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Independence Day:Resurgence|SPOILER THREAD|Today we celebrate our idenpendendneys day

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Man, I didn't think it would be this bad.

It makes you remember how much better the first one was in comparison.

Not stake deaths.

Boring newcomers.

None of the set pieces had tension.

So so bad.
I had forgot she had even died. Great work.

Even worse, maybe my mind wandered but I don't even recall seeing her death scene in the movie. So when I read this thread after seeing the movie and her dying was mentioned, my first thought was 'she did??!!'


I know I'm in the minority but I really dug it and hope we get the sequel. I do agree that the newcomers, especially Dylan were stale feeling but it also REALLY felt like the movie was rushed. Any word on cut content or anything? I feel like this could have really benefited from slowing down a bit to let situations sink in.

The scale of destruction was huge, but I feel we never really got to see it, or its impact after the initial landing.

Also, can we get some prequel stuff with the 10 year war in Africa? That sounded awesome! And I really dug Fichtner's character too.
I know I'm in the minority but I really dug it and hope we get the sequel. I do agree that the newcomers, especially Dylan were stale feeling but it also REALLY felt like the movie was rushed. Any word on cut content or anything? I feel like this could have really benefited from slowing down a bit to let situations sink in.

I agree. I think it's a very fun, cool movie but it could use some padding. Padding isn't always good, but I think here it would help. I tweeted to Emmerich about an extended cut, he just favorited it and didn't say anything lol. Doesn't mean much, really, as he probably couldn't confirm or deny on a legal basis.


I agree. I think it's a very fun, cool movie but it could use some padding. Padding isn't always good, but I think here it would help. I tweeted to Emmerich about an extended cut, he just favorited it and didn't say anything lol. Doesn't mean much, really, as he probably couldn't confirm or deny on a legal basis.

That is what I was hopeful for after leaving the theater. Some pacing between big set pieces would help a lot I think.
That is what I was hopeful for after leaving the theater. Some pacing between big set pieces would help a lot I think.

It does rush into the next thing too fast. It was doing some character stuff early on, but the tension between Dylan and Jake felt forced because the audience was shown the incident on a laptop. The movie could have opened with that, simulating the dogfight that transpired in the first movie, play it up as if Dylan and Jake were Steve and his buddy like a Top Gun scene, show the incident and follow the characters a bit more.

Like in any script, though, I'm sure it had more to it that met the fate of the editing room, but more development would have made it better.


I agree. I think it's a very fun, cool movie but it could use some padding. Padding isn't always good, but I think here it would help. I tweeted to Emmerich about an extended cut, he just favorited it and didn't say anything lol. Doesn't mean much, really, as he probably couldn't confirm or deny on a legal basis.


I have to keep my hope in check but I'll accept that signal until the Blu-ray is announced.
Again don't look too much into that. It's not something that they're going to answer through a tweet as it'll get some studio announcement later, but I kind of just more or less wanted to express interest in a longer cut to him.

That being said, the original got an extended cut, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Boy was this completely forgettable. I saw it yesterday and I don't remember anything from it. Except old crazy man Bill Pullman.


The story is essentially Destiny.
(Granted I'm sure Destiny got it from somewhere as well):

-Mankind is technologically advanced.
-Evil aliens attack and nearly wipe us out.
-Ancient alien sphere of unknown origin appears on earth that's sole purpose is to fight the evil aliens.
-Ancient alien sphere inducts us into a rebellion against the evil aliens.

Not as good as the original, but still enjoyable. Except for Liam Hemsworth, he was awful in the second half of the film. He was fine in the first half. He just turned into the most obnoxiously cliche action hero and not in an endearing way.

Also the last line of the movie is just the worst...

