ranch with a huge grin? Suddenly, we understand that him and his administration were human and compassionate enough to endorse torture, eavesdrop on his own citizens, overstay their welcome in one war and start another one based on absolute lies?

Yup. How old are all those Bush stans? Clearly forgot it all.
you guys have a problem with communication, I think. Saying W is better than Trump does not = W was a good President. Saying he has more decency than Trump is not saying W was a decent person. It means he simply is more decent than Trump. If this were a scale of 1-100, Trump is a 1 and W is a 15, neither earns a pass but the 15 score is clearly higher than the 1 score. That's all that is being pointed out. You're smart enough to handle that.

You guys can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time and I should not have to spend my time explaining simple shit. Also, trivializing W's work in Africa is rather petty.


Could Trump end up a worse president than Bush? Sure? Is he right now? Not even close.

Patriot Act
No Child Left Behind
Iraq & Afghanistan
Whilst I firmly believe Trump is capable of the same and worse, he has yet to knowingly lead the US into a war on false pretences, kill hundreds of thousands, and start up a torture program.

This is only because Trump doesn't have the equivalent of Cheney and Rumsfeld. You know, your garden variety war criminals.
Weren't both of these wonderful men elected with a minority of the cast votes?
Please fix your election system so we don't get someone just as bad in 15 years from now
Except that part where Bush slaughtered tens of thousands, how quickly we forget.

If we line up the Bush years with the current point in Trumps presidency, we're at the start of the war in Afghanistan now. We're two years away from Iraq, four years from bungling Katrina, and seven years from the Great Recession.

Bush did a lot of horrible stuff as President, but he had a slower ramp up to it than the path Trump is on.


"Bush was a war criminal who has the blood of hundreds of thousands of people on his hands but..."

Liberals in nutshell.

Liberals are happy to fall in line with a war and extrajudicial killings as long as it's in the service of a debatable "good" which is why the upper echelons of the Democratic party are a fucking joke. Obama was occasionally known as the drone president for a reason.


You know what won't help stopping Trump from becoming worse than Bush?

Liberals trying to whitewash a mass murderer. You just keep getting further to the right and then act surprised when your people pick a turd as your president.

Keep compromising in the face of thousands of deaths and you are accomplice to all this shit. That's why some people say that America deserves Trump because you didn't learn shit from Bush Jr.
you guys have a problem with communication, I think. Saying W is better than Trump does not = W was a good President. Saying he has more decency than Trump is not saying W was a decent person. It means he simply is more decent than Trump. If this were a scale of 1-100, Trump is a 1 and W is a 15, neither earns a pass but the 15 score is clearly higher than the 1 score. That's all that is being pointed out. You're smart enough to handle that.

You guys can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time and I should not have to spend my time explaining simple shit. Also, trivializing W's work in Africa is rather petty.

Apparently only superior intellects can quantify war crimes and global destabilization and place them on a 0-100 scale. Do Nixon's report card next!
you guys have a problem with communication, I think. Saying W is better than Trump does not = W was a good President. Saying he has more decency than Trump is not saying W was a decent person. It means he simply is more decent than Trump. If this were a scale of 1-100, Trump is a 1 and W is a 15, neither earns a pass but the 15 score is clearly higher than the 1 score. That's all that is being pointed out. You're smart enough to handle that.

You guys can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time and I should not have to spend my time explaining simple shit. Also, trivializing W's work in Africa is rather petty.

You've yet to explain where Bush's "core decency" (your words) were in Gitmo, in Iraq, during Katrina etc.

You know, I was really trying to do the right thing, but I dun goofed and started an illegal torture camp and invaded a country on a lie. Woops.
Great speech. Not a fan of Bush, but it's nice hearing someone who actually sounds presidential again.

What's funny is that Bush was ridiculed throughout his terms for being ineloquent, for his maladroit speech, verbal flubs.
Amazing how Bush sounds like Prince Hamlet compared to Trump.
Reality has become quite twisted, or exposed as such.


Bush is bad and has done things that are far more damaging than what Trump has done so far. I do not miss him and have never missed him for even a second.

