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"I didn't like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls, but I'm excited for Bloodborne"

Who needs magic when you got guns m8?


Rest in pieces magic.


Kinda a weird premise for a thread given that Bloodborne is a new IP for a young system. Why won't it be higher profile? Why won't new PS4 owners be excited?

There's nothing wrong with being excited for the title. And not everyone likes the fantasy trappings of DeS/DS.

I love both Miyazaki's Souls games, and more fans for these types of games is a great thing.
I'd rather they rebalanced it so that it wasn't easy to be cheap

Its one area I'm concerned about, no shields and no magic is fine and all but it removes choice for the player

In the Souls game you could play without magic and without a shield, but you had choice and you had options, it also adds to the re-playability as after you beat the game with a magic build you could have a really different experience with 100% melee build

If you have to play fast, aggressive and shield less in Bloodborne and that is the only viable way of playing the game, while it still might be great it will lose something

This is why I don't think it's as simple as just the classes they've shown.

I think the way they're demoing it, is a way of saying the game IS designed around this class this time. I think we'll still see shields, and if not shields, then definitely blocking.

And since a lot of animations/systems are reused, it'd be weird to take stuff out.
Probably, or other guns. There has to be something that does damage at range.

I don't think this game wants you to be at ranged. That graveyard boss fight from the locked off alpha area punished you for being far from the boss. It literally keeps using his weapon until you get up and personal with him.


That's me. Never played the originals. Honestly the art style looked bland to me.

Bloodborne looks really unique though. The gothic horror style is perfect for this kind of game.
I watched a preview. The player lost quite a bit of health by getting hit and then got all of it back by simply striking the enemy 3 or 4 times. It looked pretty silly to me. No riposte. No nothing. Simple strikes were enough.

This tells you nothing. He's fighting the equivalent of hollows, anyone with a modicum of skill can faceroll the first level yard trash in Demon's and Dark Souls too. Go watch the let's plays of the beta where seasoned Souls players die a dozen times on the first boss and tell me the game is going to be easy.


The health regen mechanic is clearly in place to reward skillful play and punish turtling, not to make the game easier.

slightly easier? The game was simply a broken mess in all sorts of ways. There were so many things wrong with it.

In a lot of ways it's actually harder than the first game, not easier. But I'll agree that there's a ton that's wrong with DS2.

Now that I know Miyazaki is president, I actually hold him also responsible for that mess. I thought he had literally nothing to do with it. Funnily that knowledge made the whole Dark Souls 2 situation even worse to me personally.

Listen, guy: Miyazaki was made president of From after Dark Souls 2 released. He had very little to do with that game. From had a contract with Namco to do a Dark Souls sequel and a contract with Sony to do a PS4 exclusive. Miyazaki and the A team have been working on Bloodborne since the release of the Artorias of the Abyss DLC, the B team worked on Dark Souls 2 for Namco.
Just to be clear, there are very, very few situations in a Souls game where it's legit trial and error. If you're careful and use environmental cues you can avoid nearly everything. For example, there are tons of scorch marks and burnt bodies on the dragon breath bridge in Demon's Souls and scorch marks on the one in Dark Souls too, giving you a clue to be careful. There's also an audio cue of a dragon flying in before the breath even starts, giving you some time to find shelter.

Same goes for that elevator in Sen's Fortress being covered in blood - why is it covered in blood? And then you look up, and there's spikes on the ceiling. Good thing you looked before you walked on it. Et cetera, et cetera.

Yeah, a lot of people are just not very observant and don't pick up on the warnings that the Souls games give you. They then confuse their own incompetence with the game being cheap.


Love the Souls games. But this game is more of a high octane sort of deal. I think the quote in the thread title sounds reasonable.

Based on most of the comments from those who have played the game it doesn't seem that much faster than the Souls games, and when you're not in combat it won't be fast paced balls to the wall no stop action, it will be walking around and cautiously exploring the world
There is already "regenerating health" in Bloodborne. And they even say that "It replaces the way of having a shield, blocking and attacking". I mean come on. In Dark Souls 1 you didn't get health back by blocking correctly. Or by parrying / riposte. Ways to get health back were extremely limited.

