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IGN Senior Writer blames Don Mattrick for current Xbox Situation!?

Certainly, mind share. Because gen 8 was dominated by them. Consolewise the SX is objectively better at hardware level, os, noise, size. Features, efficiency, Its a mini pc edge browser works pretty well on it never thought i could say that about a console. On ps 5 i couldnt find the browser.
There's no browser on ps5 to my knowledge, I'll admit the sx is more powerful very well made but it hasn't really shown anything to embarrass the ps5 yet imo .


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
The way Xbox has been lately I'm expecting some kind of bad news with the show today like Forza being delayed until Fall or 2024, missing a key feature or something

And Mattrick would have nothing to do with that
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Of course, Phil Spencer is the one to blame for Ukraine/ Russia war and felonies of other CEOs.
Now that makes sense my little bird.
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Phil Spencer became a Xbox Studios (former Microsoft Studios) executive in 2009, when he became corporate vice president.
Per his own words, he's partially responsible for the Xbox One fiasco, and he's been responsible for everything Xbox for almost 9 years.
Although he probably wasn't in a place where he could for Bungie's departure, their acquisition by Sony did happen under his watch (not that it makes any difference because Bungie has complete publishing autonomy).
He's also responsible for the government being up Microsoft's ass because he's the one spearheading the $70B acquisition of a software supplier common to his competition.

The original tweet was obviously satire, but it's really funny how some people here actually failed the Poe's Law check and really believe this was all Don Mattrick's fault.

Don Mattrick, who headed Xbox for less than 7 years from July 2007 to February 2014, is somehow more responsible for what's happening on Xbox than Phil Spencer who's been running the place from March 2014 to January 2023.

And now Phil Spencer is getting all these awards and recognition lately which definitely has to mean something, right?


Lmao at the Green Rats still blaming the Guy from a decade ago. Yes yes Halo infinite is all Don’s fault…….

Frustrated Ryan Gosling GIF


I guess I could be described as an xbox gamer, and heres my take:

Im honestly baffled by a lot of MS choices. I know I and many others here would have made better choices...some of these choices are obvious to everybody except MS/Xbox. their list of mistakes goes all the way back to the X360 days if we are to be homest.

Kinect should have never happened...they have a bad habit of trying to copy whatever is working for their competitors but are always late to the party and always seem to make game quality the afterthought
Kinect and the Xbox one launch.... the money they spent on kinect they probably could have just made the more powerful base console... such a bad choice
They should have acquired bioware and remedy when they had the chance
they should have let bungie make the games they wanted to make instead of locking them into halo...They could have set up 343i for that anyway...and had destiny as ain inhouse exclusive....
They do not seem to be recovering from Xbox one in the same way that sony did with the PS3....all they have to do is make great exclusives.....They will copy any other move except this one....why? What have they got againt making the effort to compete....whats the point of all these IPs when you do nothing with them and focus on milking a select few?
Halo:infinite....What happened? and how could they let it happen? how did they let the king fall so hard?...somewhere between chasing trends and listening too closley too die hard fans is where you will find the answer.....

And phil..... He is always quick to applaud the latest greatest from sony...... and thats nice..... but they are your competitors dude....push your studios to do better instead of patting your competitors on the ass...they dont want you to have final fantasy...they dont even want you buying activision without giving them the games...all while keeping things off xbox for the sake of competition and business...... so compete...invest in the IPs you have...build up your teams and run them more tightly....enough with the 'kum-by-yah I want the games everwhere crap.... Ninstendo and sony dont share the sentiment and are not putting their games on xbox. you have a business to run...consoles to sell and potentially new gamepass subscribers...get your head in the game. its a business, not a community.

