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I think Death Stranding is going to flop and I'm scared

The stuff that’s different sounds the most interesting to me, but there’s also a lot of systems that Kojima thinks is new that have been done in games for a long time now. When the internet was younger, some of these stranding ideas sound crazy and cool, but after so long of having shit connected in other games and social media, I kinda don’t want it in games anymore. I play games to escape that bull shit now.

Phantom Pain also didn’t give me much hope that Kojima knows how to make an interesting open world. He seems to think pretty scenery is enough, but PP had so much god damn nothing in between areas that it was boring. Breath of the wild was that kind of open world done right where every part of the world felt unique and fleshed out. The footage Kojima showed of Death Stranding were giving me PP flashbacks though.

I mean, what does a wholly original game with brand new systems even look like? Has there been one recently? This is new, different and risky by AAA gaming standards of today, it's hard to take that idea away from it.


Gold Member
If it flops, it flops. If its good, it's good. Life goes on either way, plenty of other games to play if it's not to your fancy and Kojima will still keep on making games.

You don't need a hug OP, you need a slap for letting this worry you to this degree.


I can genuinely see it scoring between 50 and 75 on Metacritic. Hope I'm wrong.
Nah even if the game will be mediocre review scores are going to be inflated because it's a Kojima game. The actual sales are probably going to be worse. Hard to say by how much.


I actually think the opposite, I think it will succeed.

The last gameplay footage looked like it was a continuation of the open world gameplay from MGSV: The Phantom Pain but with a bigger emphasis on story and I'm ok with that.
Went on a media black-out last year, but MGSV had the best gameplay in the series by far, so that's good to hear tbh.

Anyway, I want to play it and if it sucks, I'll find out myself.

I also think The Order 1886 is one the better games this gen, so...


I guess people will love it anyway for the loonyness.
for the loneliness ?

Add CyberPunk 2077.

Yep this too.


This isn't funny anymore, Hideo.

It's just the same BS all directors talk about their new product whether it's an TV advert for Crispos or a 3 hr epic biopic on the life of Jesus.

Just stop being triggered by stuff.

..but jeez this game and its director is becoming a real magnet for drive by negativity, and there are way too many threads on it too, which doen't help


Gold Member
People are asleep at the wheel. That's the point of DS. Yeah, we live in a physically interconnected world but we're also disconnected from everyone else.

That's the point of the game. We, humans, need to make connection, not leave that up to machines.
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It's just the same BS all directors talk about their new product whether it's an TV advert for Crispos or a 3 hr epic biopic on the life of Jesus.

Just stop being triggered by stuff.
I'm not ''triggered'' by Kojima's remarks, just baffled by his bullshit.
Miyazaki never made such a big deal out of the Souls' series online elements (or should I say Strand elements? LMAO) but Kojima is going all the fucking in with this ''Social Strand'' idiocy.
For people complaining about MGSV having an empty open world. What exactly were you expecting to find in such a setting aside from military outposts and compounds?
Completely different locations, possibly similar to what Ground Zeroes presented.
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There are a lot of people hoping for the game to fail....

It's nothing to do with the quality of the game, the originality or anything like that, it's simply console-wars and pc people that are jealous or cannot comprehend anything beyond a game where killing is the main objective.

BOTW was boring but because it is a Zelda game it gets a pass.
Gears 5 is stiff, dated and not as polished as PlayStation TPS's.... it is a boring game with sluggish gunplay. Yet it is not criticized as a 'walking simulator' or being a 'movie' etc.

Days Gone was criticized and given the 'concern trolling' treatment as well, even with the media attacking the game it still did well in sales and I think we are beyond scores now...

The fact is Kojima has a large following and PlayStation is bigger than PC gaming and Xbox, in terms of day 1 sales and paying for their games and valuing exclusivity and ownership.

So even if you are too simple to appreciate the new approaches to gameplay and taking the focus off murdering npc's..... there is no point in trying to assert that the game will flop. Even if it gets a few bad scores from the likes of USGamer (Who hate PlayStation anyway) .... the game will at the very least be a financial success and the people who will play it will have experienced something very different while the complainers keep on running around in circles shooting the same enemies all day like simpletons.


Game will sell just fine but it definitely looks like a game not everyone will love. To me it comes off sort of like Shenmue, it will be slow moving and heavy on world building with gameplay that suits that purpose, unfortunately that gameplay will be really boring in some facets.

Journalists will love it because they tend to love "different" games, not to mention they love Kojima and AAA first party titles.


It will get 9s and 10s before anybody even loads the game, just because of the name.

I myself am on the fence. The game itself looks terrible, but is beautiful. It looks boring as hell, but at the same time interesting.

I’m just not sure... MGSV for me personally was utterly dreadful, and I would much rather be sat here talking about Silent Hills. But here we are...

It will sell millions regardless, again, just because of the name.

ya Kojima is on my list of waiting for forum impressions instead of reviews where they'll use words like "immsersive" and " Atmospheric".
I'm sure at worst it'll be a solid experience.

