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IGN blames Nintendo for not making Splatoon a mascot-platformer


IGN said:
I wish Splatoon were a single-player, character-based platforming adventure akin to Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and the original Jak & Daxter.

Interesting opinion. On one hand, Nintendo have a history of crafting some of the best single-player games ever. On the other, if all Nintendo made were single-player platforming adventures, then Nintendo would be a dinosaur inhabiting the videogame industry. Things change, and if you're the company that's saying "Let's stick to our history", then you might also be the company that becomes history.

Innovation comes from all places, and whether we like to admit it or not, multi-player experiences have driven a lot of the innovation in the gaming industry. I'm glad Nintendo are willing to invest in new IP that is designed as a multi-player experience. I look at their decision and go "I can have my Zelda and something else that's new."

We also have to focus on reality and not just what 'we' want. The Wii U is on its deathbed, and Nintendo knows that releasing the same type of game over and over and over and over again won't do anything to help the platform. It would be like trying to fix a creaky door by slamming it harder every time, completely failing to address the issue. New and different games could be the medicine that the platform needs, so the Wii U needs games like Splatoon and it needs them in droves.
I've wanted them to create a Nintendo mascots based third person paintball shooter for as long as i can remember.
But not like this. Though it seems like a cool game.


I read the article. I don't think the author says that the game isn't "different enough," he's saying he wish the game played "differently" i.e. different from itself.

Kind of like how some people thought the paint mechanics in Portal 2 should have been in another game.

He's saying the game mechanic is interesting, he just wishes it was used in a different genre than an online team-based shooter.


No, that's what future Nintendo fan's want, or potential buyer's. Nintendo is just now realizing that Mario only can steer so many people on board.
If they knew how much they would pull in then they would have made drastic changes to their online of both 3DS store and Wii U store within first year of the Wii U.
If they knew they wouldn't have relied on old franchises that are on the down turn.

This is exactly what I was saying in the post you quoted:
Nintendo knows, or did til this last year, how much their franchises will pull in, they even know who will go for it. They want more than what they know. They want to get back to Wii money, and they can't do that by putting out the same stuff they have been for the last decade.

Nintendo had some crazy ridiculous estimate for how much the U was going to sale last year, and when they missed it by millions, they sadly but finally realized that jumpman and puzzle games arent the hit.

Case in point look at the Neogaf thread over numbers for July, Wii U dropped like a rock after month of June for Mario KART.
Lego City never pulled even close to Mario 3D world or Mario Kart numbers.
What makes you think Splatoon will?
Irrelevant, as games can only sell in the environment and on the console they're on. A couple new games isn't going to make the system look any better to people who still have no clue what it is.

There is no getting back the Wii money as it was a fluke during a time where motion control wasn't being explored.
They are too focused in certain territories for their software lineup, we need UK made games along with Western games that are exclusive to Nintendo.
Sony would beg to differ, and they're doing it with out arguably strong games.

Ps4 and XBox are selling better than Wii U for the month of July and Most of August.
This is called the market righting itself. You're kidding yourself if you thought the U was going to outsell those two systems, when only the core are buying things right now.

The reason is variety in different styles of games from different regions.
This is a reeach and not at all true. Especially when Ubisoft pimps out multiple "hits" that are all the exact same style.
This Holiday people will be buying Dragon AGe, Call of Duty, Destiny, Far Cry4, Sunset Overdrive, Shadows of Mordor, AC:Unity The LAST OF Us, Driveclub,Little Big planet, among the slew of high quality Indie titles.
I see a bunch of sequels, a mature repackaged rachet and clank, a grittier AssCreed, and another driving game. So much style and variety. Again, once you get past the coats of paints, these all play much the same as everything else the industry is offering. Nintendo is also a part of this problem.

Nintendo needs hits, not just Mario, they need products that will grab people's attention outside of E3, I see no advertising hardly at all for Nintendo, that makes people want to go out and grab a Wii U for future games like Splatoon, Bayonetta 2 and the like.
I agree they need hits, and have been really lacking on advertisement, but I don't watch TV. I do get inundated with Wii Sports Club ads on Hulu, which doesn't help either.

