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"I didn't like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls, but I'm excited for Bloodborne"


This is what my friend told me when i asked him

1. Because its a exclusive Game from an proven studio. And we know, exclusive games get a special attention

2. The previous Souls game looked a bit generic with their medieval stlye. So some people thought (oh another western RPG game) - But Bloodborne has an extremely unique look and a dark,bloody,horror atmosphere

3.Combat looks less stiff and more refreshing (more action, more speed) than the souls game ---> It looks like more fun

Souls games never appealed to me, maybe it was the defensive /'stiff looking combat that did not seem appealing. Boodborne looks more fluid to me so I am more likely to pick it up, but not played any of them.


Everything I've said in this thread was observable in the alpha and at PSX.

But you don't know how the game is ultimately designed and balanced in the full, finished game. You're putting these new changes and comparing how they fare in a Souls game, but Bloodborne is a new game and is most likely balanced around them and designed with the changes in mind, so in the end it's just pure speculation form you that you dress as facts which is completely erroneous and misleading.


Has no shields been confirmed. I thought i heard something about shields. Either from a promo art, or the developer accidentally letting it slip out during promotion.


But you don't know how the game is ultimately designed and balanced in the full, finished game. You're putting these new changes and comparing how they fare in a Souls game, but Bloodborne is a new game and is most likely balanced around them and have these new changes in mind, so in the end it's just pure speculation form you that you dress as fact which is completely erroneous and misleading.

Definitely not interested in where this discussion is going. Feel free to disregard my observations :)


I can understand the thinking of why anyone not already a fan of the Souls games would be excited for Bloodborne, but I think the game looks good enough that it could drum up fresh interest from the unfamiliar with this type of game... who will then probably give up at the first hint of actual challenge being put in front of them :(

Did I just read that Bloodborne's designs are boring and generic?

I'll just keep going along like I never read such madness

To be fair, they are pretty boring and generic...
If you are a console warrior who can't think of any more legitimate a critique. The design work I saw in the Alpha of Bloodborne was exceptional imo.
It's strange to me, Bloodborne looks like a Souls game through and through.

As for the "generic" medieval look of Souls, I don't think I've seen a less generic medieval look besides the knight armour. And the Victorian steampunk-ish take of Bloodborne is certainly not unique.

I assume there will be lots of salt when a lot of these people feel burned by Bloodborne, but I'm not sure what they were expecting.


Definitely not interested in where this discussion is going. Feel free to disregard my observations :)

Weakest reply i've ever read.

If you can't fathom that your speculation about a unfinished game that you haven't played nor seen in it's complete state can't be considered facts you shouldn't be in a discussion in the first place. Lots of things can be changed, added and removed in development of a game like this. Your statements about which game is harder/easier are baseless.

In the end, you really can't expect much from Woodhouse.


I have said almost exactly this. It's not that I disliked everything about the Souls games (I played and completed Demons and Dark 1), but while the level design and art were amazing in both, I found the combat repetitive and tedious. I wanted everything to feel more slick, and I didn't care for the weapon crafting/upgrade system.

Previews and impressions seem to indicate that Bloodbourne will refine the combat into something I'll appreciate. I'm excited by a more aggressive system, and the gun/sword mechanics sound superb. I really don't feel the combat of previous games needs much tweaking to make it fun for me, and the developers' goals for the new one seem to be aligned with my wishlist. On top of that, the world looks incredible, and I love what I've seen of the art design.

That being said, I will wait for impressions rather than jumping on it day one, and if I'm still not totally sold by didn't-love-Souls-games-GAF, I'll wait for a price drop.
Was the atmosphere interesting from the word go or did people fall in love with it as the atmospheres bleakness met with the gameplay's bleakness? I played some, didn't fall in love with the aesthetic, and didn't want to take the time to figure it out after I was KO'd enough. I think I got a few corridors past the first boss in DS2. Not to mention being so late in last gens life span when I was falling out of the consoles.

Now that I've joined the new gen, this game just seems more... I don't know? Fascinating?


It's the setting.

Medieval fantasy with castles and dragons? Seen it a hundred times.

French Gothic horror? Go on..


Weakest reply i've ever read.

If you can't fathom that your speculation about a unfinished game that you haven't played nor seen in it's complete state can't be considered facts you shouldn't be in a discussion in the first place. Lots of things can be changed, added and removed in development of a game like this. Your statements about which game is harder/easier are baseless.

In the end, you really can't expect much from Woodhouse.

