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I like CG trailers.


I'm torn on them. They can be used to show off the tone of the game, or even the story, but they don't get me hyped up at all, because I know it's not the actual game. It's also disappointing to hear "new trailer!" but then get served a heaping helping of something that isn't the game at all.

I'm fine with something like the Witcher 3, which started with Gameplay footage and then eventually had some neat CG trailers to complement the footage and show off the tone of the world and the characters.


I'm too old and wise/cynical to be tricked by a CG trailer into giving me any indication as to what a game is like.
I think these kinds of trailers are dishonest and misleading, especially to casual gamers. There are some that are quite obviously not in-game, but then there are others which try to mimic real gameplay with high end CG cinematics.

TLDR; hate them, ineffective and dishonest.
I like them too, they're cool but I think they should be a supplement to an actual gameplay reveal. CG reveal only means the game is not even close to being shown off, or possibly not even started or set it stone. That's what I see when I get a CG reveal and I try not to get hyped on them.


only cgi trailers i like were the smash 4 ones



they were funny, cool looking, and not really story based ( also they showed actual gameplay right after the cgi bit )

too many video games these days are doing cg only trailers though and they're very boring to watch. i would rather see actual gameplay to judge the game. Also I've seen some people get tricked into thinking cg = real time :lol
I like them for an existing franchise as a tease for the next chapter, since I can imagine the gameplay

For new IPs they are absolute trash
2 years before release, who cares what they show. It's insane that anyone even pays attention at that point. (I realize this is a game forum, so I'm obviously surrounded by people who do. Just note: you're insane.)

2 weeks before release, show something real because now we're talking making a buying choice. (Or 2 weeks prior to those idiotic preorder campaigns with super-ridiculous retailer-specific preorder bonuses, whatever.)
They're cool. But also a tactic. Rather gameplay actually showing the game off then the interpretation of it through a CG trailer. They need to be balanced. Ideas expressed through CG are never guaranteed and to build hype off of it is misguided I'd say.


I don't like them for announcing a brand new game (rather than a sequel or license or whatever).

If I have no idea what the actual game is like just from the name and basic details, I think it is better to show rather than tell.

If I've already seen what the actual game looks like, CG trailers don't bother me.

If they are just demonstrating the new visual/story elements of something that is largely a known quality, it doesn't bother me.

But for stuff like Agents of Mayhem? I don't really know what to do with that CG announcement.

It also seems like a lot of money to spend in cases where it is specifically for the trailer (rather than an in game cut scene).


I love them.

I don't even like World of Warcraft but anytime there's an expansion, I have to see the CGI trailer.


I don't mind them as long as they aren't trying to be game play or they're still hiding game play.

Halo ones are fantastic. Latest live action ones sucked.


I'm indifferent to them.

I don't have the hate a lot of people do over them. I watch them knowing fully its a CG trailer and to not expect this in the game. I'm more excited for the general idea for what the trailer is showing and the announcement itself. Even real actual footage is usually a bit unrealistic as well, I rather just see the gameplay shown in like a lets play or quick look capacity later on.
I'm not a fan. They range from slightly to ridiculously misleading, whether that's intentional or it's just way too far out for gameplay. So, in that case they're better than nothing I guess.


I was gonna say "Would a CG trailer for a live action movie make sense?"... but honestly we get the equivelant all the time in the form of teaser trailers which dont show the actual film.

Edit : not all the time... but sometimes?


I do enjoy CG trailers from time to time, but some tend to misrepresent what to expect from the actual game, or the actual game never lives up to the hype of the CG trailer.

I do love CG openings/cut scenes/endings for games.


CG trailers work really well for reveals if they show what the game mechanics are. For example, the Sunset Overdrive reveal trailer was a CG and it gave you a good impression on what the actual gameplay would be
I love them. Everyone basically knows they aren't what the final product is gonna be, they're for hyping things up and getting your attention. I don't see the harm.


I like them alongside a gameplay trailer. By themselves, fuck that.

Unless it's an ongoing IP, like the Warcraft CG trailers, those are awesome.
That's cool. I personally can't stand them. I want to see gameplay.

If you're going to announce a game via a trailer with no in-game footage, it needs to be, like, 10 seconds long at most.

I can't stand them either. (If they're part of the actual game, then fine, I don't have any issue with that, like in Blizzard games where you come to expect that, but that's an exception.) At best, they're little better than a flashy commercial. At worst, they're deceptive marketing tools.

Either way, they're disconnected from the product they're talking about. You can still be deceptive in a gameplay trailer of course, but at least you've removed one layer of disconnection, and hopefully are giving a clearer idea of what people can actually expect.

I will shake my head at every CG trailer I see as a waste of conference time.

Still better than live action commercials

I can wholeheartedly agree here. This is abstractions to the extreme.


I love them, too.

I mean, they're like teasers. I don't get why people get so worked up that publishers release CGI trailers to announce games, lol. Gameplay videos will come soon enough.


You'll stop getting CG trailers once people stop complaining about in-game visuals that aren't completely polished yet.

