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I miss Dead Space...

As an earlier poster said I think Dead Space 2 perfected the mechanics of the series, it is unquestionably the best controlling and smoothest to play.

I think up until Chapter 7, the pacing of 2 was near perfect as well. However after then (with the exception of the AMAZING Chapter 10) the encounter design becomes steadily more about Necro hordes and the tension isn't as strong IMO.

I just completed End of Days on my Xbone BC playthrough, and I have to say it holds up amazingly well - hopefully the boffins at MS can figure out how to give us some multi-disk BC because I'm champing at the bit to carry on and go through 2 again. Althoughit falters a bit to the end, it's still an amazing ride.

Dead Space 3 was actually a pretty decent game, it just didn't really feel much like a Dead Space game to me, as the dismemberment mechanics were more or less destroyed by the crafting system and resulting encounter design (picking up from end of DS2, Necro hordes)

DS1 - 9.9 (docked a bit for the Asteroids!)
DS2 - 9.5
DS3 - 7.5
I'm with you. Loved DS1 & 2 more than most games last gen.

DS3 though... I really didn't like what they did with that. And I have zero interest in playing that game co-op. Takes away the horror elements, the tension, and atmosphere for me.
3 was terrible

very repetitive, awful writing, one of the worst save systems I've had the mispleasure of dealing with, the weapon crafting somehow encouraged less weapon variety

1 was great, 2 was amazing, 3 was shit
Loved the original DS and had a decent time with DS2 (platted both). I bought DS3 but it's still in shrinkwrap after I saw the direction they took the game in :\ I promised myself that I'd get to it eventually though.

I would love a spiritual successor though. Remasters are OK, Reboots I'm not super fond of but I can't say I dislike them either. What I love though is new IP, even if that IP lifts heavily from a developer's pedigree-- the obvious example here is Bloodborne-- but frees it from the shackles of its forebears enough to let it be something fresh.

Dead Space is fantastic. Space Horror is fantastic. I would like to see developer take some of the things they think that made DS great and do something new with it, while keeping the bombast and spectacle that was attached to DS3 to a minimum.
I miss it too and it seems to be such an easy franchise to fix.

It also a damn shame Dead Space isn't getting a proper next gen outing because it would look fucking amazing and they could probably do some amazing stuff with the necromorphs that just wasn't possible with 2005 limitations.

Make it happen got dammit. If Mirrors Edge can get a sequel then we should be able to get a DS4.


You know, EA gave me a free copy of Dead Space 1 on PC not that long ago.

... I think it might be time to fire that up and see how it runs. I only got all the achievements on console.


Not DICE. Visceral.

And I think Dead Space 3 DOES get too much flack, even if I agree it's the weakest and most "mainstream" of the three that didn't really capitalize on what Dead Space 1 and 2 did so well. It's still not a bad game, though, and I legitimately wonder how much was Visceral's choosing and how much was EA forcing certain shifts upon them as they did for all their studios at that point.

It was some of both, but I'd say it was mostly on the team. EA gave the team a lot of freedom to figure out and propose what we thought would increase sales to the level they wanted, the head of EA Games at the time Frank Gibeau was quoted on their target for the title.

One thing the company really did really want was full campaign co-op. We had originally proposed a stand-alone co-op mode outside the main story.

Weapon crafting and how it was tuned was completely the team, this even caused AI changes which made the game more action-y.

Our other plans for the game were to make the stuff on the planet be a lot more non-linear, kind of open-worldy where you could go to a bunch of objectives in any order and kind of explore the planet a bit. We wanted it to be more like a white-out kind of like the environment in The Thing.
Was there ever a fix for the laggy k/b mouse play on Dead Space 1? I'd love to replay it again with a mouse, but twice I ended up going back to gamepad on PC.

Three of my favourite games... DS1 had such terrific atmosphere with some legitimate tension and scares. DS2 brought more action to the table but still managed to hold on to (most) of that feeling. DS3 did lose this a bit by comparison in that department, but I'll be damned if playing the entire campaign in co-op wasn't one of the most fun times I've had with a video game. And even if you didn't care for the planet (it wasn't my favourite part), personally I consider everything about the ship graveyard one of the high points of the entire series.

