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I miss Dead Space...


3 got too much hate which ultimately probably killed the franchise.

1. Was an outstanding survival horror game.

2. Was an amazing action horror game.

3. Was an immensely satisfying co-op horror shooter.

The key to enjoying 3 was really playing through the entirety of it with a friend.

DEAD SPACE <3 <3 <3

Very succinct summary. Though i did not get to experience Dead Space 3 in co-op i still enjoyed it, not as good as Dead Space 1, but it was fun none the less.


never left the stone age
Dead Space 1 was really good and then they blew me away with 2 and pretty much adressed all my concerns with the first game, mainly the repetetive areas. DS2's variety is really nice.


Doom is oddly reminding me of Dead Space right now.

But yeah I'm in the camp of believing it peaked with the first game. It worked so well as a game expanding on RE4's concepts, but ended up going the exact same route as RE and making the same mistakes.


Dead Space 1 is Alien. Dead Space 2 is Aliens. Dead Space 3 is Alien 3. I still enjoyed the hell out of the co-op with Dead Space 3. The games across the board had really enjoyable gameplay. Dead Space 2 is still in my top 5 of all time.

DS1 is Alien, DS2 is Alien 4 and DS3 is Family Guy parody on Aliens.
I miss Dead Space
1 and 2
as well. I'm okay that they haven't made more. It's nice to at least have the first two to reminisce on, but it would be cool to have more experiences like that.
...and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who does. Make no mistake, DS3 didn't exactly leave a good impression, but it was not a horrible game by any means (although the story WAS horrible). I enjoyed it for what it was. DS1 and 2, on the other hand, were both very well-received from what I recall.

I think this generation could use a Dead Space. That series had a distinct feel to it that I'm really missing right now.

Ditto this.... the 3rd was the weakest in the trilogy but it was ok, I'll say this much the co-op system didn't hurt it as much as I thought it would but then again, I prefer non co-op


They made way too many in too little time, they milked it until it was dead instead of releasing one game per generation like they should have.


It is true that we lost a lot of the talent from the original Dead Space as they've moved on to other places. A few of us are still around though!

Codecow! Always appreciated your contributions to the Something Awful Dead Space threads. And I've loved the Dead Space series, so I'm very thankful for your work on the trilogy. Is there anything we can do as fans to increase the chance of getting another Dead Space?

Edit - From the outside, it feels like people constantly asking EA about a Mirror's Edge sequel might have helped get the project green lit, despite not being a huge seller. Maybe the same is true for Dead Space?


Codecow! Always appreciated your contributions to the Something Awful Dead Space threads. And I've loved the Dead Space series, so I'm very thankful for your work on the trilogy. Is there anything we can do as fans to increase the chance of getting another Dead Space?

We could all buy 6 copies of the OG Dead Space.


Love the first two games. The opening minutes of Dead Space 2 are one of my favorite moments of last gen.



The fact that I never played 3 probably helps me remember the series as fondly as I do. I need to replay 1 and 2 at some point soon.
Dead Space 1 is Resident Evil 4 levels of awesome.

DS2 was a step down but still good. This thread is reminding me i have yet to play 3.
Dead Space and Dead Space 2 really are top-notch games and presumably will over time get more appreciation topics. Dead Space 3 landing with a thud still apparently tarnishes the legacy a bit. I remember being turned off by the talk of prominent microtransaction hooks especially, among other things like the co-op. But mostly I was still satisfied playing DS2. One of these days I may try it and see what the deal was with DS3.
Best horror survival game i ever played. LOVED the setting. Reminded me of Event Horizon gone ape-ish crazy x10.

Loved the twist toward the end too. So happy i have it BC. Might play it down in the future again.


I'll take a Bluepoint remake on consoles last year. You can keep 3, though. The node system for the weapons in the first two was perfect.
DS1 is Alien, DS2 is Alien 4 and DS3 is Family Guy parody on Aliens.
DS1 is Robocop, DS2 is Robocop 2, and DS3 is Robocop 3.


It's also worth pointing out that the fantastic (and GAF-loved) Alien: Isolation took many cues from the Dead Space series.

Amanda Ripley is an engineer (like Issac) who uses improvised and modified tools and weapons (like Issac). And just like Issac, she gets stuck in a space facility and must use her engineering skills to fix shit all over the ship (or station) and eventually escape.

To be clear, the Dead Space series borrows a lot from the Aliens movies. But Alien: Isolation took many game-structure cues from Dead Space.
You know, as someone who was never much into shooters and strayed hella far away from horror games (and movies), this game actually drew me in because the gameplay looked really damn compelling (on top of everything else seeming great, too, of course).

This entire cutting limbs of mechanic and how all the different weapons work with it was great. It was a really fun game to play. I'm hardly interested in most horror games because horror by itself is not really appealing to me, and if the gameplay isn't fun, even if its still in favor of the atmosphere etc., that's not really my thing.

