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IGN Editorial: 3DS vs. PS Vita - Will History Repeat Itself?



All eyes seem to be on Nintendo these days – and after an E3 press conference that baffled as much as it impressed, it's easy to understand why. It seems, in fact, like Nintendo is playing out its cards in much the same way it did back in 2005. Rather than focusing on Wii U, however, the more interesting topic right now is that of the upcoming 3DS versus PS Vita battle. On first glance, it could appear to be DS-versus-PSP all over again, but we're here to tell you that's a long way from being the case.

Sony has, traditionally, gone for that 'aspirational' gaming dollar; courting gamers with hardware that has been tremendously powerful—with a price that packs about as much wallop. While the PS3 and PSP are both successful, long-time market warhorses, they still took a beating from Nintendo's Wii and DS systems.

The key differences? While Sony was imbuing its products with glitzy 'status symbol' elements, making them luxury items, Nintendo focused on new gaming experiences and undercut them at the registers with an everyman price-tag. Nintendo, incidentally, cleaned up.


I just really wanted an excuse to dig this out.

It would seem the tables have turned, however, and Sony is betting the bank on selling PlayStation Vita (or PS Vita, as it's now known) - its PSP successor - at a loss for the next three years. That's a dangerous – and cheeky – move. It's a Sony move; the kind of play that a company makes when it knows the market is ready for an upset and its brand is ready for the same.

Unlike Nintendo, which has stated in the past that it will never again create hardware and sell it at a loss, Sony is aiming to sell so many units that it more than absorbs that cost – and makes a killing in the process too.

Sony and Nintendo are now in the same price bracket for handheld hardware, and the capabilities tend to favour Sony. Vita's just a powerful system. It doesn't have the 3D flashiness of the 3DS – and nobody can discount the continued appeal of Nintendo's core franchises. However, for the first time in a long while, Sony is actually leading the charge with hardware that gives developers more tools to play with.

Sony didn't just squeeze through the crack - it blew the door off its hinges.
Nintendo has, traditionally, been a hardware disruptor. The approach with the DS (as with Wii and Wii U) has been to provide gamers with a new input experience – and developers with the tools to craft forward-thinking games and apps that differentiate its products from the competition. 3DS does not go far beyond the boundaries established by the DS – and in fact, it could be argued that the 3D display actually makes the unit less holistic in design than its predecessor: the 3D display, after all, makes it harder to smoothly implement touch and motion controls – and it gobbles up battery life. Regardless, in taking a smaller step forward, Nintendo left the door open to Sony.

Sony didn't just squeeze through the crack – it blew the door off its hinges.

Sony has, in effect, trumped the DS' touch capabilities, matched the 3DS' augmented reality functionality, introduced a world of possibility for interoperability between PS3 and Vita, and surpassed its communication potential with 3G network compatibility (in the premium model). This is a device that truly offers flexibility to developers and gamers. 3DS' StreetPass and SpotPass are great features, but limited in range. (And, incidentally, Vita has 'Near', which operates on a similar premise.) Without a Wi-Fi network, the 3DS' online infrastructure is significantly hampered. Without processing power in line with PS Vita, developers are once again tasked with creating software that cannot be ported easily and must be developed from scratch.

Sony has given developers more to play with, basically—and written off handheld 3D effects in the same stroke. That's bold and competitively wise.

These are moves that hold the potential to turn the tables on the DS brand in a big way.

Of course, many of you are probably thinking 'well gee, Patch—but the PSP was far more powerful than the DS was—and it still got pummelled for a long time.' True, but the PSP was a traditional console experience in your pocket, whereas the DS was disruptive and new. This battle is fundamentally different. Vita is the more disruptive, interesting device. Plus, as mentioned above, the price was a huge factor. The market dictates value; that's a major thing to remember.


In this visual metaphor, Sony is a police officer. The PS Vita is battering ram. Nintendo is peering through the window.

With PS Vita coming in at a similar price to 3DS regionally, Sony is aggressively targeting the comparison shopper. And if you stick these two systems side-by-side, spec sheet and all, it's clear which device is going to look superior on paper.

Then there's the lingering question of games. The 3DS' on-shelf range has barely grown since release. Good thing Nintendo kick-started its Virtual Console service on the platform before things got really dire. Still, there was a decided lack of fresh 3DS content on display at Nintendo's press event –and while sequels to major franchises are probably still easy bank, the calendar year ahead is painfully quiet.

Sony, meanwhile, again underlined its aggressive strategy, showing off Uncharted: The Golden Abyss to appease the hardcore market and a number of terrific, sophisticated games from its stable of franchises – available at or near launch. The message was clear: we have the hardware and the games – not just the promise of content to come.

