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Injustice 2 Roster Discussion & Speculation Thread


I hope we get a Season 2 of DLC, even if it's less than 9. Though overall I wish we were getting a steady drip of DLC characters long term instead of the current model of releasing limited packs or seasons before moving on to the next game. IJ2 looks like a solid game and I'd prefer to stick with it long term rather than having to wait for IJ3 to potentially see characters I want repped.

Man, the feminists are all over this game on twitter.

TIL that Ed Boon and NRS as a whole are sexists

What are they upset about? The sexualization?

I love that Boon tags all Flash tweets with #TimeTravel.

He should add a #GoddammitBarry to each one too.


Red Hood has no place on this roster because his move-set would be boring as hell.

He's literally just an angry guy who runs around in a hoodie shooting people. That's not a fun character to translate to a fighting game.
A bit late to the party aren't you :D

There are 11 locked slotes. 1 for Joker, 1 for Darkseid and 9 for the DLC.

They said on the last Watchtower stream that they will announce SOME of the DLC characters before release.

I'm not a fighting game fan, but this crosses the streams.


Red Hood has no place on this roster because his move-set would be boring as hell.

He's literally just an angry guy who runs around in a hoodie shooting people. That's not a fun character to translate to a fighting game.

He's Batman with guns. It's not much, but you can do something with that. However in IJ2 those potential aspects are covered by Batman, Deadshot and even Robin to an extent.
I'm not a fighting game fan, but this crosses the streams.
I don't think it's too bad. The launch game has a roster of 28 base characters + Darkseid.

Plus they will offer season passes for the characters and considering just how much depth there is to characters (base characters + fucktonne of dialogue + gear + possible skins + different abilities), 5$ is a decent price per character IMO.

You're always free to just not pay for the DLC characters straight up and wait and buy piecemeal should you want.

The only real bullshit here is locking Darkseid behind pre-order. He'll most likely be available for pre-order/Day 1 copies only and then available for purchase with a season pass later on, just like Goro for MKX.
He's Batman with guns. It's not much, but you can do something with that. However in IJ2 those potential aspects are covered by Batman, Deadshot and even Robin to an extent.

And once in the comics he was literally Batman with guns but Nightwing ended up taking it from him and doing it for awhile.


He's Batman with guns.

He's really not, though.

Jason utilizes a much more brutal (often intentionally lethal) fighting style, is far less gadget based, doesn't have a cape which means he can't glide, doesn't have vehicles at his disposal like the Batmobile or the Batplane, and like you yourself said...harbors a strong reliance on guns, which Batman goes out of his way to avoid.

I mean, Red Hood occasionally fights crime in Gotham City...but apart from that, I feel he would have to be a very different character than Batman in terms of his overall gameplay.


The thing I think is worth remembering about Batman is that his secondary characters are bigger than most DC primary characters. Characters like Nightwing, Batgirl and Red Hood are huge DC characters even when separated from Batman.

Frankly it's surprising there isn't more Batman representation in the roster. I think NetherRealm have done a good job with that.
Red Hood has no place on this roster because his move-set would be boring as hell.

He's literally just an angry guy who runs around in a hoodie shooting people. That's not a fun character to translate to a fighting game.

I trust NRS to make a mechanically fun fighting game character.

This is the company who made Leatherface into a fun fighting game character, which I didn't think was possible. If Red Hood does get added, I think he'll end up being fun.


The thing I think is worth remembering about Batman is that his secondary characters are bigger than most DC primary characters. Characters like Nightwing, Batgirl and Red Hood are huge DC characters even when separated from Batman.

Frankly it's surprising there isn't more Batman representation in the roster. I think NetherRealm have done a good job with that.

I trust NRS to make a mechanically fun fighting game character.

This is the company who made Leatherface into a fun fighting game character, which I didn't think was possible. If Red Hood does get added, I think he'll end up being fun.

Both these points are certainly true.

I just think in comparison to all the wonderful, wildly different characters they could pull from from the entire DC Universe with distinct and interesting potential move-sets....Jason would be a profoundly bland and boring choice. Certainly in comparison to the likes of Plastic Man, Starfire, Constantine, Booster Gold, Vixen and so many other of the unique, wildly diverse characters out there.