That said, I enjoyed the art direction and design for much of the film. Very sci Fi. Also the lovecraftian design of the Queen was great.


damn this movie was fucking terrible... smh worst movie ive seen in the theather in a loooooong time... the dialogue was just straight bad... ��
like damn i cant fucking stand it when afamily member dies and not a single tear is shed ... soooo bad..

blum was good though..
wtf though at completely forgetting his wife from the first movie... smh


I agree. I think it's a very fun, cool movie but it could use some padding. Padding isn't always good, but I think here it would help. I tweeted to Emmerich about an extended cut, he just favorited it and didn't say anything lol. Doesn't mean much, really, as he probably couldn't confirm or deny on a legal basis.

The thing for now is : how could they destroy the beauty and the magnitude of the arrival of the entire mother-ship?
There are two scenarios :
a) This is how it is, no padding, just a brief introduction of its arrival and then it settles down.
b) There was padding and more elaboration in the sequence that depicts the imperial arrival of the gargantuan mother-ship but it was cut out from the Theatrical Cut

Filming began on April 20, 2015 and wrapped on August 22, 2015. Filming for additional scenes also took place in early 2016 in Los Angeles. Some scenes were also filmed in West Wendover, Nevada, London, at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, and Singapore's Marina Bay Sands.

I mean the idea of a gravitational machine the pulls chunks of land up in the air and then drops them onto different parts of the planet (as the mother-ship continues its landing course) was in fact a stellar and fantastic one!!!
It's not an idea that was meant to be a cheap imitation neither of the magnetic weapon in Transformers Age of Extinction nor the terraforming machine (that was to transform Earth into a new Krypton) in Man of Steel.

But somehow this great idea was sloppily, hastily, hurriedly and haphazardly presented and executed in ID Resurgence. Why???
Those moments were the stars of the trailers, yet when you watch the film you realize that what you saw in the trailers was pretty much it (in relation to the appearance, arrival and landing of the mother-ship).
I really hope that a potential extended cut would introduce more chaos, more destruction, more catastrophe in that particular scene, so that the viewers can feel and understand the monstrous epicness of the kingly and sovereign arrival (of the elephantine mother-ship).......



I'm worried that due to the poor box office performance, we won't see the third film.

As shitty as this movie was, I'm still curious to see the other alien races and the kicking of the hostile aliens' asses.
Saw it over the weekend. The first movie was in no way a masterpiece but everything it did right, this movie did wrong, probably starting with casting the lesser Hemsworth. Who thought he could carry a movie? There's no suspense and no emotional core, and whoever thought bringing Vivica back for 3 minutes to kill her off in a blink-or-you'll-miss-it scene is a fool.

And all that set up with the sphere for a sequel was amazing.

"We are from a planet of refugee badasses trained specifically to rid the galaxy of this alien scum."

"Oh, so the cavalry is coming to help us?"

"lol no, that ship that you blew up with your moon peashooter was supposed to evacuate a couple hundred of you."

"Well do you do anything?"

"Besides give the enemy my location? BTW I'm the last of my kind, don't let the queen get me plz."

The worst part is that I actually like the idea of an ID4-3 intergalactic war, but the new cast is trash. Maybe do a time skip. If they don't do that then I demand at least one previously dead character sporadically undies like Okun did. Like Vivica or somebody.

"I saw you plunge into a collapsing building! Maybe, it happened really fast."

"Just twisted my ankle."

"Where were you all of this time?"

"It took them a while for them to get me out of the rubble."
Saw it earlier tonight. I loved the hell out of it.

That last act in particular was freaken awesome, and I loved the Queen. God she was cool! Loved how she was this behemoth and so aggressive.

Pullman , spiner and goldblum were incredibly fun to watch and I even liked Hemsworth.

Felt so bad for that other sphere alien, they just blew up her ship! The ending though suggesting the humans will lead the galaxy in destroying the baddies was pretty cool. Guess this means we should be getting a sequel hopefully in the next few years.

Music was hit n miss. Not as memorable as id4.

Visually the movie is gorgeous.

Don't really have any complaints to be honest. If I were to criticise anything it would be the sphere alien learning English. Just seems way too convenient.