Which was the articles point, about needing new iconic characters or games that people will be talking about for years to come, like Jak and Daxter, Mario 64 etc.
So you want them to do something different, but only in somethign they're very used to doing? Are you arguing mascots can only be born out of some boring collectathon game? I'd argue Lego City Undercover is the best collectathon 3d platformer yet, and no one wants it, because its Lego. Are you using the ever popular, "because its Nintendo" reasoning, to say that if they create another IP just for a 3d platformer, that it won't underperform?

And what exactly is a hit? MK8, NSMBU, and 3DWorld are all selling well, especially on the install base of the U. Are you really thinking one game is going to rocket the install base? This isn't the 90s where only consoles had games. Now I can pull out my phone and be entertained just as much as playing on a console.

Outside of press which mostly are only allowed at E3 would the average Joe be aware or excited for Splatoon?
Did you know that no one who wasn't watching E3 gives a shit about Bloodborne? Joe the plumber will be excited when they are told to be. E3 is for the press, and lately appeasing the core who think it's for them.

You think Nintendo Directs are reaching the mom and dads shopping in Best Buy's, Gamestop's and such?
No, the core will let mom and dad know why they are excited if Nintendo gives them reason to be. Word of mouth is how Nitnendo plans to sell games it seems, especially games like Bayo 2 and W101, as evidenced by the implementation of the MiiVerse.

I agree on Splatoon being a game for us here on forums and past Nintendo fans to be excited for, but the guy wrote an opinion piece, and it was approved by editor, don't flame him for having an opinion.
The Twlight books have an editor, and they're crimes against literature. If you can't see that Splatoon is everyone who has written them off as a mario box, then I don't know what to say. When ever list wars come up, people don't even want to give Nintendo credit for their smaller projects. And when people ask for them to go third party, they don't care that a game like Sin and & Punishment, or even W101 would get made. Their own 'fans' don't even think W101 is first party. And you're kidding yourself if you think Nintendo looked at W101 and thought 'million seller.' They made the game because they could. And that's why I buy Nintendo consoles.

Note:Yes to Hot orange Wii U!!!

I'd also except a teal or clear.


atr0cious;126309374]This is exactly what I was saying in the post you quoted:

Nintendo had some crazy ridiculous estimate for how much the U was going to sale last year, and when they missed it by millions, they sadly but finally realized that jumpman and puzzle games arent the hit.
I think I misinterpreted the first part of your post. AS I think we are on the same page. Sony might come close to Wii money, but they are within a higher price bracket.
Like I said I think we are on the same page, I think i misinterpreted your first post which threw me off.

Irrelevant, as games can only sell in the environment and on the console they're on. A couple new games isn't going to make the system look any better to people who still have no clue what it is.
I don't understand this reply?

Sony would beg to differ, and they're doing it with out arguably strong games.
It will taper off come this next year, once the Nex gen systems are the more norm.
And i was mainly talking about Wii, not PS4.

This is called the market righting itself. You're kidding yourself if you thought the U was going to outsell those two systems, when only the core are buying things right now.
I never said that? I said if they want to be in a better position then making games like Splatoon a system seller is in their best interest, just like Wonderful 101 was, but they fumbled that game horribly. Which was the point of the article.

This is a reach and not at all true. Especially when Ubisoft pimps out multiple "hits" that are all the exact same style.
So games like CHild of Light, rayman, Valiant hearts, Blood dragon, among other smaller games are all the same style?

I see a bunch of sequels, a mature repackaged rachet and clank, a grittier AssCreed, and another driving game. So much style and variety. Again, once you get past the coats of paints, these all play much the same as everything else the industry is offering. Nintendo is also a part of this problem.
But your not mentioning all the other smaller titles that are promoted harder on PS4, XBox, like Hotline Miami, Stick it to the man, Valiant Hearts, Transistor, Child of Light, Rime, Ho- Hokum, resogun.
These titles sprinkled throughout the "Flashy Paint" games as you so call them are what is breathing life into the industry.
Which is why Nintendo is failing badly, if because they don't know how to promote their products outside of handhelds. The Wii was handled pretty well I'll give them that, but gamecube, 3DS launch, Wii u, were not promoted well or to the correct demographic.
They make a game like Zombie U, Wonderful 101, Sonic:The lost worlds and can't sell them enough to make sequels?
I agree they need hits, and have been really lacking on advertisement, but I don't watch TV. I do get inundated with Wii Sports Club ads on Hulu, which doesn't help either.