NRS has to know how many people want Red Hood. He would sell insanely well as DLC, that's for sure. It would be really weird to me if they skipped him again kowing how popular he is.


NRS has to know how many people want Red Hood. He would sell insanely well as DLC, that's for sure. It would be really weird to me if they skipped him again kowing how popular he is.
I'm still wrapping my head around why Jason is so popular. I read the comics, and outside of his first outing as the Red Hood, he's been profoundly boring and inconsistent. 2nd best story was Dick knocking him the hell out to retake Batman's mantle.

He wasn't even interesting in Arkham Knight either.

I don't hate the guy, but he's always struck me as the least interesting Robin whose death was vastly more interesting than his resurrection or new moniker. Winter Soldier, he is not.

But if the people want it, I'm sure NRS will make it happen eventually.
NRS has to know how many people want Red Hood. He would sell insanely well as DLC, that's for sure. It would be really weird to me if they skipped him again kowing how popular he is.

Of course they're saving Red Hood to sell as DLC, the fact he's so popular and will sell well is the reason why he'll be that.

Honestly I fully expect a lot more Batman and guest characters for this game's DLC than last Injustice.


Of course they're saving Red Hood to sell as DLC, the fact he's so popular and will sell well is the reason why he'll be that.

Honestly I fully expect a lot more Batman and guest characters for this game's DLC than last Injustice.

I'm not sure how many more Batman characters are that requested as inclusions, or would even really work as fighters in their own right.

Clayface, maybe? I'm drawing a blank as to who else.
I'm not sure how many more Batman characters are that requested as inclusions, or would even really work as fights in their own right.

Clayface, maybe? I'm drawing a blank as to who else.
Ra's or Talia maybe? Most of the sword moves you can just give to Robin though.

Batwoman is heavily requested and was a key member in the comic.

One of the post-Tim sidekicks like Cass or Steph.

Lady Shiva.
Robin has pretty much taken over the "sword user that's highly mobile/can teleport" archetype so adding Ra's al Ghul or Talia just feels like a waste now.

Which is a shame honestly, since I'd rather have Ra's than Robin. And because of Robin's moveset, they can't even add Ra's or Talia as a premium skin for him since they don't use gadgets.


I wish we'd just get a Batverse fighting game at some point. That way we could get all of the Batfamily members people want + unrepped villains and even throw in Supes, Diana and a couple of others related to Bats to round out the cast. I'm sure it'd sell well enough to justify it. Alas.

He's really not, though.

Jason utilizes a much more brutal (often intentionally lethal) fighting style, is far less gadget based, doesn't have a cape which means he can't glide, doesn't have vehicles at his disposal like the Batmobile or the Batplane, and like you yourself said...harbors a strong reliance on guns, which Batman goes out of his way to avoid.

I mean, Red Hood occasionally fights crime in Gotham City...but apart from that, I feel he would have to be a very different character than Batman in terms of his overall gameplay.

All of that's true. But let's look at it holistically. He has the guns, some gadgets like batarangs at the very least, he can do martial arts and, I had to check the wiki to see if there was something major that I was missing, apparently he's skilled with a sword. Combine that with specific moments from the comics and some creative license, and there's enough to make him a viable character. Enough to sufficiently differentiate him from Batman. Look at what Capcom did with RE characters or even someone like Trish from DMC who like Jason had very little that was unique to her own. But again, all of the things I mentioned is currently covered by other characters. But but, he's popular so if Boon/NRS/DC/WB Games really wants it, then it'll happen. I hope the people that want him will get him. At least then someone will get their wishes fulfilled.


Yeah, I'd probably be more interested if they hadn't already given us an extremely detailed character breakdown on the stream. Feels a bit pointless, really.

As long as we still get other stuff this week, it's fine though as not everyone watches the stream. This really isn't the main reveal either for those following closely since we're supposed to see Ivy breakdowns and two others this week iirc.


These videos are for the casuals, the ones who aren't watching streams and breakdowns and just like the cool looking stuff.
I'm not sure how many more Batman characters are that requested as inclusions, or would even really work as fighters in their own right.