Also smith's charisma was missed

Solid movie, would recommend if you love your blockbusters

It just hit me. Did the Saturn base disappear because the people on it were "rescued" by the sphere aliens? Did the humans kill their own people?


Just came out. Overall, I didn't feel offended. I went in with low expectations and just wanted to waste time and this did just fine.

Pretty much everything that needs said has been said in this thread: cut out the Hemsworth, gold subplot and David's dad were worthless and Brent Spiner was (pleasantly) surprisingly very integral to the plot.

One thing I feel I must confess is that there are -two- movies in this movie that I would've very much loved to see:

* The decade-long ground warfare in Africa

* The politics in a post-Alien invasion world. I got the sense that the female President's administration is an inept, approval ratings hungry cabinet. I loved that. I would pay to see an entire season about an impending alien invasion and a White House administration too busy thumping up the previous accomplishments to be actually effective. Hell, set it in an election cycle - "It was a Republican President who killed those damn aliens!!"


It just hit me. Did the Saturn base disappear because the people on it were "rescued" by the sphere aliens? Did the humans kill their own people?
If I recall correctly, a post-destruction scan of the debris detected no life signs but I'd assume one should expect that if you were to blow it up...


It just hit me. Did the Saturn base disappear because the people on it were "rescued" by the sphere aliens? Did the humans kill their own people?

They didn't specify who/how except saying it was destroyed, from what I remember. I assumed it was the aliens as foreshadowing because of the orb being half a step ahead of them at the moon. I still don't understand why the orb, with all its infinite knowledge, chose the moon to say Hi.


They didn't specify who/how except saying it was destroyed, from what I remember. I assumed it was the aliens as foreshadowing because of the orb being half a step ahead of them at the moon. I still don't understand why the orb, with all its infinite knowledge, chose the moon to say Hi.

All I remember is they justified blowing it up because there was another base that inexplicably disappeared that was associated with another similar space-time event that this orb was coming out of. The only thing I'm not clear on is whether they performed the scan before or after the explosion but I'm mostly certain they assumed their was life (and thus, a threat), destroyed it, and then performed the scan afterward to check for any living threats before resuming an in situ analysis.


I didn't think it was bad, but it was like, just fine?

It hurried through the plot so fast that I didn't actually think the climax with the mothership approaching Area 51 could possibly be the actual climax. It felt like the start of the second act at most, even though there was a ton of movie before that.
Saw this tonight. Anytime there's a scene with the old president, Goldblum or Data its great. Any scene with the new young actors that weren't Hemsworth were awful. Any sort of emotional reaction fell completely flat, they should've just put up on screen "Feel sad now!" when anyone dies. It's fast paced enough to make you forget about all that stuff so its not too big of a deal. It's a pretty fun movie to watch and its got a bunch of cheesy 90s style action/humor in it that put a smile on my face.

Hemsworth was garbage in this movie. I'd say he was the worse since someone thought he could carry a movie himself.


At 1:45 the German journalist asks Emmerich to let the cat out of the bag and share whether there is going to be a 3rd sequel.

Emmerich says that if IDR is successful a 3rd sequel will happen for sure. And he said to Fox previously that if he ever decided to shoot a sequel then he would shoot another one afterwards.


Unconfirmed Member
This movie has the destruction level turned up to 11, but the scale feels so small compared to the first one. It really lacked a proper build up to the attack sequence.


Saw it this evening. I thought it was ok. I laughed at how much of an impact Bill Pulman shaving made.

The sphere was just a complete left turn out of nowhere. I was kind of hoping Daleks would start coming out, just for the hell of it.

The ending however made me audibly groan. Do we really need a trilogy of this?


Man, I didn't think it would be this bad.

It makes you remember how much better the first one was in comparison.

Not stake deaths.

Boring newcomers.

None of the set pieces had tension.

So so bad.

This movie has more "stake deaths" than the first movie, unless we count all of the nameless people killed in the attack as stake deaths. Which goes to show you how overrated stake deaths actually can be.


