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I can't remember the name of this Movie/Cartoon/Song/etc.

DonMigs85 said:
Can anyone name this movie? It had sort of an evil tree-woman, but she was linked to a real tree and when the real tree was being cut with a chainsaw she felt its pain and started spewing "blood" as well.

The Guardian?


If anyone knows the answer to these two I'd be grateful. Figure it's worth a shot in the dark.

The first animation;

- 70's Dungeons & Dragons style (though not actually Dungeons & Dragons obviously)
- Featured Dragons & human controllers, though the dragons seemed to have minds of their own (I seem to have an image of a wizard)
- shots of Dragons sleeping on huge mounds of gold coins
- A particular scene with a dragon breathing fiery breath, as is their want, with his back against a wall
- Dragons flying...

Okay so that's about all I can sort of remember. Would be a hoot if someone could put me out of my misery and tell me what the hell it was?

The second animation I remember less about;

- Had a Japanese anime styling
- was set either high in the sky, upper atmosphere or space (I forget) but I think it wasn't space because I think there were clouds
- It featured Star Wars-like probes which attacked a floating station containing humans
- The probe took a long time to spin up and get into action I believe

I seem to recall watching it many times but damn my porous memory, it's not as if it stored anything more important in its place.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Cigol said:
If anyone knows the answer to these two I'd be grateful. Figure it's worth a shot in the dark.

The first animation;

- 70's Dungeons & Dragons style (though not actually Dungeons & Dragons obviously)
- Featured Dragons & human controllers, though the dragons seemed to have minds of their own (I seem to have an image of a wizard)
- shots of Dragons sleeping on huge mounds of gold coins
- A particular scene with a dragon breathing fiery breath, as is their want, with his back against a wall
- Dragons flying...

Okay so that's about all I can sort of remember. Would be a hoot if someone could put me out of my misery and tell me what the hell it was?

The second animation I remember less about;

- Had a Japanese anime styling
- was set either high in the sky, upper atmosphere or space (I forget) but I think it wasn't space because I think there were clouds
- It featured Star Wars-like probes which attacked a floating station containing humans
- The probe took a long time to spin up and get into action I believe

I seem to recall watching it many times but damn my porous memory, it's not as if it stored anything more important in its place.

The first sounds like Flight of Dragons.


I've been try to figure out the name of book all day. I don't remember the author or anything, but the book is about the author trying to live in different ways for 30 days at a time. I saw the author do an interview a few months ago on a show in Canada called The Hour, but I'm sure I've seen him on The Daily Show before. Some of the things he did for the month spans were things like being honest to everyone, and outsourcing all his work.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
jred2k said:
I've been try to figure out the name of book all day. I don't remember the author or anything, but the book is about the author trying to live in different ways for 30 days at a time. I saw the author do an interview a few months ago on a show in Canada called The Hour, but I'm sure I've seen him on The Daily Show before. Some of the things he did for the month spans were things like being honest to everyone, and outsourcing all his work.

That's Morgan Spurlock's schtick. Not sure of the name of his book, though.


Alright time for a vague description:

It was a movie about this kid whose left hand is controlled by the devil or something. I remember there being this black chick that wants to help him, and I also remember a scene where he throws buzzsaw's at some kid and he's trying to control his hand. The movie could 1998 give or take.
I have seen this movie in the 90s on VHS, the main character is a funny black american who gets hit by a commit, passes out and later in the hospital finds out that his body absorbed this green commit matter, he gets the ability to fly and shit happens after that.

Thats all I remember, I also remember a scene where his friends were looking high up in the sky from the balcony to find out where he was flying, but later on they found him flying 2 feet above the ground because he was afraid of heights. :D


Cigol said:
If anyone knows the answer to these two I'd be grateful. Figure it's worth a shot in the dark.

The first animation;

- 70's Dungeons & Dragons style (though not actually Dungeons & Dragons obviously)
- Featured Dragons & human controllers, though the dragons seemed to have minds of their own (I seem to have an image of a wizard)
- shots of Dragons sleeping on huge mounds of gold coins
- A particular scene with a dragon breathing fiery breath, as is their want, with his back against a wall
- Dragons flying...

Okay so that's about all I can sort of remember. Would be a hoot if someone could put me out of my misery and tell me what the hell it was?

The second animation I remember less about;

- Had a Japanese anime styling
- was set either high in the sky, upper atmosphere or space (I forget) but I think it wasn't space because I think there were clouds
- It featured Star Wars-like probes which attacked a floating station containing humans
- The probe took a long time to spin up and get into action I believe

I seem to recall watching it many times but damn my porous memory, it's not as if it stored anything more important in its place.

WanderingWind is right, it has to be Flight of the Dragons.. on youtube!