Clayface, maybe? I'm drawing a blank as to who else.

Characters I can easily see happening (this is assuming Joker and Mr. Freeze are indeed in the base game):
Nightwing, Deathstroke and Solomon Grundy coming back, Huntress, Azrael, Batwoman, Penguin, Firefly, Man-Bat, Two-Face, Killer Croc


Flash Trailer
Nothing really new if you saw the stream.
Not really a fan of them showing the gear-only moves in there.

Yeah I don't really like them doing that either. Just reminds me how many awesome moves we'll never see in tournaments :(. But like Zero pointed out it's for the casuals so they probably won't be playing competitive mode (I won't either for the most part haha). I wish they would hurry up and say what characters are going to be broken down this week.


Pretty pleased with Flash's look visually. His face looks good and his default costume is nice.

Superhero media that don't have the basic spandex look will almost always get criticized for being over-designed, but I think the defaults for most are all pretty good. The default Batman is a huge improvement.


I hate his B3 animation, and his lightning kick special.
I wish both of those were changed, and then he would be ok.
We can't be selfish

We are looking at the trailers from a competitive perspective and judging it from that only.

If you look at it from a casual perspective let's say like "Destiny" then adding gear moves in trailers makes sense


We can't be selfish

We are looking at the trailers from a competitive perspective and judging it from that only.

If you look at it from a casual perspective let's say like "Destiny" then adding gear moves in trailers makes sense

This is true. It just bugs me that there are some really cool and unique moves I'd like to use if I ever make it to a tourney but it's a sad reminder they can't be used :(. Captain Cold's platform move is one of the coolest things I have ever seen in a fighting game. I actually went "Holy Shit" for once when I saw that on stream.
This is true. It just bugs me that there are some really cool and unique moves I'd like to use if I ever make it to a tourney but it's a sad reminder they can't be used :(. Captain Cold's platform move is one of the coolest things I have ever seen in a fighting game. I actually went "Holy Shit" for once when I saw that on stream.
On that I agree

I do be torn, I see cool tools like what you mentioned and wish gear was legal then I see some insane bullshit and glad it's not lol



Nice trailer. :) They've really come a long way what giving the characters personality and making them overall appealing is concerned. Not just in their visual design, but also how they move and act during gameplay, all the little details. I never played the first Injustice, but I've watched matches and I've watched the complete story mode on Youtube to be up to date when Injustice 2 comes along, and the improvement from then to now is pretty drastic.
I in fact skipped the first Injustice, because I was really repelled by the character's overall design.

These videos are for the casuals, the ones who aren't watching streams and breakdowns and just like the cool looking stuff.

Exactly! ;) I enjoyed it.
I hope we will get one of Aquaman and/or a character breakdown by the developers, like the other characters got. Strangely enough he was one of the first revealed, but since then we haven't seen much of him. Now that they've redesigned him, I hope they give him some attention too before the game drops.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of the gear system. It seems like an inferior solution to the problem Mortal Kombat X's variations tried to solve.

I would have preferred those move changes be tied to Premium Skins. Take Flash's gear moves and split them between himself and Reverse Flash. Same with Supergirl, same with Green Lantern.

It'd probably be a problem for characters who don't have a doppelganger, though (for example Bane).
Injustice 2 |OT| When's Mahvel?

Injustice 2 |OT| Superman's NOT the bad guy here!

Injustice 2 |OT| Barry's still messing up timelines.

Injustice 2 |OT| Now with 100% more Gorilla Grodd

Injustice 2 |OT| Alyssa Milano's in this


Injustice 2 |OT| The NRS jank was me all along, Barry.

Injustice 2 |OT| Superman's Celestial Abortion After-Party.

Best I got. Oh and Heath, Flash's projectile move was a gear only move :(.


Who's making the OT? I did Injustice 1's OT, but I'm going to a wedding in early May and won't have time to make one.
Interview with the comic artist.

One of the preview images:

Comic starts tomorrow if you're a digital reader. Let's use this thread to discuss it until the game comes out.
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