Oh and stasis was so fricking cool...


DS3 had an amazing mission where your co-op partner would see things you didn't.
Shit was absolutely fantastic.

He: "You also seeing these candles, dead bodies and blood everywhere?!"
Me: Nope. Not at all, you are trying to mess with me!
He: Don't BS me man, I'm on prescription drugs and my nerves are shaky atm so don't do this shit.

I was already on team Dead Space 3 and I didn't know about this stuff. Amazing.

Shame the co-op areas are locked up for the solo game, I've never actually played them.


Gold Member
I'm, like some in this thread, in the minority that really enjoyed DS3 as well. The whole series is one of my favorite ever. I still prefer the original, but only marginally so to DS2 & 3. I know 3 has some elements that turn off some people, but for me, it is a worthy entry in an amazing franchise, despite those issues. Additionally, it has some unique strengths of its own that make it stand out.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Man, I totally agree. I absolutely love the franchise. 3 wasn't great, but it wasn't bad enough that it made me lose hope for the series.

I do hope if they make a new Dead Space game that it leaves co-op behind and focuses completely on atmosphere and encounter design. If they must, throw in some shitty competitive multiplayer to satisfy EA like Dead Space 2 had, just to tick the boxes. But don't fuck with my single player experience :)


That's way, way too close, especially if you add the side games. There just isn't a market for such an amount is so little time.

Make other stuff?

Ideally, better than Dante's Inferno.

2 to 3 years has proven to be a very healthy cycle.


Let's take a moment to actually appreciate that this series experimented in ways that succeeded beyond just the initial game. For such a great series, it produced a helluva lot of great spin-off material.

For starters, Extraction.
Where Resident Evil and House of the Dead were churning out cheap, low-budget light-gun experiences that felt like goofy arcade co-op side-projects, Dead Space Extraction is not only one of the best Wii games ever, it managed to do so while shockingly keeping so much of the Dead Space experience - the tension, the horror, the story, the atmosphere - firmly in check.

Then you have Dead Space iOS, the mobile game.
When it comes to mobile, and especially EA, often the mobile games are cheap, clunky throw-aways barely worth your time or attention. Dead Space iOS is a must-play, ESPECIALLY for Dead Space fans. An original story, lengthy play-time, great gameplay - all without sacrificing anything that made Dead Space unique. Original bosses, monsters, and a surprising new main character, all fleshing out the lore of the series and setting the stage for Dead Space 2. Brilliant.

Dead Space: Ignition.
Probably the most passable of the spin-off games, Ignition went the route of "choose your own adventure" storytelling coupled with some minimal puzzles between branching pathways. But, like Dead Space iOS, it fleshed out the lore and universe and had big payoff in Dead Space 2.

Dead Space: No Known Survivors
No Known Survivors was an alternate reality game telling two side-stories in the Dead Space universe. It had amazing production values - movie clips, voice acting, puzzles. It was like Dead Space crossed with PC adventure games like MYST. I had a blast playing it and it's very disappointing EA apparently shut the site down. Maybe some internet sleuths can resurrect it with Wayback Machine or something, but it was some amazing viral marketing material.

Dead Space: Downfall
The prequel film to the original Dead Space, it was gory, violent, disturbing, well animated, and - until Extraction - was the best example of how everything on the Ishimura went to hell. Tie-in animations are always hit and miss, but this one felt like it fit the universe like a glove.

Dead Space: Aftermath
Dead Space went the Animatrix route with this one, telling a series of related stories of some survivors of a Marker experience and using the narrative as an excuse to tell each individual's experiences about how they coped, went insane, or met their grisly end. It was far more inconsistent than Downfall, since each chapter was done in a different animation style - and some were much better than others - but like Ignition and DS iOS, it heavily set the stage for Dead Space 2 and fleshed out the background of one of DS2's most important characters.

Dead Space comics
If there was any comic artist who was born to do a Dead Space comic, it was Ben Templesmith. The stories are visceral, unrelentingly violent, bleak, insanity-inducing affairs that were so good that EA just decided to include them as unlockables in Dead Space Extraction (which is yet ANOTHER reason to play Extraction). Later comics like Salvage and Liberation kept the quality going strong and continued to carve their own worthy chunk out of the vast lore of the Dead Space universe.

Dead Space novels
The lore of Dead Space is deep and vast, and the franchise begins hundreds of years after events were set in motion. The novels explore a great deal of the most important parts of the Dead Space lore - particularly the foundation of EarthGov and the creation of Unitology by Michael Altman. Both are very good reads that show how things went horrifically wrong long before the Ishimura discovered the Marker.

Dead Space - Severed
For all intents and purposes, Severed is a stand-alone expansion to Dead Space 2, but it shifts gears and focuses on two of the primary heroes of Extraction. A lot has changed since Extraction, and a lot of the mystery behind Lexine's mysterious powers is explored, as is the relationship between her and her now-husband Weller. It left me with far more questions than answers... as it should.