Jay Sosa

All I remember is people trying to convince me that Dead Space is 'totally like the old Resident Evil games!!' And then, surprise, surprise it was nothing more than yet another TPS with some horror elements. Not a bad game, but can't say I miss it. Haven't even bothered playing the second one (despite owning it) yet.
All I remember is people trying to convince me that Dead Space is 'totally like the old Resident Evil games!!' And then, surprise, surprise it was nothing more than yet another TPS with some horror elements. Not a bad game, but can't say I miss it. Haven't even bothered playing the second one (despite owning it) yet.
Dead Space 2 was the most praised entry of the trilogy. I wouldn't NOT give it a shot.
I'm honestly okay if they leave it be at this point, DS3 made me pretty rotten on the whole thing. I'd like a new entry into AAA survival horror.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
We should petition EA for a fourth game. It must be made.

Oh and Dante 2 as well.

I liked that game, but I wouldn't be arsed if it never got a sequel. It imitates GoW so closely that you might as well be playing one of those games instead.
EA really shot themselves in the foot, there. Dead Space 1 was the start of what could have been a great new IP but then the series just slowly got worse overtime. 2008 was the last year I bought an EA game (2 games actually... Dead Space and Mirror's Edge).
But isn't that one even more combat focused?
It was more fast-paced than the original and as such wasn't quite as big on the horror side as its predecessor. Nevertheless, it was a great game with a tight story and excellent pacing. Gameplay-wise, it expanded on the already well-done elements from the first game, and I think it pulled that off really well.


Every 6 months I get the itch to replay them all, yes, including 3 which I still like. Just great games that still hold up quite well on PC anyway. I would kill for a DS4 but we probably won't get it :(


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
You honestly think he's going to like DS2 when he thinks that DS1 was "just another TPS"? DS2 is the game where it pretty much went full TPS and set the course for the rest of the series.

Like I said earlier, I don't think this is actually true. It plays more or less the exact same as the first game.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
DS1 was the only one that never had any trace of the AAA bloatfest so prevalent of last gen. I'm content with where it left off


Gold Member
Loved the first, like the 2nd, hated 3.

Can't believe how much this series has been screwed up. When DS1 released back in the days I thought this series will become huge. Even bought the movie for it (which was ok).

Such a shame. Should have kept the series as RE4 clone without the spectacular setpieces. Well...


No sarcasm, but you seem to be pretty uninformed all around.
Yes, the strategy was obviously good, the series is alive and in excellent shape, and the studio didn't lay off anybody... also, the opinion the series was milked to death is very unpopular.
Yes, the strategy was obviously good, the series is alive and in excellent shape, and the studio didn't lay off anybody... also, the opinion the series was milked to death is very unpopular.

I've never heard anyone say the series was milked to death-- everyone wanted a Dead Space 3, it's just that no one wanted what Dead Space 3 was.
I liked that game, but I wouldn't be arsed if it never got a sequel. It imitates GoW so closely that you might as well be playing one of those games instead.
I still find it utterly ridiculous how Dante constantly gets shot down for being a God of War clone. Seriously, if everyone is that nit-picky we might just call every FPS a carbon copy of Wolfenstein that sucks as a result. All Dante's Inferno had in common with GoW was the dark and gory setting and a very similar character action gameplay (which to be honest GoW didn't invent either, that honor goes to games like Devil May Cry). And seriously, considering how few character action games existed even back then, I am still baffled that people weren't foaming for more GoW styled games (just take a look at the Dark Souls/Ni-Oh situation we have today).

It had great gameplay, a VERY unique setting, great atmosphere and a lengthy and varied single player campaign with plenty of different set-pieces and a very likeable antagonist. Also great CGI cutscenes and very well made and stylish animated cutscenes (which were probably made popular by that game, considering that similar ones with a VERY similar art style pop up so frequently in games like Witcher 3 that I get the impression that they are all from the same animation studio). How it was shot down as "lousy GoW clone" is rather mind-blowing to me, only people that haven't actually played the game or hate the genre could say something like that, the game was fantastic.

That said, we totally need a thread on the topic on GAF. If had more time and I was more confident in my English I would create it myself.