I never said that I can't fathom why you wouldn't want to take my opinions at face value. I understand why. That's fine if you don't want to. They're just my observations—and note that I never said Bloodborne is an easier game than the others, I specifically said only that combat is easier against standard enemies, meaning you'll die less from them due to the new systems. This is my last post on the matter. You'll see for yourself when the game comes out (or in beta if there is one), and I'm sure you'll love it.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Eh, people can get interested in graphic or setting. More exposure is good i guess. Though for those who expecting Bloodborne to be easier than souls...yeah, chances are is not going to happen.


Dark Souls combat being called slow and not slick make no sense to me. The game's combat speed and feeling depends on the build of the character and how the player uses the options provided by the game. I play light or sometimes no armor and dual wield. The game's combat is only slow if you choose to play it that way.


This entire thread is just one big load of this:



having played the alpha I think some people who didn't like the earlier games and are expecting a radical departure in terms of gameplay are going to be rather dissappointed.

it's no easier.
Pretty much. If you didn't like the Souls gameplay, I don't seen how you're going to enjoy Bloodborne's, unless you're hoping its Victorian setting alone will carry you through the game.
If the full game is like the alpha, it's basically like Souls, but with more of a focus on dodging and HP-absorbing hits motivating you to be more aggressive. It's a tweaked version of the Souls gameplay, and not a departure.


Pretty much. If you didn't like the Souls gameplay, I don't seen how you're going to enjoy Bloodborne's, unless you're hoping its Victorian setting alone will carry you through the game.
If the full game is like the alpha, it's basically like Souls, but with more of a focus on dodging and HP-absorbing hits motivating you to be more aggressive. It's a tweaked version of the Souls gameplay, and not a departure.

That small tweak is enough for me. Being slow and methodical in games is just boring.


That small tweak is enough for me. Being slow and methodical in games is just boring.

Playing a heavy shield user in Souls is slow and methodical. Being an agile and shieldless character in Souls is a very much like Bloodborne, sans the HP-sucking feature.


Playing a heavy shield user in Souls is slow and methodical. Being an agile and shieldless character in Souls is a very much like Bloodborne, sans the HP-sucking feature.

Pretty much this. Game play so far looks like what I do when I play Dark Souls.


Are there actual souls to be collected in Bloodborne for leveling up?

Also, I'm wondering how easy it would be for a new player of the Souls series to jump into Bloodborne and to play as a purely-offensive and dodging character. In the previous games, it took some practice to get the hang of it, but it was definitely a viable way to play those games.

I spent most of my time in them (DS2 especially) running around naked with stamina+ shields on my back two-handing/dual-wielding.


Are there actual souls to be collected in Bloodborne for leveling up?

Also, I'm wondering how easy it would be for a new player of the Souls series to jump into Bloodborne and to play as a purely-offensive and dodging character. In the previous games, it took some practice to get the hang of it, but it was definitely a viable way to play those games.

I spent most of my time in them (DS2 especially) running around naked with stamina+ shields on my back two-handing/dual-wielding.

That last part was me for every souls series. Minus the naked part, my armor varied depending on my endurance, but I usually kept a full set, and on my ultra greatsword builds I'd keep the medium roll because the range and stun made up for the lack of speed(or back when the dark wood grain ring was a thing, I'd have heavy armor while doing backflips).

That aside to your point, it's looking like bloodbourne's main style of play will be offensive, which I'm not thrilled about. It will make the base game easier for me as hiding behind a shield and playing cautious was never my style of play, but it will make pvp more difficult. People hiding behind shields in pvp made easy targets for people two handing to whack their stamina down till they get stunned, so that's one less opening to exploit.

I'd also assume there is some souls equivalent, my guess is that it will be "blood" as the title implies.
Based on most of the comments from those who have played the game it doesn't seem that much faster than the Souls games, and when you're not in combat it won't be fast paced balls to the wall no stop action, it will be walking around and cautiously exploring the world

Souls games can be offensive, but when your first starting you're first inclination to be defensive/cautious. This game looks like its pushing you to play offensively from the get go, that is my impression anyway.


Unless DMC is 10x harder than Bayonetta, it's nowhere near as unforgiving as a Souls game. Harder to master and play on an expert level? Sure. Unforgiving? Nah. As I said in another thread, I button mashed my way through Bayonetta 1 and 2 with very few deaths. I'd call that extremely forgiving.

Bayonetta is quite a bit easier than the DMC games. The DMC games are also harder than Souls games when played on DMD. There's nothing even remotely as hard as Vergil 3 DMD unless you knowingly handicap yourself with arbitrary restrictions.

Everything I've said in this thread was observable in the alpha and at PSX.