This does not mean Trump is "better" than Bush, he just hasn't yet had as much of an opportunity to commit America to massive destructive ventures like the Iraq War. It is perfectly normal to be horrified by the politics that Trump embodies to the point that you would be grateful to any voice on the Right that is willing to speak out against him. But you can't forget that so much of what Trump embodies and the forces from which he draws his support are identical to what pre-Trump Republicans represented, just with slightly more subtlety and dogwhistling.

The vast majority of liberals and democrats despise both Bush and Trump, and there is no real threat of this changing. A few posts on the internet using Bush as a foil to criticize Trump do not constitute the whitewashing of the Bush Presidency by the American Left. Hysteria from the usual suspects in the liberals who call themselves leftists crowd is almost as embarrassing as someone saying they miss Bush.


As President, Bush was a well-meaning human being with normal amounts of human empathy who made terrible decisions with horrific consequences for people both at home (Katrina, the 2008 crash) and abroad (Afghanistan, Iraq, Guantanamo).

Trump is a transparently narcissistic ignoramus that openly exploits divisive, hateful politics and almost daily makes sane individuals doubt his basic competence for office.

While at least Bush didn't give me constant existential dread about what my President was doing, his basic political competence made him much better at getting awful policies put into practice. Despite controlling both houses of Congress, Trump faces enormous resistance to everything he does because he's so obviously bad at his job, which causes even those who should be allies to resist him. That's good, outside of the damage it's doing to the nation's trust in its democratic institutions.

Then again, at this point in Bush's presidency he had barely begun the invasion of Afghanistan. Who knows where we'll be with Trump next year, or god forbid seven years from now?

Ultimately, I'd take just about any other President from the last 100 years over W. Bush or Trump.


you guys have a problem with communication, I think. Saying W is better than Trump does not = W was a good President. Saying he has more decency than Trump is not saying W was a decent person. It means he simply is more decent than Trump. If this were a scale of 1-100, Trump is a 1 and W is a 15, neither earns a pass but the 15 score is clearly higher than the 1 score. That's all that is being pointed out. You're smart enough to handle that.

You guys can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time and I should not have to spend my time explaining simple shit. Also, trivializing W's work in Africa is rather petty.

Nixon's heart was in the right place when he expanded the bombing into Cambodia, come on guys.
What's funny is that Bush was ridiculed throughout his terms for being ineloquent, for his maladroit speech, verbal flubs.
Amazing how Bush sounds like Prince Hamlet compared to Trump.

Strange times we live in. If Bush is looking good now, no wonder Obama is being looked back on so extraordinarily.


As President, Bush was a well-meaning human being with normal amounts of human empathy who made terrible decisions with horrific consequences for people both at home (Katrina, the 2008 crash) and abroad (Afghanistan, Iraq, Guantanamo).

Trump is a transparently narcissistic ignoramus that openly exploits divisive, hateful politics and almost daily makes sane individuals doubt his basic competence for office.

While at least Bush didn't give me constant existential dread about what my President was doing, his basic political competence made him much better at getting awful policies put into practice. Despite controlling both houses of Congress, Trump faces enormous resistance to everything he does because he's so obviously bad at his job, which causes even those who should be allies to resist him. That's good, outside of the damage it's doing to the nation's trust in its democratic institutions.

Ultimately, I'd take just about any other President from the last 100 years over W. Bush or Trump.

Bush creating an atmosphere of widespread unchecked surveillance and endless war in the Middle East didn't give you existential dread back in the day? Lucky you but many of us were actually paying attention back then.


something tells me that won't happen with our current one.

Breaking News: former president Trump made scathing remarks today against President Turd Supreme Jr.

Trump: "Look at it! it's a turd! you picked a literal turd as your president! SAD!"

NeoGAF thread: wow am I the only one that misses Trump?


Liberals are happy to fall in line with a war and extrajudicial killings as long as it's in the service of a debatable "good" which is why the upper echelons of the Democratic party are a fucking joke. Obama was occasionally known as the drone president for a reason.

They're also the first to cry about violence being used in protest because it's "never right", whilst they fully sanction state violence or excuse and hand-wave it in any way that they can.

Nixon's heart was in the right place when he expanded the bombing into Cambodia, come on guys.

I hear Kissinger has a good soul too.


I'm glad he finally spoke up. He was a terrible president but a much better person than Trump could ever be.
I agree with this.