It's not all doom and gloom for Nintendo, of course. Brand loyalty goes a long way. 3DS is family-friendly, appealing and approachable. It has a mass-market design to it that the whole DS range has maintained. Arguably, PS Vita looks more mature – but that brings with it certain barriers and factors of intimidation and complexity.

Nintendo is a thought leader in family entertainment. Sony leads in the luxury market. If Sony can crack through that shell with PS Vita's price tag, power and raw potential – and developers continue to support it too, Nintendo may have a serious – even critical – fight on its hands.


MrGame&Watch said:

You do realize that every piece of hardware has established IPs that people claim will save the hardware. It's the hardware that needs to sell first.

The 3DS will sell gangbusters when these titles eventually come out. But the gap is going to be much smaller than DS vs PSP


Jeels said:
You do realize that every piece of hardware has established IPs that people claim will save the hardware. It's the hardware that needs to sell first.

The 3DS will sell gangbusters when these titles eventually come out. But the gap is going to be much smaller than DS vs PSP

EDIT: nvm


Jeels said:
You do realize that every piece of hardware has established IPs that people claim will save the hardware. It's the hardware that needs to sell first.

The 3DS will sell gangbusters when these titles eventually come out. But the gap is going to be much smaller than DS vs PSP



Jeels said:
You do realize that every piece of hardware has established IPs that people claim will save the hardware. It's the hardware that needs to sell first.

The 3DS will sell gangbusters when these titles eventually come out. But the gap is going to be much smaller than DS vs PSP


Tragic victim of fan death
Personally I still think that the 3DS will do better. It offers a unique experience that no other handheld or console can offer (other than the PS3)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
This article is a bit wonky.

PSP failed because it was a console experience in your hands!

Vita disrupts the handheld scene because it has console games...in your hands!


Thought you weren't really supposed to post all the article when making a thread, cause you know, they do it for the clicks.


As a Nintendo supporter who never owned a PSP but owned not one, not two, but three DSs' (in total), I am infinitely more excited for the PSV than I ever was for the 3DS. The 3DS always struck me as more of the same with a ridiculous, headache-inducing 3D gimmick.


The circle is complete.

The PSP and DS battle was forums saying ds was done, PSP being more powerful, franchises that were console primarily being pointed to as guaranteed PSP megahits, and gaming sites crowning the PSP and saying Nintendos handheld days were pretty much in the bag now that a 'serious competitor finally got it right'.

Every piece of the puzzle is in place pretty much. GranTurismo was supposed to be the mega cross over hit, this time its CoD, but its pretty much the same shit for a new gen, all the way down to this article, and the dry ass comments acting like Pokemon and MKart and the like arent megafranchises, the likes of which can literally turn the tide of an entire gen. I am not entertained.

Now we wait 5 or so years and start the, "Well PSV didnt move more units, or software, but it still sold X amount, which is better than the Gamegear/Lynx/Wonderswan/Whatthehellever sold, so its still a victory!"


JasonMCG said:
The PSV is an exciting leap forward in handhelds whereas the 3DS is just more of the same with a ridiculous, headache-inducing 3D gimmick. As a Nintendo supporter who never owned a PSP but owned not one, not two, but three DSs' (in total), I am infinitely more excited for the PSV than I ever was for the 3DS.

How is the PSV more of a leap forward for handhelds than the PSP when it released?


chubigans said:
...were both on Gamecube. Didn't seem to change much there eh?

Guess we'll see!


Mario Kart wasn't as popular back then as it is now and 2D Mario (the real beast) was MIA since the SNES days at the time. the GC would have destroyed the Xbox easily with a NSMB game and put up more fight against PS2.

but in the end, if the loser of this fight scores 70 million+ like in the DS/PSP battle, i guess none of the contestants will be complaining.
Jeels said:
You do realize that every piece of hardware has established IPs that people claim will save the hardware. It's the hardware that needs to sell first.

The 3DS will sell gangbusters when these titles eventually come out. But the gap is going to be much smaller than DS vs PSP

I'm going to talk about the NA market. We are not a mass transist societies. Handhelds don't sell nearly as well to the average adult as they might in Japan and Europe. Thus in the United States dedicated gaming handhelds get an extremely large amount of their userbase from kids-something to occupy them in the backseat of the car.

So yeah, pokemon


but the PSP was far more powerful than the DS was—and it still got pummelled for a long time.' True, but the PSP was a traditional console experience in your pocket, whereas the DS was disruptive and new. This battle is fundamentally different. Vita is the more disruptive, interesting device.

The 3DS has like, 3D in your hands. The Vita has a back touchscreen?