Just saw it.... fucking trash it was.

Annoying new cast, "comic" side characters that were a kick to nuts - and survived- , many cringe moments in which not only my but my GF too rolled out eyes to the back of our skull.

Terrible, boring and no fun.


So, not so much is amiss in this Theatrical Version.....


6. Dubai was originally going to land on Paris, not London

“They like to get the landmarks,” notes Goldblum’s boffin as the aliens vaporise another lot of tourist attractions. In the first script, the space invaders had a bead on the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, but the Paris terror attacks of November 2015 led to a change of heart from the filmmakers. “After the attacks, we felt it wasn’t right to have the Burj Khalifa crashing on the Eiffel Tower, so we dumped it on the London Eye instead,” says Emmerich. "The English can take it.”

9. There’s an extended cut

Although his sequel is shorter than Independence Day by 25 minutes, Emmerich has an extended edition planned for those who aren't as into the whole brevity thing. “It’s only about seven minutes longer,” he reveals. “It’s interesting for fans to see which scenes we cut, although I like it when movies are short."
This movie feels rushed compared to the first one, which took it's time with so many character developments, this feels like your typical modern day crappy scifi movie with a big monster..



Independence Day: Resurgence is a bad movie. There's no way to sugarcoat it. Every single new character is a boring archetype (although DeObia Oparei gives decent effort to an outdated stereotype). Brent Spiner is overused. Bill Pullman does an alright job, but his character is essentially the Randy Quaid of this movie, which makes absolutely no sense considering where Emmerich left him at the end of the first Independence Day. The only saving graces the film has besides the aforementioned Oparei is Jeff Goldblum and Judd Hirsch, the latter of which manages such ridiculous feats that actually have to be seen to be believed. The CGI is overdone and it's honestly confusing to watch most of the battles during the movie because of this. The film also commits the sin of being boring far too often. Thankfully, the cheese and humor Goldblum and Hirsch provide make this surprisingly watchable when they're on screen. Sadly, that's enough to make Independence Day: Resurgence a worthwhile time to both the people involved with making the film and audiences around the world.

The obnoxiously blunt cliffhanger ending Emmerich leaves the audience with feels more like a threat than a promise.



In films such as Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow and 2012, Roland Emmerich has made massive (and often destructive) visuals his hallmark, and over a 20-year career in Hollywood, has created a raft of iconic cinematic sequences. The director took the same approach with his latest disaster flick, Independence Day: Resurgence, a return to the alien-invasion genre. To help craft the biggest shots in Resurgence, Emmerich turned to his frequent visual effects collaborators, visual effects supervisor Volker Engel and producer Marc Weigert from Uncharted Territory, which acted like a hub in co-ordinating effects from several studio vendors across the globe. Here’s a look at some of the biggest shots these vendors created.

Singapore gets smashed, and London loses its landmarks

When a new alien mothership hits the Earth’s atmosphere, it starts causing all sorts of havoc. To slow down, the ship fires anti-gravity engines and forms its own gravity, which causes the sucking and the lifting motion that devastates locations on Earth, including Singapore and then London. That chaos was orchestrated by one of the big names in visual effects destruction: Scanline.
In order to accurately depict what happens to Singapore, Scanline had a team go to the city and take thousands of reference photographs. Specific areas were also surveyed with industrial LIDAR scanners so that the studio could reconstruct buildings in CG, then destroy them. Artists built the CG elements from the surveys and photographs in ways that could enable them to be artfully shattered and torn apart.
A major challenge in depicting the destruction was reading all the fine detail. Scanline’s first attempt actually resulted in almost too much smoke and debris, something that caused the director to ask for it to be scaled back slightly. “Roland told us that he wanted to see a shot where there’s this big chunk of earth and a bunch of buildings still sitting on that chunk of earth,” Scanline visual effects supervisor Bryan Grill told Inverse. “We took from that a very graphic approach. Roland likes silhouettes so you can easily see the shape of something, you can easily recognize what you’re looking at.”
The result of the change in gravity that obliterates Singapore and other parts of Asia means that all that debris then comes back down, and so it’s London, and other cities, that bear the brunt of this. Scanline, again, was responsible for destroying several well-known landmarks in the England capital, including the London Eye and London Bridge, by acquiring reference photography there.
“It was pretty much the kitchen sink, every asset and landmark that we could potentially find we threw it in there,” admits Grill. “Roland wanted to see — and again it was very graphic — a lot of ships, a lot of container ships, a lot of cruise ships, a lot of airplanes, cars and boats. Anything we could do to graphically show this raining of pretty much Asia on to London.”