Dead Space - Awakened
In my HONEST opinion... I think Dead Space 3 ended with the perfect coda for the series. Like, if you were going to end it there, I'd be okay with it. It wasn't my favorite game, but Isaac and Carver accomplished what they set out to do. It was the end. It was over. For everything... Until this DLC came along and basically reneged on the whole thing. On one hand, it really robbed DS3 - and possibly the series - of an appropriate finale and made the stakes even HIGHER by the end of Awakened. It got ridiculous. But gameplay? It was a HUGE return to form. The horror and atmosphere was back and thicker than ever. Enemies were more disturbed. Psychosis made a dramatic return with hallucinations affecting everyone again. It was what the rest of DS3 should have been.

From games to movies, comics to music, Dead Space has been an incredible ride.

I hope EA can capitalize on it once more in the future and dial back the meddling, letting these creators really go wild and terrify a whole new generation of players all over again.

Make us whole.


Codecow! Always appreciated your contributions to the Something Awful Dead Space threads. And I've loved the Dead Space series, so I'm very thankful for your work on the trilogy. Is there anything we can do as fans to increase the chance of getting another Dead Space?

Edit - From the outside, it feels like people constantly asking EA about a Mirror's Edge sequel might have helped get the project green lit, despite not being a huge seller. Maybe the same is true for Dead Space?


To be honest your continued support of the title is noticed by people inside of EA. Who knows, maybe at some point they'll dust it off when the time is right.


I remember people getting very defensive about folks saying it was better than residential evil. I would put every dead space game, yes even 3 above any new RE game released last gen.


I was already on team Dead Space 3 and I didn't know about this stuff. Amazing.

Shame the co-op areas are locked up for the solo game, I've never actually played them.

Yeah we did some cool stuff there with physically separating the two people, kind of like phasing in WoW. The guy who did the code for that is now working at Sledgehammer Games.


I swear I still don't get the DS3 hate. I haven't replayed it yet but I enjoyed the hell out of my play through. I want more for sure.


After how awful 3 was, I'm glad the series is gone. I shudder to think what kind of zany ass bullshit they must have planned for 4. :/ DS1 will remain one of th GOAT's of all time for me.


After how awful 3 was, I'm glad the series is gone. I shudder to think what kind of zany ass bullshit they must have planned for 4. :/ DS1 will remain one of th GOAT's of all time for me.

Developers can take feedback and course-correct. Putting out a less-than-great entry shouldn't mean that they give up. I wasn't a big fan of DS3 either, but I think the series overall was great, and the world they built was distinctive and fascinating.

Clean up the lore, give us the Ellie we knew from Dead Space 2, and get back to basics.


I swear I still don't get the DS3 hate. I haven't replayed it yet but I enjoyed the hell out of my play through. I want more for sure.

I always felt the criticism was less aimed at the game's shortcomings themselves, since it's more or less a functional, well made, entertaining game, and more a form of protest at the evil company selling out by taking a well-received genre franchise and marginally homogenising it in an attempt to maximise profits.

But when all's said and done, it's still more like the original Dead Space than the ton of TPS games out there critics claim it 'de-evolved' into.


Dead Space 1 was awesome, and Dead Space 2 was pretty decent, but EA made the mistake over the course of the series of trying to turn Dead Space into something it wasn't, and I think that's what killed the series.


Developers can take feedback and course-correct. Putting out a less-than-great entry shouldn't mean that they give up. I wasn't a big fan of DS3 either, but I think the series overall was great, and the world they built was distinctive and fascinating.

Clean up the lore, give us the Ellie we knew from Dead Space 2, and get back to basics.
While I kinda agree with you, there is also this.

AFAIK the Dead Space producer left after Hardline, and now the studio is a working on a Star Wars game.

So no Dead Space...

I got DS3 through some Origin deal some years ago and honestly never felt like finishing it. It felt uninspired, odd and weird, like they had to do 3 to fulfill a contract or something.

I can understand why people like it, but it left a very "meh" impression to me, and after 1 and 2, it's really disappointing.


1 and 2 where awesome. 3 wasn't as good in every aspect, but it was enjoyable and it had one of my favorite enemies in the series. Those fazing/twitchy/fast enemies in the last third in the game gave me so many jumps.

I don't necessarily want them to just go back and do another sequel, but the other day I had a thought that I would love a developer as good with storytelling as Naughty Dog to try their hands at a horror adventure of this type.
Me too

I remember being very excited about its potential, especially with not really knowing what it was, before it was released. Then playing it on day one. Wow, what a great game.

I bought the second, played it a bit but then got sidetracked. I went back years later and played through it. Liked it a lot, too.

I traded both in because I needed them for a great trade promo, so I'm glad Dead Space was free recently and hope for a remaster of all 3.

I borrowed Dead Space 3 from the library, or something, and played through it. I liked it. It's a fine game.
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