I don't get how you can judge the Vita to be the most disruptive, it's the next logical step for a handheld gaming device. It's exactly what I expected the next generation of handheld gaming to be.


uchihasasuke said:
Mario Kart wasn't as popular back then as it is now and 2D Mario (the real beast) was MIA since the SNES days at the time. the GC would have destroyed the Xbox easily with a NSMB game and put up more fight against PS2.

but in the end, if the loser of this fight scores 70 million+ like in the DS/PSP battle, i guess none of the contestants will be complaining.
People forget Nintendo was coming from the N64, a distant 2nd place console, and arrived 18 months late to the PS2 party. They relied almost entirely on their handheld line to keep the popularity of their franchises until the Wii came.

Sony has nothing even remotely similar to the long term sales power of Pokemon and post-DS Mario Kart. That's not to be underestimated.
I'd love to see PSV succeed to just see all the journo's eating crow.

Sony took the first step in doing this by aggressively pricing their hardware but it's only one of many that they need to take to compete with Nintendo.

The next few years are gonna be amazing for handheld gaming. :)


Jeels said:
You do realize that every piece of hardware has established IPs that people claim will save the hardware. It's the hardware that needs to sell first.

No, actually its the games that sell the hardware. That ridiculous misconception is the reason why the higher specs of the PSV has you believing that this handheld gen is clearly going to go in one direction. You still havent made the connection for WHY the DS beasted the PSP the way it did. The PSP is like, the superior device in every way except for the most important one.


Its an interesting possibility. But we'll see. If I had to say, it would be something along the lines of they'll both do really good. I don't agree on a lot of the points that article made though, some being that the PSP is the disrupting machine opposed to the 3ds being the traditional console. In my opinion, the PSP isn't taking any new risks at all, but Sony is wisely incorporating as many input features as possible. In essence I guess it is a larger Ipod touch with buttons and an extra screen (in essence, just for the sake of simplifying the visual image)

I also think the article is overselling the use of 3g for the console. I feel like most people would invest in the wi fi model (price, like the article itself says). If they do that, than the wifi model and the 3DS would practically be on the same ground as far as internet capabilities.

But the price IS a brilliant move by Sony. 250$ is really competitive and the smartest thing they could have done with the VITA.

Again, it will all come down to games. If Nintendo can pull another "brain age" move, than Sony will have a hard time. A lot of people think call of duty will be the smash hit for the VITA, but I feel after the Battlefield vs. Call of duty thing going on now, its popularity will wane. Sony is going to need a franchise with huge casual appeal exclusive to VITA, but I think the problem is they know how to do it.

24FrameDaVinci said:
Why does there need to be a motherfucking next gen handheld war? Can't we all just enjoy each system on its own merits??

No, because that would be reasonable.
uchihasasuke said:
Mario Kart wasn't as popular back then as it is now and 2D Mario (the real beast) was MIA since the SNES days at the time. the GC would have destroyed the Xbox easily with a NSMB game and put up more fight against PS2.

but in the end, if the loser of this fight scores 70 million+ like in the DS/PSP battle, i guess none of the contestants will be complaining.

You should be committed.
Darryl said:
The 3DS has like, 3D in your hands. The Vita has a back touchscreen?

I don't get how you can judge the Vita to be the most disruptive, it's the next logical step for a handheld gaming device. It's exactly what I expected the next generation of handheld gaming to be.

Sometimes evolution is all it takes? (not sure which side of the fence I'm on here actually with this argument...but...)

Look at how ubiquitous the Internet became after the move from dial-up to broadband.

I'm glad Sony is taking what they learned with then PSP and giving it one more (better) effort at what the original vision for the PSP was.


IGN editorials are like macaroni art at a special needs camp on their best day.
I think that they will be different crowds, I think Nintendo will have to handle themselves differently and they have already fucked the hell up by announcing games for the DS that should clearly be on the 3DS.
Vita will be the most enjoyable to own.
I'm looking forward to many years spent with both the 3DS and the Vita, but let's be clear: Nintendo has NEVER been taken down by a competitor on the handheld front. Game Gear, Lynx Turbo Express, Wonderswan, NeoGeo Pocket, PSP... attacking Nintendo on the hardware front is like invading Russia. It never, ever works. And every time, the new sleek, black piece of hardware from whoever seems like a totally plausible challenger.
perfectnight said:
I understood it perfectly. 2nd analog stick is a huge leap for handhelds.

At least for me anyway =D
The question was whether it was more of a leap forward compared to what was there at the time it was released, not how awesome the next leap forward is compared to the last one...


FTH said:
[IMG ]http://wiimedia.ign.com/wii/image/article/117/1177143/police-break-down-a-door_1308536083.jpeg[/IMG]

[IMG ]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8v2ped5Ye1qzgn9j.gif[/IMG]

In this example the 3DS is... the 3DS and Vita is the microwave.
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