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Infinite Warfare's MP is an embarrassing copy of Black Ops 3

Huh? Didn't Titanfall release before BO3?

Titanfall 2 copies much more from BO3 it feels like than it did from original TItanfall. Its weird. That was the alpha though, who knows maybe its more differentiated in the final product.

For anyone still playing IW beta today, make sure to go into options and turn film grain all the way down to zero. I have no clue why the hell film grain is in a multiplayer game, after turning it down all the way to zero and adjusting a few other options (including controller sensitivity) the game looked and felt a lot better to me, starting to actually like the combat but first impressions were still bad.


Junior Member
I only played 3 or 4 matches but I was struggling most with the short TTK. I only played on two of the maps--I didn't mind the one with the train through the middle--but I had issues with flow and spawn points as well.

IDK, I bought it for MWR and the campaign anyway.


I love this post and I couldn’t agree more. There is also no way in hell this has been in development for three years because they lifted a ton of ideas from BO3. I think Infinity ward realized that Ghosts wasn’t received well so they saw what treyarch did with BO3 and mimicked it. I get why IW did this because BO3 was a good game and was successful. Problem is BO3 set the bar pretty high and IW failed to meet those standards. What we have with IW is a game with less personality, revamped specialist abilities that are not quiet as good, maps that lack the pop that BO3 had.

The thing is I could live with that but IW screwed up the maps. Yes I know it is a beta but if the other maps are anything like the four we played we are in for a disappointment. IW made far too many corridors, houses, corners, cut through points its to the point where you don’t have a clue where people are coming from. This leads to getting shot in the back and side non stop. Around every single corner at any moment there is usually a player or two who always seems to have the jump on you.

Obviously people have different opinions about which COD is the best which varies year to year but from my perspective IW made BO3 clone that isn’t even close to the same level. From what I can tell so far Ghosts, despite it being considered one of the worst COD games, is far better than this game. Hell IW may have been better off trying to make Ghosts 2 with some revamps to the online play. Playing this game is the equivalent of eating cheerios for breakfast for a year then all of a sudden having to switch to ACME brand oat rings.


Advanced Warfare sold less than ghosts........think about that for a second

While Black Ops 1 and 2 are in top 3 selling CoD's of all time....3 may have bumped of the the two out........but Black Ops brand is much overall more liked than AW.

AW left a bad tastes in a lot of the fans mouths.


Advanced Warfare sold less than ghosts........think about that for a second

While Black Ops 1 and 2 are in top 3 selling CoD's of all time

I think that has to do more about it coming after Ghosts. Which is not only the worst modern COD game, but also a game that did nothing to advance things.

Advanded Warfare was a fine game, and it was a solid start for Sledgehammer Studios, so I interpret its sales dip on its weak predecessor.


One of my largest complaints with the design is that the specialists (Rigs) all look so fucking boring. Synaptic looks like shit compared to Reaper from BO3. The customization makes almost no difference and all have the same drab and dull colors. They also don't have ANY personality since there's only two voices you ever hear in the game, male or female soldier. They don't talk to each other like the Specialists in BO3 did. It's just so so so boring compared to BO3's specialists. They'd congratulate each other on kills and rank ups. These Rigs don't say anything other than "enemy in x/reloading!/whatever"


Garbage game especially after Ghosts. And I'm gonna make a brash assumption and say Sledgehammers will be the same.

I wanna see Ravens take.

At this point. What's the worst that can happen. Honestly.


I think that has to do more about it coming after Ghosts. Which is not only the worst modern COD game, but also a game that did nothing to advance things.

Advanded Warfare was a fine game, and it was a solid start for Sledgehammer Studios, so I interpret its sales dip on its weak predecessor.

It's the second worst in the series in my crew.....I don't personally know to many folks who like call of duty for jumping around with exo suits. The only reason we all picked up Black Ops 3 was because of its more grounded gameplay.

You can't expand on movement like AW did and release the worst and smallest fucking maps for it. Spawns were trash, maps were trash.....you need to expand if you are going to bring change.

I mean look at battlefield as well, outside of graphics.....the only one that truly was even close to being different was 2142. All they did was expand on the games......they didn't go balls deep changing what the game was to make it sell great.
Said it in the other thread, it plays like Ghosts with Blops 3 movement tacked on. First time I would describe a COD game as feeling clunky.

Yeah, my impression from the beta is that this is a less skillfully designed imitation of Blops 3.

Its a bit like going from Dark Souls to Lords of the Fallen.