There is an additional way to get health back in Bloodborne because there's one fewer way to prevent damage: all else being equal it requires more skill to play without a shield than with one, so they've given us an additional survivability tool to compensate for the removal of blocking.

In Bloodborne it's "oh well I got hit, I will just hit back to get my health back". So that's like blocking strikes in Dark Souls and then getting health back for that. I mean what?

Yeah, what? What you just said makes absolutely no sense.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Why should this matter?

It's a FROM game. Bloodborne is also a FROM game. They betrayed the original fan base once and for me personally that's it.
Okay. Bye then.

(Sigh, if only.)

The incompetent level design and so on can be blamed on that other team. However the "accessibility" changes can not.

There is already "regenerating health" in Bloodborne. And they even say that "It replaces the way of having a shield, blocking and attacking". I mean come on. In Dark Souls 1 you didn't get health back by blocking correctly. Or by parrying / riposte. Ways to get health back were extremely limited.
(Ohai, you're still here.)
Potions that get replenished, farmable consumables that refill 100% of your health, miracles... no, it wasn't that limited.

In Bloodborne it's "oh well I got hit, I will just hit back to get my health back". So that's like blocking strikes in Dark Souls and then getting health back for that. I mean what?
No it's not like that, because Bloodborne is not Dark Souls. Enemy behaviour will be different, more aggressive, the game will be calibrated to take this into account.

Excusing this by just imagining ways that it could work out reminds me exactly when all those changes in Dark Souls 2 were mentioned. "It's way harder when the enemies stop respawning". Yeah, eh no. It wasn't harder. It made the game easier.
The DLC areas of Dark Souls 2 are way harder than anything from Dark Souls, honestly.

Anyway, completely writing off a mechanic when you haven't even played the game and have no idea how it'll be handled is beyond silly. But okay, you're convinced it'll suck. Whatever, don't buy it, but right now, you're the textbook example of this:

So if Miyazaki is president, why didn't he do shit about Dark Souls 2 and let them release this turd? Was he on holiday?
It may shock you to know that plenty of people loved Dark Souls II. It was my GotY 2014. Despite its flaws, I don't blame Miyazaki or a lack of him because that's myopic and unfounded.

Also: Bloodborne isn't published by FROM. It's published by Sony. Which means Sony has some saying in it as well.
Sigh. Do you remember Demon's Souls?
I loved demons
enjoyed dark but not as much as demons
hated dark souls 2, never even finished it. terrible game
Hopefully Bloodborne is more like Demons and less like dark souls 2 :)


Liked Demon Souls but never got very far in it; never even bothered with the Dark Souls games.

But yeah, I'm kind of excited for Bloodborne. A big part of that is the hype, sure, but I'm also cautiously optimistic about how it's supposedly more about offense than defense this time.
Rude awakening inbound for those folks.

I'm inclined to agree that this will be the case for many of them. Still, I'm hopeful that many others catch the Souls "bug" and eventually become fans of all of the games. I know that there will be some. It will be interesting to see how many. I look forward to some stories from people who never really got into or liked the Souls games, dove in with Bloodborne, and wound up playing them all.
Loved all Souls games and I'm really excited for Bloodborne.

The developers said that it is different from Souls games. This might be a reason why non Souls fans are excited about this game.

Only time will tell.

Different could mean a million different things. If people who aren't fans of the Souls series are expecting it to mean, "not really like the Souls series," they are definitely going to be disappointed.


This game seems like it has what it takes to become the next Devil May Cry 3 or Ninja Gaiden Black - finally a new action game that requires lots of skill! Not to mention the gorgeously horrific gothic setting - a setting you don't see much in games anymore. Looking forward to this for sure.


I feel like folks who haven't played any souls game before Bloodborne are going to be in for a rough time considering there aren't any shields.

This game seems like it has what it takes to become the next Devil May Cry 3 or Ninja Gaiden Black

No Souls game, or Bloodborne, is trying to be a game like those.


This game seems like it has what it takes to become the next Devil May Cry 3 or Ninja Gaiden Black - finally a new action game that requires lots of skill! Not to mention the gorgeously horrific gothic setting - a setting you don't see much in games anymore. Looking forward to this for sure.

This game could also be the next Halo and the next CoD! It shares about as much as common with those as it does DMC or Ninja Gaiden.