A tidal wave off Texas

Off the coast of Galveston, Texas, one of the characters from the first film, Julius (Judd Hirsch), witnesses an enormous landing toe of the mothership hit the water and bring with it an equally enormous tidal wave. Scanline, which has for years developed a proprietary water simulation system called Flowline, also took on this sequence.
The toe itself was built to be about 18 kilometers long. “It’s so big,” explains Scanline visual effects supervisor Mohsen Mousavi, “that when it hits the water, the amount of mass that actually pushes forward is so huge. There’s also fire and smoke from all the atmosphere. So we were not only dealing with the water simulation, which is huge, but in the very same shot you have this huge, enormous volume of fire and smoke which is all simulated. And then you have container ships and debris tumbling around too.”
Scanline’s Flowline software allows effects artists at the studio to see very fast renders with all the physically correct (although somewhat artistically directed) movements of the water, its translucency, and the resulting foam. “That’s what sets Scanline apart,” suggests Mousavi, in being able to iterate a lot and do a lot of different versions and having really quick turn-arounds.”

Moon wrecking

Independence Day: Resurgence opens with the arrival of a new weapon to the Earth Space Defense station on the moon. VFX studio MPC crafted the 300-meter high cannon, along with several lunar vehicles, a moon tug and the moon base – which is ultimately devastated by the alien mothership with an iconic green laser blast.
For scenes of the actors fleeing the chaos, live-action plates were shot against blue screen, with just partial sets and the actors on wires to simulate the moon’s gravity. “As soon as the explosions start we switch to CG digital doubles,” outlines MPC visual effects supervisor Sue Rowe. “During the shoot we scanned and photographed the actors in detail so we could replicate them in the CG suits.”
Destroying the moon base allowed MPC to utilize its custom-built CG destruction tool. This is called Kali and takes advantage of something called “finite element analysis” to produce realistic cracking, splintering and general mayhem. “It’s a really powerful tool,” says Rowe. Once set up, the attributes of the materials are defined and when the physics of the explosion are added it creates really great results.”
“We did a lot of research into the moon’s surface and how the many layers of lunar soils would crumble,” adds Rowe. “I studied geology in school so I geeked out on this and made sure we were visually correct. We have shots where lunar rocks and debris fly through the air and crumble in front of camera just as the moon tug zips past.”

Caught in the foliage

In the first Independence Day, the aliens were practically creature puppets. This time around, digital versions, capable of much more movement, were realized. Alien colonists and soldiers were CG creations by Image Engine, which spent months crafting the scary creatures, complete with a special dynamics system for animating their thrashing tentacles.
In one particular sequence, a group of fighter pilots crash land on a murky and atmospheric environment while attacking the alien mothership. They have to wade through waist-high water amidst towering alien plant life. That was full-CG,” says Image Engine visual effects supervisor Martyn Culpitt. “And the foliage had over 500,000 plants of varying scale and size. These were also simulated in pools of water, surrounded by fog, and were enveloped in volumetric lights with insects flying around. The actors had to move through all of this, while also interacting with CG alien soldiers.
To bring the aliens to life, Image Engine animators had their own motion capture suits at their studio that they could quickly get into and use to block out the movement. Despite the aliens not really having eyes (but just eye sockets), facial animation was a really important part of the final look, according to Culpitt. “One of the most important things when dealing with characters is the face: one of the first things you look at when approaching another human or animal is the face. It’s instinct. There’s one great shot where we get extremely close to an alien Colonists face. You see the nostrils flaring and breathing shapes in the face and it’s really quite scary, because it just feels so alive.”