I couldn't believe it when I saw the beta loaded up for the first time.

I thought the point of splitting the franchise between 3 studios was to avoid this sort of thing.
But the games have changed and are still the highest selling games every year.

The branding sells it not the changes they make or don't make, that's just an excuse people give for the series remaining stagnant.

If adding fucking Jetpacks wasn't enough to drive people away, then making other notable changes won't either. There are of course exceptions, I'm sure adding dedicated vehicles and making it just like Battlefield wouldn't work, but changes in general aren't frowned upon come on that's just silly.

People who say "CoD players hate change" haven't been paying enough attention or are trying not too.

MW2, 3, BO2, Ghosts, AW, and BO3 all play very differently and distinctly from one another.

People just use that as a criticism because the game might look the same in a vertical slice while playing differently when actually played.

In my personal experience of playing MW1,2,3 BLOPS1, and WaW COD is pretty damn similar mechanically ( I also heard that Ghost was panned by critics for being extremely unoriginal ). All of which had pretty different themes besides the MW series, but they are pretty similar to each other regardless. I know they were some added features that changed some things like customized killstreaks, pick ten system, and weapon perks, including natural differences like kill times, movement speed, perk changes/balances, etc , but imo not enough to say very different.

I guess IW just went with BLOPS3 style because of it was pretty popular and they were playing it safe or they didn't have time to change things up because of issues within the studio.

Anyway, I am kind of surprised that IW got some backlash from being too similar to BLOP3. Would a modern combat type game get similar sort of treatment if COD goes back to that and ends up similar to the MW series? I actually don't think it would really. I think gamers got use to the how FPS games are different now and COD, so they might expect the same to IW, it might explain the issue.
I really want to believe that the old Infinity Ward (IW) is still around.

Nope. Well, many are still in the industry, but not with IW.

After playing the beta, I feel that Activision really just merged Neversoft and the remaking ten people at IW and kept the name for brand value.

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. I mean, why DIDN'T they keep the Neversoft name, even though Neversoft was the majority of employees joining the "new" IW?

Why does the game feel like a copy of another studio's work? Could it be that Neversoft's history of skating games and Guitar Hero didn't prep them for CoD work?
Without MWR attached, this SKU would be dead in the water.
Is Infinity Ward going to rely on remastered Modern Warfares as a sales crutch going forward? Looking forward to seeing MW2R in 3 years.

People would be hyped for MW2R I imagine (especially if they just did small fixes like One Man Army Noob tube).
So they could do that in 3 years for sure.

However, MW3? That's when the series started to did. I don't think MW3 would make people go. OH HELL YES! MW3 REMASERED!

If COD IW is a miss in story/multiplayer, they pretty much have one more shot of getting it right (if it includes MW2R)

After that all they could do is redo MW/MW2 again. lol. Some people might say they could do COD2, but the newer COD fans really wouldn't care.
Watched a stream last night and said the exact same thing. This is a reskinned BLOPS3 and its sad. I prefer the BLOPS franchise period since MW2 but Infinity Ward hasn't been the same since Vince and them left and they really have nothing to show for it. At the end of the day, COD is really on its last legs if it doesn't change it up. I've left the COD gig a long time ago for BF and that game is just tons better so... Welp.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
The exo movement in AW was just enough to keep it interesting. I hated BO3 and will definitely skip this if it's more of the same.
See I got BLOPSIII at launch and both me and my brother thought something wasn't right with it.
We returned to AW and been playing that on ever since, we'd try the new maps as I got the season pass but would always return to AW.
BLOPSIII felt floaty and the weapon just felt wrong and the hit detection was way off.
From What I've played of the beta it does look like a copy of BLOPSIII, but without the shit and it's gave me hope I can finally move on from AW.
I don't know what has happened to CoD. Everything feels so disconnected. Running, jumping, sliding, wall running all feels so lethargic, I can't stand it.


I have actually enjoyed the beta, took me a few games but then it sort of clicked. Its not a looker though and I'll be trying to get my gold cross again on MWRM but at least I'll have a little dabble every now and again on this.

The End

Loved Blops3, but don't love the community as much anymore.

Definitely going to wait on reviews for both this and TF2.

It's already hard enough with spaceships vs. giant robots.

Truly a Sophie's choice.


Unconfirmed Member
See I got BLOPSIII at launch and both me and my brother thought something wasn't right with it.
We returned to AW and been playing that on ever since, we'd try the new maps as I got the season pass but would always return to AW.
BLOPSIII felt floaty and the weapon just felt wrong and the hit detection was way off.
From What I've played of the beta it does look like a copy of BLOPSIII, but without the shit and it's gave me hope I can finally move on from AW.

