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Is the Wii phenomenon over?


durrrrrrrrrr said:
why don't we have these threads for PS3?

Oh, we have. There have been many, many threads and posts outlining the demise of the PS3. I honestly don't think people are cherrypicking here, so much as living with standards that are woefully unrealistic.
Vinci said:
Given this scenario at the beginning of this generation, do you honestly feel Nintendo was in any position to out-spend or out-do either MS or Sony on moneyhatting or general support for 3rd parties?
how long has it been since the launch games started being developed? 5 years?

you're telling me that ever since the wii came out, nintendo hasn't had an opportunity to start spending their money to court third parties? what?

it's not like they could only do it before the launch window. the wii kept going strong for a good while after launch.


captmcblack said:
Tigers suck.
Kenny Rogers cheated with pine tar.
Dave Dombrowski is going to die.
Miguel Cabrera is going to go crazy and murder Austin Jackson in a Santeria ritual.
Not much I can disagree with here
Now that we've got that out of the way, if you want to move the goalposts for things you can do so - but let's acknowledge that you are doing so. Traditionally, a console generation lasts 5/6 years. If we start from the time of the crash in 1983, we can say this is true.

8-bit/third generation (1983 - 1989)
16/32-bit/4th generation (1989 - 1995) [started in 1987]
32/64-bit/5th generation (1995 - 2000) [started in 1994]
128-bit/6th generation (2000 - 2005) [started in 1999]
Current/7th generation (2005 - present)

I'm not moving goal posts. If you want to pretend this generation isn't going to be longer than 6 years (which would mean we'd absolutely be getting a new console next fall) go ahead, and the only console maker that would likely make such a move would be effectively making their current generation a 5 year one.

This gen is the first time mfgrs have tried to extend the gen past the usual 5/6 years...and that has everything to do with the massive amount of money they spent making these machines (given the uncertain global economy, they need this shit to stretch so they can eat), and the fact that Nintendo came in with this machine that undercuts the typical "increase power, increase cost" of the last 20 or so years of industry rules.
Sony & MS had intended this to be a longer generation before 2G2D occurred, but basically you're saying precisely what I said and therefore acknowledge I wasn't moving any goal posts.

If this gen ends here
It's not. If the baseball season ended August 5th the Yankees would be the world champs.

Is the Wii fading? Of course it is. It's 4 years into the typical lifecycle.
Worldwide, the Wii was fading over a year ago. I'm not discounting the fact that consoles fade over time, but that's why I'm suggesting the Wii phenomenon is over. You sound like you agree.

Nintendo cannot fight in that way, since their console is very old tech. If they're going to fight in an extended generation, they need to speak in the only language people know during a global recession - $$$$$$$$$$$$.

Again, we are in agreement.

Tigers suck. :lol

Again, we are in agreement. :lol


Green Biker Dude said:
how long has it been since the launch games started being developed? 5 years?

you're telling me that ever since the wii came out, nintendo hasn't had an opportunity to start spending their money to court third parties? what?

it's not like they could only do it before the launch window. the wii kept going strong for a good while after launch.

Okay, then we're starting to work out the timeline. That's all my earlier post was doing, outlining the beginning. So, about when? After the first year? After the second, once it was becoming all too clear that the Wii wasn't a fad? Okay. What developers should they have moneyhatted to get what you think they needed at that point?
Vinci said:
Okay, then we're starting to work out the timeline. That's all my earlier post was doing, outlining the beginning. So, about when? After the first year? After the second, once it was becoming all too clear that the Wii wasn't a fad? Okay. What developers should they have moneyhatted to get what you think they needed at that point?
wait, you're trying to put words in my mouth. i never said they shouldn't have done it before the wii came out either. i'm saying they had 5 years to do it. that's plenty of time i'm sure
Fuck Nintendo spending their money on third parties.

Even if they did, those third parties wouldn't get the return on sales that they needed because the people that are all like FUCK YEAH HALO CALL OF DUTY MADDEN GEARS OF WAR BRO aren't going to buy a million copies of Darksiders if it looks like a PS2 game compared to the "real" games on the HD twins. They already weren't buying the ports of the same games on the Wii anyway.

