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I think Death Stranding is going to flop and I'm scared


MGS4 and 5 were pretty meh, so I wasn't expecting much.
WHAT? People are insane.

Storywise MGS4 is the best. He actually managed to close all ties that the other games have opened. Alone this is remarkable. And 5 exceeded inOpen World Action gameplay and Death Standing has basically the same combat as MGS5 by the looks of it.

As for Death Stranding. This game takes so many risks for an AAA game that it is refreshing to see.
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People are saying this is gonna flop or are worried it's going to just like they were with MGS 4 and V. It's going to be fine.

Also, Cyberpunk 2077? Nah, that'll be fine too, lmao.
I kinda want it to fail, because I'm sick and tired of people praising Kojima as if he's some kind of messiah of gaming.

I also don't appreciate the setting of this game. It gives me the impression it's trying to be weird for the sake of being weird.

It's Kojima's pretentious bullshit up to eleven, and I really want it to bite him in the ass.
Go finish up your backlog, WEIRDO!



Darkness no more
Funny thing all these concern-trolling posts appear just after Gears releases to... well, not much impact at all.

I think its very telling that Kojima's unreviewed, unreleased game is getting vastly more coverage and comment than what amounts to MS' biggest release of the year and final major launch of the current gen.

This is a weird take. These posts are showing up because we just recently got long gameplay footage and Kojima has been doing a bunch of interviews.


MGS4 and 5 were pretty meh, so I wasn't expecting much.
excuse me did you just say mgs4 was meh? mgs4 as in guns of the patriots?...
There are a lot of people hoping for the game to fail....

It's nothing to do with the quality of the game, the originality or anything like that, it's simply console-wars and pc people that are jealous or cannot comprehend anything beyond a game where killing is the main objective.

BOTW was boring but because it is a Zelda game it gets a pass.
Gears 5 is stiff, dated and not as polished as PlayStation TPS's.... it is a boring game with sluggish gunplay. Yet it is not criticized as a 'walking simulator' or being a 'movie' etc.

Days Gone was criticized and given the 'concern trolling' treatment as well, even with the media attacking the game it still did well in sales and I think we are beyond scores now...

The fact is Kojima has a large following and PlayStation is bigger than PC gaming and Xbox, in terms of day 1 sales and paying for their games and valuing exclusivity and ownership.

So even if you are too simple to appreciate the new approaches to gameplay and taking the focus off murdering npc's..... there is no point in trying to assert that the game will flop. Even if it gets a few bad scores from the likes of USGamer (Who hate PlayStation anyway) .... the game will at the very least be a financial success and the people who will play it will have experienced something very different while the complainers keep on running around in circles shooting the same enemies all day like simpletons.

Of course, how could i miss it it has to be the xbox fans and pc guys hating the games because its just on playstation. NO WAY that people who like Metal Gear and has watched every piece of gameplay are a bit on the fence, no no it has to be Xbox fans who are just trolling. Of course bad reviews only happens from sites that HATE playstation and should immediatly be disregarded, yeah of course people who might dislike the game are simpletons who LOVE violence and guns, why would there be any other reason to.

Most pathetic post by a mile in this thread.
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Hopefully after this game Kojima goes back to doing some badass action game with anime cutscenes for a change of pace. ZOE2 was good.
Knowing Kojima, I really doubt this will be a one and done experience. Expect at least a trilogy from this.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I don't think what we've seen is truly representative of what the game will be.
Kojima is the master of deception.
And if you like it or not.
The part we don't know about is likely what will push it into GOTY territory.
Chances are we've been shown what he wants us to see.
And is probably a Prologue

The title credits probably dont roll until 4 hours into the game.

Or it could suck.
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I don't think what we've seen is truly representative of what the game will be.
Kojima is the master of deception.
And if you like it or not.
The part we don't know about is likely what will push it into GOTY territory.

Or could suck.
I think that Death Stranding made me believe that Kojima needs to have someone holding him in check, in terms of story and concept. I could be wrong, but him having too much creative freedom isn't necessarily a good thing.

Well, don't care either way - I am not interested in this game.


Of course, how could i miss it it has to be the xbox fans and pc guys hating the games because its just on playstation. NO WAY that people who like Metal Gear and has watched every piece of gameplay are a bit on the fence, no no it has to be Xbox fans who are just trolling. Of course bad reviews only happens from sites that HATE playstation and should immediatly be disregarded, yeah of course people who might dislike the game are simpletons who LOVE violence and guns, why would there be any other reason to.

Most pathetic post by a mile in this thread.
So, you just want him to make more MGS?

Are you sure you shouldn't have 'Konami' in your profile pic?


