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I think PlayStation lost a lot of its "magic" by porting its exlusives to PC


Gold Member
Surprise Magic GIF by Nickelodeon
Peace Out Goodbye GIF by Karsten Torebjer
Magic Vanish GIF by VPRO
music video applause GIF by Lady Gaga


If it helps to expand the brand, why not. I don't feel like it takes away from anything. I've never viewed the Playstation console as an exclusive club, its just a means to experience the Playstation brand.


I think it doesnt matter if people are able to play the games you like on a different device. Your playstation wont combust because last of us is on steam


Don’t worry OP, they are released all stuttery on PC so it’s just a big tease for them to buy a PS5 to unlock the stutter-free version.
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I agree the "magic" is gone. However, the majority of people purchasing consoles tend to only use consoles, so in that regard console exclusivity is still big for either consoles.

The people who convert to PC from PS5 because the games are on PC are essentially the same amount of people who convert from PC to PS5 to play them sooner. Hardly a drop in bucket.


well i really dont think so, they know they lost money not releasing their games on pc, me personally like to play games on console since forever, but im a pc player too since i build my first pc to play cod2 back in the day (yeah im old) hehe i know not everyone can have all platforms and if you have a console and pc you have everything, but if you only play on ps5 well that magic to play your games comes first to think or been mad if someone else play the same game on pc.


Laptop/Console combo is what you would probably find in a large majority of homes right now. The need for a desktop PC is dead unless you work in an industry that specifically requires a rig.
Couldn't have said it better myself. All I do on my laptop is browse and make/edit the odd document here and there.

I only splurged on my HTPC cause I knew it would at least let me pay PC exclusives and Xbox games.

But my HTP/gaming PC, is just that... for gaming. Cause I am eating towards a qnap nas or my HTPC now.


Yup that's why I bought a Beast PC and it's my primary gaming platform. Now my Ps5 is secondary, previous was primary.


You need to learn how to get happy from others happiness, then the magic is back and it’s better than ever, then you have more people to chat with about how great a game is. 🤗

To gloat about having something you know someone else can’t have seems like a sad type of magic to me.
Does the fact that i can play BOTW or Mario at 4k 120fps on pc diminish anyones enjoyment of these great games? Nintendo are really missing a trick not releasing their games on PC.
They'd be losing out on millions more than that would be going to Switch. Besides, they'd have to port the assets to different targets.

Even Sega took shortcuts when they ported their games (see: Sonic Adventure 1/2) from Dreamcast to other systems when they went 3rd party.

And to the OP, the "magic" went away with the PC-lite PS4.
I agree with you 100% OP. Luckily they haven't ported all exclusives, and there's no PC day 1 yet at least. It's not as bad if they're porting older cross-gen games I guess but yeah, the magic is really fading... Exclusives are always the most appealing part of a console and now?

Also, making super optimized games for one platform and pouring all resources into that was always their strength, and that's what made many of their first-party exclusives stand out. But I guess if they port the games later down the road that's still posable at least.

If they continue down this road, much of the advantages of a console are made redundant. Just as Microsoft has done with the Series X, there's no reason whatsoever now to own an Xbox for me when I've got a PC. No fun 🤷‍♂️
I understand the OP. And it's not purely irrational or fanboying to have this sentiment.

There is something very appealing about games that are made with laser focus on one particular piece of hardware ("bare metal" programming). Or when you can tell that the specific hardware innovations of a new console were deeply intertwined at every stage with the games developed for it in-house, so that software and hardware devs worked hand in hand.

That's something I've certainly appreciated with first-party Nintendo games over the years, if you think back to the way they squeezed so much power out of a system like the Gamecube, etc. There are many examples in their history.

Once PC ports are standard and clearly begin to be part of the early planning of big titles, you do lose a little of that feeling that these games are part of the same vision as the hardware products, so that even the sense of anticipation for a new console is lessened a bit.


There is something very appealing about games that are made with laser focus on one particular piece of hardware ("bare metal" programming). Or when you can tell that the specific hardware innovations of a new console were deeply intertwined at every stage with the games developed for it in-house, so that software and hardware devs worked hand in hand.
If they can port games with no change to the original release - what’s the problem?

Returnal isn’t any less ”bare metal programming” now than it was when it was a PS5 exclusive.