Third parties won't come for that moneyhat if they don't have an even shot to sell - and the Wii hardware doesn't afford them that shot. Honestly, Nintendo is lucky to have received what little 3rd party support they got, considering it was Nintendo's cost undercutting that beat and bloodied everyone into financial near-death this gen :lol


Unconfirmed Member
How much money would take for Nintendo to make the next Ass Creed Wii exclusive? 100+ million? And I'm sure that stuff like MH3 and Goldeneye are result of Nintendo lobbing third parties. And those games will sell more than Vanquish ever will. In this industry there's no longer room for middling franchises, like what the Wii ever got, at best. Ubisoft shares just dropped 20% because their recent not-Assassins-Creed HD games failed to meet middling expectations.


Green Biker Dude said:
wait, you're trying to put words in my mouth. i never said they shouldn't have done it before the wii came out either. i'm saying they had 5 years to do it. that's plenty of time i'm sure

You mean, given the scenario I outlined at the beginning of this generation, you think Nintendo should've offered enough money to 3rd parties to off-set MS's warchest and influence, Sony's deserved goodwill and long history of support and success, and what everyone perceived to be the principle facet of this generation - HD development?

When they didn't even know that their system would be successful?
Vinci said:
You mean, given the scenario I outlined at the beginning of this generation, you think Nintendo should've offered enough money to 3rd parties to off-set MS's warchest and influence, Sony's deserved goodwill and long history of support and success, and what everyone perceived to be the principle facet of this generation - HD development?

When they didn't even know that their system would be successful?
i already said if i knew when/how they should've approached third parties i would be working in the industry instead of posting my opinions on neogaf. all i know is that sony and microsoft can do it


Corporate Apologist
balladofwindfishes said:
You also have to remember that MS and Sony can dip into funds from their other brands to fund their game sections. Nintendo can't do that.
Nintendo has $8.3 Billion in just cash though, they have more raw cash then even Microsoft has on hand at the moment (They have $5.5 Billion), and Microsoft, despite being in dozens of industries, only has 6x as much assists as a company that just makes video games and some cards on the side.

So I don't think you can argue Nintendo doesn't have the cash.
Nintendo doesn't want to make a business model out of subsidising developers to make games for their platform or provide exclusive content. That's what the other console manufacturers did, and , in addition to losing oodles of money doing so, they fucked over potential market segments in the process. You think all those moneyhats Microsoft put out for all those exclusive jrpgs benefited developers, consumers, or Microsoft in japan? It hurt the console market for those games in japan severely, which probably explains why so many of them show up on the DS now.


Drkirby said:
Nintendo has $8.3 Billion in just cash though, they have more raw cash then even Microsoft has on hand at the moment (They have $5.5 Billion), and Microsoft, despite being in dozens of industries, only has 6x as much assists as a company that just makes video games and some cards on the side.

So I don't think you can argue Nintendo doesn't have the cash.

I think that "Sony has he cash" is as ccuh an an urband legend than claiming that Nintendo can not compete because it is a video game only company.
Gram Negative Cocci said:
Nintendo doesn't want to make a business model out of subsidising developers to make games for their platform or provide exclusive content. That's what the other console manufacturers did, and , in addition to losing oodles of money doing so, they fucked over potential market segments in the process. You think all those moneyhats Microsoft put out for all those exclusive jrpgs benefited developers, consumers, or Microsoft in japan? It hurt the console market for those games in japan severely, which probably explains why so many of them show up on the DS now.
a lot of those moneyhatted microsoft jrpgs were awful though. eternal sonata? what about that one with the diner dance? i can't even remember the name. there was another awful one from square enix too. while the xbox dudebro audience can be blamed for poor sales, i think the games being awful and not selling systems has more to do with it. developers who make bad games can't expect to profit now, can they?

the only ones people seem to like are blue dragon and lost odyssey, both of which are mediocre compared to the best jrpgs out there, or even just the good ps2 jrpgs. i don't think it's fair to blame the lack of ds jrpgs on it either, at least i can't see how one is related to the other.

you do have a point about microsoft harming the industry more than helping it (imo), but i think this whole console generation has sucked so


Green Biker Dude said:
i already said if i knew when/how they should've approached third parties i would be working in the industry instead of posting my opinions on neogaf. all i know is that sony and microsoft can do it

And what I'm pointing out is that MS and Sony were in very strong positions to do so at the beginning of this generation whereas Nintendo was in the worst possible position. That's all I'm saying - that often people criticize Nintendo for this without really taking into account the situation they were in at the beginning of this generation and how that beginning has led to things being the way they are now. This was inevitable, is what I'm saying. Now, if you'd like to argue that Nintendo should have invested money and offered a great deal of support to smaller 3rd parties - for example, CING - that were actually trying to respect the platform and bring out quality content for it, then I would agree with you.