So you want them to do something different, but only in somethign they're very used to doing? Are you arguing mascots can only be born out of some boring collectathon game? I'd argue Lego City Undercover is the best collectathon 3d platformer yet, and no one wants it, because its Lego. Are you using the ever popular, "because its Nintendo" reasoning, to say that if they create another IP just for a 3d platformer, that it won't underperform?

And what exactly is a hit? MK8, NSMBU, and 3DWorld are all selling well, especially on the install base of the U. Are you really thinking one game is going to rocket the install base? This isn't the 90s where only consoles had games. Now I can pull out my phone and be entertained just as much as playing on a console.

Did you know that no one who wasn't watching E3 gives a shit about Bloodborne? Joe the plumber will be excited when they are told to be. E3 is for the press, and lately appeasing the core who think it's for them.
WOW, haha that's hilarious, because that game is all over social media including Youtube, and is promoted heavily in Sony's Commericials that showcase their games library,and in Gamestops as well.

Dark Souls has become a series\Brand of game that is now well known. Bloodborne is being marketed as such.

No, the core will let mom and dad know why they are excited if Nintendo gives them reason to be. Word of mouth is how Nitnendo plans to sell games it seems, especially games like Bayo 2 and W101, as evidenced by the implementation of the MiiVerse.
Well I guess that really seemed to work for Wonderful 101 huh? or Sonic:The lost world.
If you can't see that Splatoon is everyone who has written them off as a mario box, then I don't know what to say. When ever list wars come up, people don't even want to give Nintendo credit for their smaller projects. And when people ask for them to go third party, they don't care that a game like Sin and & Punishment, or even W101 would get made. The'r own 'fans' don't even think W101 is first party. And you're kidding yourself if you think Nintendo looked at W101 and thought 'million seller.' They made the game because they could. And that's why I buy Nintendo consoles.
I'd also except a teal or clear.[/QUOTE]

Well, they don't know how to promote games on a system that they even don;t know who their selling too?
The article touches on the stigma that NIntendo has painted themselves into, which you touched on.
That's the issue.
If they can get out of that stigma by creating more awareness which they started too at E3 and continue that awareness to the masses, and promote correctly they can overcome the stigma.
But at this stage when PS4 and Xbox first party AAA, and indie games are ramping up it's going to become more difficult for them.


If they can get out of that stigma by creating more awareness which they started too at E3 and continue that awareness to the masses, and promote correctly they can overcome the stigma.
But at this stage when PS4 and Xbox first party AAA, and indie games are ramping up it's going to become more difficult for them.

Of course, but you're the one arguing they strengthen that stigma by turning Splatoon into a 3D platformer. And why do people keep acting like the Wii U doesn't have indie games? It will be getting almost all the indie games PS4 gets, unless they're exclusive or something power heavy like No Mans Sky. I have a couple you've already named as well, and the Wii U is getting unique ones like Affordable Space Adventures, so it kind of evens out.

So games like CHild of Light, rayman, Valiant hearts, Blood dragon, among other smaller games are all the same style?
Umm, I don't think these were hits although well received by us, the forumites. And Child of Light and Valient Hearts aren't indie games.

I just really think you give too much credit to games in general. Every system is a product of it time, and to think that the Nintendo of now is going to attract the same demographic now that it did back then by using old and in some ways backwards designs of yore, is not a good tip. I think NSMBU has sold more on the Wii U than any other franchise on their respective systems, but to think a Splatoon 3D platformer in this day and age is gonna fill the coffers is extremely optimistic.
Awful article.

If Splatoon was a character platformer, then it wouldn't be Splatoon.

It's nice(actually, beautiful) that Nintendo has a multiplayer online shooter.

They've never made one in-house before and it's going to do very well because it's made by Nintendo and it's a colorful take on the genre.

I think it will be popular.
I'm hoping against hope for a Splatoon invitational at next E3.
Awful article.

If Splatoon was a character platformer, then it wouldn't be Splatoon.

It's nice(actually, beautiful) that Nintendo has a multiplayer online shooter.