I’d say that Sony are doing this perfectly since they have porting studios. They just need to improve and move the releases closer to each other to maximize the reach. They should sync up the saves too for those who play on both console and PC. I dropped out of the PC release of HZD because I didn’t like starting over.
If they can port games with no change to the original release - what’s the problem?
When it's truly a secondary project, not impacting the original game in any way, that's one thing.

But if it's profitable, it's impossible for that cross-platform intention to not start having a major impact on the development of future games all the way back into early planning, selection & development of engines, etc. Then it will also have an impact on the identity of future hardware.

For my uses of PS5, I really don't care that much. But I would be deeply opposed to Nintendo doing the same thing. New hardware from them is exciting in large part due to how closely they integrate their hardware & software arms into one vision. But I'm actually a huge fan of their weird gems even on platforms like the 3DS or WiiU, and I absolutely hate when all gaming companies basically think of gaming in similar ways as just as neutral platform for media.


Personally I think PlayStation lost its magic when they shifted all their focus to big AAA story-driven blockbusters. Boooooring.

I wish they’d make more fun, wacky, “game-y” stuff like Motor Toon, Jet Moto, Twisted Metal, Jumping Flash, Warhawk, etc.

Closest thing that felt like PlayStation magic on PS5 was Astro’s Playroom
Jumping Flash 2 was amazing! I’d also love some more Jet Moto and Twisted Metal. Completely agree. And finally they are drip feeding some of these classics to the PS5

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
I see going multiplatform as keeping this 'magic' alive. If these games do well on PC, it incentivises Sony to invest more in these story driven single player PlayStation games right?
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There is something very appealing about games that are made with laser focus on one particular piece of hardware ("bare metal" programming). Or when you can tell that the specific hardware innovations of a new console were deeply intertwined at every stage with the games developed for it in-house, so that software and hardware devs worked hand in hand.

yeah well, that might have been a thing back during the PS2 era where the hardware of the console wasn't even remotely comparable with PC hardware... but these times are long over.

the PS5's hardware is literally just an ok PC, or more specifically a high end Laptop, designed around a console form factor, but even that isn't really that much of a thing anymore given the sheer size of the current consoles.

while the PS5 still has some unique features, these are designed to save on hardware and can't really do anything especially crazy different.
the whole storage solution is there to save money on vram for example, where a PC with 32GB of DDR4/5 can load a ton of data into the system ram, the PS5 can't do that, so they thought about a way to get around that issue.

and that's basically the only difference between a PS5 and a mid range PC.
even if Sony studios "code to the metal", porting games like that to PC isn't really an issue these days


What a terrible bunch of bulky responses in this thread. There are things to consider.
The development with pc later in mind has its toll on optimisation and engines used. We will get more unreal engine and less custom engines that really squeeze consoles.
But all that aside there are many reasons why people choose to play on console, even owning good gaming pc. Physical games is one example. With bulk of sales moved to pc, physical will die off quicker.

Imo it has nothing to do with “ oh bro you don’t want more people to play the game”. That’s the least valid reason. Nobody forbids anyone from getting a console or pc is game is exclusives there. It can be argued other way too.


If they can port games with no change to the original release - what’s the problem?

Returnal isn’t any less ”bare metal programming” now than it was when it was a PS5 exclusive.

I’d say that Sony are doing this perfectly since they have porting studios. They just need to improve and move the releases closer to each other to maximize the reach. They should sync up the saves too for those who play on both console and PC. I dropped out of the PC release of HZD because I didn’t like starting over.
Returnal is unreal engine. Who knows why it was picked with ue in mind. Maybe tonport it later.
Maybe if it was using custom engine made only for ps5, it would look even better.
Probably not because custom chips are dead sadly and you can see it. We get worse lag at 30fps than in the past. Games are not made with console in mind but it’s just a weaker hardware that the games are set up to run on.

Although it can be done. Gow was never in mind for pc release and they were able to port it as completely separate project


I cannot relate to this at all now. At one point I felt negatively towards the PC push, and then I realized it didn’t affect me in any way. I’m glad more people can play the games I love.