I feel like folks who haven't played any souls game before Bloodborne are going to be in for a rough time considering there aren't any shields.

No Souls game, or Bloodborne, is trying to be a game like those.

Nah. Bloodborne combat is easier and more forgiving than those games. Life regen on hit, crazy long roll and dash range with good i-frames, and easier parry windows with guns all make it plenty accessible. Don't get me wrong it's still hard, but combat isn't going to be some "whoa wtf I wish I was a Souls nerd because this is too daunting for a casul like me!"
Nah. Bloodborne combat is easier and more forgiving than those games. Life regen on hit, crazy long roll and dash range with good i-frames, and easier parry windows with guns all make it plenty accessible. Don't get me wrong it's still hard, but combat isn't going to be some "whoa wtf I wish I was a Souls nerd because this is too daunting for a casul like me!"

I played the demo at London MCM, the life regen is not as big as an advantage as people think.

You'll almost never get back the same amount of life that you lost either because-
1) The healing is not suffice.
2) The timing for the window of opportunity is too small.
3) The enemy just dies before you can get it back.
Nah. Bloodborne combat is easier and more forgiving than those games. Life regen on hit, crazy long roll and dash range with good i-frames, and easier parry windows with guns all make it plenty accessible. Don't get me wrong it's still hard, but combat isn't going to be some "whoa wtf I wish I was a Souls nerd because this is too daunting for a casul like me!"

Unless DMC is 10x harder than Bayonetta, it's nowhere near as unforgiving as a Souls game. Harder to master and play on an expert level? Sure. Unforgiving? Nah. As I said in another thread, I button mashed my way through Bayonetta 1 and 2 with very few deaths. I'd call that extremely forgiving.

I played the demo at London MCM, the life regen is not as big as an advantage as people think.

You'll almost never get back the same amount of life that you lost either because-
1) The healing is not suffice.
2) The timing for the window of opportunity is too small.
3) The enemy just dies before you can get it back.

You forgot the most important one, getting hit is going to make people sloppy in trying to get that health back. I bet that will claim more lives than anything else in the game.


I played the demo at London MCM, the life regen is not as big as an advantage as people think.

You'll almost never get back the same amount of life that you lost either because-
1) The healing is not suffice.
2) The timing for the window of opportunity is too small.
3) The enemy just dies before you can get it back.

The healing window is really long and isn't limited to the enemy that does damage to you. You can take a hit from one enemy, then dash over to another mook and suck up most of your life. The amount you can heal is quite a lot, you just probably didn't realize it since you were letting the heal-back window expire by taking too much time in between attacks like Demon's or Dark Souls. You can play Bloodborne much more aggressively than those games.

Unless DMC is 10x harder than Bayonetta, it's nowhere near as unforgiving as a Souls game. Harder to master and play on an expert level? Sure. Unforgiving? Nah. As I said in another thread, I button mashed my way through Bayonetta 1 and 2 with very few deaths. I'd call that extremely forgiving.

I agree Demon's and DS are way more difficult than DMC and Bayonetta on their normal difficulties. Bloodborne is, too. What I'm also saying that combat in Bloodborne is less difficult than combat in DS and Demon's (unless you consider running away and casting Great Heavy Soul Arrow to be "combat" - I don't).
The healing window is really long and isn't limited to the enemy that does damage to you. You can take a hit from one enemy, then dash over to another mook and suck up most of your life. The amount you can heal is quite a lot, you just probably didn't realize it since you were letting the heal-back window expire by taking too much time in between attacks like Demon's or Dark Souls. You can play Bloodborne much more aggressively than those games.

I agree Demon's and DS are way more difficult than DMC and Bayonetta on their normal difficulties. Bloodborne is, too. What I'm also saying that combat in Bloodborne is less difficult than combat in DS and Demon's (unless you consider running away and casting Great Heavy Soul Arrow to be "combat" - I don't).

You have played the retail version?

Miyazaki has already stated things were made easier in the Alpha / Demo's and won't be that way in the final product. Things like the amount of health being gained along with the window of opportunity and the overall difficulty of the AI and such.


You have played the retail version?