I get what you mean about it being floaty but can't really describe it. It's definitely off though and I didn't like playing it at all. It feels like it's somewhere between Halo and Titanfall but not as good as either.

AW felt like he right mix of cod and speed with the little booster just to keep things interesting while moving around.


If COD IW is a miss in story/multiplayer, they pretty much have one more shot of getting it right (if it includes MW2R)

I'd say their days are already numbered, barring a miracle. Activision doesn't want to have to hide a highly anticipated remaster behind a subpar title to bail out a struggling studio. They'd rather have two compelling CoDs to sell at the same time and make a billion dollars. My guess is Raven gets slotted into the rotation to make another contemporary setting game, if not MW4.
I'm just going to wait for reviews and footage of the single player campaign and zombie modes. If those are good, the combined $80 package will be worth it for me. It would be a $40/$40 split and that's pretty awesome for a good campaign + one of my favorite MP games of all time and it's campaign.
I don't care for wall running, jet packs, etc. There are plenty of games that have that mechanic which is totally fine, but that's not for me. I miss old COD. With so many studios, I don't know why they just keep it separate. They can do future in one and present day with the other.

I really don't care for advanced warfare, but I REALLY want to play the modern warfare remake when it's released. Activision has a lot of smart people working there. They did a good job at getting people to buy advanced warare who may not have otherwise.


It was hillariously painful watching people who don't know how to play the game judge it so harshly.

The best parts of the game haven't even been seen but everyone is already trashing it already.


I'd say their days are already numbered, barring a miracle. Activision doesn't want to have to hide a highly anticipated remaster behind a subpar title to bail out a struggling studio. They'd rather have two compelling CoDs to sell at the same time and make a billion dollars. My guess is Raven gets slotted into the rotation to make another contemporary setting game, if not MW4.

If sales are below Ghosts and AW I think Activision will move Infinity Ward to a new IP and have Raven replace them. Would probably need to build out Raven to do so.


If sales are below Ghosts and AW I think Activision will move Infinity Ward to a new IP and have Raven replace them. Would probably need to build out Raven to do so.

Or just merge all of the IW/Neversoft people under the Raven name and have them be the third studio. Activision will throw all they have at Call of Duty before even considering putting one of those studios on a new IP.
Sledgehammer Games, please keep your exo movements in your games, and don't copy the bad movements from Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare.

And make the servers on the PC version good, last CoD that had decent PC servers was Treyarch's Black Ops 2.

I agree. I'm in the minority here but i LOVED Advanced Warfare and its movement. It was fast, responsive and mostly fun.

I loved how the game played and hopefully the next Sledgehammer game is more of the same. I personally hate Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare doesn't seem to be different, that's why i went with Titanfall 2 for my shooter this year. Not buying Infinite Warfare that's for sure.
Franchise has been dead to me for such a long time now I see the same opinions every game and some part of me is thinking "you know what you are getting into with CoD it's your own fault" and another part of me is thinking "fuck activision"

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (played enjoyed both SP and MP)
Call of Duty: World at War (skipped, later played, didn't enjoy)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (played and enjoyed both SP and MP)
Call of Duty: Black Ops (Skipped, later played, didn't enjoy any of it)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (enjoyed but much less so than MW1+2)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (skipped, later played, Lol garbage)
Call of Duty: Ghosts (skipped, tried to play later couldn't stomach it)
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (skipped tried later, garbage tier shit not going back)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III (lol no)

Future shit is lame as fuck, horrible designs for everything, TITANFALL WALL RUN PRINCE OF PERSIA, awful maps not to mention Seasons Passes, Elite Passes, Microtransactions, bloated everything. NUKETOWN 666 now with Nazi Aliens and Zombies from the Andromeda galaxy PREORDER NOW
I think one of the biggest problems facing the COD series is world design, art style and setting stagnation.

We have had a run of the following games:

Black Ops 2
Advanced Warfare
Black Ops 3
Infinite Warfare

Outside of Ghosts, they have all been set in the near future and beyond, which isn't a problem in of itself, but I have found they have all had really similar aesthetics.


Infinite Warfare looks somewhat different with the space scenes, but then a bunch of the maps seem to be in the settings we have seen over and over again. On top of COD, the problem is exacerbated this year since we are also getting Titanfall 2 which looks pretty similar.