Obsidian seem to be on winning streak lately...I hope their work habits rub off on the other studio. And I want to beleive they are going to be much better going forward but as an xbox owner.....I just have to wait and see. Im gonna buy a switch and some new music gear.....its better than pulling my hair out over the astonishing constistency of Xbox poor decision making...imagine having all the resourses and tech...and still losing out to smaller companies like sony and nintendo.... Its noyt hard for MS to compete with those two on their own level but they seem to have something against selling xboxs and havoing exclusives at the moment.....
Mattrick is just a way to shift blame away from the current management and Microsoft as a whole. Software output was actually better under him and has only gotten worse since he left. Compare the early xbox one output to the last few years. It's night and day. Microsoft can get many things right like subscription services and the actual hardware is great! But they don't know what they're doing when it comes to the actual games. The lifeblood of any console. Now they're embarrassingly scrambling for 3rd party publishers just to stay relevant and try to compete.
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Mattrick is just a way to shift blame away from the current management and Microsoft as a whole. Software output was actually better under him and has only gotten worse since he left. Compare the early xbox one output to the last few years. It's night and day.
the sweet spot was deffo during the early days of the X360. once kinect happened and they changed strategy it was a wrap. Whats baffling is that all this time and all these aquisitions and as the dust settles...there situation does not really look stronger...strange for a company with over 25 devs and is about to aquire ABK.....If sony had these same studios the output would be damn near frightening and they dont have anywhere near MS resources. I blame current management. Cant blame mattrick for anything going on since he left.


Mattrick is just a way to shift blame away from the current management and Microsoft as a whole. Software output was actually better under him and has only gotten worse since he left. Compare the early xbox one output to the last few years. It's night and day. Microsoft can get many things right like subscription services and the actual hardware is great! But they don't know what they're doing when it comes to the actual games. The lifeblood of any console. Now they're embarrassingly scrambling for 3rd party publishers just to stay relevant and try to compete.

Imagine blaming a company from being a shit as a whole, when that company is a trillion dollar organization with more employees than many of the largest cities, and being #1 valued company in the world.
Thank god you were not my dad.


the sweet spot was deffo during the early days of the X360. once kinect happened and they changed strategy it was a wrap. Whats baffling is that all this time and all these aquisitions and as the dust settles...there situation does not really look stronger...strange for a company with over 25 devs and is about to aquire ABK.....If sony had these same studios the output would be damn near frightening and they dont have anywhere near MS resources. I blame current management. Cant blame mattrick for anything going on since he left.
i dont know. i dont give a shit about exclusives the dont even take 1/50 of my gaming time on either machine.

both are doing just fine. this year looks like a banger for me personally.


There gonna keep blaming the past but Phil has had enough time and more importantly way more money than any of president of a video game company.
The 360 success isn’t happening again
Not only that his lack of charisma and bluntness nearly tanked Xbox & literally ruined Xbox's reputation what Phil has been rebuilding, especially in more casual gamers opinion that don't lurk places like gaf, you actually hear positivity about xbox again, where as the Xbox one reveal everyone jumped on the hate train.
phil spencer: 'rebuilding xbox since 2014' (that'll be 10 years next year)...


Kutaragi Fcked up PS3 launch/cell

Then PS3 succeeded and climbing, creating is own identity

despite : inferior version, the fall of japan 3rd party, all famous IP on PlayStation on Xbox, aggressive Microsoft marketing, PSN hack, removing PS2 backward

Xbox One, and ??

Yeah, the current state of Xbox is not ONLY Mattrick fault..
I guess I could be described as an xbox gamer, and heres my take:

Im honestly baffled by a lot of MS choices. I know I and many others here would have made better choices...some of these choices are obvious to everybody except MS/Xbox. their list of mistakes goes all the way back to the X360 days if we are to be homest.

Kinect should have never happened...they have a bad habit of trying to copy whatever is working for their competitors but are always late to the party and always seem to make game quality the afterthought
Kinect and the Xbox one launch.... the money they spent on kinect they probably could have just made the more powerful base console... such a bad choice
They should have acquired bioware and remedy when they had the chance
they should have let bungie make the games they wanted to make instead of locking them into halo...They could have set up 343i for that anyway...and had destiny as ain inhouse exclusive....
They do not seem to be recovering from Xbox one in the same way that sony did with the PS3....all they have to do is make great exclusives.....They will copy any other move except this one....why? What have they got againt making the effort to compete....whats the point of all these IPs when you do nothing with them and focus on milking a select few?
Halo:infinite....What happened? and how could they let it happen? how did they let the king fall so hard?...somewhere between chasing trends and listening too closley too die hard fans is where you will find the answer.....