Gold Member
I guess I'm a sheep but I'm buying it. The draw for me is basically how out of left field this story seems to be. Looking at the first trailers and looking at the gameplay promises that there is a huge gap between what Kojima as shown us in terms of gameplay and what the trailer promises. It may all be novel in the end and get stale super fast, but I'm still interested in discovering what this game is about and I'm not gonna miss out on it.

I've wasted 60 dollars in the past...if this is one of those times, so be it. Kojima's marketing style won me over again.

I predict 80 Metacritic and it will have average sales
maybe it will cause i think the game is like a walking simulator but again it is the game directed by mighty hideo kojima so lets see !!


Gold Member
It's a bit strange to see the level of hate some people have for this game and/or Kojima. In some instances I'd actually say its unhealthy.

If it were the next design by committee microtransaction/Lootbox ridden AAA game then I might be able to understand but just because it's a game you personally don't like the look of? Just because you have struggled to understand what it is? Just because it's different? Those things are enough for you to root for it to fail?

Philistines, the lot of you.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I think it's going to flop too. Someone as famous as Kojima can grab the interest of the gaming world with a couple of weird as fuck trailers but at a certain point he has to show the goods: an interesting world and interesting game play that people want to experience for themselves. But the world of Death Stranding is immensely boring to look at and the gameplay elements I've seen so far are just not interesting. I just don't want to spend hours upon hours walking/climbing running/driving through green hills and meadows with a few interspersed empty houses.


Would be fun for the Sony/Kojima fanboy meltdowns.

Anyway, I think it will review well since most of the gaming media loves Kojima.

IMO though the dude hasnt made a truly great game sine MGS 3. So I don't expect DS to be anything mindblowing


I can see it failing but I kinda just want it on my shelf. Not even sure if I really want to play it lol. Glad there is this super easy mode so maybe some bullshit gameplay mechanics can be avoided
Wow. A lot of assholes in this thread. You want the game to flop because you don't like Kojima? Great. Thanks. That's super cool for the rest of us who actually want it to be a cool game. I think it will be awesome.


Mgs4 was also a mess yes. Regarding tpp, one element out of the whole doesn't make for a compelling full package of a game, especially if the standard set with mgs 1-3 was way higher.

My point was merely that I felt much more burned by MGS4 than 5, 5 at least had one fantastic element to it and is a very fun stealth playground if nothing else, 4 has no redeeming qualities, it's the very definition of average in every single regard... I was already weary of Kojima's output by the time 5 came out.


I don't think it will do bad financially. The development cycle is pretty good (3 years). They have a very small team, they are in Japan (cheaper devs and easier to overwork). Even if it doesn't have mainstream appeal, the die hard Kojima or PlayStation fans will eat it up. Whether or not the game will be any good. Well that's up to you as it as all subjective.


I mean its a vanity project from the dude that brought you mgs so yeah its a possibility but then again hype sells.
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This reminds me a lot of Horizon Zero Dawn in many regards. Traversal, UI, Graphics and Gameplay. This isn't a bad thing, but it's not as transcendent as some fellow Gaffers would lead me to believe. But the cincematics look great, I just hope the story is coherent.
Are you seriously comparing HZD to Death Stranding? HZD, the game with no traversal machanics and dumb stealth to a game full of traversal mechanics and systemic design?
WTF is going on with posters about Death Stranding, it's like a meme conspiracy of people pretending not understanding how the game is played...
Are you seriously comparing HZD to Death Stranding? HZD, the game with no traversal machanics and dumb stealth to a game full of traversal mechanics and systemic design?
WTF is going on with posters about Death Stranding, it's like a meme conspiracy of people pretending not understanding how the game is played...
Yes. It's the same engine with what seems to be a fairly particular skill set.

So, fold-able ladders are traversal mechanics that surpass HZD? I'm confused, what can I do in this that I can't do in HZD as far as traversal is concerned? So far I can see that HZD at least lets me scale cliffs and this is basically the Mis-Adventures of Amazon Prime Delivery.

Even the combat is very similar to HZD. Sure, there aren't any floating people in HZD but there are 4 legged beasts that move in a similar yet more complex manner than this game.

But you're misreading what I'm saying. Just because I saw similarities, does not mean it will be a bad game. I liked HZD and played many hours of it. Have you?
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Fun to play and fun to watch can be two different things.
Any slice of Witcher 3, for example, looks boring as fuck to me with awful gameplay, yet it's praises have been sung from hill and dale. I can't see the immersion.

There is a compelling core in Death Stranding, and it might be something you have to dive into and be immersed and invested in for it to work. Here, I'd say the tone of the first vague trailers might do a better job of showing why this is a worthwhile game than the day-to-day "go to point B and shoot X" gameplay videos - at least that's my hope.