I'm pretty sure no-one can tell me the name of this cartoon film but i'll try anyway.

It starts off with a child who gets separated from his family at an early age and while growing up, he ends up imprisoned by the Egyptian king (forgot the reason). In the prison, it is revealed that he can interpret dreams and tells his jail mate that the nightmares his been having means he will be executed in a few days. The man's jail mate doesn't believe this. In a few days later, the jail mate is executed.

While this is happening, the jester of the Egyptian King is trying to find entertainment for the king. He finds many comedians and performers but they were all executed since they did not entertain the king. Eventually the king is fed up with the jester and throws him into the same cell as the man (mentioned earlier). The jester begins to talk to the man and finds out that he can read dreams. The jester is then let out with one more chance to entertain the king. The jester then brings the man to the king. The king tells the man about his dream (it was something about 3 cows drinking water from the great nile river and then 3 black cows eats the cows). The man then tells the king that the dream means that Egypt will go into a harsh drought and no rain will come this year and that the Great Nile River will dry up. The king believes him through fear and prepares for the drought. To his surprise, the Great Nile River did dry out and the king gave the man a piece of land and told the Egypt that he was a great dream teller. Many people around Egypt began to see this 'dream teller' with a small payment. Eventually the man's family (from the beginning of the movie) shows up but the man refuses to see them since he has shamed them by not seeing them for many years.

This was all i saw from the film. For some reason, i didn't finish watching the film on television and now im always thinking what happened at the end. Good luck and thanks in advance


guidop said:
The other movie is a black and white Italian film (Italian language too) from the 50's or 40's about a young boy under the age of 10 trying to find his mother. The boy travels by sea to buenos aires, argentina in buenos aires he meets some fellow italians from genoa in one scene with these men the boy makes them pasta with pesto. The boy eventually finds his mother in an monistry in peru i think, his mother has became a nun.

The the movie is really long definitely over 2 hours and i think it is set around the turn of last century or around 1910

It sounds awfully like 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother aka Marco


But I'm not sure since it isn't black and white and may be another version.


So I had a quick question regarding a movie I saw in the late 90s I think. The plot revolved around the control of ape type creatures via computer chips. At some point one small ape is burned in a furnace, and one of the older apes finds the computer chip. They all remove their own so that they can't be controlled anymore and lead some sort of uprising.

Ferga said:
I'm pretty sure no-one can tell me the name of this cartoon film but i'll try anyway.

It starts off with a child who gets separated from his family at an early age and while growing up, he ends up imprisoned by the Egyptian king (forgot the reason). In the prison, it is revealed that he can interpret dreams and tells his jail mate that the nightmares his been having means he will be executed in a few days. The man's jail mate doesn't believe this. In a few days later, the jail mate is executed.

While this is happening, the jester of the Egyptian King is trying to find entertainment for the king. He finds many comedians and performers but they were all executed since they did not entertain the king. Eventually the king is fed up with the jester and throws him into the same cell as the man (mentioned earlier). The jester begins to talk to the man and finds out that he can read dreams. The jester is then let out with one more chance to entertain the king. The jester then brings the man to the king. The king tells the man about his dream (it was something about 3 cows drinking water from the great nile river and then 3 black cows eats the cows). The man then tells the king that the dream means that Egypt will go into a harsh drought and no rain will come this year and that the Great Nile River will dry up. The king believes him through fear and prepares for the drought. To his surprise, the Great Nile River did dry out and the king gave the man a piece of land and told the Egypt that he was a great dream teller. Many people around Egypt began to see this 'dream teller' with a small payment. Eventually the man's family (from the beginning of the movie) shows up but the man refuses to see them since he has shamed them by not seeing them for many years.

This was all i saw from the film. For some reason, i didn't finish watching the film on television and now im always thinking what happened at the end. Good luck and thanks in advance

This sounds like the exact plot to Joseph from the book of genesis in the bible. Not sure of the year or anything, but searching through for it should lead to finding it.


zaxor0 said:
WanderingWind is right, it has to be Flight of the Dragons.. on youtube!
Hah, I remember it being a lot less twee in my youth but scanning ahead that definitely rings some bells, has a similar animation style to what I remember and I did notice some shots of dragons resting on mounds of gold, so I guess that must be the film in question. In which case, many thanks go to WanderingWind for ruining a fond childhood memory :lol


WanderingWind said:
The first sounds like Flight of Dragons.

