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Is this the most terrifying "wall o' death" level in all of videogames?


Some spiders are indeed dangerous species, it doesn't mean one should freak out when a spider is displayed on a screen since there's no imminent threat.

I might get a little twinge of fear, but yeah it's nowhere near as bad in a game. Played though EDF after all lol.
A more ursine version:


hide your water-based mammals
I remember these. There was one near the end of the game (same level style) that was so hard that always ended my playthrough in no time at all. Problem was I always forgot the warp point that would sent me there so I fell for it a lot lol.

I never beat this game as a kid, only when I got it 10 years later on VC I managed to beat it. It was a quest between me and my dad for years before that, every once in a while we'd whip out the megadrive to try and beat this game. In the end, it really wasn't all that hard lol.

The cool part is how many levels there is and it seems like across many playthroughs, you would see new levels.

I found a path that took you to the end in what seemed like maybe 10-15 levels and have beat the game maybe 5 times.


Some spiders are indeed dangerous species, it doesn't mean one should freak out when a spider is displayed on a screen since there's no imminent threat.
By that logic no one should ever feel unsettled by anything that happens in a video game. Or in a movie. Or in a novel. And I suppose the same would also go for feeling joy or excitement about anything represented in a fiction. Sounds like a fun and totally reasonable attitude to adopt!


2 of them were pretty good.

Amnesia: The creeping fleshy growth stuff

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. The Shoggoth in the Gold refinery when it chases you down the corridor. Made terrifying by how clumsy it is to unbolt and open a door.


Since it was brought up what was the deal with the spiders in UC3 anyway? Felt like they were just plopped in the story with no context. Still bugs me to this day.


I see others have already clarified, but a wall of death is some unstoppable force that requires you to move forward to survive. It could be an inanimate object, a creature, a swarm of creatures, a force of nature -- anything that puts pressure on you to keep moving or meet your ultimate demise!


The sound of the saw and the music made this level pretty intense for me
The tree saw in DKC3 is an EXCELLENT wall of death. Now that I think of it, DKC2 also had a wall of death, in the castle level where the green acid is rising.

I'm currently reading through the tor.com re-read of the series and having played a couple levels of the PC game I got curious enough to look around for this. Figured it'd be in The Ways and sure enough I found it briefly in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=mgarTnoBqQQ#t=804s

That's rather unsettling. The game doesn't look all that great any longer but I remember being freaked out in the second level in Shadar Logoth with Mashadar creeping along towards me. The sound design is also pretty good for making things creepy. I recognize the wall of death (machin shin) is using lines from the book and it's a lot more unsettling how it sounds in the game than how I always imagined it in my head. I think the audio book version ruined that element for me.
Wow, thanks for sharing this. That's terrifying! Speaking of old PC games, here's a terrifying wall of death, in the form of a character you can outpace a bit but who will relentlessly pursue you past a certain point until he kills you:


People who are afraid of spiders for no rational reason have only themselves to blame.
When it comes to spiders, snakes, and/or rats, maybe the fear of them dates back to our ancient ancestors who were much more vulnerable to the potential danger they pose. Maybe some of that psychological conditioning was passed down through the ages, an instinct already hardwired into our deepest subconscious from the moment we're born. Not everyone is affected in such a way, of course.

For me, spiders are scary because they seem cruel, trapping prey and such. That, and all of the legs. I do find them beautiful in their own way, though, as with any creature. And of course I don't have any ill will toward them. They're just another creature on this fine planet!

But that DKCR chase sequence is scary as HELL.

Amnesia does an excellent job of making the enemy a wall-o-death, since rarely can you run AT the enemy and survive (although I hear it is possible).

Since it was brought up what was the deal with the spiders in UC3 anyway? Felt like they were just plopped in the story with no context. Still bugs me to this day.
According to the Uncharted Wiki:

"The spiders were used by the architects of Iram as very primitive booby traps, placed both within Iram itself and the temple at Yemen. Explorers who had searched for Iram in the past had brought back specimens of the spiders with them, introducing them to places such as the Syrian castle, or the French chateau. The spiders bred and multiplied during the intervening centuries between their discovery and the events of Uncharted 3."


Meh, not really feeling that wall of death. As a kid, the wall of deaths in Sonic games always made me tense. I think getting crushed to death is pretty scary. The FF12 Demon Wall didnt scare me either, was just really fucking cool IMO.


I had to do a stupid amount of grinding the first time I got to this jerk

He was easily the toughest enemy in the game at that point

Nah, once you have unlocked Aeris' final limit break that makes everyone invincible and you spam the shit outta Bahamut and Cloud's Comet Limit Break you smmmmmash that fucker... after hours of grinding :p


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
This guy here, nearly killed the game for me, luckily I had a save someway before this sequence, unlike my father who went in that plane without a great deal of ammo and health packs and never got out that plane....



This guy here, nearly killed the game for me, luckily I had a save someway before this sequence, unlike my father who went in that plane without a great deal of ammo and health packs and never got out that plane....

Hehehe, saved my explosive arrows just for this asshole.


This guy here, nearly killed the game for me, luckily I had a save someway before this sequence, unlike my father who went in that plane without a great deal of ammo and health packs and never got out that plane....
Wow, can you really not beat this part of RE3 if you're low on ammo?
First thing that came to mind:


American Gladiators' The Wall stage (NES). As a boy, it was murder on my thumbs. You had to roll over B + A to move at all, which meant blisters! Coming back to it as a teenager, I crushed the game, but it was crazy hard as a kid. The game expected you to use two fingers for A and B, alternating. I tried to just use my thumb. Ha!
Wow, can you really not beat this part of RE3 if you're low on ammo?

It's Code Veronica actually, and yeah, I've heard stories about people having to start over because they couldn't get past that part.

I played CVX a few years after hearing a lot of the horror stories, so for the first few hours I played it even more cautious than I normally would in a survival horror game. I had enough explosive darts saved up to beat him, but it was still barely enough (I only had a few bullets left when I finally knocked his ass out of the plane!)
Wow, can you really not beat this part of RE3 if you're low on ammo?

The tyrant in code veronica can be beaten with no bullets. There is a cargo slider that you can press multiple times to push him out ( with a time delay between presses) or the other way is damage him to shoot him out in one press. It's easier though to just unload on him and get him out there as fast as possible . The time between presses is really long and he hits really hard.


It's Code Veronica actually, and yeah, I've heard stories about people having to start over because they couldn't get past that part.
Oh, right. I was wondering why Nemesis wasn't wearing his jacket, lol. It's actually a Tyrant! And RE3 had tube-top Jill in Raccoon City.

The tyrant in code veronica can be beaten with no bullets. There is a cargo slider that you csn press multiple times to push him out ( with a time delay between presses) or the other way is damage him to shoot him out in one press. It's easier though to just unload on him and get him out there as fast as possible .
Oh, neat. So some people actually restarted the game without knowing this, lol.


By that logic no one should ever feel unsettled by anything that happens in a video game. Or in a movie. Or in a novel. And I suppose the same would also go for feeling joy or excitement about anything represented in a fiction. Sounds like a fun and totally reasonable attitude to adopt!
Being scared by a situation happening within a fiction is one thing. Being freaked by a GIF of a spider's outline is another thing.

That said, I've never been scared watching a movie or playing a game. I think the one time I was genuinely disturbed by a work of fiction was the staircase climbing scene in Ubik.
I do like playing indie horror games though because they sometimes have interesting storylines.
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