So never.
That's advertising. Some advertising is well made and entertaining, but imo they are not part of the game experience, they are just there to hype you and eventually make you buy the game. Nothing wrong with that if that's your thing.
CG Trailers are good for an advertisement or a supplementary trailer for the game. Having it be the only material is a troubling sign because it means, they have nothing to show off so it's still far off, and it gives no idea as to how the game ultimately plays like. Look at Scalebound for example, it was first shown off as a highly polished CG trailer but the next time it was shown off with actual gameplay, a year and a half later, it was very rough looking. Or worse was in the case of the Phantom Dust reboot where it was given a CG trailer without the devs even knowing. (I noticed that MS is the worst at doing this btw). CG trailers are an awful way to sell the game upon announcement.
I love them. I know what I like in games and I'll read plenty about it prior to release to know if I want it or not. A 2 minute trailer won't make that decision.

Personally I just love watching a well made trailer whether it's CG or not. It gets me hyped or the game and in some ways makes me enjoy games more. That plus they're fun in their own right (I almost enjoy great trailers more than games themselves).

Something like halo is a great example. Those trailers got me massively hyped for the game and eager to learn more about what would happen. They weren't representative of the game at all but they got me excited for the games and ultimately made me enjoy them more.


I can understand that people like them, but from a promotional stance they do absolutely nothing.

We're buying games to play them not watch them. If they want to mix some gameplay into the CG then fine, but purely CG is just pointless. I thought people were really starting to turn on CG trailers but the sentiment in this thread is that a lot of people still enjoy them.

I don't get it.
Can't agree with you there flux, especially if it's the reveal of the game. CG can certainly enhance the art and storytelling of a game and help world build. But to introduce a title with CG is off putting to me.


I'll buy it for $40. I'll reluctantly buy it for $60. Yeah, I'm part of the problem

Still wish it could be just BC since I already own all the dlc but oh well


I have no like or dislike for them.

But I will say this, I only trust CGI when it's from a developer I know who values graphics/cutscene goodness as much as I do. So there's no bait and switch when it's time to see the actual game.

It's why I love Sony.


I can understand that people like them, but from a promotional stance they do absolutely nothing.

We're buying games to play them not watch them. If they want to mix some gameplay into the CG then fine, but purely CG is just pointless. I thought people were really starting to turn on CG trailers but the sentiment in this thread is that a lot of people still enjoy them.

I don't get it.

There's only one page of reactions and the OP started with a postive tone which means other people who like them are more likely to post here.

Also, just because they do nothing for you, or even all of GAF (if that actually were the case) means nothing, because we're still outnumbered 1000:1 by the average consumer that's still going to happen on the CG commercial on TV or youtube and go "huh, that looks neat." So they still work perfectly fine as promotional material.


I like them too.

Smash 4 reveal trailers were pretty much perfect for me since it was fun CG into a gameplay trailer.


I like CG trailers for their technical aspects but not as a showcase of a game, not even as a mean to convey atmosphere or story.
I love CG trailers, but only of we've seen the game.
Same goes for live action, if there is footage out there of the game I'm happy with them, but used for announce videos and show nothing else? Total shite.
My favorite trailers are in-game cutscenes followed by seamless transition to gameplay

It's has a better 'wow' effect than a CG trailer
I love them, too.

I mean, they're like teasers. I don't get why people get so worked up that publishers release CGI trailers to announce games, lol. Gameplay videos will come soon enough.
Basically. I find people complaining about cinematic trailers is like when people complain that movie teasers don't tell them the story

They're really just meant as a "Hey, look, this exists" kind of trailers. Sometimes they also showcase gameplay features, settings, characters, story, tone, etc. The Deus Ex, Arkham, and Assassin's Creed trailers always tend to show off the new moves and gadgets in the game, ie. Arkham City's environment takedowns, Deus Ex's cloaking and armor suit, and Assassin's Creed's dual blades, gun, bow, etc.
I'm fine with them as long as they're accompanied by gameplay or they're a known franchise.

Introducing a new IP with a cg trailer and then nothing for months is insane.


There's only one page of reactions and the OP started with a postive tone which means other people who like them are more likely to post here.

Also, just because they do nothing for you, or even all of GAF (if that actually were the case) means nothing, because we're still outnumbered 1000:1 by the average consumer that's still going to happen on the CG commercial on TV or youtube and go "huh, that looks neat." So they still work perfectly fine as promotional material.

Yeah I tend to forget that those people exist when i'm on here. I would like to assume that the average consumer is intelligent enough to not buy a game based off of a CG trailer alone but who knows.
Square and Blizzard are the only companies I give a pass for their CG trailers.
Make as many as you want.

Announcement CG trailers do nothing for me, unless they have at least a few minutes of actual gameplay (which is extremely rare) or the presentation is close to Blizzard/Square quality.

Otherwise, I have no emotion toward the trailer, because they usually don't focus on a character to connect with (and if they do it's a masked man or group, and I'm busy trying to figure out what type of gameplay will come out of the product instead of enjoying the trailer for what it is.

Sequel CG trailers are fine, (Uncharted 4 Who is Drake trailer was great as well as Dishonored 2) because I at least know what to expect in the gameplay department, so it's cool to see a higher quality look at the game world.
Only downside is the world may look worse in the actual game (Deus Ex Mankind).


Vocal minority. Most like them so you don't hear "fuck gameplay trailers".. Instead you have one guy saying "fuck CGI trailers" and 6 people quote him... suddenly everyone assumes it's a big deal. It's not.. and no one cares that they don't like them..
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