I always liked that movie. First because it was done by Rankin/Bass (and I loved their work on The Hobbit and The Return of the King) but also because the late great John Ritter did voiceover work on it.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Cigol said:
Hah, I remember it being a lot less twee in my youth but scanning ahead that definitely rings some bells, has a similar animation style to what I remember and I did notice some shots of dragons resting on mounds of gold, so I guess that must be the film in question. In which case, many thanks go to WanderingWind for ruining a fond childhood memory :lol

Aww. It's still a good movie!:lol


Visceir said:
Does anyone remember the name of a cartoon about a bull/cow who wore dutch wooden shoes? Might have been japanese...

Outside guess, because I can't remember much about it other than the cow (well, Ox), the theme song ("Hey big guy!") and the fact there was a gorilla called "Gaylord"... would it be Ox Tales?


mclem said:
Outside guess, because I can't remember much about it other than the cow (well, Ox), the theme song ("Hey big guy!") and the fact there was a gorilla called "Gaylord"... would it be Ox Tales?

Yeah that is the one. It was called Boes originally (Dutch comic) The Japanese made a cartoon out of it (Geragera Bus Monogatari) and that got translated.

I accidentaly wrote down the alternate title (Chuckling Bus Story of Boes), but forgot the Ox Tales
GDGF said:
I always liked that movie. First because it was done by Rankin/Bass (and I loved their work on The Hobbit and The Return of the King) but also because the late great John Ritter did voiceover work on it.

My favorite cartoon flick growing up. I posted a shot from it in the nostalgia thread :lol

Still no ideas for mine?
Here's one that might be tricky.
I remember going on a vacation with my family in the late 90s (Maybe very early 00s). We visited a museum and they had a 3D movie theater. This was before there were 3D movies in every theater, so it was cool to us kids. I remember my family tried to get tickets to a documentary about sea creatures or something. We accidentally ended up getting into a movie about some girl finding a shack in the woods, and finding these keys that would open it. I think a family member dies or something, but it's okay because she has this secret. I've googled around, but I couldn't find anything about it.


I have two movies that came out within 2-3 years.

First Movie: In the trailer, there is some virus going around in I think maybe California. Anyways, the trailer showed a guy locking himself in the house and not letting his girlfriend or wife in as he was scared getting the virus.

Second Movie: The trailer for this was a horror movie. It was pretty much showing a swamp and the narrator was a girl with a southern accent talking about how some kids did some messed up things to either an adult or another kid and now the creature or whatever stalks the swamp.
Wow, just the topic I was looking for :lol

I've been remembering this movie, one about this live action kid who was friends with 6 ghosts (I think it was six). Then it forwards through time and he's an adult now, but the 6 ghosts return and now he's trying to get them to go to the afterlife. They go back to the afterlife by going on a bus. I think the child part took place in the 50s or 60s.


There was this cartoon I used to watch, it followed this red indian kid who had this red feather attached to the back of his bandanna. It was narrated and the episode I always seem to remember had him an another red indian kid fighting over this girl. Its how I got familiar with the phrase "Two's company and three's a crowd"
I've just remembered another show from my early childhood, difficult to remember when it was made but I remember seeing it in the mid-eighties so it's at least as old as 25 years. It's also difficult to remember which country made it as I think no one ever spoke on the show, though I suspect it was from the UK.

Anyway, what I do remember is that it used live actors dressed up as scientists/chemists, in some kind of lab. But the weird thing that would happen is a signature (hand-written) would mirror itself and then become some kind of creature/bug that would jump around and cause havoc. I'm pretty sure the signature was actually the name of the show, I just can't quite... picture it.

Any clue?

Outpost #31

Kruhex said:
Second Movie: The trailer for this was a horror movie. It was pretty much showing a swamp and the narrator was a girl with a southern accent talking about how some kids did some messed up things to either an adult or another kid and now the creature or whatever stalks the swamp.



It was a cartoon about two kids (brother and sister?) in bunkbeds that would detach and fly. I remember some creatures that looked like three balls on top of each other with thread as arms. I think the bad guy in the cartoon has a very pointy nose.


DonMigs85 said:

It was a more colorful and less detailed. It was a cartoon TV series that would be to "cheap" to imagine them making a movie out of it lol. I remember them been most of the time on a bright blue sky. Oh I forgot to mention an important thing : The theme song was French, seems to me that it was a cartoon from France shown in Canada.
Instigator said:
I've just remembered another show from my early childhood, difficult to remember when it was made but I remember seeing it in the mid-eighties so it's at least as old as 25 years. It's also difficult to remember which country made it as I think no one ever spoke on the show, though I suspect it was from the UK.

Anyway, what I do remember is that it used live actors dressed up as scientists/chemists, in some kind of lab. But the weird thing that would happen is a signature (hand-written) would mirror itself and then become some kind of creature/bug that would jump around and cause havoc. I'm pretty sure the signature was actually the name of the show, I just can't quite... picture it.