I'll wait and see how it does but my question is if the game turns out bad does that mean Konami were right?

Boss Mog

Well I'm not getting it at launch that's for sure. I might check it out when it hits the bargain bin if it's decent though. It's what I decided to do with Days Gone as well.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
There are a lot of people hoping for the game to fail....

It's nothing to do with the quality of the game, the originality or anything like that, it's simply console-wars and pc people that are jealous or cannot comprehend anything beyond a game where killing is the main objective.

BOTW was boring but because it is a Zelda game it gets a pass.
Gears 5 is stiff, dated and not as polished as PlayStation TPS's.... it is a boring game with sluggish gunplay. Yet it is not criticized as a 'walking simulator' or being a 'movie' etc.

Days Gone was criticized and given the 'concern trolling' treatment as well, even with the media attacking the game it still did well in sales and I think we are beyond scores now...

The fact is Kojima has a large following and PlayStation is bigger than PC gaming and Xbox, in terms of day 1 sales and paying for their games and valuing exclusivity and ownership.

So even if you are too simple to appreciate the new approaches to gameplay and taking the focus off murdering npc's..... there is no point in trying to assert that the game will flop. Even if it gets a few bad scores from the likes of USGamer (Who hate PlayStation anyway) .... the game will at the very least be a financial success and the people who will play it will have experienced something very different while the complainers keep on running around in circles shooting the same enemies all day like simpletons.

The thing is as well Sony aren't really expecting huge numbers from this, its very much like one of Ueda's projects in that its a creative, rather than sales flagship. Its more like The Last Guardian than God Of War, which is why they are launching it in the holiday quarter, as opposed to earlier in the year with all their major franchises.

Its going to sell just fine. I'm sure. How successful and pioneering its going to turn out to be as a game, I don't know. But, given Kojima's track record for producing games that feel really good to play, I'm pretty confident that it'll be a quality title.


Lowest score is going to 30, Highest score will be 100. It's going to be polarizing. Yes I have a time machine.

Spoilers: Reedus isn't escorting a fetus. The fetus is escorting Reedus.


Hopefully after this game Kojima goes back to doing some badass action game with anime cutscenes for a change of pace. ZOE2 was good.
I kinda want it to fail, because I'm sick and tired of people praising Kojima as if he's some kind of messiah of gaming.

I also don't appreciate the setting of this game. It gives me the impression it's trying to be weird for the sake of being weird.

It's Kojima's pretentious bullshit up to eleven, and I really want it to bite him in the ass.

Ah yes, this totally sounds like a mature and rational response to a videogame you don't like releasing.


Hopefully after this game Kojima goes back to doing some badass action game with anime cutscenes for a change of pace. ZOE2 was good.
Kojima had even less to do with ZOE2 than he did with ZOE1.
However, even though I’m the Producer, I never knew exactly what the team—including Murata—were up to. They showed me the planning docs and the story. But if someone had said to me, “ok Kojima, make this game now”, I wouldn’t have known where to begin. But that’s what being a Producer is all about. Imagine if the game director is in the middle of directing a scene, and the Producer comes in and says “That’s wrong.” I don’t think he should be saying that.

I appointed Murata as director for Anubis because we had shared some of the same “ingredients”: he had worked on the Metal Gear Solid team with me, and he had been a part of motion and effects sub-teams. But the thing is, if you change the chef, then you’re going to get a different dish. It doesn’t make sense to put a chef in charge and then deny him the ability to add his own individual “flavor”. And I wanted Murata’s to be able to freely build his world, which would then draw in a whole new fan demographic that is specific to him.

I really find it amazing, the way the entire tone and shape of a development can change just by swapping out directors. It’s like the Alien movies—each movie in the series its own different entity.

—Does this stance differ from the first Zone of Enders, where you were also Producer?
Kojima: I deliberately put some space between me and everyone this time. Ultimately, I feel the game design part of the development should be done by the game designers. If I start tinkering with the work they’ve done it would be weird. I did ask what their intentions and ideas were, but I didn’t know what was really going on. If I had started meddling there, it would be like punching holes in the foundation of a building. “This column looks funky—take it out!” And then the whole thing collapses. I did a little meddling in the first Zone of Enders, unfortunately, but this time I was resolved not to. Well… I did speak up a bit there at the end of the development. (laughs)

That’s why my work for Anubis was mainly macro level: I decided the overall direction and appointed staff, added new staff as they were needed, went to E3 to get some good promotion going, invited Kazuma Kaneko as a guest designer, asked GONZO to join and help with the anime, and did other promotion and filming at various game shows… all stuff like that.
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Damn OP, you and I couldn't be any more opposite lol

Between the traversal & weight shifting mechanics, light survival mechanic, package management, indirectly sharing resources with other players, and private room gameplay; I've loved just about every aspect of the game that I've seen thus far.
I really appreciate the fact that the combat is not the core gameplay loop and is more conditional, and even then the amount of choice you have during engagements is pretty cool.