Give me a break a lot of us have played that demo and it wasn't easier.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Nowhere did I say that Bloodborne is easier than Bayo/DMC. I said that Demon's, DS, DS2 and Bloodborne are all far more difficult than Bayo/DMC on normal difficulty. However, Bb is the easiest of the Souls series, unless you are counting magic or move-swap cheese strats, which make DS really easy.
You base this on an alpha demo and state this as fact. Wow. xD


kinda divided

liked the weighty feel of the Souls games and the shield mechanics, did not like the setting though

bloodborne- worried of losing the slow pace but enjoy the setting


This is my most anticipated game EVER.

I always wanted a whole game like Latria in Demon's Souls and now we have it.

The no shield will take some getting used to but I am not worried one bit. It will be ever bit as much as the dark sadistic gameplay that I am hoping for. I hope the game is hard as shit and people make threads complaining about it. I can't wait to troll noobs with invasions (hoping there will be invasions).

Demon's Souls was my favorite just because of the darker setting.
Is it just the hype? The visuals and the setting? Are any of those 3 things enough to override the fact you didn't like the first games?

It's the hype and the prettier graphics. People who thought Souls was too hard or w/e are in for a hard time and that's fine by me if they really wanna lose money because they're marks.


Unlimited Capacity
Okay, I actually did not know that.

So if Miyazaki is president, why didn't he do shit about Dark Souls 2 and let them release this turd? Was he on holiday?

Also: Bloodborne isn't published by FROM. It's published by Sony. Which means Sony has some saying in it as well.

I watched a preview. The player lost quite a bit of health by getting hit and then got all of it back by simply striking the enemy 3 or 4 times. It looked pretty silly to me. No riposte. No nothing. Simple strikes were enough.

slightly easier? The game was simply a broken mess in all sorts of ways. There were so many things wrong with it. Now that I know Miyazaki is president, I actually hold him also responsible for that mess. I thought he had literally nothing to do with it. Funnily that knowledge made the whole Dark Souls 2 situation even worse to me personally.

He let his director direct Dark Souls 2 while he was busy directing Bloodborne. What is so hard to understand about this?
I keep seeing that medieval settings are generic by default, and yes they are to a degree, but I feel like steampunk and jack the ripper eras in general have been pretty oversaturated for the past few years as well. It's something I'm enjoying right now and I'm not one to get tired of themes I already like. I was recently playing through Act 5 in Reaper of Souls while watching Copper and Peaky Blinders on Netflix, and the inundation made me realize I enjoy that period (whether a period piece or fantastical) lately. It made think "maybe I am interested in The Order" and I know for sure the setting and them in Bloodborne is doing it for me right now. The theme isn't inherently better, though.


I hated both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, but I'm excited for Bloodborne only because I FEEL like from what I've seen, it's going to be a different type of style game in terms of action than the others. I wasn't a fan of the need to parry shit.

It's essentially a Souls game but sped up 10% and maybe no shields.

Edit: Anyway, isn't the gun interrupt and counterattack mechanic pretty much a parry/riposte kind of thing?
I wasn't a fan of the need to parry shit.

I have over 400 hours in the Souls series and I basically never parry cuz I'm lazy and never tried to learn.

When people say things like this, I reread "I hated Demon's Souls" as "I'm not good at games". It's just untrue, it's false, and ffs Bloodborne looks like it rewards "parrying" with the gun waaay the fuck more AND YOU USE A LIMITED RESOURCE TO DO IT.

But please do buy it and hate it anyway From can use the money.


I have over 400 hours in the Souls series and I basically never parry cuz I'm lazy and never tried to learn.

When people say things like this, I reread "I hated Demon's Souls" as "I'm not good at games". It's just untrue, it's false, and ffs Bloodborne looks like it rewards "parrying" with the gun waaay the fuck more AND YOU USE A LIMITED RESOURCE TO DO IT.

But please do buy it and hate it anyway From can use the money.

Yeah there are tons of viable ways to play the Souls games, and if Bloodborne can only be played fast and aggressively it will lose something that the series has had to this point


I'm in the "I loved Demon's and Dark Souls, but I'm slightly worried about Bloodborne" camp. The whole focus on being fast-paced and more action-oriented doesn't fit From's 25-30fps design very well. I wasn't a huge fan of the alpha because of this, but maybe they'll fix it by launch. But looking at their track record, I'm not too hopeful.