But if you're suggesting that Nintendo should have invested huge, ungodly sums of money into bribing developers to work on a system that they are not uniquely skilled in developing for, are not prepared to develop for from a structural standpoint, have no investment in developing for, and have options more in tune with their ideas and interests, then I'm going to say that you are being a bit unrealistic.

Yes, Nintendo could've done several things differently than what they did - and there are areas in which they dearly need to improve, like lessening restrictions on the manufacturing of 3rd party titles and supporting developers with an interest in working with them - but I don't think what you're suggesting is something they should've done.
It just isn't smart business to pay assloads of money for games that aren't guaranteed to recoup on the investment, especially when these third parties are not exactly loyal.

If Nintendo paid Capcom $100M to make RE5 exclusive, and only got 1.5M sales out of that, would they have made back their $100M? And would that mean that Capcom wouldn't go and make RE5 Gold on the HD twins, or RE5 Portable on the PSP, or RE Online using the RE5 engine on some other platform?

The best exclusivity comes from the franchises Nintnedo makes themselves. Third parties have to want to try to make games on Nintendo's consoles. It's stupid to think that they can't compete; I mean, how many real sports sims are on Wii? Or real racing games like Gran Turismo or Forza? Shit, even games like PGR or Burnout or Ridge Racer don't exist there. The only real platforming games in town are Mario and Sonic. The only FPSes are whatever Activision decides to port over at their discretion, and the Conduit. And are there even any third-person action games except No More Heroes? I mean...there is plenty of room to compete.

But that's got to come when Nintendo's HW can support the kind of games that their competitors can. Only then can Nintendo say "hey, we've got the whole market. You can't ignore our userbase".


The craze is over, now it's just selling like any console.

Still, with November and December coming along it has one or maybe two big holiday(s) left imo. Allthough 2011 is going to be weird.


Meet Aki Higashihara. She might look like your typical Japanese pin-up with a blog and a smile, but she is anything but. This is the woman who could be killing the Nintendo Wii.

In Japan, Higashihara's blog is referred to as the "DEATH BLOG" after popular manga "Death Note". If she blogs about something, that means it's dead. D.O.A.

Here's her success rate (via 某たむらの奇妙な冒険記 and nejinoki):

•Higashihara works as a campaign girl for the Dreamcast, and then the console is defeated by the PlayStation 2.

• She works as a campaign girl for loan firm DIC. DIC goes under.

• She dates the best Judo athlete in the world, Kosei Inoue, and he only places fifth at the 2004 Olympics.

• When she attends the Kano Cup Judo World Grand Prix for the first time the following January, Inoue is injured.

• Every horse she picks in horse races loses with her record at 38 straight losses.

• In May 2007, she picked her three favorite horses to win — all three break bones.

• Two months later, a jockey tells her to select any horse but his. In her pre-blog days, Higashihara replies that she'll repeatedly write his name in her notebook — then referred to as the "Death Note". Two months later, the jockey falls off his horse and ends up with a broken rib and punctured lung...

There are even more cases if you click on the link

....She writes that she's playing Mario, and it looks like she bought the Wii Sports Resort bundle with the new Wii Remote Plus controller. This comes as Nintendo Wii sales slow drastically. Coincidence? Dun dun dunnnnn.

captmcblack said:
It just isn't smart business to pay assloads of money for games that aren't guaranteed to recoup on the investment, especially when these third parties are not exactly loyal.

If Nintendo paid Capcom $100M to make RE5 exclusive, and only got 1.5M sales out of that, would they have made back their $100M? And would that mean that Capcom wouldn't go and make RE5 Gold on the HD twins, or RE5 Portable on the PSP, or RE Online using the RE5 engine on some other platform?

The best exclusivity comes from the franchises Nintnedo makes themselves. Third parties have to want to try to make games on Nintendo's consoles. It's stupid to think that they can't compete; I mean, how many real sports sims are on Wii? Or real racing games like Gran Turismo or Forza? Shit, even games like PGR or Burnout or Ridge Racer don't exist there. The only real platforming games in town are Mario and Sonic. The only FPSes are whatever Activision decides to port over at their discretion, and the Conduit. And are there even any third-person action games except No More Heroes? I mean...there is plenty of room to compete.

But that's got to come when Nintendo's HW can support the kind of games that their competitors can. Only then can Nintendo say "hey, we've got the whole market. You can't ignore our userbase".