Miyazaki has already stated things were made easier in the Alpha / Demo's and won't be that way in the final product. Things like the amount of health being gained along with the window of opportunity and the overall difficulty of the AI and such.

There is no retail version yet, so I can't answer that question.

I believe you're talking about the producer (at SCEJ), not Miyazaki, and he was talking about show floor demos, not about the alpha.
The healing window is really long and isn't limited to the enemy that does damage to you. You can take a hit from one enemy, then dash over to another mook and suck up most of your life. The amount you can heal is quite a lot, you just probably didn't realize it since you were letting the heal-back window expire by taking too much time in between attacks like Demon's or Dark Souls. You can play Bloodborne much more aggressively than those games.

I agree Demon's and DS are way more difficult than DMC and Bayonetta on their normal difficulties. Bloodborne is, too. What I'm also saying that combat in Bloodborne is less difficult than combat in DS and Demon's (unless you consider running away and casting Great Heavy Soul Arrow to be "combat" - I don't).

Nevermind! Misread post.

I played the alpha, and I found it to be just as difficult as any of the Souls games. The health regen mechanic got me killed more than it saved me. The lack of shields is huge. I wasn't affected much by it since I mostly play shieldless builds in the Souls games, but I think for everyone who relied on a shield this game is going to be significantly harder.

Mar Nosso

I would say I'm in the situation described. I did buy and beat 4 bosses in Demon's Souls, but then just got fed up with how slow the pace in the game is. Also gave Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 (my brother bought those) a quick spin and while they felt more... dynamic, I didn't feel like dropping the games in my backlog to give them a proper go through.

Bloodborne interests me because it looks beautiful, both because of the graphics and the Victorian setting. It also looks faster paced than previous games, which is right up my alley.


On their normal difficulties, no, combat is not harder in Bayonetta. How can you say that when button mashing is a legit tactic? Running away and casting Souls Arrow (and we all know magic is the Souls' games built-in easy mode) is harder than button mashing. I'll give you that combat in those games is deeper and more difficult to master since there are so many combos, but on their normal difficulties which most people are going to play at, you don't need to care about that.

Nowhere did I say that Bloodborne is easier than Bayo/DMC. I said that Demon's, DS, DS2 and Bloodborne are all far more difficult than Bayo/DMC on normal difficulty. However, Bb is the easiest of the Souls series, unless you are counting magic or move-swap cheese strats, which make DS really easy.

Anyone who reads my posts and thinks "Oh, Bloodborne is easy? That's disappointing." It's not easy. I'm just saying that combat with most enemies is easier than DS and Demon's, because of larger iframe windows, better dodges, larger move-sets with weapon swap combos, gun parries, and life regen.
This is what my friend told me when i asked him

1. Because its a exclusive Game from an proven studio. And we know, exclusive games get a special attention

2. The previous Souls game looked a bit generic with their medieval stlye. So some people thought (oh another western RPG game) - But Bloodborne has an extremely unique look and a dark,bloody,horror atmosphere

3.Combat looks less stiff and more refreshing (more action, more speed) than the souls game ---> It looks like more fun


Nowhere did I say that Bloodborne is easier than Bayo/DMC. I said that Demon's, DS, DS2 and Bloodborne are all far more difficult than Bayo/DMC on normal difficulty. However, Bb is the easiest of the Souls series, unless you are counting magic or move-swap cheese strats, which make DS really easy.

The fuck, the game isn't even out and you're talking about your opinions like it's a fact?
Nowhere did I say that Bloodborne is easier than Bayo/DMC. I said that Demon's, DS, DS2 and Bloodborne are all far more difficult than Bayo/DMC on normal difficulty. However, Bb is the easiest of the Souls series, unless you are counting magic or move-swap cheese strats, which make DS really easy.

Anyone who reads my posts and thinks "Oh, Bloodborne is easy? That's disappointing." It's not easy. I'm just saying that combat with most enemies is easier than DS and Demon's, because of larger iframe windows, better dodges, larger move-sets with weapon swap combos, gun parries, and life regen.

Yeah sorry, misread your post. I edited my previous post.


I hated both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, but I'm excited for Bloodborne only because I FEEL like from what I've seen, it's going to be a different type of style game in terms of action than the others. I wasn't a fan of the need to parry shit.
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