I still find it utterly ridiculous how Dante constantly gets shot down for being a God of War clone. Seriously, if everyone is that nit-picky we might just call every FPS a carbon copy of Wolfenstein that sucks as a result. All Dante's Inferno had in common with GoW was the dark and gory setting and a very similar character action gameplay (which to be honest GoW didn't event either, that honor goes to games like Devil May Cry). And seriously, considering how few character action games existed even back then you should be suprised that people weren't foaming for more GoW styled games.

It had great gameplay, a VERY unique setting, great atmosphere and a lengthy and varied single player. Also great CGI cutscenes and very well made and stylish animated cutscenes (which were probably made popular by that game, considering that similar ones with a VERY similar art style pop up so frequently in games like Witcher 3 that I get the impression that they are all from the same animation studio). How it was shot down as "lousy GoW clone" is rather mind-blowing to me, only people that haven't actually played the game or hate the genre could say something like that, the game was fantastic.

That said, we totally need a thread on the topic on GAF. If had more time and I was more confident in my English I would create it myself.

Please do so. Fuck the haters and critics. Create it!
Please do so. Fuck the haters and critics. Create it!
Just tried to do it, seems like Junior Members don't have the permission to create new threads <.<.

So if anyone please got the time to create a "Dante's Inferno and the myth of the mediocre GoW clone" thread, I'd be eternally grateful to you ^^! Feel free to just copy my last post into the OP if you don't want to write one yourself.
Dead Space 3 wasn't a franchise ending trainwreck come make it out to be. The weakest of the three by far with an unnecessary love triangle and co-op that, while decent, didn't really stand out too much. I feel like they dropped the ball with the setting too. So much potential with the ice planet and it ended up feeling like any other location. The crafting was neat though.

I still think we'll see a Dead Space 4 and I'd like to think Visceral can see how loved the first two are and make it more like those. I'd be a-ok with dropping co-op too. Gimme dat single player survival/action horror goodness the first two achieved so wonderfully.

Don't let your dreams be memes.


Yes, the strategy was obviously good, the series is alive and in excellent shape, and the studio didn't lay off anybody... also, the opinion the series was milked to death is very unpopular.

There is no correlation between the fate of the franchise and release cycle.

3 main games over 5 years is not "milking" the franchise.

It´s healthy and has proven to be very successful in many, many cases.

The franchise just wasn´t popular enough to begin with.

Dead Space 2 wouldn´t have sold 6 mil out of nowhere I they had waited a bit longer.
I still find it utterly ridiculous how Dante constantly gets shot down for being a God of War clone. Seriously, if everyone is that nit-picky we might just call every FPS a carbon copy of Wolfenstein that sucks as a result. All Dante's Inferno had in common with GoW was the dark and gory setting and a very similar character action gameplay (which to be honest GoW didn't invent either, that honor goes to games like Devil May Cry). And seriously, considering how few character action games existed even back then, I am still baffled that people weren't foaming for more GoW styled games (just take a look at the Dark Souls/Ni-Oh situation we have today).

It had great gameplay, a VERY unique setting, great atmosphere and a lengthy and varied single player campaign with plenty of different set-pieces and a very likeable antagonist. Also great CGI cutscenes and very well made and stylish animated cutscenes (which were probably made popular by that game, considering that similar ones with a VERY similar art style pop up so frequently in games like Witcher 3 that I get the impression that they are all from the same animation studio). How it was shot down as "lousy GoW clone" is rather mind-blowing to me, only people that haven't actually played the game or hate the genre could say something like that, the game was fantastic.

That said, we totally need a thread on the topic on GAF. If had more time and I was more confident in my English I would create it myself.
I completely agree. Dante's Inferno was a great game for me too.

And you should feel very confident in your English! Until your last sentence I never would have known it wasn't your fist language!


For me, there were three big detriments about DS3 that prevented it from being on the same level as the first two. The first was the fact that they got rid of the save stations. I like to be able to save whenever I want and it's frustrating having to wonder when the next checkpoint would be after having cleared an area or obtained some items. The second was the respawning, often bullet sponge enemies. Third would be the stupid story element of the dumb love triangle. Ellie was a fan favourite back in DS2, so why they dumbed her down so much is beyond me. I also can't believe she would go with a guy like Norton, whom is never shown to be anyone but an ass. The co-op partner should have been Ellie rather than Carver, who is just some soldier dude with "muh family is deeeaaad" baggage.