I think when Nintendo do release an HD console and developers can integrate it cheaply into their existing HD tool chain Nintendo will clean up on third party software...


captmcblack said:
The only real platforming games in town are Mario and Sonic.
DUDE! :p

If the console did something right, it's bringing back the platform genre. A Boy and his Blob, Klonoa, de Blob, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn.


NinjaFusion said:
I think when Nintendo do release an HD console and developers can integrate it cheaply into their existing HD tool chain Nintendo will clean up on third party software...

Only if Nintendo support their efforts through proper tools, an online infrastructure that isn't from Clinton's years in office, and is willing to change some of its bullshit manufacturing restrictions. Period.
Sadist said:
DUDE! :p

If the console did something right, it's bringing back the platform genre. A Boy and his Blob, Klonoa, de Blob, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn.

They brought back the genre, but nobody is really trying to sell new games in it except Nintendo. Look at all the games you listed.

Of those games, Klonoa, de Blob and A Boy and His Blob are third party games...and Klonoa is a port/quasi-remake of the original PS1 game. de Blob was cool, though; I hope it sold well. A Boy and His Blob in 2008/09/10 is like remaking Air Fortress now - irrelevant.

You know what would've been more than irrelevant? If Konami put that Rocket Knight game they made for XBLA and/or PSN on the Wii. It'd have been even more relevant if third parties tried to make some brand-new, non-remake platformers with characters that could plausibly be relevant in this decade and put them on the Wii.
I just hope the Wii will be alive enough next year for NOA/NOE to consider releasing Xenoblade and Last Story here.


Oh, well, at least I can try to play them in Japanese...
Whether or not the phenomenon is over, the Wii's impact on the gaming industry is substantial. It's like when the best athlete in the world ages and is supplanted as the best: all things rise and fall, but that doesn't diminish his/her accomplishments.


captmcblack said:
They brought back the genre, but nobody is really trying to sell new games in it except Nintendo. Look at all the games you listed.

Of those games, Klonoa, de Blob and A Boy and His Blob are third party games...and Klonoa is a port/quasi-remake of the original PS1 game. de Blob was cool, though; I hope it sold well. A Boy and His Blob in 2008/09/10 is like remaking Air Fortress now - irrelevant.
De Blob actually sold 700k after a few months. The other two might be remakes, but irrelevant? I disagree. They are actual good games, which makes them relevant.

captmcblack said:
You know what would've been more than irrelevant? If Konami put that Rocket Knight game they made for XBLA and/or PSN on the Wii. It'd have been even more relevant if third parties tried to make some brand-new, non-remake platformers with characters that could plausibly be relevant in this decade and put them on the Wii.
They could, but they didn't. That's the point of naming the other ones; they are actually available on Wii.


I'm bummed that we're going to literally make it through the entire generation without seeing an honest to god attempt at a sandbox game on the Wii. Before this generation if you'd told me that we'd see a market leader without a sandbox game on it I would have laughed until your head exploded. Godfather gave me false hope!

But yeah, Wii honeymoon is over. This generation has been great though, taught me quite a lot about the video game industry. Burn baby burn!
pvpness said:
I'm bummed that we're going to literally make it through the entire generation without seeing an honest to god attempt at a sandbox game on the Wii. Before this generation if you'd told me that we'd see a market leader without a sandbox game on it I would have laughed until your head exploded. Godfather gave me false hope!

But yeah, Wii honeymoon is over. This generation has been great though, taught me quite a lot about the video game industry. Burn baby burn!

Why wpuld you want that?

Only a third party would make it and they'd half-ass it to the point that it would be worse than most PS2 efforts...

That said - a borderlands clone for wii would be AWESOME... and even the graphical style could translate well, look at red steel 2!


NinjaFusion said:
Why wpuld you want that?

Only a third party would make it and they'd half-ass it to the point that it would be worse than most PS2 efforts...

That said - a borderlands clone for wii would be AWESOME... and even the graphical style could translate well, look at red steel 2!
I want a sandbox game that uses motion controllers akin to The Godfather BH. I of course would not want a half assed effort by some third party.

On the up for me personally, I'll just snag a motion-enabled sandbox game for Move whenever one inevitably hits. That doesn't lessen my shock that we haven't seen a single honest attempt at one for the market leader however.


evilromero said:
Wasn't Bully released on the Wii? That's one of my all-time favorite sandbox games.