They've never made one in-house before and it's going to do very well because it's made by Nintendo and it's a colorful take on the genre.

I think it will be popular.
I need to put a resume together and look at job openings at IGN. If people like this guy can be gainfully employed and write regularly for the site, why can't I?


Of course, but you're the one arguing they strengthen that stigma by turning Splatoon into a 3D platformer. And why do people keep acting like the Wii U doesn't have indie games? It will be getting almost all the indie games PS4 gets, unless they're exclusive or something power heavy like No Mans Sky. I have a couple you've already named as well, and the Wii U is getting unique ones like Affordable Space Adventures, so it kind of evens out.

Umm, I don't think these were hits although well received by us, the forumites. And Child of Light and Valient Hearts aren't indie games.

I just really think you give too much credit to games in general. Every system is a product of it time, and to think that the Nintendo of now is going to attract the same demographic now that it did back then by using old and in some ways backwards designs of yore, is not a good tip. I think NSMBU has sold more on the Wii U than any other franchise on their respective systems, but to think a Splatoon 3D platformer in this day and age is gonna fill the coffers is extremely optimistic.

It doesn't necessarily have to be a platformer, but it has already the potential to be unique, and eye catching like Mario 64 if promoted well, and too the correct demographic to get over the stigma.
The article want's it to be a house hold name, like Uncharted, Mario, or whatever. Which I agree with, and while the whole Plat-former angle seems a little contrived it has merit in the fact that Nintendo needs something to grab people's attention.

My whole point is Nintendo's business philosophy's and stubbornness to at least compete with the other console maker's is what's hurting their games that they make.
If they would allow to publish more European and western designed gmaes, and promoted them like Sony and Microsoft do they wouldn't be in as bad as a position.

Wii U would still have a naming issue, but they are so stubborn on revamping their PR and getting the truth out about the console that, games like Splatoon may not find their audience like Wonderful 101.
The smaller games I mention most of them are not Indie, Transistor is I believe, Super Giant Games are Indie.

Valient Hearts are small teams from Ubisoft Montreal, but it's one of the reasons I make a point at that even let's say they don't sell super well, they are promoted well and create buzz.
Blood dragon did pretty well for the type of game it was.

Nintendo could have a uncharted type game or DMC or what ever on their system and have it do well, but their PR team and how they've represented the console are why people are waning in interest.


That's some piece of writing there. Essentially he's not saying he wishes Splatoon were something else, he's saying he wishes Nintendo would make a game exactly like what he wants.

It's nice to want things.

How do people get these jobs.... and more importantly, who is deciding this drivel is worth posting as "content" on their website?


Essentially his core argument is a good one. Splatoon's movement mechanics would be really cool in a open world 3d plaftormer. I think we can all agree on that. The rest of the article however... uhhhh yeah.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I see splatoongaf all up in here, representing, we need to find a way for us splatoon bros to hang out atleast until marketing kicks in and we have more threads


Eh, I can't blame the guy that much.

If he had said 2D platformers, then I would have raised an eyebrow. But it's not like Nintendo has a lot of 3D platformers to go around. Actually, they just have Mario. And 3D World wasn't all that similar to Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Jak & Daxter. It may sound like he just more old N64 style games, but I don't see a problem if that's what he's into. Because there sure aren't any games like that these days. Not even from Nintendo.

I don't necessarily agree with him though. I dislike mind-numbing collect-a-thons and don't think the devs should have been forced to make something a platformers if they just wanted to make a shooter. Don't care much for the squid things as mascots anyway.


It's an opinion piece. I can accept it. The problem is the context - Nintendo is scorned for "doing the same thing as every else with 5v5 multiplayer" (even though they have nothing like it in their lineup of games and completely changed the entire concept and point of these sorts of games so much that it's 100% unique and fresh)... and it is called unoriginal, while this person basically says what they should have done is create a Mascot Platformer like the Mascot Platformers they already have - which for Nintendo specifically - is about as unoriginal as it gets. Only get;s worse if you say it should be a 2D sidescrolling platformer.

I don't mind that they wish Nintendo created that type of game INSTEAD of Splatoon. What baffles me is the logic failure - because Splatoon is 10x more unique than venturing into a genre Nintendo regularly tackles. You could argue they haven't tackled it as well since the N64 days if you want - but they still do it. They don't create online multiplayer games. They don't create shooters. They don't really create team based games. They just tackled all of that in one game and did it like no one else in the industry has ever done it before.