Yes. It's the same engine with what seems to be a fairly particular skill set.

So, fold-able ladders are traversal mechanics that surpass HZD? I'm confused, what can I do in this that I can't do in HZD as far as traversal is concerned? So far I can see that HZD at least lets me scale cliffs and this is basically the Mis-Adventures of Amazon Prime Delivery.

Even the combat is very similar to HZD. Sure, there aren't any floating people in HZD but there are 4 legged beasts that move in a similar yet more complex manner than this game.

But you're misreading what I'm saying. Just because I saw similarities, does not mean it will be a bad game. I liked HZD and played many hours of it. Have you?

What cliffs can you scale in HZD? Isn't it just the rock climbing at designated places ala Uncharted?
I'm certainly less excited now that the veil has been lifted, sure. Buuuut... I'm not one of those assholes who wants it to fail just cuz "ugh, I'm sooo tired of seeing Kojima in the news!" Fuck off with that shit you selfish assholes.

No no, not you! The poster above you.
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What cliffs can you scale in HZD? Isn't it just the rock climbing at designated places ala Uncharted?
While true, it's still traversal. More than I can say about Death Stranding. In HZD I can climb cliffs, laders, run along logs, climb robo-girraffes, hang onto ledges and so on. How is this even an arguement? I'm not even saying DS is bad and everyone gets bent out of shape because I compared the gameplay mechanics to HZD which they are very obviously the same, give or take some nuances.
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Yes. It's the same engine with what seems to be a fairly particular skill set.

So, fold-able ladders are traversal mechanics that surpass HZD? I'm confused, what can I do in this that I can't do in HZD as far as traversal is concerned? So far I can see that HZD at least lets me scale cliffs and this is basically the Mis-Adventures of Amazon Prime Delivery.

Even the combat is very similar to HZD. Sure, there aren't any floating people in HZD but there are 4 legged beasts that move in a similar yet more complex manner than this game.

But you're misreading what I'm saying. Just because I saw similarities, does not mean it will be a bad game. I liked HZD and played many hours of it. Have you?
Yes i have played horizon.
Until Dawn uses the same engine as well and KZSF, no the same games at all.
UI is pretty much MGS UI design, how is it similar to HZD really?
Traversal mechanics in HZD? because you can climb very especific surfaces?
IN DS you seem to have to keep balance of your equipment while traversing with R1 and L1, your feet get fucked up and your boots deteriorate. The speed at wich you move seems to depend on this.
Unlike HZD where the ziplines are static, here the rope seems to be deployable anywhere just as the ladder.
You can skate on a hoverboard drone and a motorcycle as well.
You packages and equipment can fall to the floor if you fall or get hit too, so keeping balance and fighting and speed of traversal seem to be connected.
this is from skipping on the trailer, i'm sure there is more available in trailers if you look in to it, but i've just skipped through them to not spoil much.
Point is, games are nothing alike gameplay wise...and traversal is not in any way similar, in HZD traversal is an afterthough here it seems to be the main point. Similar to BoTW.


I'm certainly less excited now that the veil has been lifted, sure. Buuuut... I'm not one of those assholes who wants it to fail just cuz "ugh, I'm sooo tired of seeing Kojima in the news!" Fuck off with that shit you selfish assholes.

No no, not you! The poster above you.
Has the veil been lifted though? There is so much we haven’t seen yet.


Out of all things to be scared about, you're scared that a game isn't gonna live up to your expectations? You know you don't have to buy the game right. This game wont cure your depression/anxiety/metal illness, it's meant to be played for fun and if you don't think its gonna be good then don't buy it.


I think that calling this game a sci-fi delivery sim is very much appropriate, but also a very new concept.
Mundane concepts are great in games sometimes, like papers please for example.


I doubt the game is going to flop. Kojima is a solid game maker IMO. I myself had similar concerns with Sekiro. What I saw before the game released just gave me no interest and I had no intention of buying it. However, after it was released and I watch a few Twitch streams I bought it and 100% the game and it turned out to be one of my favorite games ever.

Not saying this is the same but there is just no real basis to say it will be a flop IMO. Yeah the game may be weird and different but I feel confident the core mechanics or the game will be good and I base that off of other games Kojima has done.
I don't like it when devs can't concisely explain what their game is like and what's fun about it. We've seen this before with No Man's Sky, and I'm getting some of the same vibes here. I know there's more info and footage out there now, but I'm just not interested in keeping up with it. Feels like homework, if that's what's needed to have a basic understanding of the game.

I don't know if the game will flop. I don't know enough about the game and what gamers think of it. I assume it'll do well like most Sony exclusives. I don't care if it flops because the game doesn't appeal to me.
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