Yes, it was, back in March 2008, and it was pretty well-received as I recall. I'm surprised they didn't do a Wii GTA San Andreas or Trilogy port though, those probably would've been easy money back in 2007-08.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
sfog said:
Yes, it was, back in March 2008, and it was pretty well-received as I recall. I'm surprised they didn't do a Wii GTA San Andreas or Trilogy port though, those probably would've been easy money back in 2007-08.
I was expecting Wii ports up the wazoo from the PS2 in 2007-2008 after the sales explosion, particularly from Namco (Tales + Katamari). As you said, it seemed like easy money, and no one went for it :lol


GaimeGuy said:
I was expecting Wii ports up the wazoo from the PS2 in 2007-2008 after the sales explosion, particularly from Namco (Tales + Katamari). As you said, it seemed like easy money, and no one went for it :lol

This was an area where 3rd parties showed just how out of touch they were. They could have made a killing porting some of their top teir PS2 games to the Wii and it wouldnt require much of a team.

The Wii has some nice holiday bundles coming out at various stores. I expect the usual Holiday bump to happen though how big is hard to guess. Last year they broke records though I dont expect any thing like that this year,

Walmart for black friday has the new red system with Epic Mickey,NSMBW,Wii Sports and an extra controller and nunchuck for 249. Lots of goodies to be had


i don't know where else to post this (no famitsu thread this week?),i just saw a shonen jump scan for xenoblade ps3,this has to be fake right?monolith is owned by nintendo right?


Jigsaw said:
i don't know where else to post this (no famitsu thread this week?),i just saw a shonen jump scan for xenoblade ps3,this has to be fake right?monolith is owned by nintendo right?
wait wat?

Are you sure it wasn't The Last Story?
Gram Negative Cocci said:
Nintendo doesn't want to make a business model out of subsidising developers to make games for their platform or provide exclusive content. That's what the other console manufacturers did, and , in addition to losing oodles of money doing so, they fucked over potential market segments in the process. You think all those moneyhats Microsoft put out for all those exclusive jrpgs benefited developers, consumers, or Microsoft in japan? It hurt the console market for those games in japan severely, which probably explains why so many of them show up on the DS now.
I am fairly sure I agreed with your assessment that it is more damaging to subsidized third parties at one point in my life, but I no longer think so. Now, this is the business, and Nintendo can't keep playing by its own rules.

They made a ton of money in the last five years by doing that, yeah. But it looks like that gravy train is slowing down because they couldn't keep a library going just off their own output.

If Sony and Microsoft are willing to do these things, Nintendo either has to do them as well, or people have to stop wondering why Nintendo systems don't get third party games. We have entered a phase of the industry where public palm greasing isn't just expected, it's encouraged.

And it's not like Nintendo has never done this. They paid for an exclusive mainline, 3D Tales game and paid for the localization and marketing. That would be exceptional if it weren't like Sony and Microsoft also do that all the time.


evilromero said:
Wasn't Bully released on the Wii? That's one of my all-time favorite sandbox games.
Yes. I had it and had played through it previously on the PS2 but figured it was worth it again. I enjoyed it on the Wii but it didn't really satisfy my crime-simulator sandbox itch. I should have been more specific I guess.

ShockingAlberto said:
If Sony and Microsoft are willing to do these things, Nintendo either has to do them as well, or people have to stop wondering why Nintendo systems don't get third party games. We have entered a phase of the industry where public palm greasing isn't just expected, it's encouraged.
I'm split on this particular issue. If I were a game dev I'm sure I would love to have some other company at my back protecting me through finance but as a consumer I can't help but think that companies should stand on their own. If I make a game that is broken, or generally bad but is backed by another much larger company then when the market decides my game is garbage and don't buy it... it doesn't matter to me. I'm already on to making my next crappy game.

Obviously an extreme as we all know that a string of bad games will destroy any dev but I hate watching a huge hype crap game release next to a under the radar small game and absolutely destroy it sales wise or even just fog the marketplace enough to cover the small game entirely. Makin the small dev shutter or recoil to less risk while big crap dev plods along secure in their big daddy backers arms.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
ShockingAlberto said:
I am fairly sure I agreed with your assessment that it is more damaging to subsidized third parties at one point in my life, but I no longer think so. Now, this is the business, and Nintendo can't keep playing by its own rules.

They made a ton of money in the last five years by doing that, yeah. But it looks like that gravy train is slowing down because they couldn't keep a library going just off their own output.