Any clue?

Vision On?



There's a movie I remember watching once in '01 and it was one of the funniest coming-of-age movies I've seen. Basically it's an indie film that's like a cross between The Wonder Years and American Pie, except (IMO) more perverted. The premise is this one geeky teen who's trying to get the girl next door (or across the street, whatever..) to notice him so that he could express his love to her or something rather over the summer before she leaves for college. He and his friend also are trying to get laid over the summer and at one point considered getting a prostitute. I only remember one scene in particular about the movie, hope it helps: In this one scene the geeky dude's best friend shows up wearing a neck brace because he injured himself trying to suck his own dick (apparently, he succeeded because he said it "tastes like beef")

All I know is that the film's title has Summer in it..


weepy said:
There's a movie I remember watching once in '01 and it was one of the funniest coming-of-age movies I've seen. Basically it's an indie film that's like a cross between The Wonder Years and American Pie, except (IMO) more perverted. The premise is this one geeky teen who's trying to get the girl next door (or across the street, whatever..) to notice him so that he could express his love to her or something rather over the summer before she leaves for college. He and his friend also are trying to get laid over the summer and at one point considered getting a prostitute. I only remember one scene in particular about the movie, hope it helps: In this one scene the geeky dude's best friend shows up wearing a neck brace because he injured himself trying to suck his own dick (apparently, he succeeded because he said it "tastes like beef")

All I know is that the film's title has Summer in it..
Summer Catch?


DonMigs85 said:
Summer Catch?

No, that's not it. I think I might be mistaken on Summer being in the title though...

If someone knows the title of this movie please help me out. It's like a brain itch I can't scratch.
my one is a cartoon I would have seen in the 80's, but I got the impression it might be a little older.

As I recall, it was a series around a young girl living with a group of robots. They were all different colours and each had a specific ability (I remember the one that had a crane was yellow and was much bigger than the others).

The bad guys were all the same, and had guns inside their torsos they fired by leaning forward and flipping their heads up (I made a Lego one once). Not sure if there was a big bad guy behind them all.

Had no luck the other few times I tried to work it out. The station that I remember screening it wasn't able to help when I fired off an email at some stage or another.
There's a special horror movie scene in movies(yea i know....xhibit.jpeg etc etc) with a guy, dressed like a monk(he wears a red hood, i think), who stabs a young girl(virgin?) lain on some sort of altar. it looks like a satanic ritual.
this special scene is used in dozens of (older) movies, most of time when someone is watching a horror movie on TV.

can anyone of you tell me from what movie that scene is?
Bjern Fita said:
my one is a cartoon I would have seen in the 80's, but I got the impression it might be a little older.

As I recall, it was a series around a young girl living with a group of robots. They were all different colours and each had a specific ability (I remember the one that had a crane was yellow and was much bigger than the others).

The bad guys were all the same, and had guns inside their torsos they fired by leaning forward and flipping their heads up (I made a Lego one once). Not sure if there was a big bad guy behind them all.

Had no luck the other few times I tried to work it out. The station that I remember screening it wasn't able to help when I fired off an email at some stage or another.

tbh that yellow crane robot sounds a lot like transformers....anyway

there was a french cartoon with a girl living with robots named "Robostory" -- Wiki

fits also barerly to "jayce and the wheeled Warriors" but Jayce was a guy and the robots were "cars" or maybe

The Centurions?



Crewnh said:
Wow, just the topic I was looking for :lol

I've been remembering this movie, one about this live action kid who was friends with 6 ghosts (I think it was six). Then it forwards through time and he's an adult now, but the 6 ghosts return and now he's trying to get them to go to the afterlife. They go back to the afterlife by going on a bus. I think the child part took place in the 50s or 60s.
Heart and Souls with Robert Downey Jr.

Great movie.


Bjern Fita said:
my one is a cartoon I would have seen in the 80's, but I got the impression it might be a little older.

As I recall, it was a series around a young girl living with a group of robots. They were all different colours and each had a specific ability (I remember the one that had a crane was yellow and was much bigger than the others).

The bad guys were all the same, and had guns inside their torsos they fired by leaning forward and flipping their heads up (I made a Lego one once). Not sure if there was a big bad guy behind them all.

Had no luck the other few times I tried to work it out. The station that I remember screening it wasn't able to help when I fired off an email at some stage or another.
Different cartoon, but your description reminded me of another cartoon from my youth, Robotman and Friends.


Kruhex said:
First Movie: In the trailer, there is some virus going around in I think maybe California. Anyways, the trailer showed a guy locking himself in the house and not letting his girlfriend or wife in as he was scared getting the virus.
Sounds like it could be Right at Your Door.
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