The day it makes sense for Sony to go back to console only exclusives (if ever) then I’ll be fine too. But for now, why even care about this?


voted poster of the decade by bots
If they keep pushing towards newer games and close to release dates and more titles, eventually they will consume a portion of their own console business. Not sure they care though......


Gold Member
Playing Returnal on PC. I think Sony's still got it.

Where is my Demon's Souls
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PS fans never said this back in the PSX days. PC and consoles users are different and its also why a PC is called a PC and a console a console


Gold Member
Go price out a pc and you'll feel a little better.
Well, we're in the phase of PC getting into our below console price for similar performance, you'll have other advantages on console though, problem with PC is that streamers use it as main gaming machines and they got popular but they never were for everyone, unless in general people get used to common PC tinkering


Well, we're in the phase of PC getting into our below console price for similar performance, you'll have other advantages on console though, problem with PC is that streamers use it as main gaming machines and they got popular but they never were for everyone, unless in general people get used to common PC tinkering

I don't think we're going to have a $400 pc that gets into similar performance anytime soon. We need the big apu's from amd. That is going to be amazing. By the time the ps6 rolls around, I would love to be able to have a little pc with an apu more gpu area like a console.


Reverse groomer.
OP find a new hobby, holy shit.
feel like you could tell that to a lot of people on this site
I don't think we're going to have a $400 pc that gets into similar performance anytime soon. We need the big apu's from amd. That is going to be amazing. By the time the ps6 rolls around, I would love to be able to have a little pc with an apu more gpu area like a console.
you could get close with the RX 6600 xt and a cheap 12 gen i5/Ryzen 5600(x), thats in the ballpark of 600-700.

(this build is 500, if you wanted to use an older 90s case you can get away with that lol)

Honestly if the mining crisis didnt happen from 2020-mid 2022 we'd be at the point where we could make a 400 dollar PC that beats the PS5. Sadly we'd need 6700xt prices to fall down to 200 on the used market for that to happen =(


Moderated wildly
If they can port games with no change to the original release - what’s the problem?

Returnal isn’t any less ”bare metal programming” now than it was when it was a PS5 exclusive.

I’d say that Sony are doing this perfectly since they have porting studios. They just need to improve and move the releases closer to each other to maximize the reach. They should sync up the saves too for those who play on both console and PC. I dropped out of the PC release of HZD because I didn’t like starting over.

Yup, sort out cross saves and they are on to a winner. I'd double dip on pretty much all major games. Would have deffo grabbed returnal day one.


feel like you could tell that to a lot of people on this site

you could get close with the RX 6600 xt and a cheap 12 gen i5/Ryzen 5600(x), thats in the ballpark of 600-700.

(this build is 500, if you wanted to use an older 90s case you can get away with that lol)

Honestly if the mining crisis didnt happen from 2020-mid 2022 we'd be at the point where we could make a 400 dollar PC that beats the PS5. Sadly we'd need 6700xt prices to fall down to 200 on the used market for that to happen =(

haha that is EXACTLY what I run. And yeah it's about that price. That's the sweet spot, imo. You play the latest games almost as good as a console, and almost everything else great about pc gaming is as good as it would be if you spent twice as much. Bonus, consoles cap performance requirements for years so it's even easy to plan the upgrade. Regardless though, not being able to beat a console getting well into it's third year for the money is rough. After that amount of time into ps4, the 750ti came out. That and an i3 would really get you there for around the same money.


Reverse groomer.
haha that is EXACTLY what I run. And yeah it's about that price. That's the sweet spot, imo. You play the latest games almost as good as a console, and almost everything else great about pc gaming is as good as it would be if you spent twice as much. Bonus, consoles cap performance requirements for years so it's even easy to plan the upgrade. Regardless though, not being able to beat a console getting well into it's third year for the money is rough. After that amount of time into ps4, the 750ti came out. That and an i3 would really get you there for around the same money.
all proof that the 8th gen was really nothing more than a pro version of the 7th gen consoles with a new OS and terrible BC with the older systems. Now that 9th gen has come out and is actually a decent deal it's hard to find anything on PC that you can make for a competitive price point. plus the mining situation

I hope that by the time the PS5 slim comes out, prices for the older 2020 cards fall off a cliff because a 6700xt or even a 3070 could wreck house with the PS5. the 6600(xt) is close but no cigar. that vram is not cutting it for 2020s games
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