I think it'll find an audience and sell relatively well. It doesn't seem like a game that's being made for the widest possible audience appeal and that's perfectly fine.

If you're so uncertain, just wait for reviews to drop. I don't see the point in being so neurotic about it.
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Kojima had even less to do with ZOE2 than he did with ZOE1.

My bad. All these years I've been misled into thinking it was "A Hideo Kojima Game". Advertising like: "From the creator of Metal Gear" helped perpetuate that.


0 interest in this one. Don't have much faith in Kojima crafting an interesting open world after Phantom Pain.
Replace "releasing" with "playing" and you're gold.

Regardless, the pathetic level remains the same. It's just a videogame dude. It's pretty uncouth wishing for the failure of something, and all the ripple effects it would have on the devs, simply because this isn't up your alley.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Funny thing all these concern-trolling posts appear just after Gears releases to... well, not much impact at all.

I think its very telling that Kojima's unreviewed, unreleased game is getting vastly more coverage and comment than what amounts to MS' biggest release of the year and final major launch of the current gen.


Gold Member
I think its one of those situations where you have to physically experience the game (play it yourself) to understand. Back seat driving a Hideo Kojima game is not recommended. Hideo Kojima himself recommended not watching the footage. A lot of genres are that way. Some are incredibly difficult to watch as a non-player. Why people don't believe this is beyond me. Watching someone play a game is not the same as actually playing it. I think this is what you're seeing with Death Stranding. It is not your TV, your character, your controller, or the path you would go on. This has all been created because they wanted to see what Kojima was working on.


its a PS4 exclusive, it will review fine


I think it isn't a PS4 exclusive, I never read something about it and I doubt Kojima accepted a deal with Sony putting himself in the same position he had with Konami. It's probably a temporal exclusive just because he borrowed Guerrilla's graphics engine for Death Stranding.

Anyway after the 49 minutes presentation at TGS I really didn't like what I saw the first time because I don't understand Japanese. But when IGN uploaded the same video with subs, I loved what Kojima showed, every bit of information about the game. Of course since it's not a main stream game, it won't sell as well, but no doubt the picky gameplay on every movement Sam does it's absolutely fantastic. Just walking on the ground with that luggage, trying to stay balanced and not falling, it is something crucial for the player's entertainment while exploring.
The only thing that I didn't like much is Kojima not designing a main character for this game, going for an actor instead. But this is just my tastes. I hope they will release this game for PC too, because I want to play it and I don't own a PS4.


Its just a game mate. You find another one. I allready waiting for outer worlds. For me games are for mood depends what mood im in so i play some games and dont play others for that time.
Review scores? Plz who even care for those. For some reason i dont care what someone opinion is about something.
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Kojima burned me so much with tpp that I am not scared if it flops, nor would I be surprised if the game turned out mediocore, since now I won't go in with the biggest hype I have ever had for a game release like it was with mgsv and being hyped about it since the phantom pain reveal, where we weren't even totally sure it was a mgs game, although it was kinda obvious from the get go.

It will sell millions no doubt, and if it's truly great I hope it finds God of War like success, doubt it could ever reach spooder man numbers, but if it fails like tpp in terms of overall quality, then so be it let the sales reflect it.
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I was slightly intrigued when it was first announced but it hasn't thrilled me in the least ever since. If it ends up turning out good and not just a Kojima vanity project, I'll pick it up eventually (once its been heavily discounted.) Right now, my interest is zero.


I love plenty of Kojima's games but this one has been reeking of doo doo for quite some time. Hope I'm wrong but I fully expect this game to ruin his career.

Funny thing all these concern-trolling posts appear just after Gears releases to... well, not much impact at all.

I think its very telling that Kojima's unreviewed, unreleased game is getting vastly more coverage and comment than what amounts to MS' biggest release of the year and final major launch of the current gen.

Such a cynical way to see things. Oo

Kojima burned me so much with tpp

I keep seeing this sentiment around but I really can't understand where it's coming from, MGS4 was so much worse than TPP... It was a complete snoozefest in both the gameplay and narrative departments, at the very least TPP had fantastic gameplay.
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Itll be enough hype beasts buying it for it to be a success

And why are you scared? Unless youre a shareholder it really shouldnt matter.

They added.it to the redbox coming soon last night so ill just be renting. Kojimas one of my favorites but this looks wack and im not wasting 60 bucks on it.


I keep seeing this sentiment around but I really can't understand where it's coming from, MGS4 was so much worse than TPP... It was a complete snoozefest in both the gameplay and narrative departments, at the very least TPP had fantastic gameplay.

Mgs4 was also a mess yes. Regarding tpp, one element out of the whole doesn't make for a compelling full package of a game, especially if the standard set with mgs 1-3 was way higher.


For people complaining about MGSV having an empty open world. What exactly were you expecting to find in such a setting aside from military outposts and compounds?
Little settlements and villages with people living their lives until I go there to steal their tapes so I can listen to 80s music haha.
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