And phil..... He is always quick to applaud the latest greatest from sony...... and thats nice..... but they are your competitors dude....push your studios to do better instead of patting your competitors on the ass...they dont want you to have final fantasy...they dont even want you buying activision without giving them the games...all while keeping things off xbox for the sake of competition and business...... so compete...invest in the IPs you have...build up your teams and run them more tightly....enough with the 'kum-by-yah I want the games everwhere crap.... Ninstendo and sony dont share the sentiment and are not putting their games on xbox. you have a business to run...consoles to sell and potentially new gamepass subscribers...get your head in the game. its a business, not a community.

Obsidian seem to be on winning streak lately...I hope their work habits rub off on the other studio. And I want to beleive they are going to be much better going forward but as an xbox owner.....I just have to wait and see. Im gonna buy a switch and some new music gear.....its better than pulling my hair out over the astonishing constistency of Xbox poor decision making...imagine having all the resourses and tech...and still losing out to smaller companies like sony and nintendo.... Its noyt hard for MS to compete with those two on their own level but they seem to have something against selling xboxs and havoing exclusives at the moment.....
MS/Xbox is in this point in which they have lost any kind of "benefit of the doubt".

They need to shut the fuck up and release categorically quality AAA games and New IPs.

as simple as that.

lets see how this Bethesda direct reception is. (they need a w asap).


Flashless at the Golden Globes

Phil Spencer keeps getting away? Wow

reading comprehension much? He's not blaming Don Matrick, he's blaming bad luck due to the war on ukraine, govt meddling, sex assault case etc.

It's nonsense excuses from a sad fanboy but he never implies Don Matrick left Phil too big of a mess to cleanup.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Mattrick is just a way to shift blame away from the current management and Microsoft as a whole. Software output was actually better under him and has only gotten worse since he left. Compare the early xbox one output to the last few years. It's night and day. Microsoft can get many things right like subscription services and the actual hardware is great! But they don't know what they're doing when it comes to the actual games. The lifeblood of any console. Now they're embarrassingly scrambling for 3rd party publishers just to stay relevant and try to compete.
Very well said! I actually really liked some XB1 exclusives like Ryse, Quantum Break, Ori, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3

I didn't need a low subscription service or anything else, I just needed them to keep coming with games and for the games to keep improving


Gold Member
Mattrick is just a way to shift blame away from the current management and Microsoft as a whole. Software output was actually better under him and has only gotten worse since he left. Compare the early xbox one output to the last few years. It's night and day. Microsoft can get many things right like subscription services and the actual hardware is great! But they don't know what they're doing when it comes to the actual games. The lifeblood of any console. Now they're embarrassingly scrambling for 3rd party publishers just to stay relevant and try to compete.
Software isn't the issue.
The big issue is first party studios. You can't rely on 3rd party games forever.

Guy couldn't bother focusing on his first party studios at all. It's why Xbox one was bad.

If he have bought 4-5 studios, we could have seen more IPs, instead of halo forza gears.


Gold Member
I know, Phil has taken his time with the investment he could have done earlier. But we may see something from him today.
Phil is big blame is 3rd party games, which Don did a magnificent job in that department.

Both did good and bad decisions during their era.

At this point Xbox needs a new leader. It's time for Phil to relax and take his retirement money and get out of Xbox.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
They do not seem to be recovering from Xbox one in the same way that sony did with the PS3....all they have to do is make great exclusives.....
This right here. The PS3 was Sony's worst gen in terms of business and their best gen in terms of quality output from the first party.

This is something i consistently brought up in the early days of Xbox One. I kept pointing to Sony partnering up with Sucker Punch, Ninja Theory, GG, Media Molecule, INsomniac and Evolution Studios who were ALL third parties making first party IPs for Sony. Why did Phil not do the same?

Now only did he not follow the Sony success formula, he cancelled the few games that were doing just that. Scalebound, Coalitation's new IP and even Fable. Don at least had the common sense to invest in third party studios like Respawn, Crytek and Insomniac. Instead of greenlighting Ryse 2 and Sunset 2, Phil went and bought Minecraft for $3 billion. What. the. fuck. Sony ended up buying Insomiac 6 years later for just $220 million. Respawn sold for $300 million. I bet Crytek couldve been had for cheap too.