Attack at Area 51

A massive battle at Area 51 between the alien and human forces, on the ground and in the sky, required a myriad of visual effects from Cinesite. This include alien fighters, weapons, CG crowds, and environments.
For instance, the Area 51 environment was assembled from 120 separate assets which were then instanced to actually create around 125,000 objects. As the battle rages on, Cinesite had to make changes to these objects. “It was necessary to create four progressively damaged versions of the buildings, along with explosions, smoke plumes and scorch marks, as it is destroyed by the surrounding battle,” explains Cinesite visual effects supervisor, Holger Voss.
The alien queen’s ship featured in the battle is a 5 kilometer-wide asset that Cinesite also built. Just the low resolution model of the ship was four-million polygons, which the studio scaled up with detailed areas, shot by shot. “The main challenge for the ship was the illusion of scale,” says Voss, “so we designed an intricate series of geometric reticulations and arabesques all over the carapace of the ship based on reference material of the City Destroyers in the first movie. This really gave the ship a convincing feel of enormity.

Taking on the aliens by air

Human and alien fighters swarm in a massive dogfight that takes place over the alien mothership, itself spanning the Atlantic Ocean. Digital Domain tackled the shots, gaining inspiration from the famous dogfights showcased in the first Independence Day. “Although this film features a brand new uber-mothership,” says Digital Domain CG supervisor Hanzhi Tang, “it still has the same stylistic elements such as pinpricks of green light and crop circle inspired surface patterns.”
Aside from the revamped alien and human fighters in the dogfight, the major asset and environment challenge was the mothership, which serves as a backdrop to all the action. Each shot was detailed up depending on how close the action was to the kilometers-long ship.
Having produced several dogfight sequences on Ender’s Game, Digital Domain was well-poised to approach the complex sequence by carefully choreographing the action. Notes Tang: “Effects such as the human and alien laser fire had to have distinct and recognizable looks in order to discern the action in an otherwise chaotic scene. Their color and appearance was guided by the original movie.”

Alien Queen gets mean

The film’s climactic battle finds Earth’s defenders taking on the Alien Queen among the salt flats and the Area 51 base. These shots were handled by Weta Digital, which actually had to make two creatures: the huge 4-limbed 140-foot tall Queen we first meet inside the mothership, and the even bigger 220-foot tall creature she becomes when she climbs into her bio-mechanical exosuit.
One of the most challenging aspects of the Queen, apart from her partial bioluminescent appearance and complex tentacles, was simply her sheer size. “Every footstep on the salt flats desert was the equivalent of a mortar blast going off,” explained Weta Digital visual effects supervisor Matt Aitken. “These ground interaction sims had to be tweaked away from physically correct settings to find the correct balance between selling her scale while still being dynamic.”
The Queen is nothing if not determined, and that was also part of Wetas approach to animation, making her calculating and cruel. “Her facial animation was kept to a minimum,” recalls animation supervisor Dave Clayton, “so therefore her body language was the only way to tell the story of each shot. Her design allowed us to get her into some really dynamic and interesting poses. Then we could use her many tentacles to enhance her silhouette and also indicate her mood, like a cat’s tail.”
In one of the most dynamic Alien Queen shots, she is chasing a school bus. Although a helicopter shot of the bus was filmed for real, Weta Digital ended up creating the shot entirely with CG, complete with digital doubles for inside the vehicle and several effects simulations for ground destruction and the Queen’s shield. “The shot was complex and was in production at Weta Digital from our early days on the project through until about a week before we finished on the show,” notes Aitken.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
You know, I’ve been following this thread, read all of the negative opinions and disappointed reviews, but after seeing the movie for myself this weekend, I came away from it… honestly liking it? To be truthful I liked it a lot actually!