I really think Activision need mix up their games' settings. They could have made this years entry an original WW2 cod, and then taken next years (which will inevitably be Advanced Warfare 2) into space like this years.


I'd be in the dick
IW's MP feels like they tacked on BO3 movement and added a couple wall running lanes after Blops 3 came out. The maps don't feel naturally built for it at all.


Franchise has been dead to me for such a long time now I see the same opinions every game and some part of me is thinking "you know what you are getting into with CoD it's your own fault" and another part of me is thinking "fuck activision"

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (played enjoyed both SP and MP)
Call of Duty: World at War (skipped, later played, didn't enjoy)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (played and enjoyed both SP and MP)
Call of Duty: Black Ops (Skipped, later played, didn't enjoy any of it)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (enjoyed but much less so than MW1+2)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (skipped, later played, Lol garbage)
Call of Duty: Ghosts (skipped, tried to play later couldn't stomach it)
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (skipped tried later, garbage tier shit not going back)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III (lol no)

Future shit is lame as fuck, horrible designs for everything, TITANFALL WALL RUN PRINCE OF PERSIA, awful maps not to mention Seasons Passes, Elite Passes, Microtransactions, bloated everything. NUKETOWN 666 now with Nazi Aliens and Zombies from the Andromeda galaxy PREORDER NOW

So you are not the typical Call of Duty fan, Cod fans love Black Ops and hate all the rest except Cod 4 and maybe Mw2.

All Black Ops are my favorites, games are just top notch, thousands of hours across Black Ops trilogy, games are so fun <3


Why is this so bad from what people are saying, but I liked what I've played in Beta(got lvl 16 I think). Am I bad gamer with no taste or what? I'm more excited for MW:R, though. I never played the original (only campaign) and I miss modern military setting with real guns. I guess I should wait for reviews and then make my final decision...


Press - MP1st.com
It was hillariously painful watching people who don't know how to play the game judge it so harshly.

The best parts of the game haven't even been seen but everyone is already trashing it already.

You mean Infinite Warfare? You mean the people that don't think it's good are just people that need to "git gud?" Never mind that a lot of people on GAF (me included) play a ton of shooters. I think I'm decent in almost all MP shooters, and I find Infinite Warfare just not good.

Even if they give access to more guns, more combat rigs (we know all the different type of Rigs already), the core thing most people are complaining about still won't be affected. Granted, Infinity Ward can do a lot of tweaking to make it better.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I actually did an upload yesterday pretty much repeating most of that


Here's no innovation. No Evolution. COD refuses to change for fear of pissing you off, when games like Titanfall are the natural evolution to COD, which is funny because it's most of the good folks from Infinity Ward before activistion took them out and shot them.

I do agree though that it feels like BO3 was a success and then Acti said "STOP WHAT YOURE DOING!l and had IW change direction.

Yes, I agree with this. It's like Infinity Ward copied BO3 point for point, and just thought of something to add to it (crafting, weapon variants), which made the whole system just more convoluted. If people were annoyed at BO3's Supply Drops and how it gated some weapons, imagine having to deal with people that have actual better guns than what your character has since they have the Legendary or Epic variant.

My main gripe with what I've played of the beta so far are the movement (sluggish), maps (no cohesion, hodgepodge of entry points mashed together), lack of any real identity (some of the Combat Rigs have the exact same Specialist ability from BO3 even), weird art design (why is everything so silver and gray? I know it's the future, but man), and a few more little stuff.

I did like the menu music. Some of the Combat Rig abilities seem to be imaginative. But if you're going to copy BO3, at least make it better, right?

Hope the SP is competent at least. Kinda glad I'm not reviewing it.


Not really a fan of AW but it was OK and it felt fast. Blops 3 feels like it's halfway between AW and a normal, no jet pack boost shit, COD. I watched some of IW on YouTube and really does look the same it's really disappointing. I miss the old black ops 1 and MW kind of gameplay and settings. So glad that they have atleast got a remaster option for people like me as I'm really sick of this futuristic fucking kangaroo on crack gameplay of the new CODs. Bring on the remaster and battlefield.


So you are not the typical Call of Duty fan, Cod fans love Black Ops and hate all the rest except Cod 4 and maybe Mw2.

All Black Ops are my favorites, games are just top notch, thousands of hours across Black Ops trilogy, games are so fun <3

Black Ops 1 always came across at 3arc's attempt to have their own CoD4. Even that map Havanna was basically crossfire from 4.

It's a good game in it's own right but has this real "sour" feel to it when it comes to the mechanic changes they made. In spite of IW's cod.
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