If Sony and Microsoft are willing to do these things, Nintendo either has to do them as well, or people have to stop wondering why Nintendo systems don't get third party games. We have entered a phase of the industry where public palm greasing isn't just expected, it's encouraged.

And it's not like Nintendo has never done this. They paid for an exclusive mainline, 3D Tales game and paid for the localization and marketing. That would be exceptional if it weren't like Sony and Microsoft also do that all the time.
Meh, if publishers aren't able to fund the development of their own products, maybe they should find a different industry where they feel they are able to operate?

Or theycould just all get swallowed up by larger companies, I suppose....
GaimeGuy said:
Meh, if publishers aren't able to fund the development of their own products, maybe they should find a different industry where they feel they are able to operate?

Or theycould just all get swallowed up by larger companies, I suppose....
Sure, in a vacuum, that makes perfect sense.

But Nintendo's competitors do it. Nintendo is the only one who doesn't do it. They can continue not to do it, but at that point, they're in a car race with a bicycle.

Why For?

I find it ironic (would irony be right here?) that in the year Nintendo has their best core lineup ever, they have their worst sales year ever.


Why For? said:
I find it ironic (would irony be right here?) that in the year Nintendo has their best core lineup ever, they have their worst sales year ever.
Your typical "core" gamer hates Nintendo and most definitely isn't going to buy a Wii for these games if they haven't in years past.

Then there are the "casuals" which supposedly aren't interested in "core" experiences on the Wii.

Which leaves you with the Nintendo faithful... and gamecube level sales.
What it would cost Nintendo to do that for the franchises that would make people pay attention is far too much for it to be worth it to Nintendo.

What is it going to cost Nintendo to buy exclusivity for Call of Duty? For Prince of Persia? For Final Fantasy? For Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden even? For Assassin's Creed, or Gears of War? For Grand Theft Auto? Splinter Cell? What would it cost them to buy derivatives of those games (Medal of Honor? Bayonetta?) What would it cost them to buy exclusivity for second-tier games, like a Darksiders or something? Vanquish?

The best they can do is spinoffs, and they can't get the biggest/best ones because the userbase knows that okie-doke. Crystal Chronicles? Fuck that shit. How about a mainline, full-effort FF game? DQ Swords? Fuck that shit.

Shit, they can't even pay for exclusivity where there isn't some analog of their game that comes out on another console. That exclusive Monster Hunter 3? There's a PSP version coming. That exclusive No More Heroes? Shit's coming out on PS3 and 360. NBA Jam didn't even make it out of the door as the exclusive it was planned to be. I wouldn't be surprised if Epic Mickey finds its way out of the Wii walled garden if it becomes a big hit too...or even if it doesn't.

There's no value in it for them, especially since it's not a guaranteed omegaseller. You might even find that these games lose their oomph on a different machine; maybe the Gears faithful wouldn't be so faithful if they had to play GoW3 exclusively on a Wii with lesser graphics and "crazy" motion controls.

Maybe next console, they can crack the vault open and pay big money for games that are guaranteed to not exist in any form on other systems...but it's too much of a crapshoot.

Why For?

pvpness said:
Your typical "core" gamer hates Nintendo and most definitely isn't going to buy a Wii for these games if they haven't in years past.

Then there are the "casuals" which supposedly aren't interested in "core" experiences on the Wii.

Which leaves you with the Nintendo faithful... and gamecube level sales.


I'm far from Nintendo faithful, but I buy a Nintendo console every gen since the 64 simply for the Nintendo 1st party core titles.

/end anecdote

Maybe Nintendo's strategy was to get the masses in and then turn them into hardcore gamers? Sony did it with the PS2, kinda.
NinjaFusion said:
I totally don't get this thread. The Wii is tracking something like 25% ahead of the PS2 at this point in it's life cycle... and it continues to be a massive success.
I'm guessing the wii will beat the PS2 when all is said and done.


ShockingAlberto said:
Sure, in a vacuum, that makes perfect sense.

But Nintendo's competitors do it. Nintendo is the only one who doesn't do it. They can continue not to do it, but at that point, they're in a car race with a bicycle.

Depends on which side of the equation blinks first, really, doesn't it? I mean, if the 'industry' continues down an unsustainable path and Nintendo continues producing hit hardware and reap the benefits solely on its own, don't you think Nintendo is going to evolve to fill in the gaps in its own library? They're the only console company that has existed this long and remained this profitable.
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