Is it as good as the first one? No, certainly not.
Did Will Smith missing hurt the film? Definitely.
Is little Hemsworth a terribly wooden actor? Yep!
Was Hiller’s son rather uncharismatic and boring? Sure was.
Was the script hokey and cheesy? It certainly was!
Was Judd’s part in the film totally worthless? Yeah, he could have been cut easily.

I really can’t disagree with any of the naysayers except for one thing only: I enjoyed this movie a lot as a sequel to the first film. I can’t disagree with any of the complaints that have been said in here, but for some reason I liked the film despite all of that. Maybe I just went into it prepared for low expectations, but whatever, I’m honestly looking forward to getting the eventual blu ray so I can watch it again!

Maybe after watching the ultimate cut of BvS the other night this just seemed like Lawrence of Arabia by comparison? o_O


Just saw it. Needed more Pullman, needed Will Smith. Needed more throwbacks and nostalgia. Oh what could have been if Will Smith wasn't a bitch. Hated the young cast, didn't care for anyone. The emotional moments never paid off like the first movie. 3rd act so damn rushed. Overall disappointed because there was so much potential for a satisfying sequel.


Just saw it. Needed more Pullman, needed Will Smith. Needed more throwbacks and nostalgia. Oh what could have been if Will Smith wasn't a bitch. Hated the young cast, didn't care for anyone. The emotional moments never paid off like the first movie. 3rd act so damn rushed. Overall disappointed because there was so much potential for a satisfying sequel.

Did they age Pullman or does he look like that now?

Also, for a film so fast paced it did a terrible job conveying a sense of urgency. Also, Hemsworths "eeeaaaaarggghh" all the time got annoying.
I just got out of the theater.

That was not a good movie. At all. Fucking woof. Ugh.

I felt bad for every actor in it.

Why? Do you think they went in thinking they had an opportunity at an Oscar?

It's a fun movie where I'm sure they had a lot of fun making it. And got paid $$$.

Bet yeah, you carry on feeling sorry for them.

I went in expecting exactly what I got. Nod bad.


Forgot about the thread, saw this weeks ago. What a load of shit. And the sound is straight up garbage. Zero impact, everything sounded like pea shooters.


I went and saw this a couple of weeks ago and honestly don't remember much from it. I somehow feel asleep during the last battle, saw the queens ship detach and woke up and she was dead.

Really wanted to enjoy this movie but there was a lot going on for nothing really happening.


Not so great... Pacific Rim exceeded 400m if I remember right.
Still did better than RoboCop though, and I think that may be getting a sequel.

Pacific Rim grossed $411 million on its theatrical run.
Why do we need to compare IDR with Pacific Rim? Pacific Rim was received well by the critics and moreover it was a masterpiece in its own genre (kaijus vs/and huge robots)
It definitely deserves a sequel and a 4K BD release

I would rather feel inclined to draw a parallel between ID Resurgence and Battleship.

They both offer dim-witted escapism for non-demanding film-goers with their loud, flashy, flamboyant, garish presentation underpinned by a poorly-written, cliched and formulaic plot-line. As you can see, Battleship grossed less than IDR on its theatrical run. Given its $220 million budget it probably never even broke even. Meaning that a sequel was never justified (however, it still deserves a 4K Blu-Ray)
On the other hand, there is a chance that IDR might pass the $400 milion mark by the and of August (an austere projection)

VES Webinar: Model Cities with the Tech Behind Independence Day Resurgence


Both this film and Will Smith's career might have been better off if he picked this over Suicide Squad. A darn shame


I'm watching his right now, 53 minutes in. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen... Is there any reason to keep watching? I'm ready to turn it off.


I'm watching his right now, 53 minutes in. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen... Is there any reason to keep watching? I'm ready to turn it off.

Hmm. Brent Spiner's ass gets on screen for a bit. But that's about all. (Unless you are there already.)
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