If Sony doesnt buy GG, SP, MM, and Evo, they dont have that incredible PS3 lineup and their studios dont mature into making GOTY caliber games. No wonder MS is struggling today. They did fucking nothing to improve their first party until 2018 when they finally went and bought some studios who they then mismanged just like 343.
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Mattrick made mistakes, for sure, but you can’t keep blaming the guy nearly a decade later. He left in 2013 FFS.

And many of the current leadership were in senior roles then.

Phil Spencer keeps getting away? Wow

I don’t understand why it’s the govt’s fault? Just let big tech buy up everything, no questions asked? It’s literally one of the few things the govt is actually meant for, is to protect consumers from monopolies. Strong antitrust laws are good things. The way Ryan phrased that is honestly ridiculous. In no way should anyone ever feel bad for poor ‘ol Microsoft having to work really hard to acquire another corporation for $70 billion. Lol, give me a freakin’ break
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Gold Member
Oh yeah, Don Mattrick is also responsible of all misery of the world, it's well known.

It was 10 years ago, stupid IGN senior green rat my ass.

Laugh Lol GIF
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I'm looking forward to it, but it's not really a big showcase. It's Forza, Redfall, Minecraft Legends, and Elder Scrolls Online. That's it.

It's more akin to one of Sony's smaller, less notable State of Play shows than anything I'd describe as "big".
What bullshit. It would be equivalent to Sony showing GT, HFW, and something like Astrobot. You all just love to downplay Xbox.
Don Mattrick was terrible as the Xbox leader, in all fairness to Ryan. Though I don't agree that the govt is the bad guy in his odd scenario of conflating all of these totally unrelated things. Don spearheaded the initiative that led to Microsoft thinking the initial vision for Xbox One was a good one. The vision that was so bad that Microsoft had to get rid of Kinect, cut the price, get rid of always-online, close the TV content division entirely, and refocus the business on actual games, *all in the first year of the Xbox One console being on the market*. LOL. If you needed any more context, he left the kerosene fire that he caused at Xbox mid-burn and went to Zynga, where he was also fairly unsuccessful.

They honestly thought prior to launch that Xbox One had the potential sell 200 million units. Which would far eclipse the DS and the PS2.
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I think the biggest difference is there was very little doubt from the leadership at Sony that PlayStation would be around for a long time. Can't say the same for the leaders at Microsoft. Phil Spencer had to convince them Xbox was worth saving after the disastrous Xbox One launch. That in itself is one hell of a hole to find yourself in.
The other difference is that Kaz Hirai was unironically one of the best CEO's going in any industry at the time.
PlayStation was reeling from massive losses coming off the back of PS3 and a lot of misspent R&D funds. Sony as a business was struggling. Bravia was tanking due to a near decade of coasting on 80s/90s reputation and were being feasted upon by Samsung and LG. Vaio was struggling. Their electronics business generally was a shadow of its former self, again coasting off of their old reputation. Sony Ericsson split and Xperia wasn't doing too hot either.

Hirai and the team he put around himself righted a ship that everyone thought was going to sink completely, making every division independently profitable. He placed emphasis on gaming as being a key driver of growth. He righted all the bullshit in their electronics business and turned their wavering reputation back around (for the most part).

Microsoft has never struggled that much as a business. Sure random ventures failed, like Zune, Windows Phone, and whatnot. But as a business they were never in a position where they were posting huge losses and were on the brink. The leadership just wasn't that good, and to be honest I still don't think its that good. Nadella is my guy and seems to be doing good, but Microsoft has always done well, so is it him? Or is it just because Microsoft is so deeply entrenched in computing now? I dunno. Azure sure isn't doing too hot against AWS.
Imagine blaming a company from being a shit as a whole, when that company is a trillion dollar organization with more employees than many of the largest cities, and being #1 valued company in the world.
Thank god you were not my dad.

I was talking in regards to xbox. You can't just blame specific people. They take orders from higher ups you know. How many of those trillions did they make from xbox by the way? Seeing as you want to weirdly start boasting about microsofts wealth and number of employees. This is about xbox. Not Windows or cloud services.
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