Oh, it will have single player too, and that will have just as much content as the multiplayer. This already sounds like a huge + over the typical games you may compare it to, since they lean HEAVILY to multiplayer. Fair and balanced all around. We haven't even seen what the single player will be yet. Obviously paint balling and shooting and a bit of platforming (given the multiplayer), but you know, what beyond that? Anyone's guess.

I get the desire as I said. Just wish the logic used lined up.


The focus is obviously multiplayer... but I would absolutely love a fleshed out, platformy single player campaign.

Why we all complaining again?



Perfect gif.


Splatoon looks great but I can't believe Nintendo is gonna blow their opportunity for Star Wars themed DLC. People wouldn't love the $70 season pass for all of the Heroes & Villains Splatterpacks, but they'd pay for it regardless.


Criticizing Nintendo for trying something different is a really weird stance to take. We've played a lot of 3D platformers from Nintendo already; they put out a pretty great one last year. I really want to see how Splatoon turns out.
Nintendo can never win with stuff like this.

Make the next Zelda like OoT... but better! ... No, this is too much like OoT, do something original! ... No, my motion controls are broken... etc. etc.


This is exactly what I was saying in the post you quoted:

Nintendo had some crazy ridiculous estimate for how much the U was going to sale last year, and when they missed it by millions, they sadly but finally realized that jumpman and puzzle games arent the hit.

Irrelevant, as games can only sell in the environment and on the console they're on. A couple new games isn't going to make the system look any better to people who still have no clue what it is.

Sony would beg to differ, and they're doing it with out arguably strong games.

This is called the market righting itself. You're kidding yourself if you thought the U was going to outsell those two systems, when only the core are buying things right now.

This is a reeach and not at all true. Especially when Ubisoft pimps out multiple "hits" that are all the exact same style.

I see a bunch of sequels, a mature repackaged rachet and clank, a grittier AssCreed, and another driving game. So much style and variety. Again, once you get past the coats of paints, these all play much the same as everything else the industry is offering. Nintendo is also a part of this problem.

I agree they need hits, and have been really lacking on advertisement, but I don't watch TV. I do get inundated with Wii Sports Club ads on Hulu, which doesn't help either.

So you want them to do something different, but only in somethign they're very used to doing? Are you arguing mascots can only be born out of some boring collectathon game? I'd argue Lego City Undercover is the best collectathon 3d platformer yet, and no one wants it, because its Lego. Are you using the ever popular, "because its Nintendo" reasoning, to say that if they create another IP just for a 3d platformer, that it won't underperform?

And what exactly is a hit? MK8, NSMBU, and 3DWorld are all selling well, especially on the install base of the U. Are you really thinking one game is going to rocket the install base? This isn't the 90s where only consoles had games. Now I can pull out my phone and be entertained just as much as playing on a console.

Did you know that no one who wasn't watching E3 gives a shit about Bloodborne? Joe the plumber will be excited when they are told to be. E3 is for the press, and lately appeasing the core who think it's for them.

No, the core will let mom and dad know why they are excited if Nintendo gives them reason to be. Word of mouth is how Nitnendo plans to sell games it seems, especially games like Bayo 2 and W101, as evidenced by the implementation of the MiiVerse.

The Twlight books have an editor, and they're crimes against literature. If you can't see that Splatoon is everyone who has written them off as a mario box, then I don't know what to say. When ever list wars come up, people don't even want to give Nintendo credit for their smaller projects. And when people ask for them to go third party, they don't care that a game like Sin and & Punishment, or even W101 would get made. Their own 'fans' don't even think W101 is first party. And you're kidding yourself if you think Nintendo looked at W101 and thought 'million seller.' They made the game because they could. And that's why I buy Nintendo consoles.

I'd also except a teal or clear.

Nailed it, except I'd mention Smash, and spice is the best.
Marty Sliva is arguing against his own love for Nintendo... and it doesn't make an ounce of sense.

All I can think is that he had a deadline of some sort, hence this maddening article.

I'm really hoping I can bring this to Wii-U.

When spam marketing goes wrong.
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