Bush was an embarrassment and started a war.

I'm good

I really can't stand Trump though. Everything about him pisses me off. It wasn't like that with Bush. He said goofy things and started a war that I was actually on board with at the time (dumb...I know) but I didn't hate him.


Bush creating an atmosphere of widespread unchecked surveillance programs and endless war in the Middle East didn't give you existential dread back in the day? Lucky you but many of us were actually paying attention back then.

Clearly not! He's all good in his bubble not giving a fuck about anything else outside it untilTrump came along.
There is no such thing as a good person who is an active Republican. Their party is built on hatred of minorities, the poor and women. If you give active support to that you are a bad person.

Unfortunately, in order to change anything, you need to start winning some of those bad people over.

Otherwise liberals can keep patting themselves on the back for how good and just and righteous they are while losing elections and the ability to do anything about it.


Neo Member
It's impossible to really rank Trump's actions in terms of how shitty they are, but getting people to miss the person who deserved to been seen as one of the worst modern presidents is pretty bad. Bush was a bad president and a bad person, and in a just world he wouldn't be remembered as anything else.


you guys have a problem with communication, I think. Saying W is better than Trump does not = W was a good President. Saying he has more decency than Trump is not saying W was a decent person. It means he simply is more decent than Trump. If this were a scale of 1-100, Trump is a 1 and W is a 15, neither earns a pass but the 15 score is clearly higher than the 1 score. That's all that is being pointed out. You're smart enough to handle that.

You guys can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time and I should not have to spend my time explaining simple shit. Also, trivializing W's work in Africa is rather petty.

It is not simple AT ALL. Bush's action and lies caused hundreds of thousands of lives. Is Trump a rotten human being? Yes, but actions count more than words. Trump has done horrible things but to say that makes him worse than what Bush DID is laughable. Of course it's your preference. You prefer a monster over a sociopath because he has a nicer facade but don't pretend it's simple.


Clearly not! He's all good in his bubble not giving a fuck about anything else outside it untilTrump came along.

This is such a typical dying empire symptom. Wars and economical crisis are fine as long as the appearances are kept. Trump ruined that because he's too incompetent to even keep appareances of normality like Bush did so now people that were apathetic before feel the need to share their uninformed sheltered opinions.


Bush creating an atmosphere of widespread unchecked surveillance and endless war in the Middle East didn't give you existential dread back in the day? Lucky you but many of us were actually paying attention back then.

While I was also a lot younger at the time (so yes, paying less attention), he only gave me occasional existential dread.

I've never seen anything like this administration's constant parade of stupid fucking self-inflicted scandals screaming for my attention.


You prefer a monster over a sociopath but don't pretend it's simple.

Liberals prefer monsters and war criminals who can politick and pretend to be rational actors vs. a sociopath who can barely form logical sentences on camera


I don't see the point, he's finished and he ain't coming back, hope for something better and stop creating a stink mentioning bush as a good thing.


Bush just recently campaigned for Gillespie who is using the same racist rhetoric as Trump. Nah, I'm not tripping over myself to pat Dubya on the head.


Liberals prefer monsters and war criminals who can politick and pretend to be rational actors vs. a sociopath who can barely form logical sentences on camera

So long as they don't make their lives particularly uncomfortable or offend their sensibilities, they're fine. It's pathetic.
I just read the transcript of Bush's speech. I never thought I'd live to see the day where a speech by Dubya was considered refreshing to read in comparison to a sitting president.


This is such a typical dying empire symptom. Wars and economical crisis are fine as long as the appearances are kept. Trump ruined that because he's too incompetent to even keep appareances of normality like Bush did so now people that were apathic before feel the need to share their uninformed sheltered opinions.

The truth right here.

And it also highlights why Obama is adored even though he killed numerous innocent people with drones. So long as US citizens weren't sent abroad to fight then it didn't matter if any president ordered to take innocent lives... So long as little Bobby isn't sent to the Middle East to fight some war then it's all good.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
You missed a war criminal. Sort yourself out OP 👎


Gold Member
Miss Obama instead, he deserves it. Bush was still very bad, just not as unbelievably trash as Trump.

Actually, in some ways he was worse (the wars) than what Trump has managed so far.
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