"Didn't like previous games but looking forward to Bloodborne" doesn't make much sense to me. It's still a Souls game through and through despite the changes in combat. I can sort of see it if you were on the fence before because the gameplay was a bit too slow and methodical to your taste.
Yeah there are tons of viable ways to play the Souls games, and if Bloodborne can only be played fast and aggressively it will lose something that the series has had to this point

I don't know if I'd say it can "only" be played a certain way, but in general it seems faster. Defense in Souls is very VERY easy, especially for skilled players, and I think that's what they're trying to go against.

Also, anyone confused as to why some people dislike Souls but want Bloodborne, the best word for that is "marketing". People are marks. Lots of people, including a lot of gaf posters, are soooo willing to just board a hype train because fuck it yolo. Even if it goes against all logic. It's sooo common to see people mention their "hype rising" over a new AAA game because of a CG trailer showing literally no gameplay or not enough to justify getting any more "hyped".

Normally I call these people part of the problem with gaming but in this case lol go nuts give From dem dolla dolla billz y'all.
I don't know if I'd say it can "only" be played a certain way, but in general it seems faster. Defense in Souls is very VERY easy, especially for skilled players, and I think that's what they're trying to go against.

Also, anyone confused as to why some people dislike Souls but want Bloodborne, the best word for that is "marketing". People are marks. Lots of people, including a lot of gaf posters, are soooo willing to just board a hype train because fuck it yolo. Even if it goes against all logic. It's sooo common to see people mention their "hype rising" over a new AAA game because of a CG trailer showing literally no gameplay or not enough to justify getting any more "hyped".

Normally I call these part of the problem with gaming but in this case lol go nuts give From dem dolla dolla billz y'all.

I read this in Mr Mcmahon's voice


I'm seeing this sentiment more and more and launch day approaches. What's causing it? Hype? Exclusivity? I have a strong feeling that a lot of people are gonna get burned hard. That said, it also seems like this might be the first Souls game to do gangbusters. People who don't even like the series are willing to give it another go, and there seems to be a lot of first timers interested in trying the series out. I'm interested in seeing what their first impressions are.


I'm seeing this sentiment more and more and launch day approaches. What's causing it? Hype? Exclusivity? I have a strong feeling that a lot of people are gonna get burned hard. That said, it also seems like this might be the first Souls game to do gangbusters. People who don't even like the series are willing to give it another go, and there seems to be a lot of first timers interested in trying the series out. I'm interested in seeing what their first impressions are.

Based on the impressions I've read it really does seem like this is souls though and tough, those being swept away by the hype despite not being a fan of the earlier games are going to be disappointed
I feel like every second post when people are talking about the Souls games whenever they're brought up in other threads is people saying they didn't like the first few games but they're excited for Bloodborne

I kinda stop reading at "didn't like". These games are awesome.
Ive only played about 10 hours of the first 2 (skipped dark souls 2) I don't dislike the souls games for any mechanical or technical reasons, it's purely a problem with the community

And not the community aspect that everyone is a condescending piece of shit; I play dota so I'm used to that.

I came into them so late that there wasn't really a community of discussion and discovery. I wasn't taught about the drake sword thing, I was told"back in patch 1.3c they fixed this exploit" kind of anti discovery that naturally happens when a games secrets are discovered. And everything was already figured out, so the "discussion" was all "on my 8th run I think I'm gonna do it naked!"

Day 1 with this one and while I'm sure some previous souls experience will help, it's also day 1 for everyone


A lot of people will have the same (for them negative) experience with bloodborne, they had with the souls games.


@ shiftplusone: you should have started a lttp thread.


Ive only played about 10 hours of the first 2 (skipped dark souls 2) I don't dislike the souls games for any mechanical or technical reasons, it's purely a problem with the community

And not the community aspect that everyone is a condescending piece of shit; I play dota so I'm used to that.

I came into them so late that there wasn't really a community of discussion and discovery. I wasn't taught about the drake sword thing, I was told"back in patch 1.3c they fixed this exploit" kind of anti discovery that naturally happens when a games secrets are discovered. And everything was already figured out, so the "discussion" was all "on my 8th run I think I'm gonna do it naked!"

Day 1 with this one and while I'm sure some previous souls experience will help, it's also day 1 for everyone
Any PvP community tends to be filled up with self-righteous pricks. Dota, Souls, CS, anything.

The SP/story communities for the Souls series are pretty fine. It's a lot more collaborative and less "SEE MY E-PEEN GAISE I OWN U ALL LOLZ!!!"

I've never understood the heavy investment in Souls PvP. It's so ridiculously imbalanced. Really hard to take it serious.
It's probably hype and the PS4's lack of great exclusives at this point (for those that own a PC). I don't think it will entice those that already disliked dark souls and the game might get some backlash because of that.
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