Excellent series. One of the only series that comes to mind where ever installment is great.

DS3 is one of my all time favorite co-op experiences. I'm sorry for those of you who couldn't see the light.


For me, there were three big detriments about DS3 that prevented it from being on the same level as the first two. The first was the fact that they got rid of the save stations. I like to be able to save whenever I want and it's frustrating having to wonder when the next checkpoint would be after having cleared an area or obtained some items. The second was the respawning, often bullet sponge enemies. Third would be the stupid story element of the dumb love triangle. Ellie was a fan favourite back in DS2, so why they dumbed her down so much is beyond me. I also can't believe she would go with a guy like Norton, whom is never shown to be anyone but an ass. The co-op partner should have been Ellie rather than Carver, who is just some soldier dude with "muh family is deeeaaad" baggage.
Ellie got pretty lobotomized in DS3...

... But she was so badass in DS2, I am MORE than willing to play a Dead Space game starring her if that version of her came back with a vengeance.


Man I would kill for an HD remaster on PS4...

I thought EA liked money and yet they are completely against releasing many HD remasters that many people are dying to play.

Give me a Dead Space Collection and a Bad Company 2 Remaster EA!


Dead Space 1 and 2 were so damn good.

Extraction was great.

Shit even the mobile game and downloadable games were great.

But then Dead Space 3 happened..
Slick co-op exeprience though that I wouldn't mind seeing again, especially the hallucinations. The weapon system was a step down.

Dead Space 3 was fucking trash and blighted the whole series.

What were EA thikning


Great IP, and I loved Dead Space 3 co-op for the record. Never played it solo so maybe that's why I have more of a positive view than most.


I loved the first dead space, but I felt like the series as a whole went down the same path RE did.

Start out with a great survival horror game that actually makes you feel suspenseful/tense, with a clear focus on horror and pacing.

Then the later games shift toward more and more aoction elements, which in turn make the horror elements not nearly as horror because you get so used to the action and lose the sense of suspense.

By the third game it just went too far in this direction for me.


DS 1 is a masterpiece IMO, 2 is a great game.

3 is a step down from the other games but the hate it gets is completely disproportional.

The flotilla segment of 3 was fucking great, and I could play a whole game on that setting.

The biggest problem 3 had IMO, was that strategic dismemberment was completely disregarded and enemies just became bullet sponges even if you played solo. This was probably done for co op and universal ammo balancing.

On DS 1 some enemies would take a huge amount of shots to take down if you didn't dismember then, to the point that dismembering then was the only option the player had.

On DS3 you could just shot center mass and overpower any enemy considering how much ammo you had. Stasis ammo was too common too.

Edit: Since EA doesn't want my money I'll just grab the games from Origin for like 4 bucks when I finally get my gaming PC.
I never got around to playing the sequels, but 1 was so good. I would love to see what they could do with modern hardware with that game. Hell, I'm sure EA will announce an "HD" remaster, which hopefully leads to another game.
Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in your eye.

I love Dead Space 1 and 2.
I didn't even try 3.

Dead Space 1 was an amazing game and Dead Space 2 was a very natural progression of it in both gameplay and storytelling, both are spectacular games and this thread just makes me want to replay both.
I love Dead Space. It's easily one of my favorite new IPs of last gen. I really dig the universe and lore that they created. As much as DS3 wasn't as great as the other two I really wish more people tried Awakened. It was a great little DLC pack and probably a bit more in line with what people wanted atmospherically. I have been mostly against the PS4/X1 last gen up res rereleases, but I would definitely double dip for Dead Space. Man, Dead Space 4 though would be a thing of dreams. I hope they come back to the series again.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I still find it utterly ridiculous how Dante constantly gets shot down for being a God of War clone. Seriously, if everyone is that nit-picky we might just call every FPS a carbon copy of Wolfenstein that sucks as a result.

I don't think it's a bad game, I actually quite liked it aside from the bullshit final boss, but there's no defending the GoW clone criticisms.
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